I liked it. The animation was simple and stylish. It lacks plot and sound though, once you add those ingredients this will be a fullbown masterpiece. Keep up the great work!
this shit is not ready!!
please writh a review!!
and dont vote shitty!
I liked it. The animation was simple and stylish. It lacks plot and sound though, once you add those ingredients this will be a fullbown masterpiece. Keep up the great work!
iit was good, except it needs sound and alot of work on the frame by frame. You said so, so its cool. Didn't notice it looped for a while lol.
WildCatz Reviews
Nice Job you said It was Not Ready. If you Ever Need Help I am Here to Help. Needs Sound Music, Frame By Frame Work Why was the guy crawling on the floor?
((( COOL )))
Well notbad, it was ok, i liked the blue style, it could have been abit longer, i also like the detail when showing inside the eye, maybe add a play button and replay button so it doesnt loop all the time, nice work though...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Frame by frame is always great...
I'm not sure.
I'm with that TaurusofRed guy on this one. I don't know what the hell happened there. There's an eye. Then there's a gun. Then a hand falls off. Then there's a stick guy jumping a counter. Then something falls off a shelf. Then you're right back to the eye. It's not a complete loss though. The animation (although not much of it) is blended nicely.