why didn't i see piconjo kissing a girl?
tell me why, tell me why....
Piconjo is sad :'(
why didn't i see piconjo kissing a girl?
Berserk Rules
This was really good, I'm a big fan of Berserk so the music really did it for me, and the animation was quite good as well.
Wow you sure did alot of animating! You took two guys and slid them close to eachother, and you took your sweet time to do it.
Awsome! Another anime styled one. Gattsu is in it, nice. I love the Berserk series, it's so awsome. I hope more are in the future. The background is awsome as well as the music. You are becoming even more awsome. Keep up the anime styled ones.
Azrag <3 Piconjo
make an epic kiss with me in it. LOL. But hey these are funny and easyly made so make more cause they turn me on.