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Scariest video game moment?

24,088 Views | 463 Replies

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 04:45:44

I don't know why, but half of the LoZ:OOC temples sometimes freak me out.

Right behind you

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 05:13:10

At 7/20/06 04:44 AM, chiklay4 wrote: lol,i tried it 3 time the 1 and 2 i pee my pants then screamed but when 3rd time i was like a man and took a bite out of my texas whopper,....this kid is afriad

Yeah my friend ran like a rabbit but I was just sitting still

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 05:14:19

lol in silent hill one, a body fell out of a locker and it scared the shit out of me, i really almost pissed myself.

w00t 800th post

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 05:17:03

Clocktower with that Scissorguy, I was hiding on one of those ropes and then all the sudden he walks by, looking for me.

Also, did nobody play F.E.A.R? When that ghost girl keeps following you scares the crap out of me.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 05:18:37

When I was nearly caught play Playboy: The Mansion


Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 06:37:24

At 7/19/06 10:54 PM, Crosses wrote: Don't know but we can all agree, the first time anyone has played resident evil,
they jumped because of the "Dog through the window".

yes.... bad memories ><

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 06:39:45

In RE4 with the chainsaw guy.

Brawl Friend code 0001-3558-3010

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 06:54:45

In Water Hazard from HL2 where you need to put some stuff in a basket,there's a passageway to some crates with medkits and ammo.

As I walk to the crates,a headcrab zombie suddenly jumps up from the sewage.


That,and that possessed guy from Guilty Gear X2.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 07:00:31

Playing through Silent hill 1+2, Resi 4, Doom 1+3 (Nightmare setting)and F.E.A.R, all in a month. It shall forever be know as the Month of terror.

"Anything could happen in the next half hour!"

"For the love of God, don't stop pretending you're a dragon!"

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 07:08:32

I don't play many scary games, but one scary moment was in Half Life, when I was swimming away from a fish-like-creature, and then I got up a ladder, but then I decided I wanted to try and kill it, and when I went back in the water it was gone. I looked around, and he wasn't on the other side, but then when I looked back the fucking thing was charging right behind me, it made me jump out of my seat man.

Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 09:05:04

At 7/20/06 07:08 AM, -Kuro- wrote: I don't play many scary games, but one scary moment was in Half Life, when I was swimming away from a fish-like-creature, and then I got up a ladder, but then I decided I wanted to try and kill it, and when I went back in the water it was gone. I looked around, and he wasn't on the other side, but then when I looked back the fucking thing was charging right behind me, it made me jump out of my seat man.

Oh man the Ichtyosaur... most annoying enemy ever.
And you could only use the crossbow underwater so that didn't really help.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 09:06:01

the power puff girls the game ( i hope to god that isnt really a game )

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 09:08:56

At 7/20/06 09:06 AM, djmarky wrote: the power puff girls the game ( i hope to god that isnt really a game )

Well i hate to tell you this...

It is

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 09:10:15

At 7/20/06 09:08 AM, Parallel-Falcon wrote:
At 7/20/06 09:06 AM, djmarky wrote: the power puff girls the game ( i hope to god that isnt really a game )
Well i hate to tell you this...

It is

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh o no lol the horror of it all
i bet it is only realesed in japan and america.
cause i havnt ever seen a power puff game...ever

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 09:11:05

Does anyone remember Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem?
For example, the part when it tells you it's deleting your memory card?
The game itself was pretty scary too.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 09:11:59

When I was 8 or 9, I got scared of the royal familys tomb on Zelda ocarina of time... I hate that SCREAM!

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 09:13:54

At 7/20/06 09:11 AM, captain-underwear wrote: When I was 8 or 9, I got scared of the royal familys tomb on Zelda ocarina of time... I hate that SCREAM!

Redeads are fucking creepy, man... even now I don't like having to go through the adult Link part of the Castle Town.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 09:23:39

Well, I usually dont get scared by games. Ive played through all the games of the SH series multiple times, and I enjoy them more as games with awesome stories and gameplay rather then games that are extremely scary.
But there was this one time, while I was doing a run in SH2.
I was in the prison, you know, out in the courtyard where you have to set two plates to get a, uhm, horseshoe...
Anyways, while standing next to the piedestal where you put the plates, I put down my controller and went to get a glass of water or something.
When I came back, I pick up my controller again, and I hear noises, as of a heavy man running very fast, very close by, but I still couldnt see anything.
The sound fades, stops, and then I hear it again, from another direction.
So I turn and run for the door, and when I do, It sounds like hes closing up on me.
That put me in a right panic state. I was so damn frightened.
I never saw anything, but I never waited in that room again.

And a thing in World of Warcraft. In Un'Goro crater, theres these giant T-Rexes, who are extremely good at sneaking for some reason.
I was just sitting around drinking, when suddenly I get attacked from behind, and die in about two hits.
I got so damn scared.

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 09:25:15


SH games are generally good for the category of "Fucking hell what the fuck was that oh my fucking god what the FUCK" games.

Never heard of an MMO doing it to anyone. O_o;

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 10:08:06

the sounds of whispering and children crying as you slowly get driven to insanity in Eternal Darkness Sanitys Requiem. also when your servents attack you only to blow up to reveal a demon that promptly cuts your head off.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 10:23:29

I love Resident Evil 4! The game was not scary at all just very good! I like Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem that game was scary sort of!

I'm the only pretty boy on NewGrounds!

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 10:26:27

At 7/20/06 10:23 AM, DarkDragonVX wrote: Omg I am a homo

Why'd you say that?

Scariest video game moment?

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 10:35:17

Hey oook? the guy who wrote that must be homo! I was sayin a game out of random I played that was kind of ok

I'm the only pretty boy on NewGrounds!

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 10:38:48

resident evil 4
the place where the guy that's got three parasites in his body is on a bed and you have to get the key and blah blah blah...
the lights were off and it was past midnight

Taste the rainbow.

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 10:39:12

At 7/20/06 10:35 AM, DarkDragonVX wrote: I love to suck cock

I just don't understand.

Scariest video game moment?

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 10:42:09

At 7/19/06 10:37 PM, Maus wrote: Silent Hill 2, when one of the nurses skittered out from under a car, I threw the controller.

Haha I had the best mental image ever.

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 10:57:55

At 7/19/06 11:05 PM, Brokenblade wrote: When my monster lost in monster rancher 2 and I thought he died when i was like 7 years old I starting crying ='(.

I remember crying once when I accidentaly wiped my Pokémon Silver game. I spent ages training my team though. I ended up getting a more kick ass team though. I don't see how your 'experience' was scary though.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 10:59:01

When i was in grade 4-5 (im 17 now), the time of the n64 reigned. Me and my bro were playing rainbow 6. I think it was the first one. Theres lots of sneaking and covert-ness to it.
Before i continue, basically, you have you, and an ai partner behind you which is basically your second life.
The first few times he did it it was kinda funny, but scary too... My brother would just turn on us and kill us all (kinda has me wondering......) and try to do the level on his own. And find it funny when he inevitably lost. But the most scary part was when we were playing the first level. It was completely dark. Outside some house or something where they had taken some hostages. Were rushing in, im covering the right side, hes going left. Some guy just pops up in front of him. He screams louder then a harpy (and about as high pitched) which scares the crap out of me. Altho it still is pretty funny today :) After that, nothing really bothers me that much... I mean just out of nowhere hearing that loud scream.... even counterstrike ninjas cant bother me.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 11:15:41

My scariest video game moment was playing "Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy"

The blocks! The kittens! The horror! O_O

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-07-20 11:22:11

In an old, old zombie mod for half life 1 called They Hunger. In episode 3, you're all alone in a hospital, and all you can hear is a baby crying. Once you find the crying baby, there actually is no crying baby, it's just a human heart lying under a blanket.

You see the sillhouette of a nurse behind a curtain, but when she comes out, she's all bloddy and half of her face is gone. Then she swings wildly at you with an axe.

It doesn't seem scary when you read it I know, but that game scared the shit out of me when I played it.