Good Game, a nice take on Pinball, i was enjoying my game UNTIL my ball got stuck, i was on the secret desert level (found in the 3rd or 4th level (black hole top left was #7 i think))
i took 2 pics of the ball being stuck and posted them here and the 2nd pic here
this is so you can see where the ball got stuck .. it was moving pretty slow at the time and i think it just "balanced" there....
My 2nd gripe with the game is this ... if you shoot the ball and don't shoot hard enough.. the ball comes back down the chute and spends a lot of time bouncing before you can re-shoot the ball.. this could use a fix of some sort .. either detecting a bad shoot and stopping the ball dead so you can re-shoot .. or allowing the player to be hitting the shoot button anytime they want to so when the ball stops bouncing they have it ready... or devise a different shooting mech .. an actual pullback plunger would be a nice addition to the game and make it feel more realistic.
My final gripe is this .. when you press the red button to launch if you hold the button down the green gauge moves up but only gets about 2/3rds up and then stops .. this need to go all the way to the top.
Thanks for a unique take on pinball .. really enjoyable till my ball got stuck :)