How can someone rate 5 stars on this ?!
It is very boring. And I don´t think that, this is a Parody.
Uh, 0 stars.
Spyro 1 2 and 3 are the best games of the entire spyro series. Mr Money Bags reveals his deepest darkest secrets! =O
How can someone rate 5 stars on this ?!
It is very boring. And I don´t think that, this is a Parody.
Uh, 0 stars.
stfu dumb fuc it par0dii333 f.u.@!@!
It's really true isnt it that moneybags is a goddamn cheapo. He ripped me off on spyro 3 today 5 times
yeah man for fucking real he can go suck twelve and I don't mean popsicles.
Of course, you can always go for the 'angry denial' route and use shortcuts, glitches, or bugs to avoid paying him. It's entirely possible to not pay him a single gem through the whole third game, and much of the second game has ways to get around him.
As for the content of the video, microsoft sam is really annoying, and it wasn't very humerous for me.
go fuck you'are self bitch you'are of the jealous dickheaded n****r mutha-bitch fucka u
WTF!??!! the only thing i see wrong with this is that it keeps saying i am a pimp over and fucking over is it suposed to???
my names soopahdood, and I am a n****r.
i feel sorry for spyro because he has to pay money bags thousands of gems to cross a damn bridge.
thanks for making this.
Lmao. Thanks haha.