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Public Apology to Newgrounds.

10,502 Views | 163 Replies

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-26 08:55:27

At 11/15/06 02:26 PM, FullyLoaded wrote:
At 11/15/06 02:24 PM, MickTheChampion wrote: Who the fuck are you?
He has a point here

A very good one too

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-26 08:59:57

I dunno why you guys are bothering to type your thoughts out, negative or positive. It's clear your opinions don't really matter to LF. As with all popular Flashers, he'll carry on doing what he does regardless. If he cared about what you guys thought, he'd have come back to this thread in the month and a half since he started it, to comment or justify/defend himself. As it is, the majority of comments he gets are either sycophantic or abusive and offensive, and it's clear from his tone in the starting post that he expected this and can't really be bothered with the bigotry either way. And I don't blame him.

Try seeing things from his point of view. You get Flash. You learn how to use it. You start making movies, and as a result of (a large number of) people liking them, you become popular on NG and other sites. Then suddenly he has to put up with a load of shit from people who are either (a) jealous or (b) don't understand how hard it is to make decent Flash movies.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no supporter of LF - I find his movies mildly amusing at best. But I can appreciate the amount of effort he put into them, particularly the earlier ones, and I don't think any of you are justified in sticking the knife in unless you can firstly, make Flash, and secondly, experience success, wanted or not, from the other side.

If this thread wasn't too old, I'd be sorely tempted to lock it - so instead, I'll just say: quit whinging. The guy offered an apology for the LJ article. Besides that, all he's guilty of is doing his best to entertain the masses. Respect that, get off your high horses, stfu.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-26 09:06:56

I found your lord of the rings movies awesome.

Personally, the only things I give 0's to are Sprite Movies. Especially if thay have either Mario or Sony in it.

I don't care HOW good it is, if it's about mario or sony and it's sprite; that's an automatic -100 for style, thus lowering all the other criterions to bellow zero, which I round off to the nearest whole number which is 0 lol.


Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-26 10:10:14

This is the part were I sound un-cool beside my peers

LF, I really like your movies. I have enjoyed them ever since I saw Chocobo Remix. I think I remember your World of Warcraft movie, and I most probably would of gave it a score from 3-5 because I know your flashes are above average then most of the portal.

Im sorry that your movie was downvoted by a group of individuals (I wonder who), you realise now though that NG has changed, some aspects good and some bad, we have a lot of new users coming in and viewing flashes. Some people who expect to much or have some sort of vendetta against good artists (which I believe you are).

I believe your movie was downvoted because people have grown a hate towards your viewing audience, no offense but I would say your audience is newgrounds youngest members who tend to abuse the voting system (0 or 5). These 'legion of fanboys' are hated, so some members of newgrounds hate that an author like you who's animated style is said to be 'simple' gets such high scoring movies.

Dont take offense over score, just know that many users like you. Many also 'hate' your for the wrong reasons.

Sig by CoolCatDaddio. <<RESPECT>>

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-26 10:15:48

When i was reading that "Letter/Post" I was thinking that at the end you were going to state that you were going to give up putting flash's on newgrounds.

I'm Glad you did'nt...

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 09:27:44

At 11/15/06 02:20 PM, LegendaryFrog wrote: I decided to write this after reading a comment on the forums here. THen i realized that some people have a opinion of me thats totally untrue. This may be a bit late to even matter, but i want people to know where I'm coming form.

Oh don't be pathetic Joseph, you want us to, but we don't. And it's spelled comming.

It's no secret I don't make as many movies as i used to. This is for a few reasons: be it other hobbies and Flash not being as exciting as it once was. It's also no secret I don't do the more advanced side of Flash animating. I'm selective on what I work on because of these things.

I can understand you there, I've stopepd all my flash projects because of school and stuff. But please, don't give me the ''I can't keep up with the curve'' crap. So what animators are using Swift 3d, photoshop, freehand and god knows what else, but so what. You know how many legendary flashes are made using just good ol simple flash? People don't care how fancy the animation is if the content is good, so what are you saying, people won't like you anymore cause your aniamtion is old and you can't make up a good original story?

A few months ago I released a World of Warcraft based movie I was quite proud of.

After a few months nobody gives a care unless it's legendary like Xaio xaio or Brackenwood.
Yours was just good.

During the course of the night the score got lower and lower. And not just the normal decaying of a score, but from a abundance or users voting low. It was soon at a score that was, in mine and Tom Fulp's opinion, far to low for a movie of that quality.

Yes when shit doesn't fly in the direction you want to it's everyone else's fault, just not yours. And since Tom says it, it must be true... NOT

It might surprise some of you, but I know very well some people just won't like what I do. I released that movie well aware of my reputation on the vocal NG forums. I never assumed to get a #1 rated movie of all time, or even a #1 for the day. But when the movie has the score to be in the top 5 of the day one minute then falls so quickly even before it even has a chance to earn it, it's quite upsetting.

If NG was MTV, you'd be pop. Totally, you were the mainstream of Newgrounds. Pop makes the best money, that's why you got the best scores.
And if NG was MTV, Krinkles would be heavy metal. Doesn't get the most fame, but it is among the best and gets the most respect.

I was angry that a movie I work hard on for months was getting treated that way. A score is just a score... But in this case the score wasn't fair.

BooHoo, do you know that most of my flashes, my best flashes aren't even on NG, because they aren't finished, because I don't have time. It happens to everyone; we work hard and nobody gets it or they don't see the light of the portal at all, but no, you gotta open a whole topic about it like it's only happening to you, you poor thing.

And it may shock you again but I don't care if I get a negative review as long as it's constructive. But what I was seeing here were extremely low scores for no good reason. So I made a post on my deviantART page about how "I have outgrown NG."

Well let me just say I didn't read it and I won't first, and I hope the title says it all, cause...

You haven't outgrown NG you arogant bitch. People just don't like you. I don't see James Farr whining on DevArt. And Xombie is gonna be a movie! Talk about growing! Don't hear him saying I'm too good for NG, no siree.

NG is tough and rough, it's full of the most deranged perverted psychos on the web, why posting on the BBS itself is suecidal. And I'm sure you know this, so if you can't take these sickos we all knwo and love don't expect much in the first plce. It's NG baby, if you can make it big here, you can make it big anywhere.

So for those here who don't seem to like me for whatever reason, I hope you know I'm not some egotistical jerk who bad mouthed NG just because a movie I made didn't do fantastic on the site.

Hey I don't think you are. But this whole thing looks like ''Hey look at me I was big in the early 2000s, why don't you like me anymore, I'm sooo good and worked sooo hard, people must have something against me =( I'l go to Tom mehehehehe, people like him!''

For what it's worth your flashes and the flashes of people who made The matrix has you inspired me to start flash and eventualy decided to be a graphic designer, for this I am eternaly thankful. So why would such a big influence as yourself annoy me? I mean I still like the clasics like LOTR parodies. Well give this a thought: You haven't outgrown NG, the suers outgrew you!

My advice: You have still a lot of fans, and they're the ones you should animate for, not the flamers. Think of the fans, love your fans, work for your fans. That's why I make flash;not about fighting the critics, it's about entertainign the fans. And don't post emo whines like this, peopel just ahte you more now.

...this would so have more weight to it if I was a bigshot NG animator by now ><

I'm a tad dislexic, don't hate me.

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 09:53:27

At 12/27/06 09:27 AM, MarkArandjus wrote:
At 11/15/06 02:20 PM, LegendaryFrog wrote: I decided to write this after reading a comment on the forums here. THen i realized that some people have a opinion of me thats totally untrue. This may be a bit late to even matter, but i want people to know where I'm coming form.
Oh don't be pathetic Joseph, you want us to, but we don't. And it's spelled comming.

No it's not

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 09:57:22

At 12/26/06 06:03 AM, AnimeLover4ever wrote: LOOK! A retarded just found newgrounds bbs!

you may be the retarded

He'd Look Just Like You'd Want Him Too, Some Kind of Slick Chrome American Prince.


BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 10:01:53

At 12/21/06 09:41 AM, LumpClock wrote: The whole of this thread is completly useless dribble.

thats what the BBS is


BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 10:02:31

At 12/26/06 08:45 AM, Fraggles wrote:
At 12/26/06 08:32 AM, IThinkImDrunk wrote: Dude, im a big fan of all your work, but submitting your work to NG is accepting some people are just looking to flame... Deal with it, get over it (like you have, so well done) and keep submitting your great high quality flash movies.
You must be drunk. How exactly is it great quality? I bet if you ask that to everyone, they won't have an actual good answer.

Examples go as follows:
lawl h3 h4$ tw33nin
I love it when he uses those Simpsons jokes.
videogame charechters r awesome when u makethem gay

Seriously. The graphics suck. Get a different hobby, Frog. No-one likes it when someone spams up the portal with these pieces of thing. You really are horrible.

People like different things - his humour makes me laugh, maybe not his latest stuff as much, but back in the day, different people like different things, he clearly puts a lot of effort into what he does and it makes me laugh, not a crime. So remember that humour styles vary... I've not looked into your flash yet - but i might do that later today...

Thou shalt always honor TOAST

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 17:02:54

At 12/27/06 09:53 AM, TommyGun wrote: No it's not


I'm a tad dislexic, don't hate me.

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 17:09:11

The newer users flame LegendaryFrog and the older users actually offer something insightful.

I'm a fan of your work, LegendaryFrog, don't let people's stupidity get to you.

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 17:10:56

This thread is STILL going?

I wonder, could you guys suck LF's cock any harder?

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 17:17:21

okay to all you idiots who bumped

you obviously DON'T READ THE DATES! and you should

its pretty damn obvious he isnt here to read this if he posted this what 4 months ago?

just that i would add this while it was at the top of the board

Thanks to Kalhua for creating my awesome sig!

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 17:28:14

Wow, that apology's really heartfelt. Now when are you going to post some more movies. You're the fucking one who inspired me to get the damn program.

"Will someone shove a pack of Skittles so far up this faggot's ass that he tastes the friggin rainbow?" -demonofthehiddenmist

Epic cock joke! | Best photoshop thread ever!

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 17:33:54

At 12/27/06 05:17 PM, Vrael wrote: you obviously DON'T READ THE DATES! and you should

its pretty damn obvious he isnt here to read this if he posted this what 4 months ago?

lol, obviously YOU don't read the dates.

This was posted about a month ago.

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 17:41:38

quit bitching and get over it.

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 17:46:05

A score is a score... mabye you're movie was crap...

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 18:08:43

At 12/27/06 05:33 PM, Platinum wrote:
At 12/27/06 05:17 PM, Vrael wrote: you obviously DON'T READ THE DATES! and you should

its pretty damn obvious he isnt here to read this if he posted this what 4 months ago?
lol, obviously YOU don't read the dates.

This was posted about a month ago.

o SHIT!...........sorry damn dyslexia.......


Thanks to Kalhua for creating my awesome sig!

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2006-12-27 18:09:30

So you're still gonna make flash movies right?

yes i did read it all

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2007-05-09 18:40:15

You should be sorry

I like passive-aggressive ban messages saying that I 'May get deleted'

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2007-05-09 18:42:28

At 5/9/07 06:40 PM, H-h-h-heliopios wrote: You should be sorry

Did you even read the post?
Anyhoo, I think your work's pretty awesome. Keep it up.

If I have a kid, I'm gonna teach him not to be faggot.

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2007-05-09 18:44:04

At 11/15/06 02:24 PM, MickTheChampion wrote: Who the fuck are you?



Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2007-05-09 19:06:08

At 11/15/06 02:25 PM, CitricSquid wrote:
At 11/15/06 02:24 PM, MickTheChampion wrote: Who the fuck are you?
Some wanna-be probably.

Ya, call one of the best ng animators of all time a wanna be, he has been the most favorite animator, made some of the best movies, on the top score list for all animators. I vote 5 on all your movies frog, and ya that wow when gnomes fly was funny, nightelf scene was funny.

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2007-05-09 19:11:57

I, for one, accept your apology, LegendaryFrog. I will always remember when my 3rd grade friends and I used to gather around flashplayer.com (not anymore) and watch LotR SE until we'd memorized the entire thing. Never give up, for the sake of your fans.

Hail 7chan.

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2007-05-09 19:16:20

I just don't like World of Warcraft. I vote how I want, and you telling me that because you got a low score on a flash that you thought was good isn't fair, then fuck off. We say what's fair, not you. If we want to vote low, we can. Nothing you can do about it, it's how the community works.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you're a bad ANIMATOR at all, I just think you're not funny or original. That's why I vote low, and I don't exit out as soon as I open it, I give you a chance EVERY time I watch your movies, they just never seem to entertain me.

I say, if it were my choice, I wouldn't let your shit pass, because it didn't entertain me, because that is what these movies are supposed to do. Entertain. If they don't entertain people they will vote low. Stop bitching.

Gooch for MOD 09'

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2007-05-09 19:56:57

Legendary Frog, you were what inspired me to make flash. true, I have failed horribly at that, but you are my all time hero. Your humor is awesome, your animation superb, and you are a flash god. (yeah... I'm a big fan)

As for your WOW movie, i liked it. It wasn't my favorite, but I liked it.

And for the people who haven't heard of you, what the hell? I've been using newgrounds for 8 or so years and I've loved your work since I first heard of you.

But, meh, newgrounds can be sort of retarded at times, and it's cool to vent....

Click my sig for all the information in the world!

PM me if you like the new sig. I like feedback.

And attention whoring.

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2007-05-09 19:59:14

No need to apologise to these people, its grown fashionable to make fun of artists like you, above average quality and many submissions and rewards under your belt. You had every right to complain to Tom Fulp since it was an unfair vote, votes from people who should not be representatives of the Newgrounds community.

People replying in a negative tone against you (eg. First reply) just trying to act cool infront of their peers.

Sig by CoolCatDaddio. <<RESPECT>>

BBS Signature

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2007-05-09 20:00:24

How the fuck did I miss this?!

Response to Public Apology to Newgrounds. 2007-05-09 20:01:55

Oh yeah, this was that pathetic apology that LF made 6 months ago.

At 5/9/07 06:40 PM, H-h-h-heliopios wrote: You should be sorry

Well, thanks for bumping this shitheap of a thread, fucker.

BBS Signature