For a simple concept, this is quiet addictive, and on the whole it's an enjoyable game. It has its positive things and its negative things, although the pros outweigh the cons nicely, so in all this is a good game ^^. I managed to get a 65 as a high score, after like half an hour xD. Persistence FTW.
I was very impressed by your graphics. The background was superb, the characters were drawn really well, and nothing really looked sketchy or out of place, except maybe the fire at the top left. Not saying that it looked bad, because it looked fine, but I think the whole 'OMG the building is on fire' theme would be more effective if you had more fires surrounding the building, instead of one rather weak one at the top left. Instead, maybe, you can make it that the fire gets bigger/more fires are added in different positions around the building as you progress through the game. As for the animation, it was smooth overall, apart from the fact that it lags quite a bit, although it's probably me and my habit of leaving programs open in the taskbar instead of closing them when I'm done. *closes all programs* *plays game* Yeah, it's just me...
What you can do for more variety of animation would be as Fro said, to have more stuff going on in the background, such as birds flying, clouds moving, planes soaring past, etc... By the way, you should add a quick quality choice button while you're playing, typically 'Q'. I must say that the game is really chaotic and fun (not to mention extremely hard) when you have the quality down to lowest, all programs closed and all the processes you can end ended. That's why I think that a quality button would help a lot more instead of having to right click, go to quality, and choose the quality.
As for the concept, it isn't extremely original, but that's not really a big problem. Gameplay on the whole was very good, and I liked the fact that different characters fell at different speeds; it really forced you to multitask and keep your mind on all of the characters and not only 1. So yeah, gameplay was great, but the problem is that the gameplay is so basic...
Fro has some very good ideas, and I agree with him on having levels and a shop in-between. Maybe powerups can fall from the building too and if you get them, something happens, such as a powerup of bird feed where if you grab it birds will cover the screen, pick up every helpless elderly person in the screen currently, and transport him/her to the ambulance, or maybe another powerup which removes one of your casualties. Ideas like these could really spice up your game, adding some more originality and replay value to it. I also really like the idea that Fro suggested about a bit of a background story. Add some funny cutscene at the beginning showing how the fire started (with an option to skip it, obviously), then you're taken to the main menu.
When it comes to the audio, on the whole I was impressed. The song fit really really well with the game, and the sound effects were fine. I was hoping to hear more moans from the old people instead of just a bouncing sound effect, but other than that the sound effects were fine. Maybe you could add more audio options such as a choice of different music (the flash filesize is pretty small, so it won't hurt to make the flash a slight bit bigger), ability to mute the music/sound effects/both, etc...
In general I enjoyed this game. It's very addictive because of its difficulty and gameplay mixed with such a simple concept. In a nutcase, my only issue with this game is that it's too basic; it's as if it does what it's supposed to do (bounce around old folk) and that's it. Spice it up with some animation in the background, more fire animations, powerups, levels, a shop, a cutscene and even some audio options too like mute and a music choice. You have a very good base to build on, and I believe this has a lot of potential, so I think you really should consider upgrading this a little. In all, keep up the excellent work, and good luck on your future flashes.
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