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Scariest video game moment?

24,126 Views | 463 Replies

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 09:11:25

I got a few...

1) The tentacle scene in Maniac Mansion.

2) The bit in Silent Hill 2 when you knock on the toilet and as you leave some fucking thing slams against the door. I nearly miscarried.

3) The scissor man in clock tower 2.

4) The whole of Resident Evil 1.

5) The Suffering near the beginning when the thing falls through the glass roof.

Look who's here for your birthday sweetie!

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 09:20:41

Anyone who mention's RE4 is a wuss, the only scares (which barely classify as scares) are shock jump out at you things.

My personal favourite (or least favourite if you want) scary moments are the Labrynth part of Silent Hill 2 or the nightmare hospital of number 3.

Lol Myspace

Jemry is where children come from.

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 09:27:40

Btw, I'm not saying it's a bad game coz I do love it, just I'm saying that if it wasn't for the violence then a child could play it without and emotional scarring.

Lol Myspace

Jemry is where children come from.

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 09:34:54

I gotta go with Silent hill 1...when you first follow Cheryl down the bloody alley and you come up on a a wheelchair, a body wrapped in a sheet.....then the crucified body at the end.....totally freaky

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 10:56:45

DOOM 3 was always good. It would put hairs on your chest.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 10:59:10

At 11/6/06 10:56 AM, RadioactiveJack wrote: DOOM 3 was always good. It would put hairs on your chest.

It was scary at some points. But most of those points were "jump-at-you-causing-you-to-jump" it did have a pretty gritty/industrial atmosphere though.


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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 19:06:37

At 11/6/06 10:56 AM, RadioactiveJack wrote: DOOM 3 was always good. It would put hairs on your chest

Hell yeah to that.

I am Darknessium, I do not forgive, I do not forget.

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 19:10:24

At 11/6/06 09:20 AM, Jemry wrote: Anyone who mention's RE4 is a wuss, the only scares (which barely classify as scares) are shock jump out at you things.

I gotta agree with you there, it was more action than horror. The only time I jumped was when a zombie burst out of an oven and it was on fire. Great game, but not exactly horror

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 19:31:57

One time i was watching my brother play Silent Hill 1 on PS when i was like 7. In this dark hallway, these little fetus babies are attacking you, or trying to, as they are super slow. It scared the shit out of me because they made little whiny noises when they saw you. :( Though it was also really funny, because he was batting the things with a crowbar. I was laughing my ass off and cowering at the same time.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 19:34:15

Resident Evil 2 and 3: The parts were that Tyrant 103 guy comes flying out of walls.....and that part when you reach the factory and you have to get that key from the control room where you see him on the cam. For RE3 I'd have to say the part where he pops out of that little ass window in the police station and when he trys to snipe you with his rocket launcher from that building...

Thanks to MadCow for my ultra bad ass sig.

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 19:40:55

this wasn't exactly horrifying, just streesful scary. there was one time where I played zombies on Halo 2 live (for those who don't know, in zombies, it starts with one green guy-the zombie- and the rest are red- humans. the zombies use only swords and humans only use either shotguns or pistols and everytime a human is beat down by a zombie, he becomes a zombie and the game is over either by the time limit ending or everyone's a zombie)
anyway we played on headlong and I was the last human in a 12 person game. I was trapped in the corner by the wrecked bus and EVERY SINGLE ZOMBIE comes at me at once! I had a shotgun and took about 5 of them out before they finally got me

"Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional."

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 20:11:04

haha, i never thought those custom games were scary, maybe jumped once or twice just from reaction of shooting them in the head. whats really scary is how immature ppl can be on that game, and their age haha.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 20:13:24

Pac Man scares the crap outta me.


Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 20:20:31

Whenever the power goes out and you did'nt save.It's also the most angry moment.


Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 20:24:43

i was playing evil dead a fistful of boomstick and ash was walking down the road and it was reeeeaaaally quiet.... and suddenly the wall blows open from a mental hospital and an insane guy with his whole abdomen ripped open with organs hanging everywhere, jumps on my back and bites my head!!!!!

It rubs the lotion on its' skin or else it gets the hose again.

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 20:26:19

Opening credits to Blades of Steel. Obv.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 20:32:09

I think the most scary, and most extremely awsome part of my game was in Dead Rising, i had borrowed my dads HD projecter he uses for work, I had 3 friends watching with me, it was 12 oclock at night on sat. I was in the maitenence room, and i was carrying 5 bombs, i had to get them outta the room, but, about 3 thousand zombies were blocking me, i was walkig all over them, gettig bitten by em, and the bass was on full. That was the most amazing part of a game i have ever experiensed. Great game.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 20:35:46

At 11/6/06 09:11 AM, Poppa-Boogaloo wrote: I got a few...

1) The tentacle scene in Maniac Mansion.

2) The bit in Silent Hill 2 when you knock on the toilet and as you leave some fucking thing slams against the door. I nearly miscarried.

3) The scissor man in clock tower 2.

4) The whole of Resident Evil 1.

5) The Suffering near the beginning when the thing falls through the glass roof.

i didnt think people played my favorite game console anymore!!! NES is the greatest...

It rubs the lotion on its' skin or else it gets the hose again.

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-06 21:01:50

Damn! I've got to say a bunch of scenes from Silent Hill 4. Now that's an incredible, well made game I <3, but it scared me shitless the first time I played it.

Now, for scariest scene;
-In the beginning, when that ghost comes out of the wall
-In The Forest World, when Jasper is burning up
-In The Building World, when Richard is being electrocuted
-When you meet Cynthia's ghost
-When you meet Jasper's ghost
-When you meet Andrew's ghost
-When you meet Richard's ghost
-When you find Walter's dead body in your room
-And all those times you walk down the Staircase

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-09 20:54:14

At 11/6/06 09:01 PM, CelticClock wrote:

Every twist in the game of silent hill 4 almost.

Thanks for ruining the entire game for those who havent played it. <3 <3 <3

Your really smart, by the way.

I am Darknessium, I do not forgive, I do not forget.

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-09 20:59:16

Doom Fucking 3.

I was crouching on the ground, hitting a body part with my flashlight. I had 25 health left and I was playing on nightmare mode.

So im hitting the thing, and out of nowhere a fucking 3 headed guy comes around the corner and nails me twice. I moved the couch i was so scared.

dafuq? | xbl gt - FATTYCANTJUMP | Lord Stanley Is Ours

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-09 21:01:13

I won't really call this scary, because I didn't shit myself, anyways:

Counter strike source zombie mod.

The T's and CT's are allies in this mod. About 30 seconds into the game, one random person is chosen as a zombie, their skin looks like the zombies from half life 2. Everytime the zombie stabs a human, they become a zombie. Anyways:

Me and 4 other people were ontop of this mountain (Let me tell you, the zombies can stack on eachother to reach you). There was a horde of zombies below us trying to stack on eachother, we had to shoot the ones ontop so they couldn't stack, the map we were playing on was VERY foggy. Then, all the zombies walked away for some reason (Note, these are real players, not bots) after the last survivor on the otherside of the map was killed, all the zombies came to us at once. It was fucking scary, they came from all directions AT ONCE!.

We then died and the zombies won the round.

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-09 21:01:57

At 7/19/06 10:52 PM, MetalDart wrote:
Or naked Raiden.

Now that is the scarest moment in time....

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-09 22:45:16

At 11/6/06 11:17 AM, DarkSytze wrote: Half Life2: Episode one, where you get in the Stalker Train and beland into the underground parking spaces where loads of sleeping headcrabs and zombies are, your going to freak out when your flashlight runs out like it did by mine, and I heard screaming zombies everywhere but I didn't know where to shoot. >:(

Same here.

Scariest: The headcrabs/zombies/zombines attacking you and you run out of battery for your flashlight. Maybe that stalker that tried to rape Alyx.

CS zombie mod is also fucking scary, I mean you use only some weapons and the flashlight, which means if you run out of ammo, money, and flashlight, then you are screwed. Plus when you get stabbed, you turn into a zombie as well.

Asian Users Club, Fighting racism since 1882.

Sig made by: InsertFunnyUserName.

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-16 11:56:29

In Mario 64, when Boo jumps out.
Scared me shitless.

Lies make baby Jesus cry, bitch.

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-16 12:01:01

Ummm...I dont get scared : S

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Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-16 12:19:11

Playing Half Life 2, I was in a run-down house, and a zombie spawned where it shouldn't have - the stairs were destroyed and I walked through the entire upper floor before going into that room and there was nothing - and scared the crap out of me, and I then proceeded to blow myself up with a rocket launcher.

Oh, and a zombie jumped out of a puddle of radioactive sludge and did the same thing, scared the crap outta me.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-16 13:31:35

DOOM 3. Followed a guy into a dark area with only his light to guide me, whipped out my shotgun for protection and kept close behind. His light suddenly went out and a screaming imp leapt from the darkness. I crapped myself and fired into the darkness until he was dead. I whipped out my torch and found the man was dead (oops), I could also hear more imps so i ran around in the darkness screaming, until I jumped off a ledge and died. Never played DOOM again,,,

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-16 15:18:59

Silent hill.

the whole thing.

i can't sleep now.

Response to Scariest video game moment? 2006-11-16 15:24:40

The flood levels in halo 2 (OMG freeeeky)

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