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Reviews for "The Anti-Drug"

Almost as good as Final Destination 2...

I can only say great crash but besides that It's not that great.

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

The greatness is in the lesson.

Marijuana harmless?

As harmless as alcohol, man. That car accident can happen if you smoke a joint, but also if you drink beer, wine, whisky, chicha, vodka, caipirinha or any alcoholic drink.
The truth is the truth. Some people just keep seeing part of it.

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

Marijuana is the leading drug teenagers use now, even more than alchohol.

mairjuana is practically hamrless

its the idiot behind the wheel thats not harmless. i have gone for rides stoned to shit, just dont be stupid and you wont get in an accident. achohol is way more harmful than marijuana, rather than a "slow reaction time" your dumb and your all over the place. there has been times when i have been high that i have been able to focus better than i ever can. i have clibed trees, gone swimming in a river ect, and my personal experience is it makes you focus (at times)
well thats popeofdope's say on this

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

There are different levels of high.

stop selling your guilt trips cause i aint buyin

so lemme get this straight...if ppl smoke they drive too fast and crash? buddy, whether you want to believe it or not they arent the victim, cause they did it to themselves. nobody forces ppl under the influence to drive, and besides, someone who is under the influence isnt gonna drive like a maniac, they dont wanna get pulled over by a cop. a person who DOES drive that fast probably drives fast regularly, and a person that is regularly reckless isnt someone that should be driving in the first place.

the truth of the matter is, i despise these anti drug ads, not because i myself smoke, but because people like you look for cases that SEEM to victimize a guy.

keep in mind im not saying that what happened to your friend wasnt a tragedy, cause it was, but manipluating it to be a form of drug propaganda...no thanks

i say good day to you sir

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

It is supposed to bring out a message not to do it.


yum! yeah you're stupid if you smoke in your car and your friends are jerks if they do it with you because that just makes it a whole lot funner to do so if people want for people to not smoke while they're in their car then they have to make it legal in towns for everyone who is 18+ to smoke the stuff mmmmmmm and if anyone is caught under the influence while they're driving they get their driving licence taken away as well as their smokin the stuff licence ah ah because you have to go to your 4:20 headquarters who give you the stuff right right lets get some other people in on this ah ah ah

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

Your ways are not the right ones.