Newgrounds Background Image Theme



Out of the frying pan, and direct to video

I'll get straight to the point! I am moving out of state, and there is so many stories to be told. Talk is cheap, but landlords apparently don't take virtual humorous japes as rent currency.

All jokes aside, I'd love to offer my assistance to any of your creative projects! Stick with me, kid, and we can make wonderful things together! My services include (but are not limited to):

• Writing (scripts, characterizations, plot hooks, terrible one liners - I can match any tone you set)

• Art (Concept art, clothing and armour design, digital art, logos - I know color theory?)

• Animation (I animate in CSP, but I have some knowledge 3d platforms like SFM)

• Voice work (I am currently building a voice reel! I could do a mean Skeletor.. )

• Swag (Not the dated slang term we haven't heard in a decade - I've made and sold physical goods, from keychains to mousepads. We can get you that sweet merch, brah.)


• Sound design (I have no formal training, but I've always had an ear for it)

• Music (I am currently learning the bouzouki [it's like a lute but longer] and songwriting)

• Coding (I am currently trying to learn Java)

• Translations (I am currently learning German! And failing Japanese.. )

Should it be of interest of you, I also take commissions! Art and One shots included. My work comes rated E to R.