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Reviews for "How-Many-Men have to die?"


I'd love for you to try to be Bush, and run the United States of America. I guarantee you'd fuck up.

No disrespect for the soilders.. I feel for them.. but if we pull out of Iraq.. what good would it do?

DrPlaid responds:

I'm not saying pull out now. I'm angry we are there to begin with. And, you are right. I wouldn't want to be president of the United States.


You have respect for the soldiers in Irag but none for the President. Shame on you for making this disgraceful flash!


I got this is an e-mail a while back and it deffinately wasn't made by you...plagerism=bad.
my spelling=sucks

DrPlaid responds:

Okay, if you got this in a email send it to me. williamtbeebe@jawbonesplace.com. I doubt you will though. Plagerism=Bad You= A fucking Liar.

liberal crap

this is stupid liberal crap. do you even listen to the news? before we went to iraq saddam and his whole family were killing men women and children, raping women and children and no one had and goals in life except to stay alive. we went in there and changed all that. and if its a war for oil and gas like all you liberals like to say how come gas prices are the highest they've been in years. and sending soldiers into hostile situations unprepared? there the fucking army! thier entire training is preparing them for exactly that, going into hostile situations. america is the strongest nation in the world, yet we cant even go overseas and get rid of a murdering rapist without pussy liberals and wannabe hippies complaning about it. i agree that its sad we had to go to war, but whats the alternative? let saddam and his bullies destroy lives for another generation until we get another president that has the balls to go stop s hit like that? go hug a tree,hippie. and leave running this country to the people who get paid to do it.

DrPlaid responds:

Yeah we are the strongest nation, Thats why we have to show an example around the world that we will turn over dictatorships and knock out leaders when it is highly necessary. We they pose an Immediate threat. When we have Global approval. When there is no other choice. Yeah we GOt the balls. Bush's Got the balls. But does he have the brains.

You are a Pussy

YOU ARE A PUSSY. do you not understand the whole point of war. yeah people die it happens all the fucken time. the kid before me had a great point and that your a hippie tree hugger.

got one word for you...Faggot

DrPlaid responds:

I do understand war, and the consequences of it. Next time get your own argument.