A small collection of interesting facts - some are probably outdated by the passage of time, but that's life.
Nice choice of BGM, too.
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Learn things randomly! Over 200 fun facts to check out. There is a built in volume control if you do not like the music.
A small collection of interesting facts - some are probably outdated by the passage of time, but that's life.
Nice choice of BGM, too.
Well this was something good here Its a simple and relaxing game you have created with some fun aspects to this game, You seem to have this one down with all sorts of fun interactivity, So I like the this game it seems to go on with a nice style and ever
Thank you for visiting and reviewing my old stuff.
Realllllly cool, could use some work though.
Maybe get rid of a certain MLP-related fact?
Some interesting facts in there, good little time waster. Any hints on the secret, and secret medal!
I love these kinds of games, simple and fun. :)
btw, not much of a secret medal if it tells you what you have to do by the title (Credits! medal)