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Scariest video game moment?

24,091 Views | 463 Replies

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-24 23:47:00

in doom3 i pulled out a shotgun while facing a mirror. *sniff*. i crapped my pants.


Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-24 23:48:54

All of the Silent Hill games. Which moment? Every second. I can barely play a Silent Hill game without getting scared. Any other survival horror doesn't bother me, but Silent Hill makes me wet myself.

Alys, I'm not brave like you. Give me the will power to play lol.


BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-24 23:51:27

I was playing Oblivion and I had nearly cleared a cave. I entered a fork in the cave, looked the left and right, then started going left. I heard something behind me and BAM! a rat jumped up and hit me. I swear, it came out of nowhere, scared the crap out of me. The scariest moment in a game for me that was actually shudder scary and not surprising scary, was in F.E.A.R., when you go into a sewer for awhile and the little girl pops out of nowhere and makes noises multiple times. Pretty scary.

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 00:07:33

The nancy drew games for the PC..... yes I know its a girl game and it was my sisters so what it scared me!

We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 00:16:08

Doom 3

When the imp comes out of the stair case

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 00:20:27

RE4 when I entered the freezer..... I made my dad do that part lol

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 00:59:22

mine was in Time Splitters future perfect when a friggen MOOSE HEAD busts out of the wall with like, a muscley body and a huge friggen knife thingy on it's hand and trys to kill you. Lol i cheated and blew it's brains out, and the mini-skirt girl your with s all like WTF

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 01:02:53

I say what you said. Where you enter the room and there is rotten meat and dirty water around then you walk toward the Fridgerator, and the burning guy comes out screaming, that was the only part i jumped at in the whole game.


I sell beats here Matt Mattik

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 03:07:21

suffering and cold fear

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 03:38:51

in resident evil 2 when you are just about finished the police station and u r going to the basement. u go to get the cable so u can turn on the window shutters to stop the zombies coming in. the room where u get the cable. the first time playing u shouldnt expect nething but as soon as u go to exit the room a licker smashes the window. after that experience first time through i shat maself = D. made me jump

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 03:40:59

At 7/19/06 10:38 PM, Kitsunegirl wrote: My scariest video game moment would have to be when I accidenlty deleted my FF7 save file that I spents months on morphing the monsters into powerups to get Cloud to max stats. Everything was maxed out, then my cat just had to walk over the power button one day as it was saving...

That was like one of the scariest moments I had while playing FF7 execpt it was my dad, I was about to lose to the final boss when outta no where cloud, the only one alive got hit and got lucky 7(7777hp) I was bout to win when... my dad turned off the lights, it might not seem like something so important but all the power in the room is connected to the light switch, so everything turned off...

note: first time playing FF7 so beating it was so important

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 03:44:32

when i was playing that old starfox 64 game and at the end wen the final boss pops up and i peed myself

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 03:48:34

hands down......... Fatal Frame

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 06:37:37

mine is probaly half life 2 in ravenholm scares the shit outta me went u se so much BLOOOD AND GUTS!!!!!!!!!

mi na ncike12lback lta aocctn. if you can crack this code, pm me on the question

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 06:43:11


mi na ncike12lback lta aocctn. if you can crack this code, pm me on the question

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 06:49:00

i reckon scarest games evar is painkiller and if u dont belive me check this link www.painkiller.com and go on expanish pack monsters

Scariest video game moment?

mi na ncike12lback lta aocctn. if you can crack this code, pm me on the question

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 06:50:44

When my PS2 fell from a shelf destroying my GTA3 cd.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 06:53:24

Silent Hill 3, especially the alternative hospital with the mirror room. God, that was really fucking scary and weird.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 08:05:48

Hehe, that sucks but he's really easy if you change your Laguna card to 100 Hero items.

Anyway, ever played FEAR? When the little girl creeps up from behind you...AHHH!

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 09:20:35

At 7/25/06 08:05 AM, angelo_ryan wrote:
Anyway, ever played FEAR? When the little girl creeps up from behind you...AHHH!

FEAR is freaking amazing. I remember that one time when you're walking down the hall, and all of a sudden, BOOM, there's that huge explosion and you have to run backwards out of the window. I was all like, "Dude, a hallway. Okay... BOOM Holy shitty McShit"!

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 09:23:34

Sorry but it has to be Resident Evil 0 or the Residnet Evil Remake for GC.

They made me fill my pants with cake.

I did it for the lulz:

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 09:28:12

Every moment in Doom 3 made me shit myself scared.

Of course it has to be in pitch black dark with really loud surround sound speakers. >_<

[ woman vocalizing ] [ man speaking backwards ] last.fm

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 09:28:45

When the chickens attacked me in Zelda.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 09:40:59

And also RE remake for the gamecube, when that thing chases you through the caves...... I shat myself.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 09:52:47

At 7/24/06 11:16 PM, LynnieTHM wrote: I made the character walk out of the public bathroom and a clown came out and stabbed me in the neck.

I still get people to walk around corners for me.

Damn toilot clowns.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 10:38:32

When I Saw My Face...

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-25 10:42:10

I made the character walk out of the public bathroom and a clown came out and stabbed me in the neck.
I still get people to walk around corners for me.

Well...since the first Silent Hill proved that bathrooms are infact very evil and should be avoided
(the only time I enter one in the first game is to get the shotgun and if I must enter another one I turn off the sound) And the other SH arent any better !

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-26 06:17:13

In Manhunt. One of those fucking gang members jumped out and weant "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" at me. It was also one of the funniest, since it was immediatly followed by a metal baseball bat to his head.

Hahahahahaha, LiveCorpse is dead. Good Riddance.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-26 06:23:12

Resident Evil 4 has alot of weird parts that can make you jump the first time.

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-26 08:03:36

Im not one for horror games but.

orcarina of time - adult link re-deads (scare the shit out of me)
Resident evil - gamecube remake (the origonal never scared me)
tomb raider 1 or 2 (with the mummys i had night terrors after that i woke up screaming, running around my house and all i can see in my head was the tomb raider inventory screen)
metal gear solid 2 (with erm the bomb expert man floting body)
halo (the flood the first time i saw them, but after that they were nothing)
devil may cry (the opening scene when the words devil may cry come up and some woman says "devil may, devil may cry" i turned my ps2 off)

you sick pathetic people have now inspired me to buy some old ps1 games (silent hill, dino crisis, and resident evils) and for that i love you <3

Can't Sleep Clowns Will Eat Me