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Top Reviewers List

187,690 Views | 4,565 Replies
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Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-25 14:27:57

At 10/25/04 02:12 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Save As options in Paint for Windows 98 SE:
Silly SK.

Meh? I never saw those options in Win98SE...I think...ugh, I don't remember anymore...

Use simple programs like PaintShopPro, VuePrintPro, or irfanview. I had a shareware VuePrint that I registered back in like 1996, and it's what I still use to this day for most simple screenshots. All I have to do is alt-prntscrn to snapshot my profile, for example, ctrl-V into VuePrintPro... and hit V to bring up the save dialog, type filename, hit enter.

VuePrint > all. :-D

At 10/24/04 07:40 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
Um... ShittyKitty doesn't need the info posted here to make the list. His program pulls responses and reviews automatically. JSYK. He's got teh superior methods compared to me and SeizureDog.

Well, I didn't keep them all to myself. I might be discontinuing the RRR list soon, but the NGLister program (version 1.6) can pull response counts and response rates for you. Somebody (like you) could use my "superior methods" to make a list of your own, if you so desired.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-25 17:48:47

lol, yeh it is true about your superiority in terms of lists :D haha.
it would be nice for someone like S_D to do a little RRR from time to time, neways.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-25 19:03:52

View Your Reviews (250)
(With Responses Only (50))

Nice and Even. :D

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-25 19:42:35

At 10/23/04 12:50 PM, jonthomson wrote: Top 100 Known Reviewers at 1607 UTC, 23/10/2004



Notable non-list performance of the week goes to ramagi, going from not being mentioned in my sweep for having <160 reviews to over 400.

Darn I was trying to stay of the radar a little longer.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-25 21:33:55

At 10/25/04 07:42 PM, ramagi wrote: sedrftyhjk6yhuj7yuirefdshgiufewhdsliu

thanks October 22, 2004
Entry: blam points for free
Overall Score: 0


Blow the whistle ppl.

I didnt think blam points were whistleable, but people still seem to be doing it anyways. Am I wrong about this?

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-25 21:35:57

At 10/25/04 09:33 PM, j00bie wrote: I didnt think blam points were whistleable.

*free blam points.

Fuggin double-post.
People are now going to yell
and scream
Might as well make this post count
dum de dum dum.
Weather is nice.
Actually it's shitty right now.
I havent reviewed in long time.
Is a minute up yet?
Not yet...

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-25 22:30:54

At 10/25/04 01:11 PM, ramagi wrote: Well go look at your movies and find a surprise waiting for you....

Ya i think violet-AIM told me something about all them reviews its cool, She would reply to them except she reallt doesnt come to newgrounds anymore she has been going to an art design school...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-25 22:32:36

At 10/25/04 10:30 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: She would reply to them except she reallt doesnt come to newgrounds anymore

That would explain 'currently #6 on the Top Reviewers List', when shes really dropped to #10 =O.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-26 00:11:03

At 10/25/04 09:33 PM, j00bie wrote:
I didnt think blam points were whistleable, but people still seem to be doing it anyways. Am I wrong about this?

I still whistle FREE Blam. ESp if they have the words free Blam Points in the name or comments. I've gotten a few accounts deleted that way.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-26 01:42:52

At 10/25/04 06:14 PM, BonusStage wrote: THANK YOU VERY MUCH, just tell jess that, she made 400 in a matter of two days (basically all of them at the time) but since then has left :\

heh, thats alot! lol. i did around 37 yesterday, quite fun.

congrats on teh XP things, but PLEASE don't go to RG it has too many glitches and not worth it :\

thanks. lol, i signed up yesterday XD
its not NG, but its something else. im not going to be a large user there, i dont think...
just a few posts/reviews here and there :P

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-26 02:15:00

At 10/26/04 01:42 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: thanks. lol, i signed up yesterday XD

I went to retrogade.com and I wasn't in the least bit impressed. Not that the site isn't cool, but every picture/photoshop that I clicked on and viewed, was total crap. I think that if the top rated pics aren't doing anything for me, then it really isn't a place that I would spend any time at.

its not NG, but its something else. im not going to be a large user there, i dont think...

You won't see me there. That's for sure. I like my NG. There is a load of stuff that interests and inspires me no matter where I go. That's what I love about this place.

just a few posts/reviews here and there :P

Zero. End.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-26 03:49:19

At 10/26/04 02:15 AM, RedCircle wrote: I went to retrogade.com and I wasn't in the least bit impressed. Not that the site isn't cool, but every picture/photoshop that I clicked on and viewed, was total crap. I think that if the top rated pics aren't doing anything for me, then it really isn't a place that I would spend any time at.

eh... yeh theres nothing really there to do, apart from look at pictures, and post in the BBS.
and review. so not much to do there at all.

You won't see me there. That's for sure. I like my NG. There is a load of stuff that interests and inspires me no matter where I go. That's what I love about this place.

haha, yeh without a doubt i love this place. heh, some people already have over 6k exp points there (same system as here), and a few people have 2k posts on the BBS *shoots a cold glance over to X*

Zero. End.

lol... i take it you dont like the site? haha.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-26 13:01:14

At 10/26/04 02:15 AM, RedCircle wrote:
I went to retrogade.com and I wasn't in the least bit impressed. Not that the site isn't cool, but every picture/photoshop that I clicked on and viewed, was total crap. I think that if the top rated pics aren't doing anything for me, then it really isn't a place that I would spend any time at.

Well the site did change alot. NO sure if it was for the better or the worse.

You won't see me there. That's for sure. I like my NG. There is a load of stuff that interests and inspires me no matter where I go. That's what I love about this place.

I have to agree with you there.

Zero. End.

Well I went there forever ago. I'm not even sure why anymore. It lost hosting a couple times, etc(I keep waiting for it to happen again). I have no more interest in it and have no plans on going back.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-27 01:28:04

At 10/26/04 07:29 AM, BonusStage wrote: I think she wins :o

yeh but i pwn her at NG reviews :P

pftt NG and the Alliance is JUST FINE WITH ME ;P

aww shit, that reminds me... i havent been to the alliance forums in like 5 days or something....

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-27 09:07:02

You morons and the alliance forums, I only cruise in there just to see what I can get angry about.
Nothing special there ;).

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-28 02:16:07

At 10/27/04 09:07 AM, j00bie wrote: You morons and the alliance forums, I only cruise in there just to see what I can get angry about.
Nothing special there ;).

lol, well what club are you part of thats in the Alliance? i'd say that NGDD is one of the biggest in there.
also, would you mind changing your sig links from ratemypoo to something else?
(no, i did not go to the site, you can see what address the link links to when you hover over it... it sais just above the start menu :P)
BullShit I MEAN BonusStage, i got 10 mins... so i'll go to the Alliance forums now...

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-28 09:56:26

At 10/28/04 02:16 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: BullShit I MEAN BonusStage, i got 10 mins... so i'll go to the Alliance forums now...

Im not a part of any club, i joined up at the old ones for fun, and then quikfox decided to make all these gay clubs and shit now.

Yea... well... im still a member, so =).

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-29 01:43:13

At 10/28/04 09:56 AM, j00bie wrote: Im not a part of any club, i joined up at the old ones for fun, and then quikfox decided to make all these gay clubs and shit now.

Yea... well... im still a member, so =).

lol, yeh well fair enough... i see you around occasionally. tell me, what was the original purpose of the forums? before they... well, had all those gay clubs in them?

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-29 15:30:16

At 10/29/04 09:45 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/29/04 01:43 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: lol, yeh well fair enough... i see you around occasionally. tell me, what was the original purpose of the forums? before they... well, had all those gay clubs in them?

No reason, just a place to talk and stuff... about... well... fun stuff we cant say on the NG forums without being banned. IE: random spam, what NG users are assholes/cool.

They were made for RavenGage to spam in of course :D

He wasnt a member at the old forums.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 07:36:53

Top 100 Known Reviewers at 1117 UTC, 30/10/2004


Hello to - nobody
Goodbye to - nobody
Threatening (within 25 reviews and gaining places) - Mightydein
Top climber is Bila (+9).

The "nunchucks" edition

Had some spare time, thought I'd do an update. What a waste of time.

Nothing changing in the top quarter at all.

Second quarter saw three people gain places, but nothing major.

Third quarter sees the arrival of Umsutfeersme, but that's about it.

Last quarter has Bila getting the easiest highest gain for a while, but apart from that it's dull.

In the absence of anything major happening, let's look down the list for something interesting... a couple of people moved from the 200's to the 300's, magic number is 292, five people went from the 100's to the 200's, nobody's dropped below the cutoff point, er, that's about it. Possibly the most interesting thing is that olskoo's only still in the top 500 on tiebreaker. Boring.

Congrats to:
Nobody. Seriously.

001 9242 XwaynecoltX (unch)
002 5316 KWAS71KCK (unch)
003 4553 MI4_REAL_2001 (unch)
004 4166 RyanAn (unch)
005 3494 cyberdevil (unch)
006 3159 j00bie (unch)
007 2674 M-A-R-C-U-S (unch)
008 2567 Hamy_jamy (unch)
009 2531 -Yoink- (unch)
010 2445 Violet-AIM (unch)
011 2220 thepromaster (unch)
012 2142 EVIL-C (unch)
013 2096 Artificial (unch)
014 1981 DUDE4U (unch)
015 1911 Compdude (unch)
016 1595 Demon0 (unch)
017 1550 jonthomson (unch)
018 1467 DevastatoR_da_X (unch)
019 1439 angstdrillhead (unch)
020 1373 zackdaman03 (unch)
021 1364 Livecorpse (unch)
022 1267 Dxkpower (unch)
023 1173 Phantasmal (unch)
024 1164 OrgGladiator (unch)
025 1124 Bezman (unch)

026 1117 HeRetiK (unch)
027 1080 kospas (unch)
028 1057 Seizure_Dog (unch)
029 1000 carmelhadinosaur (unch)
030 0999 darkmage8 (unch)
031 0949 Shikyoh (unch)
032 0919 VdibV (unch)
033 0896 Daedo_The_Mofo (+1)
034 0896 Hydrator (-1)
035 0888 MappyTheKlown (unch)
036 0833 Darklilangel23 (unch)
037 0824 Mizz_caramba (+2)
038 0822 Iscrulz (-1)
039 0811 Fatblimp23 (-1)
040 0805 FireHound (unch)
041 0796 8-14-2003 (+2)
042 0795 bumcheekcity (-1)
043 0793 EZ3 (-1)
044 0777 RandomFreak (unch)
045 0768 bizNich (unch)
046 0752 MasterStalker (unch)
047 0748 BatteryClock (unch)
048 0748 ornery_scotsman (unch)
049 0742 Tiger_Chick (unch)
050 0734 xvllvx (unch)

051 0733 -Axe- (unch)
052 0726 pauliojr (unch)
053 0718 nekomon (unch)
054 0708 RTFlash (unch)
055 0689 UND (unch)
056 0684 Admiral8Q (unch)
057 0670 stick0 (unch)
058 0659 Hydecka (unch)
059 0648 PepsiClock (unch)
060 0647 doodytheclownfan (unch)
061 0647 RoweNuts (unch)
062 0629 pickmeup (unch)
063 0622 ZombieLennon (unch)
064 0619 Tha_Evil_Umpyre (unch)
065 0616 Krack_R0ck (unch)
066 0613 HardJudge (unch)
067 0611 Beowolf_Hawk (unch)
068 0599 innphernoe (unch)
069 0598 agak12 (unch)
070 0588 GAMECUBICLE (+2)
071 0581 Iauruth (-1)
072 0574 Neo_TheOne (-1)
073 0566 Macbeth (unch)
074 0565 Umsutfeersme (+5)
075 0562 Hadji_San (-1)

076 0561 Skull_Man (-1)
077 0560 Jeffshaw (unch)
078 0559 dw817 (-2)
079 0556 -MainEvent- (-1)
080 0549 chakaflange (unch)
081 0546 Bila (+9)
082 0544 Silverboltclock (+2)
083 0543 Spikeismoo (-2)
084 0542 tabitha123 (-2)
085 0541 MAYORMCHEESE (-2)
086 0540 Flat_line (-1)
087 0539 Faust_87 (-1)
088 0537 format (-1)
089 0533 Bomb_Clock (-1)
090 0525 AgentKirbyPuff (-1)
091 0521 Doomhammr (unch)
092 0517 TvP (unch)
093 0511 DaFreaK_B_ (unch)
094 0510 88 (unch)
095 0510 DavrilChorster (+2)
096 0510 lilace (-1)
097 0507 Imp_beast (-1)
098 0505 gfoxcook (unch)
099 0504 pyropimp (unch)
100 0501 lilskater (unch)

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 08:47:00

At 10/30/04 07:36 AM, WayneRooney wrote: Top 100 Known Reviewers at 1117 UTC, 30/10/2004

ok ok, so.... both you have 2 alt accounts both with full names... im confused! hahah.
thanks for the update none the less.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 10:06:17

At 10/30/04 07:36 AM, WayneRooney wrote: Congrats to:
Nobody. Seriously.

hahaha, I havent written a single review since last time.. well, I did write a FEW yesterday. But, that's hilarious.

At first I thought this was a joke... but saying the nunchaku addition, I guess it really is jon. Cool update, though nothing really happened =D

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 10:07:57

At 10/30/04 10:06 AM, j00bie wrote:
At 10/30/04 07:36 AM, WayneRooney wrote: Congrats to:
Nobody. Seriously.
hahaha, I havent written a single review since last time.. well, I did write a FEW yesterday. But, that's hilarious.

At first I thought this was a joke... but saying the nunchaku addition, I guess it really is jon. Cool update, though nothing really happened =D

lol, i also have written hardle any reviews lately...
eh, i didnt think it was jon... but then iread some of his previous posts.... they're all about alt accounts and such, so i figured he was the real deal.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 16:06:53

can any of you give me the link to the real top reviewer's list?

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 16:17:15

At 10/30/04 04:06 PM, INTENSEMAN wrote: can any of you give me the link to the real top reviewer's list?

eh? www.newgrounds.com/portal/stats.html

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 19:26:37

At 10/30/04 04:17 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 10/30/04 04:06 PM, INTENSEMAN wrote: can any of you give me the link to the real top reviewer's list?
eh? www.newgrounds.com/portal/stats.html

yeh, theres actually no official list, and that really annoys me, the one that j00bie showed you is the top 10...

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 19:51:11

At 10/30/04 07:26 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: yeh, theres actually no official list, and that really annoys me, the one that j00bie showed you is the top 10...

Thank you Captain States-the-obvious-alot.
<3 MARCUS <3

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 20:26:42

At 10/30/04 07:52 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/30/04 07:51 PM, j00bie wrote: Thank you Captain States-the-obvious-alot.
<3 MARCUS <3
A lot is two words Mr. IamCanadianandhavebadspellingbecauseofit :o

heheh... YESH! first of all j00bie, you should have said "Thank you, captain obvious." but you didnt, so you suck.
second of all, you suck.
and Boner rules! good on ya :P hahahahah.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 23:27:00

I havent been able to watch anything for a while so my reviews are the same, but I need to thank BonusStage for keeping up with me voting. Thanks Bonus, I still owe you

Happy reviewing all... except me :'(

BBS Signature

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-10-30 23:42:32

At 10/30/04 11:34 PM, BonusStage wrote: heh i have tried my best man ^_^

yes, depositing for peopl sure is fun.

*claps* he finally realised it <4

lol, someone appreciates me... <5

Boner eh?

hehehhe. who ever thought those4 characters could make so much fun! lol... boner...