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Horror-Fantasy Artist with Unique Style looking for commissions. | Jimmy Nijs Art |

Horror-Fantasy Artist with Unique Style looking for commissions.

Hey, I'm Jimmy, a freelance illustrator and artist. I specialize in anything horror, fantasy, macabre and magical, with a penchant for creature art and design. I try to weave my unique style and atmosphere in every piece I create.

I'm available for personal commissions as well as freelance work for commercial projects.

Some of my previous work can be found in such products as the card game Heroes of Tenefyr and its expansion-pack and acclaimed 5E supplements Ulraunt's Guide to the Planes: The ShadowFell & Acheron.

For more examples of my work, check my profile, my linkt.ree or my portfolio website.

  What I will do : Stylized humanoid characters; Creatures/Monsters; body horror; light architecture/landscape art; Tasteful nudity.

  What I won't do : Pornographic/Fetish Art; Fetishized Gore; Furries, ponies or anthro-characters; politically-charged artwork or related to political activities; anything related to NFT-, crypto- or blockchain-related projects, activities, or businesses.

Payments will be processed via Paypal Invoices.







Fantasy illustrator, creature and character designer available for hire.

What do I do?

~ Creature Design.

~ Character Design.

~ Fantasy illustration.

~ Storyboarding.

~ Classical 2D animation.

Why you should work with me?

~ Fast turnaround.

~ Reliable.

~ High Quality.

~ Happy to make any alterations to work if needed.

Here are some examples of what I do:





Please have a look at my website for further information:





Here is the link to Ko-Fi,: https://ko-fi.com/kotico/commissions (You can also DM me!)!!!


Monster Maker & Traditional Artist spotted!


"Golly gee willickers, isn't there some cool artist out there that draws monsters and creatures that's affordable, does quality art/concepts, is willing to work with me, give me free quotes on what I want drawn, and is semi-flexible on pricing so I too can have my own beast brought to life?"

~ You, at some point, if not now

I heard your pleas and calls, you tossed in the required items in the pentagram and I have appeared to answer your summons.

I'm Vampyvern, but you can call me Anna. This is my first time posting in this Collab center, so I don't know if I'm providing too much or too little info. I'd rather say it and not need to rather than not say it when I needed to.


I've worked with all kinds of clients, from private to indie comic creators and publishers as fellow creatives. I also have experience with university and student galleries in the past. I'm always hunting for the next opportunity, so Now, I'm looking to work with YOU. I'm a freelance, self taught illustrator and concept artist & monster maker specializing in traditional ink (No AI fArt ever. I'm 100% real human artist). That means that, yes, I still use pen, pencil and paper as my tools- I'm not a digital artist! My design elements range from horror, dark fantasy, surrealism and realism. As I hope you've noticed by now, I do Black and White (BW) artwork. This is by choice and if you want color, this may not be the place for you. Many people might think BW is outdated and doesn't stand out- but if you've seen my work, I beg to differ. BW is just as striking, and if not more striking in some settings, especially within the horror and dark fantasy genres I've carved a place for myself. BW artists, especially traditional ones like myself are as cryptic as the cryptids I draw. I primarily focus on animal and creature design, both real and not so real. Take a minute to browse my gallery on my Newgrounds profile for more. For further artwork, you can visit my other social accounts and official site where the links are posted here.

Art Trades & Collaborations

Lets get this out of the way- I'm primarily making this post about paid work, but you can ask me about an art trade or collaboration. I have a policy to read if you are interested. I'm looking more for paid opportunities right now instead of trading anyway. You can still ask, but be aware of this. If art trades interest you, consider following me on Art Fight. I'll be active there in July and will prioritize friends & mutuals there.


For commissions- please message me for a free quote on what you want drawn ASAP. I am a communication heavy artist and I strongly rely on emails and messages to get the job done. You can see a few examples of my art on my Newgrounds as well as my Commissioned art gallery on my official site.

With me, I have no hidden fees and will walk you through the process from start to finish. My payment options are Venmo and Paypal. I give ample WIPs, updates and am never afraid of starting over. Unlike other artists, I have no correction fees either- I'm happy to correct anything for free so as long as the end product is what you want. I cannot make corrections after the piece is finished. Shipping is typically free if you are a US resident, but if you live outside of the US and want your originals, I will charge for shipping. I have plenty of artwork you can look at as examples in my Newgrounds profile and my other social media, the links of which are found here, on my Carrd. I'm ready to answer any and all questions you have regarding my process. I am not shy and am very outspoken- so get ready to work with someone who is ready for it all.

I usually cut deals with returning clients and are more likely to get extra surprises with their order.

Before commissioning me, I strongly recommend you to pick out 2-3 of my pieces you like best to help me further understand the kind of look/feel you want. This will also significantly help with pricing. Everyone's needs and instructions are different, so If you need further examples, visit my Carrd link and explore there. I can be semi-flexible on prices. Also, please don't assume I'm too busy or expensive that you never ask. I've lost a lot of business before where people presume I'm swamped or be too nice about it and it stings. Asking is always free. I'd rather be swamped than not have any work- so ask today.


There is always the dirt cheap option of Ko-Fi commissions & sketches, where $3 is the minimum and will net you a pencil-only sketch of your request. Higher dollar donations grant better quality sketches. You don't have to wait long for these at all- usually less than a week! Most Everyone has AT LEAST $3, right? That's not much at all to get cool art

like these examples.

You can read more on my Ko-Fi welcome page!

If you are wanting an ink commission, you can still place an order on Ko-Fi, but I will only post the pencil stage there and the ink stages on other platforms.

(Also, I'd love more Ko-Fi donations since I'm almost at 100 received there and it'd be cool to hit that)

If you want your Ko-Fi donation mailed to you, just ask! I'll either cover it or have you pay for shipping depending on where you are from and how much you donated.

Merch & More

I'm working on producing more merch in the future (things like stickers, prints, books etc), but in the meantime, I do have a store page that has a few prints and stickers ready to be shipped. For that I need the funds to print them, and how do I get funds? Why, being commissioned and having donations via my Ko-Fi!

In addition to using it for merch printing, when you buy with me- you also help further my motivation and support my family, including my 15 year old blind dog. It's tougher than ever before being an artist now, especially as a small artist with all the disrespect going on in the creative world flaring up- but I have a 100% success rate of not giving up. I pride myself on my artwork and talent so I'm always on the move and lookout for the next opportunity, like a determined tiger. I'm not a team of people nor do I have employees- I am my own artist, advertiser, marketer, photographer, editor etc. I do all the work myself and foot the bill for my own materials. I love what I do- and apparently a lot of other people seem to love it too!

I haven't any paid work since January, not trying to complain but I'm not getting anywhere else unless the truth is out- and things are going very slow so I want to change it. If you enjoy my art and are interested in commissioning/donating to me, please contact me today! I'm wide open for work, so let me provide a brief breakdown.

I will draw almost anything, but please keep in mind I'm a monster/creature artist first. You can see that if you were to check my gallery.

Things I will/want to do:


✅Creatures (Fictional & nonfictional. Some exceptions with Mecha)

✅Fanart (the only exception is drawing another person's OC without permission that isn't a bigger IP)

✅Realistic art (Paleo/Pet Portrait/Animal studies etc)

✅Gore/Blood/Horror/Body Horror

✅Fantasy & SciFi

✅Tasteful nudity

✅OCs (Including your own Flight Rising dragons or other site-adoptable creatures)

✅Humanoids/Humans (not guaranteed and depends. If it's your OC or a character from something like Inuyasha or My Hero Academia for example, sure! Gijinkas or anthro versions are acceptable, like an Anthro Greymon or a Pokémon Gijinka)

✅ Crossovers or Species bends (Running with the example from before- ever wondered what Inuyasha or Deku would look like as a dragon? What about Greymon VS Charizard? Well, hire me to find out!)

✅ Sell some of my monster designs/concepts (Just ask which ones you are interested in)

Ask me if you are unsure of something!

Things I won't do:

❌Logo work

❌Realistic human portraits (you know like family portraits. I will only do animals in this category)

❌Explicit NSFW content (mainly hardcore pornography.)

❌Free requests (unless you donate to my Ko-Fi. Restrictions apply.)

❌Anything that I regard as a hate group/speech, politically charged, religiously driven, racist etc.

❌Emulate another style

❌Color (If you want color in your piece, you can either do it yourself or pay another artist to do it as long as you give me credit for the lines/sketch)

❌Commercialize my commission (This means I will not allow you to commission me and then sell my design/artwork for your profit without giving me a percentage cut)

❌ Hyper specific fetish / sexual art (It's just something I don't draw. Find someone else)

❌ No NFT Or AI. Piss off with that nonsense.

❌ No memes

❌Cars/Vehicles/Technical drawings

Just use your common sense and you should be fine!

Things I'm neutral on drawing (It depends)

? Mecha (Something like Zoids and MechaGodzilla is absolutely fine!)

? Humans/Humanoids (I listed this in the 'Will do section' as well, but I did mention human/humanoid depends)

? Architecture/Buildings

If you aren't sure of something, you can always ask me. Asking is free, just like my quotes on projects and orders.

Regarding tattoos- discuss it with me first.

If you're stuck on what to ask me to perform my monstermancy on for you- do you have a favorite kaiju? a monster OC? Your favorite animal? Got a pet you want immortalized? Have a favorite character, like a Digimon or something of a fanart nature? A dinosaur you love? Want me to make you a new character entirely or surprise you based on a list of likes? You want a dragon, everyone likes dragons right?

I can do it all, and more.

If you can't commission me or set aside $3 for my Ko-fi, then it'd be greatly appreciated if you follow my page (apparently, I'm ranked in the forum according to how many followers I have? I can always use more fans/followers.) I'm also on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr- and following me is free and is a win-win for both of us. I'm still a small artist but with your help and interest- I'm certainly getting better.

Thanks for giving me a chance and summoning me.

(This maybe edited in the future if I'm allowed to.)


Open for Commissions

I can whip up any kind of beast or insane character for whatever purpose you may need it for!