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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 18:47:14


Anyone here in a band? I've been in a band with three of my friends for like 3-4 years. Yesterday we recorded a song on our own so you can hear what we sound like. Excuse the shitty vocals, I suck at singing. We had a real singer but he left so now I'm stuck with vocals and rythm guitar. If you live the New York/New Jersey area and can sing, contact me, haha. The song is on our MySpace: http://myspace.com/digamenj
Tell me what you think. Also, if you're in a band of your own, share your music!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 18:50:27

At 3/24/07 06:46 PM, Lord-Sonx wrote:
At 3/24/07 06:44 PM, Rammer wrote:
At 3/24/07 06:40 PM, Lord-Sonx wrote:
At 3/24/07 06:31 PM, Rucklo wrote: For example, what would Half-Life 2 be without excellent sound?
it'd still be a gltichy, boring, linear, lame and annoyly short game
sounds like someone is upset their computer can't run Half-life 2.
well it's obvious my pc can't run it, but i have the xbox version.. and the dreamcast verison of HL1.. which is so very very different...

One shall not play first person shooters on consoles!

halo wait wtf... :-O

But to get back to my point, audio is important! >:(

Wakka wakka

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 18:51:36


I'm in a 'gospel band'. Its me, my brother, and 2 cousins. I play the drums as well as keyboard [depending on the song].

iamcoreyg.com // campnorth

Need a website? music? graphics? CONTACT ME.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 18:53:28

At 3/24/07 06:40 PM, Lord-Sonx wrote:
At 3/24/07 06:31 PM, Rucklo wrote: What would Lord of the Rings be without superb sound?
stil be a 10 hour snore feast

LOTR rocks. (12 hours extended)

To the audio forumers here:
Do you think someone would be willing to make the main lotr theme in heavy metal stylings? is that the sort of request that would be answered or would they tell me to fuck off?
I always thought it would sound cool on electric guitar.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 19:00:50

At 3/24/07 06:53 PM, TheHappySheep wrote: To the audio forumers here:
Do you think someone would be willing to make the main lotr theme in heavy metal stylings? is that the sort of request that would be answered or would they tell me to fuck off?
I always thought it would sound cool on electric guitar.

There aren't that many guitar players around, but hey, who knows? I'm sure somone would get hooked on it if you made a flash out of it :D

Wakka wakka

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 19:01:24

At 3/24/07 06:47 PM, mynamewontfitin wrote: Bands


I didn't mind the vocals, but they could NOT sound like you're in another world :)

I liked the bass very muchness.

I was in a band for a short time but I was the only person who could play drums n' keyboard, and silly me I decided "hey let's use them both". I forgot that we couldn't ever play live ever, lolz.

Funny thing is, I've dropped both those instruments and picked up guitar. lol


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 19:39:12


The classic thing that happens when a bunch of friend who pay instrments get together at shcool.. they form bands..

oh the humanity!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 19:43:08


At 3/24/07 06:47 PM, mynamewontfitin wrote: We had a real singer but he left so now I'm stuck with vocals and rythm guitar.

In the beginning it almost sounded a little like Mars Volta but once the vocals started it just reminded me of Blink182 which forced me to lawl.

I've been asked to join bands while people were forming them twice and I still don't know how to play an instrument, but both times it was more of a funny idea.


Don't insult Half Life 2, the game is amazing and I won't hear otherwise.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 19:48:41

At 3/24/07 07:43 PM, MethodMinus wrote: Don't insult Half Life 2, the game is amazing and I won't hear otherwise.

Get a barrel or a box, make tower, jump out of level. If not enough for tower, jumpgrab the top object and fly out level.

How to beat game: follow the linear path, stop randomly for loading time or 'cutscene', continue.

This is made harder by the huge amounts of slow down/jumping and the random gltich that can be fatal (hey jump onto this object, and die?)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 20:00:25

I'm in a band but it's just me on guitar and my mate singing we don't have a drummer or bassist but we've been doing acoustic gigs for now doing pretty well covering songs and are own songs still can't wait till we get drums and bass as well though.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 20:21:05

At 3/24/07 06:12 PM, PinkSkull wrote: Disney
I remember I saw a movie when I was like, 6, I'm not sure of the name, it was about a fox and a dog who were friends as puppies but when they grew up the hound was meant to kill the fox.... I cried when i wathced it, and i have never seen it again.

The Fox And the Hound! That's one of my fave Disney movies. They made a sequel for it (The Fox and the hound 2) and it sucked haaard.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 20:45:54


I never experienced any glitches that I can recall. Well, It would freeze a lot if I didn't run the game after doing a selective startup. But thats more because even though my computer is new its still not that great, or because other programs were interfering. Also, its damn hard to have a puzzling game without it being linear. When things are more free roaming then you can find ways to avoid obstacles which takes away from the gameplay. Besides, its not just a game where you're supposed to just go through level after level of mindless slaughtering.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 21:05:32

At 3/24/07 08:21 PM, Punxx wrote:
At 3/24/07 06:12 PM, PinkSkull wrote: Disney
I remember I saw a movie when I was like, 6, I'm not sure of the name, it was about a fox and a dog who were friends as puppies but when they grew up the hound was meant to kill the fox.... I cried when i wathced it, and i have never seen it again.
The Fox And the Hound! That's one of my fave Disney movies. They made a sequel for it (The Fox and the hound 2) and it sucked haaard.

As I said, all Disney Movies and cartoons (and I mean all, including Pete's Dragon, which was cools) up to the 90s were fantastic, then the movie and cartoon industry became to corporate and they made rules that toons and movies have to follow. If you look closely all movies are the same over and over, except the odd good movie (this year we only get Spider-Man 3, 300 seems to Lord of the Rings war scene esque). The very old Mickey Mouse cartoons and Bugs Bunny can kick the shit out of the new cartoons. I email YTV (canadian station, its like our main kids/teens station for toons and shows, now its absolute shit) telling them to just run Avatar 24/7 because everything else sucks balls, I don't care if its the same episode all day, its better then the rest of the shit they play. Then they only play Justice League and Invader Zim once a week at like 1 am in the morning. New toons seem to follow a strict script and use same comedy over and over. Finding Nemo and the Incredibles stand out however because they have some new animation and just good stories to them. Shark Tale ripped finding nemo.

I wish there was like a classic cartoon channel, that played classic disney and looney toons and cartoons from the 80s and 90s, then played classic cartoon movies. That'd be like the best channel. Next to G4...

Whoa its me!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 21:06:30

At 3/24/07 06:12 PM, PinkSkull wrote: Disney

Fox and the Hound. Awesome movie.

Women trouble

So I met this girl at a fair on Thursday and we really hit it off.

I mean, we were playing the impossible quiz together for a few hours, and that was just the beginning.

So here's the dilemma.

We hooked up a little, and I definitely felt something, but I have no way to get in contact with her without looking like a stalker.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 21:44:35

I'm in a band, I'm the keyboardist. Our band is kinda weird, we spend every Saturday at the drummers place, normally have one hour of practicing, then spend the rest playing LAN games on his network. Yeah, we really aren't going anywhere, I think it's because we have a shitty guitarist though :P. Seriously, every single person in the band can outplay him. Kinda weird.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 22:05:51

At 3/24/07 09:08 PM, ShirtTurtle wrote:
At 3/24/07 09:06 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: I mean, we were playing the impossible quiz together for a few hours, and that was just the beginning.
How fucking romantic.

Hey, we beat it. TOGETHER.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 22:06:49

Half Life 2

One of the coolest shooters I've played. I liked the puzzles because they weren't too hard to figure out and it had an awesome story with one of the strangest endings I've ever seen, I didn't expect that. The only problem is I only got to play the xbox version so the graphics weren't as good as the pc. I probably could get it on pc now but I have dial up internet and with steam being crappy (or so I've heard) I'm not going to get it until maybe Ep 2 and Portal.

// Harvest++ coming soon, more modes, more stuff, customizable character, achievements and more!

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 22:22:17

RE: Half-Life 2

Do you know what Half Life actually means? It's half of the time for an unstable isotope to decay; releasing (usually) gamma radiation.

I'm such a smart arse...

But yes, the game is totally boss. I mean; it rocks. I love the first level when you can pic up anything, and stack boxes and hop on the trains. There are so many glitches when you do that...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 22:33:47

Cartoons and Stuff

As I said, all Disney Movies and cartoons (and I mean all, including Pete's Dragon, which was cools) up to the 90s were fantastic, then the movie and cartoon industry became to corporate and they made rules that toons and movies have to follow.

I havent noticed any rules, but I have indeed noticed some of new animated movies that come out are similar.

The very old Mickey Mouse cartoons and Bugs Bunny can kick the shit out of the new cartoons.

The last 'new' cartoon I enjoyed was Jake Long, and Brandy and Mr.Whiskers and they came out years ago! Even on that time I thought most new cartoons sucked, the worst is, they take out cool cartoons from the schedule to add the new ones, which I dont find interesting, i just enjoy cool cartoons on vacation when i can watch them in the morning.....


I love the art on that cartoon, the backgrounds are soo detailed and the animation looks so smooth.

everything else sucks balls

Have you seen Kappa Mikey?
I have never seen coz just looking at he shorts makes me think it sucks, the cartoon uses no inbetweens!

Then they only play Justice League and Invader Zim once a week at like 1 am in the morning.

Then dont play Invader Zim here anymore, only when Nickelodeon has some specials or something, but not on regular schedule, i am like 'omG invader Zim', tho its the same chapter as always.
:. Shark Tale ripped finding nemo.
As antz ripped A Bug's life, and not cartoon related, but Pathfinder is pretty much like Apocalypto, only different. It looks like movies come in a fashion, someone says: 'hey lets do a movie about...um.. usb drives! and all the movies from the different companies make movies about usb drives that season. Open Season and Over the Hedge had really different stories, but they both were about forest animals 'X), Over The Hedge kicked ass btw.

I wish there was like a classic cartoon channel,

Isnt Boomerang a classic cartoon channel? I dont know, in here you need ot suscribe for it, and it doesnt have bugs bunny or mickey mouse but scooby doo and the flinstones (i like the flinstones), the looney toons are on cartoon network late at night right before toonami, and that is monday-thursday, when kids need to sleep early for school, on weekends we have adult swim.
Audio Portal
Sound is indeed important, but i dont go to the audio portal much, coz when i click it doesnt play exactly inmediatly, so i wait all those minutes until i forgot what i was doing, to find the song isnt what i was looking for, in conclusion, i am lazy to look in the portal, so i use comercial music, sorry.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 22:44:04


So there's this REALLY nice site called Alloftv.

So, this site is one of my favorites. not only does it have a pretty good archive of the newer shows, but it's got all the freaking shows I watched as a kid.

Today, I watched all the episodes of Metalocalypse, which is the most awesome Flash cartoon ever.

So, they have Invader Zim, they have Freakzoid!, they have Earthworm Jim. They have most of the shit I miss.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 22:47:05

At 3/24/07 10:22 PM, Penboy wrote: Do you know what Half Life actually means? It's half of the time for an unstable isotope to decay; releasing (usually) gamma radiation.

ACTUALLY, every element has a half life, not just unstable ones. But the unstable ones have particularly short half lives, if I remember correctly, so they release more particles more quickly. The particles being alpha or beta particles(I don't believe any release gamma but its always a possibility, certain elements release certain particles in a predisposed order that determines what it is they will change into next and how many neutrons it will have).

I'm such a smart arse...

Quite. And what makes you a smart ass is the fact that you get off by running your mouth off about things you may or may not know about so people will think you're smart. You should try and refrain from it, its a sign of maturity.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 23:09:42

At 3/24/07 10:47 PM, MethodMinus wrote:
At 3/24/07 10:22 PM, Penboy wrote: Do you know what Half Life actually means? It's half of the time for an unstable isotope to decay; releasing (usually) gamma radiation.
ACTUALLY, every element has a half life, not just unstable ones. But the unstable ones have particularly short half lives


4 billion year half-life, innit? used to date the earth and stuff.

until they broke up when it was caught dating the moon. </bad joke>


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 23:19:14

Importance of Audio
Imagine watching your favourite flash without sound or your favourite movie without sound - it sucks, huh?
That's how important sound is. On the flip side - radio exists, which shows sound can work without images. I think that's a good way at looking at things. Sound is massively important to flash and any multimedia (MULTI media).

Film Trends
Recent films do seem to come in pairs.
Anz - Bugs Life
Shrek - Ice age (people mentioned the 'annoying buddy' format)
Finding Nemo - Shark Tale
Madagascar - The Wild (Almost identical story and characters)
Happy Feet - Surfs up? (something like that)
Over the hedge - open season

I heard that before dreamworks was formed people in it were working with disney or something and they basically had a big ideas pool and then they all split up and both sides made all the films but in different ways. I dont know how much of that is true. Maybe none.

The last recent 2D disney film I saw was lilo and stitch, it's pretty good actually. I saw The Lion King again recently and it's still pretty fucking awesome. Toy Story is still one of my favourite CG films and it was the first (dont get technical plx). The incredibles was definately a shining light in a sea of bad films.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 23:21:04

At 3/24/07 10:44 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: OLD SKOOL TOONS 'N SHIT

So there's this REALLY nice site called Alloftv.

Awesome Rai!! thanks a lot!!

wooh! it has Aaaah! real monsters! and KaBlam!.. wait, they dont show ASToldByGinger, CatDog, CourageTheCowardlyDog, etc. on the US??

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 23:33:46

At 3/24/07 11:19 PM, TheHappySheep wrote: Antz - Bugs Life
Madagascar - The Wild (Almost identical story and characters)

The most shameless ripoffs i have seen, i forgot to mention the wild and madagascar, first (in ants-bugs) dreamworks ripps disney and several years later Disney does that to Dreamworks...

Invader Zim
Anyone remember an Invader Zim episode in which some group of aliens call themselves the resisti, i only watched it once, but i remember i laughed a lot, i could never swatch it again and i wanna do it now that rai showed the page, but cant find which it is, if it is in the archive...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-24 23:45:06

Re:Invader Zim

At 3/24/07 11:33 PM, PinkSkull wrote: Invader Zim
Anyone remember an Invader Zim episode in which some group of aliens call themselves the resisti, i only watched it once, but i remember i laughed a lot, i could never swatch it again and i wanna do it now that rai showed the page, but cant find which it is, if it is in the archive...

Invader Zim at TV links. I've not seen this before, but a friend was telling me about it, and so I will check it out. He was saying about an episode where he has to pretend to be a human and not look up at the sun.

If you check the site TV.com Pinkskull, they have descriptions of the episodes there so that may be a last resort.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-25 00:12:51

At 3/24/07 10:44 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: So, they have Invader Zim, they have Freakzoid!, they have Earthworm Jim. They have most of the shit I miss.


Rai, I fucking LOVE YOU! Invader ZIM and freaking FREAKAZOID!

I just had an orgasm.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-25 00:22:07

Invader Zim

Really cool show, except I think some of the episodes would scare the shit out of some little kids.

// Harvest++ coming soon, more modes, more stuff, customizable character, achievements and more!

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-25 00:33:28

At 3/24/07 11:45 PM, Mogly wrote: If you check the site TV.com Pinkskull, they have descriptions of the episodes there so that may be a last resort.

Thanks Mogly.

omG!!! there is a Zelda cartoon! and Link talks!!! I tought the nintendo magazines were lying when they talked about old nintendo cartoons!!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-03-25 00:39:04

Zelda Cartoon

At 3/25/07 12:33 AM, PinkSkull wrote:
At 3/24/07 11:45 PM, Mogly wrote: If you check the site TV.com Pinkskull, they have descriptions of the episodes there so that may be a last resort.
Thanks Mogly.

omG!!! there is a Zelda cartoon! and Link talks!!! I tought the nintendo magazines were lying when they talked about old nintendo cartoons!!

Okay, it's true, but that doesn't mean it's good. I've watched a few clips of it on youtube, and in the process I found this-


It makes me wonder why they didn't cancel it in less time than they actually did (1 season)

I've gone and become an SSBB addict... what to do, what to do...

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