Not too bad, although it actually needed some better organised structure
Well, it might be what you expect a crazed carrot to dream about...OR maybe I'm insane? Watch and you will see. By the way, I'm just learning flash, please give me helpful advise.
note: "what dreams may come" is a line from shakespeare, and there are probably a lot of "Freadian" observations that could be extrapolated from this toon, oh and this is my second flash toon... I'm rambling. I'll stop now.
Not too bad, although it actually needed some better organised structure
Not bad for a start
The name is nothing like what I expected.
Not bad...
Are you seriously just learning? For a beginner that was exellent. I really like it, although you could have made it a bit longer. Keep going though!
Nicely done
For someone who's just learning you did damn well there, keep it up and youre definatly gonna get good at this. Well done and keep up the good work.
there's a series here...
that was real quality work for you being so new to flash. Since everyone else has pretty much given you what I have to say in their reviews, I'll just add my compliments because noone can ever get too many compliments, and you deserve 'em