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Newground's Department of defense.

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Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-07 02:02:11

If a complete reboot is feasible, then I want you all to know that I'll be able to take part in it - this has been a great hug, and I'm sure that if it were to be restarted then in time it once again will be.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-07 02:37:26

If you revive this place, you can count me in for the time being.

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-07 03:05:00

I'd gladly join in for a revival, but there would need to be more. And someone would need to think up a fair ranking system, based on activity and quality. That's where this place broke apart: a ranking system reboot that was abandoned and forgotten. Somehow the story sounds familiar, I remember some site that died because it promised a redesign that never came, but I forget what site. I dunno, I just remember these things.

If anyone who desires a revival wants to volunteer for such a rank reboot, they should do so. Otherwise I'll have to end up doing it, and I'm a rather forgetful, disorganized person.

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-07 20:05:20

If this does get back up and running I would love to take part in it.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-07 20:36:56

I'm going to talk to life about revamping this club on a day that he's.... a little... a little more fit to plan something organized. :P Even though I had been removed from the club way back in the past I'm sure I'm more than qualified to help this thing get back on track.

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-07 20:41:47

Reboot? I am in baby(if it happens). But to be fair here maybe we should see how many people want to join if this place rises from the ashes. What's the point of reboot if maybe five people join? Maybe ten or something on those lines. If this place is revived just shoot me a PM and I'll join.

Siq by Limited thanks man! Ghost/Supernatural Club / High Society/ NGPD

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-08 19:02:34

At 10/7/10 12:44 AM, life wrote:
At 3/20/10 11:58 PM, DarkSoldier wrote:
At 3/6/10 08:10 PM, Cole wrote: So, this place kind of just...died, didn't it? That's some sad stuff. I have many fond memories of it.
Yeah, I'll always remember this place. One day though, it will be brought back and active again. :)
I'm up for a reboot.

That is great to hear!

I'll be honest with you, I have been working on reviving the NGDD the past couple of weeks. First off, I wanted to make a more simpler model of the LD System. One that doesn't require a lot of work to maintain.

Secondly, I noticed that one of the big things here at the NGDD was merchandise and I'm wondering if there is any other thing we could use to replace merchandise that isn't costly $$$ and will keep people interested in this place.


Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-09 09:22:18

If there is indeed a reboot, I would love to join. It would be my honor to serve Newgrounds.

Joining the NGDD
So you want to join the NGDD? All you need to do is to post saying which department you would like to be in

I would like to apply for the BBS department, as well as the Audio department.


Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-10 12:26:39

At 10/9/10 03:52 PM, Lizzardis wrote:
At 10/8/10 07:02 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: I'll be honest with you, I have been working on reviving the NGDD the past couple of weeks. First off, I wanted to make a more simpler model of the LD System. One that doesn't require a lot of work to maintain.
I'm in completely! A reboot sounds like a bloody good idea to me, and it's probably what this place needs to get itself back on track again. I'm just thinking though DS... Why don't you start putting your ideas for the LD system, now you're making it a lot simpler, on the BBS. Therefore we can talk about them and what not. Not only will that bring attention to the club, but then it will be more organised and you will have A LOT more help.

Sure, most of the ideas for the old model of the LD System are being scrapped because of how complicated they made things. However, the new ideas I have should hopefully make things much less complicated and easier to work with.

Also, if that fails... The NGDD should have it's own private forums, maybe if someone would like to make one, or host one, I'll help out however much you need me, and it will be a nice place to hang out and put forward your ideas for the LD system, and we can put forward our views.

That is of course, if you choose not to do that here on the BBS.

I personally, would like to have most of the discussion regarding the NGDD right here in our thread.

Rather then using the NGDD Bot we have on Newgrounds to show our roster and such, we will just use a separate private forum to do so. But again, most of the discussion regarding things should stay right here in this thread.

I had created a private forum a long time ago for the NGDD, however, I no longer remember the site address or log in information. So I created a new private forum: http://ngdd.freeforums.org/ - I'm currently working on fixing up the permissions and forum content. Administrator permission will be awarded to the top Leaders of the NGDD. Global Moderator will be handed on to the Department Leaders. And NGDD Members will have regular permissions with special access to some private forum sections.

Speaking of Department Leaders... we'll now be selecting people for those positions. Please post in this thread (or PM me) stating why you think you'd be a good Department Leader and how much time per week you think you could spend here at the NGDD.

The current departments of the NGDD which need Dept. Leaders are:

-> Internal Affairs Department will be handled by the NGDD Leaders.

I'm just saying maybe it would be much more efficient and helpful. I'm only thinking of you here, and I'm 110% behind a reboot of the NGDD. Once things get into play as well, I could also do the rosters, but we'll get to that when it comes up and we actually get this place rolling.

If you need any help DS, or an opinion of sorts, I'm always around lurking. Feel free to PM me, and I'm pretty sure that everyone will say the same. It just shows how much support you really have behind you. I would hope that this idea of a reboot sticks, and not the last time where it kind of just "fizzled out".

Yes... I'm hoping to get the NGDD back in action too. Help is always greatly appreciated! ;)

For new members looking to join:
Please tell us which department you'd like to be in and why you think you'd make a good member for the NGDD.

We will review applications and let you know what decision is in a period of three days.

- John

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-10 14:31:43

At 10/10/10 12:26 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: Speaking of Department Leaders... we'll now be selecting people for those positions. Please post in this thread (or PM me) stating why you think you'd be a good Department Leader and how much time per week you think you could spend here at the NGDD.
For new members looking to join:
Please tell us which department you'd like to be in and why you think you'd make a good member for the NGDD.

We will review applications and let you know what decision is in a period of three days.

I would like to join the Newgrounds Department of Defense. Being that I am dedicated to Newgrounds and often go out of my way to help others, I think I would make a good member of the NGDD. I am always looking for a way to help Newgrounds and this is a great place to do it!

I would like to be in the BBS Department. I believe I meet the requirements that have been set. Although I don't quite exactly meet the requirements to join the Audio and Flash Departments, I am applying for those as well.

To be completely honest, I am sure there are much more capable people as leaders. Regardless, I will still throw my hat in the ring. As a hard-working, responsible person I would think I make a good Department leader. Excluding Mondays due to band practice, I could spend every day of the week here from 5PM - 9PM ; longer on weekends. As I have said, I am sure there are much more capable people for the positions, but consider my application as well.

I am looking forward to serving in the NGDD. Thank you.


Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-10 16:23:18

So here's an idea that I have that we could hopefully build upon. For the point system, we will be using LD Points that will run like a currency. I'm thinking of allowing users to spend their points to buy items from the NG Store. The only problem is I'm not 18 and don't have a credit card, so unless someone would be so generous as to fund the NGDD for merchandise, we won't be able to make items from the store available.

But anyway, the idea is that as you serve Newgrounds, you gain more LD Points (which are like money). Once you get like 2500 points, you can buy 5 NG's Logo stickers, we then deduct 2500 from your LD Points. But this is like a first come first serve kind of thing. After someone buys the 5 Stickers, that item will be unavailable for a certain period of time until we find the funding to be able to purchase more.

Now, you don't have to buy items, you can save up your LD Points and show how dedicated you're to NG's. The items are just a nice thank you for helping protect Newgrounds. ;-)

The items would be something like this:
NG Logo Stickers - 2500 Points
Angry Faic Stickers - 7000 Points
NG Shirt - 15,000 Points
Calendar - 25,000 Points

How do you earn points? By participating in activities (contests) and earning points from your respective department.

If you're part of the BBS Department, every 10 posts will earn you 10 points. Ideally, each post is worth 1 point. At the end of each month, we will dedicate the last week of that month towards counting up points. So if you're in the BBS Dept. and you posted 100 posts this month, you have to let the BBS Department Leader know. The BBS Dept. Leader will then check to see if what you're saying is correct and if it is, you will be awarded 100 LD points.

The forums are now ready, please check it out and register if you're a NGDD Member: http://ngdd.freeforums.org/

Speaking of NGDD Members, I'm uncertain who is still a current member. So if you were a previous NGDD Member and are still interested in being part of the NGDD, just let me know what Department you were in and I will add you to it.

At 10/10/10 02:31 PM, Alfraydo wrote:
At 10/10/10 12:26 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: Speaking of Department Leaders... we'll now be selecting people for those positions. Please post in this thread (or PM me) stating why you think you'd be a good Department Leader and how much time per week you think you could spend here at the NGDD.
For new members looking to join:
Please tell us which department you'd like to be in and why you think you'd make a good member for the NGDD.

We will review applications and let you know what decision is in a period of three days.
I would like to join the Newgrounds Department of Defense. Being that I am dedicated to Newgrounds and often go out of my way to help others, I think I would make a good member of the NGDD. I am always looking for a way to help Newgrounds and this is a great place to do it!

I would like to be in the BBS Department. I believe I meet the requirements that have been set. Although I don't quite exactly meet the requirements to join the Audio and Flash Departments, I am applying for those as well.

To be completely honest, I am sure there are much more capable people as leaders. Regardless, I will still throw my hat in the ring. As a hard-working, responsible person I would think I make a good Department leader. Excluding Mondays due to band practice, I could spend every day of the week here from 5PM - 9PM ; longer on weekends. As I have said, I am sure there are much more capable people for the positions, but consider my application as well.

I am looking forward to serving in the NGDD. Thank you.

Thank you for your application Alfraydo! I'm accepting your application and adding you to the BBS Department! As we're still working out the new requirements for each Dept. I won't be adding you to the Audio and Flash Dept. just yet. Please sign up on our forums (link above) and we will add you to our roster.

I also thank you for your Dept. Leader application. I will review it along with the other applications I have received for that position.

Thank you,
- John

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-10 16:54:42

From the look of it and all the organization going into it, this will be a successful attempt at a reboot. I'm absolutely loving the idea of using LD points as a currency for the Newgrounds store, hopefully that incentive will help keep the department active and ensure that everyone are out there doing their bit to improve the site. If I have any ideas I'll definitely chime in, although I'm unlikely to think of any ideas

I've registered on the forum, under the name EmmDubya (which, hopefully, will be my Newgrounds username the next time Tom checks his inbox).

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-10 18:13:31

Thank you! I've signed up on the forums and am honored to serve.


Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-11 02:52:02

At 10/11/10 02:25 AM, Lizzardis wrote: Just to put my application even further, there have been a couple of users who have written good things about me, and I would like to put forward those, as I think they will explain me, more than I can explain myself if you understand.

TailsPrower - Hall of Fame.

I am TailsPrower and I endorse this reference.

Good morning gentlemen! I'm quite excited to hear talk about reviving the NGDD! It has indeed been a long awaited awakening and if there's any way I can lend my support, do let me know! After all, as a representative of the NGPD, I have an obligation as an ally to give you our support! Infact, I see a lot of familiar faces already!

All the best, Dept. of Defense!

Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-11 12:30:47

Hello everyone! I would highly suggest adding a literature section to the club. I know right now it's only a part of the BBS, but as we know it'll soon have it's own portal as well. If this portion was added then I would likely like to join with that being my focus.

I'm one of Tom's writing judges for big events such as the Halloween competition going on right now. I also started the lounge in the writing forums and compete in a lot of the competitions there. (Just spent some of my store credit from a competition as well)

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-11 16:17:09

At 10/11/10 02:25 AM, Lizzardis wrote


I'm all for Lizz taking over the BBS department when the reboot fully kicks into place. Not just because he's one of my best 'internet' friends, but he's done so much to be respected on the forums. Ever since we were both fellow newfags, applying for this club on the same day, when he joined me in the NGPD, and now in the EGB together, I've absolutely adored Lizz - and that's for good reason. Throughout the months and years, his post quality has steadily risen to the point where his posts absolutely trump my own in both quality and length - making him a perfect candidate for this specific department. In the space of a year he went from a user with a relatively run-of-the-mill post quality, with average at best grammar and a lack of capitalization/punctuation to the person on Newgrounds of whom I respect the most, with an absolutely brilliant quality of posts under his belt. He shows clear maturity across the site too, being an overall ideal member of both the site and the department.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-11 19:19:25

At 10/11/10 02:25 AM, Lizzardis wrote: Aww hell, I'm probably already a member, but I'll just reapply again.

Good evening DS, I'm Lizzardis. I'd like to apply for a role in the BBS department and in the portal department. I would prefer to have the BBS position, however I'm lenient with both and will accept any given the circumstances.

I'm a hard working individual as shown by my overwhelming respect received from bother the EGB and NGPD, since they recently made me the liaison for both clubs not a long while ago, and I would like also if there was a liaison position open in this club, to possibly be able to be the liaison for the NGDD to the NGPD and EGB.

I'll look into having a liaison for the NGDD. :)

I also produce BOTH rosters for each of the clubs, examples can be seen here for the EGB and here for the NGPD. I enjoy making and creating the rosters as not only does it develop my skills in myself, but I also enjoy giving something back to Newgrounds and it's users. Since I'm not a moderator, this is the next best thing to that.

As you can see by my B/P points and my whistle, I'm a dedicated user in the portal as well. Spending most of my time there, or having it open in another tab, just to be sure.

Now, I would say that on the whole my posts are above average. I don't post as much any more mearly because it takes up too much time of my day. However, if for example I need to make a post like this, or get a spare hour, I will post or put effort into making sure I do.

My activity as a user HAS decreased quite a lot, and you know... I'm unhappy about that. However college time and social time just don't mix and I'm finding it hard at the moment, yet if I were to be made a leader of the BBS department, I would put effort into making sure I was the right choice.

Just to put my application even further, there have been a couple of users who have written good things about me, and I would like to put forward those, as I think they will explain me, more than I can explain myself if you understand.

TailsPrower - Hall of Fame.
mwmike - Recent newspost.

I would hope that you can take my application into account to be a member of the BBS and Portal department, and the application to become a department leader. Granted, it seems like I'm never really active any more, but I always have to time to lurk and answer any PM's that come my way.

Thanks DS.


Hey Lizzardis,

Thank you for submitting an application to the NGDD! I have reviewed your application and have found only but good things. You were also a previous member of the NGDD, so that increased your chances of getting into the NGDD! I will add you to the BBS Department and Portal Department.

Fellow NGDD Members, please join me in giving a warm welcome back to Lizzardis!

I will also review your Dept. Leader application and get back to you on it shortly.

Alfraydo, I have some great news! I will be adding you to the Flash and Audio Department as well!
Your Dept. Leader application has not been forgotten - it is still under-review.

At 10/11/10 02:52 AM, TailsPrower wrote:
I am TailsPrower and I endorse this reference.

Good morning gentlemen! I'm quite excited to hear talk about reviving the NGDD! It has indeed been a long awaited awakening and if there's any way I can lend my support, do let me know! After all, as a representative of the NGPD, I have an obligation as an ally to give you our support! Infact, I see a lot of familiar faces already!

All the best, Dept. of Defense!

Hey Tails,

Glad to see you! Thanks for the support, I truly appreciate it. I'll need to visit the NGPD sometime, I'm sure no one remembers that old geezer Dark? DarkSold? Was what his name already? ;)

At 10/11/10 12:30 PM, Fro wrote: Hello everyone! I would highly suggest adding a literature section to the club. I know right now it's only a part of the BBS, but as we know it'll soon have it's own portal as well. If this portion was added then I would likely like to join with that being my focus.

I'm one of Tom's writing judges for big events such as the Halloween competition going on right now. I also started the lounge in the writing forums and compete in a lot of the competitions there. (Just spent some of my store credit from a competition as well)

Hello Fro,

Creating a Literature Department here at the NGDD is something that came across my mind the other night, I am definitely considering it. Stay tune for more details on it!

mwmike, I saw your post on the NGDD forums, which department(s) would you like to be in?

- John

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-11 19:31:26

At 10/11/10 07:19 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: mwmike, I saw your post on the NGDD forums, which department(s) would you like to be in?

I'd like to return to the BBS department. I'm also considering whether to join the portal department, however for now I'll apply for the BBS dept alone, that being where I spend most of my time on the site. Thanks.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-11 20:37:44

Hello gentlemen !

Ronald-McDonald-LoL here, I'd like to apply if it is possible. I am interested in contributing to the NGDD in any way I can. I've been getting more active as time goes on, so I'm not going to disappear one day.

I've been around for a while, so I'd like to definitely apply to the portal section, and perhaps the BBS. I've registered on the private forum.

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-11 20:55:21

Ah, I feel like this is going to be a REALLY short post by comparison to the rest of the ones on this page. Anyway, I'd love to join and make this my official application.

I'm Gamewiz, I've been recently frequenting newgrounds for about a year now. I have a pretty good post quality record if I do say so myself, and have been a member of the NGPD for the last three months. I would like to apply for the BBS department and flash department. Though I don't have any news posts or fancy qualifications, I'm still ready to work my best to defend the portal and keep the crap from the BBS.

Also, I would like to congratulate everyone who's taking part in getting this place back up and running. I hope the Re-boot goes well!

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-11 21:31:20

Right I am going to apply here so here it goes...

Hello I am 34Deadman. I have been on NG for under a year and became a official member of the NGPD last August(near my birthday too). Anyway I would like to join the Forum and flash Department here. I have been very active in both the forums(lurking but still posting time to time) and am usually voting in the portal and pretty good at finding abusive reviews(If you bother to look through my BBS post you find that I found many abusive reviews lying around). I am generally a nice guy so no need to worry about me starting a riot of some sort here. My post have approved greatly since joining the NGPD(typical newfag to your slightly average poster over the small time frame of a year). I am a competitive guy and like a challenge at times.

Okay there it is and I hope you take me in as a NGDD member. I am going to register in the NGDD's PF now.

Siq by Limited thanks man! Ghost/Supernatural Club / High Society/ NGPD

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-12 07:50:51

Damn, it's getting pretty active in here again! I avoided jumping in on the redesign this time because it's fallen through before, but there's a lot of members here that I respect and seem serious about this one, so I'll try and do what I can to help. Right now I'm living off of a pretty terrible internet connection which has really limited me to the BBS, so that's the only department I want to apply for right now. As of late I've been getting back into the habit of adding the BBS to my daily life because it's football and hockey season, so I'm prepared to dedicate some time to this on the side.

I'm currently a WI/HT? Regular and a member of the EGB, although I'm currently on a hiatus due to my internet connection and how I didn't find much time for NG over the last several months, but I was active and helpful to the best of my ability during my time there and the NGPD before that. I also created and maintain the Awards Sweeping Flash Archive, which I take a lot of pride in, because it's pretty much a history lesson for all the noobsauces that missed out on watching NG turn into what it is today. Most of you guys know me pretty well and I just got off of 12 hours of work, so I think that pretty much covers credentials. Haha.

I'd also like to take this time to jump on the "kiss Liz's ass" bandwagon. :p A lot of people have done a ton for this site, but very few do it as consistently as Liz does. He has a ton of responsibilities that have a constant demand for him, and he has handled them all superbly as long as he's had them. I'd recommend him for the department head simply for that. He's about as reliable a guy as you're going to find on here.

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-12 19:42:38

At 10/11/10 07:31 PM, mwmike wrote:
At 10/11/10 07:19 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: mwmike, I saw your post on the NGDD forums, which department(s) would you like to be in?
I'd like to return to the BBS department. I'm also considering whether to join the portal department, however for now I'll apply for the BBS dept alone, that being where I spend most of my time on the site. Thanks.

Sure, welcome back to the NGDD! Your forum account has been updated. :)

At 10/11/10 08:37 PM, Ronald-McDonald-LoL wrote: Hello gentlemen !

Ronald-McDonald-LoL here, I'd like to apply if it is possible. I am interested in contributing to the NGDD in any way I can. I've been getting more active as time goes on, so I'm not going to disappear one day.

I've been around for a while, so I'd like to definitely apply to the portal section, and perhaps the BBS. I've registered on the private forum.


I've reviewed your application and am accepting it. Welcome to the NGDD BBS and Portal Department!
Glad to have you with us!

At 10/11/10 08:55 PM, Gamewiz wrote: Ah, I feel like this is going to be a REALLY short post by comparison to the rest of the ones on this page. Anyway, I'd love to join and make this my official application.

I'm Gamewiz, I've been recently frequenting newgrounds for about a year now. I have a pretty good post quality record if I do say so myself, and have been a member of the NGPD for the last three months. I would like to apply for the BBS department and flash department. Though I don't have any news posts or fancy qualifications, I'm still ready to work my best to defend the portal and keep the crap from the BBS.

Also, I would like to congratulate everyone who's taking part in getting this place back up and running. I hope the Re-boot goes well!

I hope the reboot goes very well too!

I have reviewed your application. I can accept you into the BBS Department but unfortunately, you do not meet the Flash Department requirements, that being said, I think what would suit you more is our Portal Department as that is where we focus mainly on protecting the portal.

You can check out the department summaries and requirements right here:
http://ngdd.freeforums.org/department-su mmaries-t6.html

Sign up on the NGDD Forums and I will add you as a member of the BBS and Portal Department. :)

At 10/11/10 09:31 PM, 34Deadman wrote: Right I am going to apply here so here it goes...

Hello I am 34Deadman. I have been on NG for under a year and became a official member of the NGPD last August(near my birthday too). Anyway I would like to join the Forum and flash Department here. I have been very active in both the forums(lurking but still posting time to time) and am usually voting in the portal and pretty good at finding abusive reviews(If you bother to look through my BBS post you find that I found many abusive reviews lying around). I am generally a nice guy so no need to worry about me starting a riot of some sort here. My post have approved greatly since joining the NGPD(typical newfag to your slightly average poster over the small time frame of a year). I am a competitive guy and like a challenge at times.

Okay there it is and I hope you take me in as a NGDD member. I am going to register in the NGDD's PF now.

Great application! However, as I told Gamewiz, you unfortunately, do not meet the Flash Department requirements either. That being said, I can place you in the Portal Department, judging by your post, that seems to be the department that would best suit you for protecting the portal.

So let me know if you'd like that and I'll place you in the BBS and Portal Department. ;)

At 10/12/10 07:50 AM, michelinman wrote: Damn, it's getting pretty active in here again! I avoided jumping in on the redesign this time because it's fallen through before, but there's a lot of members here that I respect and seem serious about this one, so I'll try and do what I can to help. Right now I'm living off of a pretty terrible internet connection which has really limited me to the BBS, so that's the only department I want to apply for right now. As of late I've been getting back into the habit of adding the BBS to my daily life because it's football and hockey season, so I'm prepared to dedicate some time to this on the side.

I'm currently a WI/HT? Regular and a member of the EGB, although I'm currently on a hiatus due to my internet connection and how I didn't find much time for NG over the last several months, but I was active and helpful to the best of my ability during my time there and the NGPD before that. I also created and maintain the Awards Sweeping Flash Archive, which I take a lot of pride in, because it's pretty much a history lesson for all the noobsauces that missed out on watching NG turn into what it is today. Most of you guys know me pretty well and I just got off of 12 hours of work, so I think that pretty much covers credentials. Haha.

I'd also like to take this time to jump on the "kiss Liz's ass" bandwagon. :p A lot of people have done a ton for this site, but very few do it as consistently as Liz does. He has a ton of responsibilities that have a constant demand for him, and he has handled them all superbly as long as he's had them. I'd recommend him for the department head simply for that. He's about as reliable a guy as you're going to find on here.

Nice application! I have reviewed it and have some great news! I'm accepting it - welcome to the NGDD!

Please sign up on the forums: http://ngdd.freeforums.org/index.php

New Department Leaders:
Lizzardis - BBS Department
Alfraydo - Audio Department

Please also welcome back NGDD Leader... TheThing!

- John

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-13 15:41:34

At 10/12/10 07:42 PM, DarkSoldier wrote:
At 10/11/10 08:55 PM, Gamewiz wrote: I'm Gamewiz, I've been recently frequenting newgrounds for about a year now. I have a pretty good post quality record if I do say so myself, and have been a member of the NGPD for the last three months. I would like to apply for the BBS department and flash department. Though I don't have any news posts or fancy qualifications, I'm still ready to work my best to defend the portal and keep the crap from the BBS.
I have reviewed your application. I can accept you into the BBS Department but unfortunately, you do not meet the Flash Department requirements, that being said, I think what would suit you more is our Portal Department as that is where we focus mainly on protecting the portal.

You can check out the department summaries and requirements right here:
http://ngdd.freeforums.org/department-su mmaries-t6.html

Oh, My fault I must have misread the posts about the Flash department and Portal department. Oh well! I would like to accept both positions in the BBS and Portal departments! Thank you for taking the time to look over my application, and I'm ready to serve!

Though I would like it to be known that I won't be very active until this weekend, I've got some stuff going on this week, so I won't have much time until Friday.

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-13 15:59:15

At 10/10/10 04:23 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: So here's an idea that I have that we could hopefully build upon. For the point system, we will be using LD Points that will run like a currency. I'm thinking of allowing users to spend their points to buy items from the NG Store. The only problem is I'm not 18 and don't have a credit card, so unless someone would be so generous as to fund the NGDD for merchandise, we won't be able to make items from the store available.

Perhaps Tom wouldn't mind supplying the merchandise for free? It's not like it would be given out too often. I'll send him an email with a link to the thread and maybe some other people can PM him in case he misses it.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-13 16:07:14

Also, I agree on the lit section.

Maybe PMing people about the reboot from the last like 20 pages who were active posters and are still around would be a decent idea as well. I don't have time right now but if I check back and no one wants to do it I'll give it a go.

What do people think of a new thread? I'd like to keep this one since it's my baby but I can defiantly see how a fresh thread will attract new people and feel more like a reboot.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-13 16:32:17

At 10/13/10 04:07 PM, life wrote: What do people think of a new thread? I'd like to keep this one since it's my baby but I can defiantly see how a fresh thread will attract new people and feel more like a reboot.

I'd be all for a new thread, however due to the fact that the changes of structure could probably be explained pretty simply to people whom apply for the club according to the original post, it's not exactly vital. This is already the second DoD thread thus far, too, if I'm correct.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-13 17:53:55

Hmmm revival of the NGDD huh? Well it looks like I have many old friends here that are joining up, I think I would fit in well.

I am SpiffyMasta for those that don't know, former Unit Ops Officer of the NGPD and current member of the EGB. I am also part of the memberlist of the Wi/Ht forums. I am sure Lizzardis, mwmike, TailsPrower and Fro can count as references for my application.

I would very much like to join the Portal and BBS departments, as those are the two main parts of this website I usually frequent.

Looking forward to this!

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-13 19:27:15

Thank you DS I accept my role in the portal and BBS department.

Siq by Limited thanks man! Ghost/Supernatural Club / High Society/ NGPD

BBS Signature

Response to Newground's Department of defense. 2010-10-13 22:58:39

The reboot seems to be going well!

At 10/13/10 04:07 PM, life wrote: What do people think of a new thread?

I'm undecided on the new thread. Although it may attract more potential members, it would be the third one (if I am not mistaken). I would very much like to keep this thread alive rather than start anew again.