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Reviews for "The Anti-Drug"


Well... for being sponsored by several anti-drug companies, this sucked.

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

We regret to hear your disatisfaction.

No, no this isn't the way to go about this

Drunk driving would do the same thing, actually it would be worse. Alchohol is way worse for you than weed. You don't see anti-alcohol commercials featuring drunk driving. You see anti drunk driving commercials featuring drunk driving.
You are allowed to drive with a certain amount of alcohol, with weed it's the same thing it's the amount.

People who drive drunk are not responsible people, people who drive stoned (not high, stoned) are not responsible people.

Animation and music wasn't bad.

For his reasoning, are you sure he didn't have something else in his system like alcohol?

This is not the way to go about the anti-drug campaign. I can tell you have never smoked before. I used to. I am tired of all these commercials that use false propaganda. It's bs and won't make anybody quit because they know it to be false. I don't always condone the use of pot, it depends on what you want to be in life. Some people can have the same life with or without it. Me, I can't program very well if I have recently smoked. Some people can however.

Yes it does seem to have some minor perm negative effects on memory and motivation occasionally with heavy use.

That guy was stupid, you don't go racing through traffic like that because you smoked pot (I could see a drunk guy doing this). If you are really mashed you may have no idea whats going on around you, but you still retain some sense. The guy probably would have done it high or not.

Yes it does distort reality and slow response time, but if you were high enough where it was so far that it would seriously affect you during normal traffic you wouldn't be driving. Shit you probably would forget were your car was and if you did happen to remember forget where you were going half way through getting to it.

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

We are sure it was only weed.

Nice use of a game clip.

There wasn't really anything to this movie except for one drawing at the beginning, then the clip.
This should have been an anti-alcohol message instead of an anti-marijuana.

You need to take a step back and think about this.

Alright first let me say that my views are just my own, and may be somewhat biased as i do partake in the occasional substance abuse sessions.

I see what your trying to say, Drugs are Bad. Everyone knows that drugs fuck shit up, However- i dont agree with the way you have gone about trying to get your message across. Im trying not to get into a debate over the evils of drugs here.

Essentialy put, you are preaching to the converted. The only people who will take this seriously are those who already agree that weed is a dangerous drug while almost everyone who is into it is just going to laugh at this, because thats what it is; Hilarious Bullshit.

People who do drugs already know that they are fun, social devices (Which is the whole reason why they do it!) Unfortunately for you, Weed is such a terribly minor and impotent drug and because of this there is very little evidence against it, mind you it has been proven to change your mindset subtly and this can be bad for kids who are coming up for exams in school and there is the threat of psychosis (Which is probably what you should be using to scare people into not using because there are those few people who do have their minds fucked by the drug, simply because its the way that that persons brain is).
Like many others have said, the imagery you used would be much more suited to alcohol, because Alcohol kills infinately more people than weed every year and yet its legal and easily available.

If you are going to make an anti drug statement, make it about the drugs that do fuck shit up like Alcohol, Nicotine and Opiates.
People need to get their priorities in order.


all this is a clip of a video game...

and dont blame weed for some kids who decided to go out and drive fucked up and got themselves killed, which im guessing was what your movie tried to show, i couldnt really tell...

TaKEitOrLUMPiT responds:

That is exactly what we are trying to show.