*After Effects
Rabid Roy makes a delightful onion soup.
I made this about a year or so ago now, over about three days.
Animated entirely in TVPaint and compiled in AfterEffects.
*After Effects
That's one hell of a nitpick.
Looks like someone has a Bliblie infestation.
creepy as hell I will give you that
Ok then?
Well that was... informative! The truths you learn...
I love how it builds. The style. The slow pace. The both eerie and expressive style - and expressive without having to go overboard for that matter. The animation's all top-notch, though I wish the audio balance were a bit better. I love the sound design too, refreshingly creative and squeaky as it is, but it's not really level.
Apart from that this is some next level mastery... unexpected. Reminds me a bit of Salad Fingers but the visual style's totally different.