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Reviews for "The New Hitler!"


Two words man. PATRIOT ACT. The fourth ammendment no longer protects ANYBODY. The first ammendment is soon to follow, I'll bet. Maybe you think that it only applies to terrorists. Well, guess what?
If terrorists don't need to have fair trials, the only thing that they have to do to make someone disapear forever is CALL THEM A TERRORIST. I don't know if Bush is the new Hitler, but he supports the patriot act, although it is a DIRECT CONTRIDICTION of the Constitution of The United States of America, A DOCUMENT HE SWORE TO PROTECT AND UPHOLD. I love America, And I love her great Constitution that makes me free, so I must say, FUCK GEORGE W. BUSH.

Your flash sucked lol.

There's a reason Bush got elected, and it's not (solely) because Kerry had the personality of a brick. It's because he's a strong leader in a time of war.

Check out husseinandterror dot com and you'll understand, even though you probably won't want to. The major actions he has taken over the past four years have been largely justified, though I'll admit that he's made some huge mistakes.

I'm looking forward to the next four years. Market's looking good, so is the economy, the spending will be far more conservative, taxes will get lower. Cheer up, my friend. America is in good shape after 4 hard years.

I love that song by the way. It's great slow. :)

what the hell.

I can see how you don't like Bush, and I'm fine with that, but this flash is still shitty. little animation, just words flashing up. and HOW THE HELL CAN YOU EQUATE BUSH WITH HITLER?!?!?! Bush is not genociding a group of people because of their religion, Bush is not a dictator, Bush is NOT TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD.

i agree

no bush = no draft. but its to late for that, now we have 1 year to make living arrangements in canada.

what the

ok shut up about the draft as there will not be a draft if there is it there will probably be guide lines like the last draft where if u are a student and planning on going to college then u dont get drafted and stuff like that but as for me i could care less about gettin drafted as im goin to enlist in the navy and i wouldnt want to be known as a fucking panzy that when his country needed him he ran off and cryed even if it is for a war all the democrats say was pointless and the dude that left the remark about korea having nukes we arent there because they didnt attack us yet and that would start a pointless war