Looks so high quality
Support the patreon if you so choose
Thanks to the VAs
MARISSA LENTI (http://marissalenti.com/)
Gianni Matragrano(http://sirundead.newgrounds.com/)
Ani Delos (http://animal-delos.newgrounds.com/)
Jacob Anderson
CodeblackHayate (http://codeblackhayate.newgrounds.com/)
Animal Delos- Bertholt (*correction*)
Real Faction
Music by
Ghost in the Shell 2ng GIG OST- Yoko Kanno
Also thanks to my patreon supporters-
Only took 6 months...
This is my "Ghost in the Shell" Episode/Oblivion...every sci fi thing ever episode. I wanted to incorporate a lot of different things, effects, as well as continue the story bit by bit.
Episode 3: Ranko and Decker are deployed to catch the suspect Raine Bertholt. Ranko was promoted to Deputy Director of Internal security in the last episode and learns more of what is going on.
Looks so high quality
The grey haired character's voice actor is very strange sounding. The animation and copyright (lol) are all that's keeping this off tv.
Hey, you changed the model of the glowy eye guy? Nice work.
Interesting story, people tend to rant on it, but I find it very entertaining so far.
This is your best looking video yet. You've really gotten used to the cell shading.
I like the work you've done on the new models, and the upgrade in the expressions. It's a gigantic work and it only took you 6 months, mostly because you had to wait for the long dialogues, I imagine.
Keep up the good work!
Cool animation, nice job :) The character's motions seemed a little unnatural at times and I feel like the visuals could use a lot more work, but overall I think this has a lot of potential to develop into something very interesting. I'm not terribly familiar with 3d animation but I can imagine that it's considerably more difficult than traditional 2d animation, so props to you on that front. My suggestions are:
* Work on the character motions - make them a little more fluid and natural.
* Add a little more emotion (there were some scenes where the characters seemed unnaturally expressionless)
* Work on the art and throw in some more cinematics. There is definitely a lot of room for improvement on this front. Could use more detailed textures, backgrounds, etc. It feels like some of the scenes in this animation were too close together. Add some cinematic, transitional sequences inbetween them to add a little more depth to the story. Would be really cool to see an intro sequence like the one in the original GITS. I'd recommend checking out the movie "Blade Runner" for some additional inspiration.
Overall I thought this was pretty cool, so good job. Definitely a lot of potential here. 4/5.