Wishlist on steam now!
*Beta build*
"If corruption had already taken root, then good seeds must be preserved."
In this dystopian sim RPG, a cold and strict party known as the DAC, has placed you in charge of making decisions over a street and its residents. Your job is to go to work, answer questions from residents and DAC party officials, and decide between the street's health or corruption and wealth.
Key features
• Answer questions from civilians and party members
• Balance between civilians health and the parties respect
• Gain wealth and collect taxes
• Upgrade and repair the street
• Upgrade your player home
• Day / night cycle
• Weather system
• Brainwash the civilians with propaganda
Set in a Victorian dystopian world, a powerful party has taken control of the country with the mission to dominate the minds of the populace and convert every civilian into a loyalist. A disease is ravaging the country, killing the poor and working class. You'll encounter characters that range from DAC members, elitists, loyalists, and serial killers to factory workers and more.
To survive this new job, you'll need to balance the needs of those around you and your own ambitions. Will you gain wealth and impress the party, or will you defy the DAC's wishes and help those in need?
Want to join the community and discuss your choices? Come join me over at the links below!
Instagram| Discord
A & D to move around.
A & D to accept or decline answers at work.
E / Q to interact with objects. (UI indicating which will pop up)
Q: How do I save?
A: Your progress is automatically saved. The main menu giving you the option to continue or start new.
Q: I have a bug to report, where can I send it?
A: Please use the bug report channel in the Discord, contact me on Instagram or send an email! All bug reports are appreciated.
Q: I have ideas or suggestions about the game, where can I express these?
A: There are select channels in the Discord for this. Whether you want to express some helpful constructive criticism or getting how much you dislike the game off your chest. Let me know! all opinions ultimately make a better game, And I want to hear yours!
Q: Is Dear Edmund finished?
A: No, It is currently in beta
Enjoy your stay.
- Mind The Grease Games
- Created by: Rycky Matthews
- Music by: Tobi Weiss