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Reviews for "The Anti-Drug"

good job

for the people who think this was stupid because of the animation and what not dont waste your breath... we all know animations wont be perfect and most of them probably won't meet up to the crazy ass ideas in our heads even though we may want them too...

this animation was about his friend i think... am really sorry this happened to your friend :( i lost a couple of mine not really too smoking but.. to car accidents either way its a life lost and its sad.. i hope by making this animation you found a way to get passed his death...

TzarMikey honey.. i think your reading too much into it.. the animation wasn't long enough to have the message repeat itself more than anyone could "take" if you were referring to the intro i thought it was cleaver...

I thought it was a good animation.. everything looked pretty much as it would eventhough yeah.. maybe the car wouldn't skid for so long but it def. added more drama..

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

We are verys orry for your loss, that is why we try to reach out to everyone, and show them the truth.

funny stuff dude

funny stuff keep it up

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

I like your blow dryers.

Good Call

The problem with people today is that they really think mary jane IS harmless. Then, unfortunately, something like what happened in this movie wakes SOME people up while the rest say "it won't happen to me" until it does.

This is how I feel about weed
The Rundle

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

Yes, very true rundle stiltskin.

Good, but...

Marijuana is essentially harmless, when used in a controlled environment. True, when used improperly, it will cause effects like this movie showed, but otherwise it is harmless. Also, for the record, I have never used any drugs and will submit to a test any time you want

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

We would like you to please send us a hair sample to:
The Anti-Drug
563 Beverly Hill Rd. Suite# 45
Beverly Hills, CA 22037


First off ive never seen someone answer almost all there reviews. And secound it was alright i guess, its just funny listning to newgrounds people preaching about drugs using, using there best grammar to try to show that there smart. Well thats how i feel. Peace out, and remeber Brush Your Teeth

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

I use Colgate