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Am I becoming a sociopath?

5,846 Views | 85 Replies

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-02-29 13:29:44

if this is true personally i would see a doctor or someone for confidential advice, the thing is aslong as you can stay in control then it shouldnt be a problem but as you delve deeper into the realms of sociopathy then you view of reality becomes completly distorted. you would have to take the step to say "hey this isnt quite right, i need help" i wish you luck

Minion of the Metal Hell

Last.fm/Steam ID

BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-03-05 00:07:46

I've seriously considered killing people too, it was kind of weird.
Probably not as serious as you and stuff, but I've honestly thought about it.
Good luck with whatever you hope to accomplish, I just hope you don't kill anyone.

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-03-05 00:11:54

if you have to ask then yes!

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-03-06 19:23:25

you are a leader,bloodthirsty its normal i do that sometimes if your so happy killing people join the army its legal!you just have a emotion of when we were cavemen they had to kill and get used to it you just inherited it.

PS.Don't kill anyone if your not in the army

cows are attacking!!!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!



BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-03-06 19:28:14

I doubt it, it's feelings of helplessness over your own life combined with depression and pent up anger at those around you.

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-03-06 19:59:38

I heard somewhere i pyshopath once he becomes is always a psychopath, if you feel the urge to kill really badly, kill yourself, dont be the next V-Tech

The kitten picture page: You can't resist there little faces!!!

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-03-06 20:04:01

At 2/9/08 11:28 PM, Xavon wrote: .flfgaslfgsldfygaLYDLASYDFasludfUFKUFUFl ufluflufutfdykudasudfakudfLUFULFLUfuflut fulydfausyfdauyfd
.udfsuydfayulfdsuyfdLUSYDFULSDFLFDufdusf dlusfAKAYFDLASYFDLfduasfdlfaldisgldhduih dlbdaisugdsk
/d;SD;SHBD;SND;OAUDa;bd;;bd;oasb;doabd;a sjhdnbajsdna;ohbda;sbda;udbasjdb;OJBD;AS OJBDBAJSDUOA

Well, what the fuck are you talking about?

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-03-10 20:39:09

This is pretty deep man, I mean killing people you truly hate is one thing, but killing strangers just for the thrill of it is off. Well if you want to vent these feeling maybe you should try hunting, its legal and it might vent these feelings. If you cannot get rid of these feelings then I suggest getting advice from a counsoler before you hurt yourself or others. Good luck

Nick is awesome and new...

BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-03-10 20:43:35

O_o Thats not sociopath, its more liek...


welcum 2 da teem shieky

BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-03-10 21:03:51

did you have truma as a child bullying beatings so on.
if so your explaintion is clear.

but if not, well you are unlikily to be phycopathic try sicsophorenic(spelled wrong)
big difference.

plus why o you feel that way is the human race inferaera to you.
so on.

also please feel free to pm me if you need help lol.

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-07-16 15:04:36

since maturing and this stuff (i don't wanna call you a little kid) is an individual process, i'd say you are normal (whatever you wanna normal).
i think it's some kinda "stage in your life". it's pretty normal that you think of yourself (if you didn't, you'd really have a problem). you shouldn't "overreact" because of this, but i don't mean you should just sit down and do nothing. just don't take it too serious (it's pretty much like school, important, but not the most important). i guess you'll just "mature".
i hope you didn't make this thread for fun and i hope i could help you a little.


BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-07-16 15:08:49

imho, You'e fucked in the head. Feel free to die.
How to commit suicide best? Do THIS to your cat, or somebody else's if you dont own a cat.

Am I becoming a sociopath?

Bananabreadmuffin and his godly 30k post. I need flash artists.Yes, i win. Yes, you fail. No, you may NOT kiss me. Yes, you may suck my dick.

BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-07-16 15:10:08

Damn! Have you ever thought this way about your parents?

Discount for Wicked lasers lol wot, 5% disount on lasers? :O

BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-07-16 15:44:45


Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-07-16 16:03:39

So you wanna kill people? You wanna crawl up on the and slice their necks off with a knife? Well, first off I know how you feel, Ive had those urges myself. Id picture myself shooting my classmates with a sniper rifle..seriously. Anywho's, I think that you should just never kill anyone, because that would be..very not good, why? Well you'd kill lots of people (and youd probably be sentenced to death when/if caught) and no one wants that..I mean you've probably thought of what would be the perfect murder, right? I have done that myself. And I know how it feels when you want blood. No, I did not know how to structure that sentence. So, just keep your urges to yourself, put yourself for hire as a hitman, become a terrorist or something or go see a therapist. Though, the last one might have you end up in a psycho ward and you don't want that. Okay?

"My posts are serious, but the content within them is a joke" - Me

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-07-16 17:28:12

Xavon, if you're still reading this:

Answer this. When you see a homeless guy, do you find it funny to stab him seven times in the back? Or when you see a little girl walking in front of you, no older than 4, does something inside of you tell you to snap her little neck? I know what you're talking about, I've felt the same way. An inexplicable urge to take the lives of those around you. Complete strangers of which you think they're better off dead and made so by your own hands.

Many times have I caught myself in the act of visioning people's deaths. Loved ones and strangers alike. It even became as much as routine to kill everyone I'd meet at least once inside my head. An automated process of which I thought nothing but justice. Because face it, we all deserve to die. That's one part of me that hasn't changed one bit after all those years, I still think we all deserve to die. The filthy, rotten plague that we are. Murder, deceit, all those fucking infestations.

But I never acted on these feelings. God forbid. And let me tell you why. Because I was not ready to let myself go and lose it all. Well, scratch that, it was mainly because of my family. If they weren't there I would have gone through with it a long time ago. I wasn't willing to cut the bonds with my brother and mother (I could care less about my father, long story, don't ask), because they were all I had. I couldn't afford to lose them, nor that last piece of sanity that still lingers today.

Getting caught? Please. If you really wanted to kill, you'd find a way. I know I would. I have the brains to pull it off, I bet you too. No training to kill effectively? Anyone can pull a trigger, jack. "God made men; Sam Colt made 'em equal!" Note that I'm not trying to encourage you in any way, but to let you realize that even with these easily overcome barriers, you're not going to kill. Because, you would already have, if you truly were a sociopath.

As with everyone with these feelings, it probably sprouted from a traumatizing happening. People are born neither good nor evil and as swaenK already stated, we're a product from our environment. Some personal unfortunate mishap has probably led to these feelings (of grandeur etc.) and other symptoms, e.g. paranoia, schizophrenia, depression. I never got professionally diagnosed for anything of the like, never went to a shrink. I did make effort to evaluate my mental status on my own though. Anyhow, this is my guess, correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh, here's a suggestion. Join the army and get your ass on the front line. Take some lives. War excuses killing after all. Put a few bullets into the heads of the enemy for me while you're at it. If you really want to kill and can't fight the urge, then kill in an accepted manner. Do know that once you kill a person, it all changes. People become nothing more than breakable objects. Words like soul, mind, etc. will lose its meaning.

I can keep my thoughts and feelings in check, the urge subdues after time, I can tell you that much. Heh, after all that time I'm still only worried about my family. My brother is my biggest concern, he's having the same thought-process as me, a bit slower perhaps. He doesn't show much, but I can tell. Don't worry though, I'll straighten him up, if it's the last thing I though :).

Final advice: Go see a shrink, open up to him (or her, whatever) and if nothing helps, join the army. Whatever you do, do not give in to those feelings. If you ever need to talk or anything, you can PM me etc. etc.

Have a nice day, I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

Anamnensis, A double edged sword. // Live a day like a mayfly. // Never compromise, never surrender.

BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-07-16 17:42:51

I'm feeling the same way as you, and my thoughts are so confusing I could've never done a wall of text like yours. Thank you, that text brought a tear into my eye (no kidding), 'cause I feel the exact same way.

Whenever I become hurted I laugh incontrollably. I HAVE cutted myself just for the pleasure of it, and because of seeing blood coming out. I also want to kill people. I've been working on the perfect homicidal scenario since junior high.

I feel like you're my brother. You are now the NG user I feel the most identified with.


BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-07-16 18:00:10

I want to end the lives of scumbag criminals and gangsters.

That's called being a cop, a vigilante, or this guy:

Am I becoming a sociopath?


BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2008-07-16 18:29:14

i'd say try n give the urges some other outlet. maybe take up hunting or fishing if you live in a suitable place. although maybe giving you access to knives or guns isnt such a good idea...


BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2010-04-04 13:36:48

Wow, you're all so unique and special what with your CRAAAAAAAAZY ideas and evil intentions.

Oh, wait, no, you aren't. Not one bit. I read all of the posts by you faggots and it sounds like bullying issues are what's influencing you, not Anti Social Disorder.

None of you are geniuses. None of you have the potential, none of you can be snipers, none of you can/would do shit.

It sickens me to see the levels of lame angst and romancing of a serious disorder.

Go fuck yo'selves, fags.

Making topics you've already seen since 2000.

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2010-04-04 13:49:21

look into your past, and find the source of these urges, repressing it will only make it worse

where you bullied when you where younger?

would you mind telling us about your past?

do you truly thing of yourself as "pure", if yes can you elaborate on how you see pure?

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2010-04-04 13:54:48

I get these feelings too.
But never seriously.

My topics when I wasn't an asshole...12


BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2010-04-04 13:59:39

Considering the fact that you are both euphoric and consider yourself better than other people you may be experiencing an episode of mania, and considering that you mentioned that you have been also diagnosed with depression most likely you have bipolar disorder.

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2010-04-04 14:01:33

You want genocide, murder and shit? Go to Africa, land of the murderous, apartheid and countless gang/clan war

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

-Albert Einstein

BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2010-04-04 14:01:56

Um, yeah, this is bad. However, admitting it and realizing it is good. Going to a specialist will help you, and there's no shame in doing so.

Come reply to my Art Thread or I will forever hate you with a passion!

BBS Signature

Response to Am I becoming a sociopath? 2010-04-04 16:03:58


I didn't read that sorry

Pretend not to care about anything, but be bothered by everything.

You may be fast on the roads but it's no use on the track.

ScaryPicnic made me do it.My letterboxd.

BBS Signature