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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2016-11-26 10:33:13

At 11/25/16 02:03 PM, Jackho wrote: Anime posters are for fucking nerds.

I got a new figure though. Those are for totally cool dudes.

It's Kaori from Your Lie in April.

That is a nice figure. How large is it?

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Response to Anime Club 2016-11-26 10:49:52

At 11/25/16 11:43 AM, SlaughterTownDweller wrote: It's not really the second most used thread, it's just the most recent and most used thread.
It would most likely get replaced with something else with more activity or if @Kayleeee decides to bump her thread "I'm having a party"

looks like she did

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-26 11:01:39

look at this

I haven't seen a good anime inspired animation in a while :D
I love it

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-26 13:10:41

Toonmai tonight should be good times. Will Tom get to back to outer space? Will Jojo's anime make more sense? Will have to watch and see.

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Response to Anime Club 2016-11-26 18:38:33

At 11/26/16 02:13 PM, BlackSpiralDancer wrote: Did Bleach end?

It has not been on Toonami in sometime.

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Response to Anime Club 2016-11-27 05:02:19

I decided that watching 60% of a 50 episode show and then leaving it in the cold was sorta lame, so I picked Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ back up and finished it this week.

It was okay I guess. Judau and the kids were boring, plain, and often more irritating than anything (looking at you, Puru), but the Zeon stuff was good enough to keep watching. Puru 2 was pretty neat, even if I don't like the original. I felt like Haman shined more in Zeta, but she was still enjoyable in this as well. Could've done without Mashymre and Chara though.

The mobile suit designs were great, and the action was enjoyable. I really would've appreciated more variety in the music though, hearing the same stings and short themes over and over got pretty tiring after a while. The show definitely got more enjoyable towards the end, but I was never really "into it" at any point.

Oh well, on to Char's Counterattack.

Anime Club

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-27 09:34:04

Cell looked like a fatass clown in dbz kai last night

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-27 09:53:55

At 11/27/16 09:34 AM, NightRaid-NG wrote: Cell looked like a fatass clown in dbz kai last night

And now these assholes left us on a huge cliffhanger

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-27 10:39:02

At 11/27/16 09:53 AM, NightRaid-NG wrote:
At 11/27/16 09:34 AM, NightRaid-NG wrote: Cell looked like a fatass clown in dbz kai last night
And now these assholes left us on a huge cliffhanger

Cell must of put on some holiday weight. DBZ is always a cliff hanger.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Anime Club 2016-11-27 10:48:24

At 11/27/16 10:17 AM, VLStaticFire wrote: Wait, what the?

How is that still enjoyable from this?

I like robot cartoons.

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-27 21:57:38

At 11/27/16 10:48 AM, Oolaph wrote: I like robot cartoons.

Robots are cool. Sexy girl robots make it even better.

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Response to Anime Club 2016-11-27 22:07:39

At 11/27/16 09:57 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
At 11/27/16 10:48 AM, Oolaph wrote: I like robot cartoons.
Robots are cool. Sexy girl robots make it even better.

Calm down doc

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-27 22:12:02

At 11/27/16 10:07 PM, NightRaid-NG wrote:
At 11/27/16 09:57 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
At 11/27/16 10:48 AM, Oolaph wrote: I like robot cartoons.
Robots are cool. Sexy girl robots make it even better.
Calm down doc

Sexy girls and large breasts make everything better. They should be in every Anime.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Anime Club 2016-11-27 22:14:31

At 11/27/16 10:12 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Sexy girls and large breasts make everything better. They should be in every Anime.

This is getting kinda cringey

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-28 13:15:50

At 11/27/16 10:14 PM, NightRaid-NG wrote:
At 11/27/16 10:12 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Sexy girls and large breasts make everything better. They should be in every Anime.
This is getting kinda cringey

On a new subject, what Anime are you currently watching?

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Anime Club 2016-11-28 15:32:42

At 11/28/16 01:15 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: On a new subject, what Anime are you currently watching?

dbz kai

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-28 22:57:21

At 11/28/16 09:31 PM, Vinnyy wrote: This year is almost coming to an end. I'm not sure if you guys all watch seasonal anime, but if you do, what did you guys think of this year?

I enjoyed Akame Ga Kill, the Bayonetta movie, Parasyte -the maxim-
I probably watched a few others but forgot

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-28 23:48:18

At 11/28/16 11:40 PM, SlaughterTownDweller wrote:
At 11/28/16 09:31 PM, Vinnyy wrote: This year is almost coming to an end. I'm not sure if you guys all watch seasonal anime, but if you do, what did you guys think of this year?
Parasyte, i was going to watch more anime but i have no time.
Though, i plan on watching Dangan Ronpa 3 real soon.

I thought Dangan Ronpa was a game

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-30 19:55:21

At 11/28/16 09:31 PM, Vinnyy wrote: This year is almost coming to an end. I'm not sure if you guys all watch seasonal anime, but if you do, what did you guys think of this year?

As for me, there were only a small handful of shows from this year that I thought were great or worth watching. Overall, this was an alright year of anime. In my opinion, the best anime this year were Re: Zero, Danganronpa 3 - Kibou-hen and Zetsubou-hen, Shokugeki no Soma 2nd season, Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash and maybe a couple of others.

It's been a good year.

Gundam IBO, Macross Delta, Kiznaiver, Space Patrol Luluco, Konosuba, Magical Girl Raising Project, Re:Zero, and Sailor Moon Crystal S3 with godly animation. Not sure if I missed anything else that I watched.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2016-11-30 21:50:08 (edited 2016-11-30 21:52:03)

I'm back to talk about old robots again. After finishing ZZ Gundam, my exploration of the franchise relaunches at full speed.

Char's Counterattack was decent. Didn't thrill me, but it was certainly more enjoyable than ZZ. It was great to get our boys Char and Amuro again. The mobile suit designs and action were pretty good, but I'm not too sure how I feel about the psycommu stuff. I've never really been into the whole newtype thing to begin with.

Then I continued onward to War in the Pocket. Oh boy. It was fantastic. Loved every second of this. The characters were great and their interactions were lovely, the down-scaled setting and story was refreshing and felt well contained and complete, the tone of the series somehow had an amazing balance between childhood wonder and the horrors of war, and the mecha action was impactful and had meaning. Easily my favorite entry in the Gundam franchise so far.

Then today after work I made some dinner and popped on Mobile Suit Gundam F91. It felt very rushed. Apparently it was originally supposed to be a full 50-episode series, so I suppose the mad pacing makes a good bit of sense. That being said, I still enjoyed it well enough. I didn't really enjoy the protagonist very much, I found him very bland (also his name is dumb. who the hell names their kid Seabook?). But the Crossbone stuff was intriguing enough and I thought Cecily's conflict was handled well. The action scenes within the colony were pretty brutal, that lady getting killed by a giant shell while still holding her baby was some rough stuff.

So far if I had to rank everything it would go: War in the Pocket > 0079 > 08th MS Team > Zeta > F91 > CCA > ZZ

Up next: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (with maybe a little Giant Robo in between to break things up)

Anime Club

Response to Anime Club 2016-11-30 22:19:39

At 11/30/16 09:53 PM, Vinnyy wrote:
I'm watching Magical Girl Raising Project right now. I literally just started watching that yesterday. I only listed the shows that I thought were good. I've actually seen a bunch of other shows from this year. Here's the list:

MagiPro is solid week after week. It's basically Madoka without the artsy bullshit.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2016-12-01 17:58:33

I'm looking for an old anime that I enjoyed don't know the name but here is what I remember.

Something about a young girl and she was placed in this other world and she got small and had to work in this giant house and there was a lot of things going on an evil tall lady, a short funny yet mean fat man.

Ok that's not a lot to go on but maybe somebody has a clue.



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Response to Anime Club 2016-12-04 15:59:57

At 12/1/16 05:25 PM, Vinnyy wrote: If you're interested in dark, magical girl anime, you might like Yuki Yuna is a Hero. It's similar to Madoka Magica in the sense that it starts out as a seemingly innocent show about normal girls becoming magical girls, but then the story takes a dark turn. It's not as dark as Madoka Magica but still a good show.

Ya know, this is probably the 3rd or 4th time somebody has recommended Yuki Yuna. Thanks.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2016-12-04 20:05:16

So, I decided Binge watch Dragon Ball GT to finally see if I still think it's crap. I made it through and I can honestly say, it's not bad, It still sucks by DBZ standards, but on it's own it's okay. Most of the major fights are pretty damn awesome to watch, Baby is actually a pretty good villan, and when it tries to be funny, it made me laugh more than I thought. Now the stuff that could've of been... left out. 1st off Goku being a kid again is still and always will be fucking stupid. I fully don't hate Pan but, Pan is pretty much the Krillin of GT, sometimes can be helpful, but most of the time gets her ass kicked. Trunks in shorts, just... No. Uub merging with Majin Buu was a cool idea, but still never mattered in the grand scheme of things. Just so many things that weren't thought that well. And also, one plot hole I kinda found at the beginning of the Shadow Dragon Saga,*Spoilers I think* if Elder Kai knew the dragon balls were going to pretty much fuck up like that, why didn't he say anything before they attempted to make a wish. That could of saved a lot of trouble. For this series for everything they do right, there's like two or three things that are wrong. I heard that it was supposed to be like returning to the adventure style of Dragon Ball, which is kinda hard to do after beating something that can destroy multiple planets in mere seconds, versus some ragtag nazis with robots. But as far as it goes, it's a nice distraction if your bored, I'd give it 5.5 outta 10

Response to Anime Club 2016-12-07 17:23:51

Holy duck!
Dragon Ball Super is gonna be on Toonami!
Can't wait to finally be able to see it

Response to Anime Club 2016-12-11 01:35:35

Toonami tonight. Gundam Iron blooded Orphans ended tonight. Ending was okay, could of been better.

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Response to Anime Club 2016-12-12 00:58:55 (edited 2016-12-12 01:05:06)


Gundam 0083 was pretty alright. Uraki wasn't the most interesting protagonist, but I enjoyed having a competent pilot instead of stupid newtype magic. The stuff with Monsha in the early episodes was pretty annoying, but it got better as things went on. Gato's a cool dude and the mecha fights & animation were great. Story was p whatever, but the show had some rad tunes to back everything up and that made up for any shortcomings for me. I liked it more than F91, but less than Zeta.

Currently in the midst of a short break from Gundam before jumping into Victory since I don't wanna burn out on another 50 episode series. Might also rewatch 0079 since it's been quite a few years since I first saw it. gotta keep things fresh y'know

Jumped back into VOTOMS, watched The Last Red Shoulder and Armor Hunter Mellowlink. Red Shoulder didn't really thrill me, just felt like the television show but more rushed. Doesn't really make me want to immediately jump into the other OVAs, but I'll probably get around to them at some point anyway. Mellowlink on the other hand was fantastic. Not much to write home about on the story, but that's okay because every episode had a unique setting, style, antagonist, and feel. Constantly keeping things fresh with the simple revenge formula and a "good enough to get the job done" turnaround at the end for the final battle. Great stuff, I want more like this.

Then I finally gave Golden Boy a watch, something I've been meaning to do for years. The animation in this was fantastic, far better than I expected it to be. Jokes were solid and rarely fell flat. Characters were wacky and exaggerated, but not to the point of being a turn off. The perfect amount of ridiculousness. Tons of fun. On a NG related note, I noticed that this was clearly a huge inspiration for Egoraptor's good ol' Awesome series.

Anime Club

Response to Anime Club 2016-12-12 12:42:45

Anybody getting ready to watch Christmas or Winter themed anime? This would be the best time of year to check them out.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Anime Club 2016-12-12 12:48:55

At 12/12/16 12:42 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Anybody getting ready to watch Christmas or Winter themed anime? This would be the best time of year to check them out.

do you have any reccomendations

Response to Anime Club 2016-12-12 16:17:26

At 12/12/16 12:48 PM, NightRaid-NG wrote:
At 12/12/16 12:42 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Anybody getting ready to watch Christmas or Winter themed anime? This would be the best time of year to check them out.
do you have any reccomendations

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