that was really weird. i always knew that rain was god's piss, and he carried a sceptre with a giant eyeball on it. nice perspective of the bible..? oh well i liked it
that was really weird. i always knew that rain was god's piss, and he carried a sceptre with a giant eyeball on it. nice perspective of the bible..? oh well i liked it
Yeah god also has a funny hat but I made him take it off for this serious movie.
Fucked up.
Gotta love the bible!
Yeah the book of family values. Nothing like the bible when you want a story about war, insanity, rape, incest and murder. Fun for the whole family.
Nice music...
It was well done. And The Residents rule, there's a ton of their music that could inspire great music. Of course the kids around here always prefer System of a Down or Korn or whatever...
You got that right. There are a lot of Residents songs that would make great flash movies. The story of the moles, smelly tongues or Santa Dog. Many of them are so surreal that they'd be wide open to interpretation. Too unconventional and avant-garde for the typical Newgrounder but we're not all utterly unsophisticated. ;-)
Or are we..?
Thanks the review.
that was cool. funny to. that was funny when it was raining and it showed god takin a piss
Thanks infernlmagician,
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
difficult style. people expect style more than content-- the internets are only here to amuse me. good thing the topic wasn't controversial as well! the residents scare me. where do they get those eyeballs. you do great stuff, keep doing great stuff.