Finally I found this, I saw this when I kid. This is still great animation series for me. :D
My 20th submission. To all those who have seen my Anger of Animation series, this was meant to be a warm up for the creation of number 4. This animation took quite a bit of work. 30 fps is not an easy thing to work with. I hope you enjoy. Credit to Parkerman1700 for the great song.
Kobra Editing
Finally I found this, I saw this when I kid. This is still great animation series for me. :D
When I watch this movie, I see the perfection in the way it is done and the longevity of a movie
ah yes I remember watching this as a child and now its been remastered in 4k on yt once again doubt he'll ever come back with any new animation but hey thanks for giving us an awesome remaster again ^^
A classic!