This is one of the most fun free flight shooter / bullet hell games I have played.
The game is short with only three levels but they are well made.
I like how each level is unique and has it's own distinctive theme and it's own unique challenges.
Bosses are cool and get stronger progressively, that is really the most important thing in a flight shooter game.
I wonder why most reviewers complain about invisible objects. I encountered no such things. If the author fixed that then kudos for him, there are so few authors who fix their games. it's sad that once they do it most people do not check back to see it and reviews score remains low and the game doesn't get the recognition it deserves. This game is underappreciated surely.
Two things that I found missing and that prevented me from giving maximum score is lack of fullscreen and lack of crosshair cursor. Fullscreen is so easy to make in Unity games, almost all unity games have it so I wonder why it is ommited here. The standard windows cursor always looks ugly in games and breaks immersion, would have been better if it would be replaced with custom made crosshair.
I like the approach this author makes to his flight shooter games, I encourage to make more.