Their's a lot of thing you ccan ddo but their's only one way you can win. If your stuck clik on the
restart button. It bug sometimes, if it does, re-open the windows
That's the solution:
Press on:
1.the wheel
2.the man with the rope
3.the box
4.the man with the mask
5.the metallic window
6.the mirror
7. 4 time on the tree
8.the bomb
9.the button
10. the missile
after that it's easy...good luck
the music
The music in the game is called "Battle Without Honor or Humanity" by Hotei Tomoyasu
cool game and thank you for adding that walkthoreu :)
not working
nice concept but doesn't work the whole time. too bad.
really good wat is da music
this is real good make more plz mayb a bit easier-wat is da music called????