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Reviews for "How-Many-Men have to die?"

Thanks buddy...

All you did was take a bunch of images that YOU DIDN'T MAKE and put it in a slideshow. I don't care how patriotic you are, it's not a good Flash movie and is not worthy of achieving the score it is getting...sorry, but I give it a one because it was a slideshow in which the pictures you did NOT make. I could've just used Google Image search if I wanted to see those.

DrPlaid responds:

Thanks for the review anyway.

not supportive of the military.

You claim you made this flash out of respect for the military, but this was not supportive of the US military at all. You seem to be trying, as so many leftists are, to portray them in as negative a light as possible. As someone who has two good friends (one an Army reservist, one a Marine reservist) over in Iraq, I can tell you that they do NOT feel supported or respected when they read all these diatribes against the war and the President. They are putting their lives on the line, and the leftists are basically telling them, "You are putting your lives on the line for NOTHING, for a LIE, and for an EVIL CAUSE!" Hearing that does not make someone feel respected or supported. Just the opposite. You have a right to despise the war and despise Bush and to say so*, but then to say you made this flash to show the military respect is absurd and a contradiction of your own message.

*(unless, of course, the Islamo-fascists win the war on terror, which many leftists seem to want, in which case you will no longer be allowed to disagree with the leaders of your country),

DrPlaid responds:

You have a point. But showing acknowledgment is a form of respect. IN ALL HONESTY I respect them. And if any soldier out there thinks I don't, Then they are mistaken. I respect what they are doing in Iraq. I respect the fact that they want to bring freedom there. I respect thier bravery. I don't however respect the president. I dont respect the fact that he didn't plan this out better. Some say he's a take action kind of guy. I think he's just plain stupid. But saying Bush is stupid, has nothing to do with what I was trying to express here. If there are soldiers over there that don't want to be there anymore, that don't like Bush, they would feel that way despite these images and motion tweens. THANKS FOR THE REVIEW

You get a blam, and a 1 for basic flash knowledge.

Don't submit this work again. Newgrounds is for hard-working flash artists, not politcians. It was a slide show with music, whooopty-fucking-do. Waste your time doing something productive for yourself. I'm glad you ask questions about why we are over in Iraq, our troops don't belong there, but they are in Iraq. It's too bad that our president does not lead us in the front lines. The Bush Administration is full of bullies fighting bullies. Every person that dies in this war has been wasted. How does it feel to be wasted and expendable? Just ask any rotten corpse created by this mess, they'll tell you the same thing. "I'm dead now, I have nothing to gain."

DrPlaid responds:

I agree with what you said about me making a pretty basic flash. Although I'm not a politician. Thanks for the review. This was just something I felt compelled to do. I really don't care if people don't view it as a good flash movie, it was the message and these reviews that I cared about. You're right, the next movie I will make will take some more time and effort as far as animation is concerned

You support troops, but not the cause?

You are a confused peice of crap. If Bush took the troops out of Iraq, what do you think they're gonna do, say that everythings fine and dandy, I DON'T THINK SO, they are gonna invade the U.S., and destroy some more towers, thats what theyre gonna do. Theyre a bunch of bastards, who dont give a shit about you. Bush tries real freakin hard ya know. If you dont support him, then maybe you should try to be president, you think its easy, then I got some news for you, Its not. You dont see Bush goin and Banging Monika Lounski, its so you should support him. I SUPPORT BUSH AND THE U.S THROUGH THIS WAR, GOD BLESS AMERICA.

DrPlaid responds:

So dragging out the Monica issue for months is fine, but questioning Bush is wrong. Sounds like you really like Bush. Maybe it could be called love.


This is one of the most poor flashes I have seen made it to the portal. It gives no messages on ether side, the song you chose got irratating quick and all it contains is pictures. I am also shocked how you added no play button which was abit annoying how I needed to quickly pause the music I am listening to, to watch the movie.

In short, this movie was very disapointing. I expected it to be alot better. I was wrong. In the future, add more to your flashes than pictures, choose less repeative music and pass some messages from ether side, via quotes or opinions of yourself. Maybe some facts too.