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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 16:57:24

At 3/24/09 04:51 PM, byteslinger wrote: Missing review

When a person deletes their submission or say you reviewed a submission that ended up being deleted because it was stolen you won't actually receive a message from a bot telling you the review was deleted. This is something you really don't have too much control over.

I tend to lose audio reviews like this all of the time.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 16:59:24

Shame on me for completely missing the post one. I read it as you DIDNT lose a post the first time that I read through your post. Oh well we all make mistakes.

Sometimes forum moderators will lock a thread after it is old enough. (Usually spam threads) And will delete them after they are old or after a given amount of time has passed. I doubt it was your individual post that was deleted, but probably an entire topic that was deleted.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 18:28:18

At 3/24/09 04:20 PM, Corky52 wrote:
At 3/21/09 05:21 PM, aldlv wrote:
of HER name... and yes, is Krev
Haha, I swear I'll get it right next time. I guarantee that I get it right next time by making next time right now. But is it next time if it's right now? Who cares.. Krev is a she, a her, a girl, etc... I will not call Krev a him, he, boy, guy, man, etc.. from now on.

hahaha... this was a little bit exaggerated but XD

ohh right... i mean
this was a little bit exaggerated Commender but XD

i can't wait to get that rank
At 3/21/09 11:21 PM, TheThing wrote:
It is a very serious thing, and there are going to be those bastards that make fun of it, but quite frankly, Tom is an idiot. First, he nonchalantly posts that he's going to burn down his school, then actually brings in the fuel can and matches.
Which means he wanted to be caught right? You don't say something like that unless you really want to be caught.

there was a really small possibility he was joking

imagine he said he was going to turn fire the school, and he had chemistry project, and he just need to show something, and then he would post an image saying... haha looks at me burning the school and he show of what he was doing
and all that was a joke

but i really don't what i just say has a minimal part of true

i just like using possibilities


With posts on Newgrounds, most are skeptical about things like that, especially the way he put it. I guess he was trying to make it a joke so no one would believe him.
I don't believe he was trying to joke. I don't think he was ever going to do it, but that he was trying to make his peers fear him. He doesn't want anyone to pick on him and now they won't do it. Not in front of his face at least.

But really, anyone could do something like this; it's not like he actually burned down his school; only threatened to and brought in the gasoline. Anyone can point a gun at someone, but it takes a real balls to pull the trigger

la intenciĆ³n es lo que cuenta
in english it would be something like
the intention is what matters

It takes real balls to pull a trigger? Wow.. that is one of the most terrible things that I have ever heard. That's the total opposite of what a person should think. It's almost like your nagging someone on.

It takes a man with balls to realize how stupid something is and not pull the trigger.

i agree

I don't think all of this spyware is bad though. I think some of it is just stuff that remembers your password, etc..

but spyware is not only that... having a theft who is getting your credit card (if you used it on internet obviously)
all your password, including Ng password... and giving a lot of annoying advertisements

about if it comes from Ng.. damn... we can't thrust on all the flashes right?

i don't even like the alias detection action script... when i first so it, well is the first time i change my NG password, you know

On another note, blams are plentiful this week. I have many more than I do saves at the moment even though it's only Monday. I like when things work out like this.

i see... portal is changing day a day

Lastly, to those who didn't notice yet we have a new review moderator. Stop by and congratulate them on the honor.

deckheadtottie... how did i never heard of this user?

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 20:10:19

That also applies for a fileswapping violation.


Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 20:18:21

At 3/21/09 11:21 PM, TheThing wrote:
It takes real balls to pull a trigger? Wow.. that is one of the most terrible things that I have ever heard. That's the total opposite of what a person should think. It's almost like your nagging someone on.

What I really meant was it takes a real will to hurt some one to pull that trigger. I just could only verbalize at the time with "balls".

Basically, anyone can point a gun, but not many can pull the trigger to kill some one. It takes a lot of hate or will power to do that.

It takes a man with balls to realize how stupid something is and not pull the trigger.

It takes a wussy who want's to take the easy way out to pull the trigger.

I'm not talking about suicide; I'm talking about killing some one else. Yes, killing yourself is a wussy thing to do, but killing some else is a different story.

At 3/23/09 10:07 AM, TheThing wrote:
Not all spam groups are bad, and in fact, not all groups are bad. If they make good animations, they aren't a spam group. They're like the Clock Crew.
If they make good animations they aren't spam groups? Spam can be animated well and still be spam.

Like you said, that depends on what you consider spam. I wouldn't call the Clock Crew spam, but I would call the Robot Rangers (whose's game I did enjoy) spam because they would submit it over and over again.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 20:33:26

At 3/24/09 04:59 PM, Corky52 wrote: Nice replies to my questions about post and review deletions without 'bot messages

Thank you, Corky, for clearing that up. It makes sense now. :)

And no hard feelings on that flash review, alright?


Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 21:55:55

Well I fell really upset I read about the BBS being history once the new redesign comes on here http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1040 814/1. This is such a upsetting post because I love the BBS so the clubs may all go this is really bad news I love the EGB and gone on General since the Rage's thread got locked. I don't know what to make of this. Some say he was only joking but alas I'm not so sure why would Dry-Ice say those things. I find stolen flashes by looking through the portal and stuff and by saving the links. Yes I thought it was great about DeckHeadTottie being made a review mod. But with this redesign its sounds like NG Chat will replace of the forums that is such a shame and its so bleak to think what will happen to the clubs section ,and stuff still I guess we will here more soon.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 21:57:54

There are always boards like Proboards and IPB and whatnot. Much better than the BBS in my opinion.

Because there's no Poozy there. *hides in corner of my Proboard account*

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 22:20:19

At 3/24/09 09:55 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: Well I fell really upset I read about the BBS being history once the new redesign comes on here http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1040 814/1.

All he's saying is that he thinks that the BBS would be kind of useless with the new features, which is wrong. I'd like an NG chat, but I'd also like a place where all of my words are stored, along with a place to have a discussion when not everyone is on.

I really don't see how Art and Lit portals and a instant messenger make the BBS unnecessary.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 22:20:45

At 3/24/09 09:55 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: Well I fell really upset I read about the BBS being history once the new redesign comes on here http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1040 814/1. This is such a upsetting post because I love the BBS so the clubs may all go this is really bad news I love the EGB and gone on General since the Rage's thread got locked. I don't know what to make of this. Some say he was only joking but alas I'm not so sure why would Dry-Ice say those things. I find stolen flashes by looking through the portal and stuff and by saving the links. Yes I thought it was great about DeckHeadTottie being made a review mod. But with this redesign its sounds like NG Chat will replace of the forums that is such a shame and its so bleak to think what will happen to the clubs section ,and stuff still I guess we will here more soon.

I understand how you feel. If the BBS was removed in favor of a chat room, well, say goodbye to all of this. Now, I do not have any details other than from what I've been reading, but I would like to think that Tom and Wade are a bit more intelligent than most people. They might prune down different BBS topics, or limit them to some degree. But as long as there are portals, someone has to stand guard. That would be us and the NGPD. With us gone, NG would quickly be a spammer's paradise. We do serve a purpose here, and I don't think that in the redesign, we will get squeezed out. Maybe he'll just lock a few forums so we can't make any new ones ourselves - I've seen limited BBS's like that where the general user community could only add posts and responses, but not create entirely new threads. If that's the case, as long as we have a BBS to run on, we'll be okay.

I wish I had more answers. I hope we all have a place after the redesign - or it really will be a sad day on the internet for all of us.

Slash, if you're reading this, I know you speak to Tom a lot. If you can, please find out what he has in mind for this group. I'd like to think we won't be homeless after the next version - but only Tom knows for sure...

In the meantime, I will continue to fight the good fight. As Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over until it's over!"


Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 22:25:14

I doubt they will ever get rid of thr forums anytime soon. Look at it this way there are over 8,000 posts every day and meny topics that get posted in dozens of times each day. It's not like there are no more new users comming to the forums. They keep on comming in the Wi/Ht forum asking questions and making very bad spelling errors and grammer mistakes. If they do come to a end the clubs and crews/ Wi/Ht would be the ones to survive.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 22:27:53

Slash, if you're reading this, I know you speak to Tom a lot. If you can, please find out what he has in mind for this group. I'd like to think we won't be homeless after the next version - but only Tom knows for sure...

In the meantime, I will continue to fight the good fight. As Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over until it's over!"


Yes Its there site they can do what we like but I feel the blunt message by GumOnshoe and Dry-Ice was cruel. No offense to the mods. I felt like that when Rage's thread got locked but this is far worse. I love the BBS the mods and all, I'm maybe jumping to conclusions. I'm just upset and in limbo right now. If the clubs would stay I would not find don't we add lots to Newgrounds? Hopefully we will find the real answer soon

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 22:30:19

At 3/24/09 10:25 PM, idiot-buster wrote: I doubt they will ever get rid of thr forums anytime soon. Look at it this way there are over 8,000 posts every day and meny topics that get posted in dozens of times each day. It's not like there are no more new users comming to the forums. They keep on comming in the Wi/Ht forum asking questions and making very bad spelling errors and grammer mistakes. If they do come to a end the clubs and crews/ Wi/Ht would be the ones to survive.

Yes but if you read the messages by GumOnShoe and Dry-Ice does it not sound like its the truth. Sorry to keep going on about this I will stop talking about this now.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-24 23:17:44

At 3/24/09 10:30 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: Yes but if you read the messages by GumOnShoe and Dry-Ice does it not sound like its the truth. Sorry to keep going on about this I will stop talking about this now.

It's a shame that sarcasm tags don't show up on any browser. ;-)

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 05:48:55

At 3/24/09 04:20 PM, Corky52 wrote: At 3/24/09 04:10 PM, Little-Rena wrote:

Man that takes a lot of weight off my mind. I was bricking it earlier. Im not particularly tech savy so I dont really understand 50% of what is happening on my PC.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 06:20:00

Elite guard? do sergeant count?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 06:47:16

At 3/25/09 06:20 AM, Arthuria99 wrote: Elite guard? do sergeant count?

Yes. The minimum stat requirements for entry into the Barracks is Private or higher and a Bronze Whistle or better, both of which you have. Do you want to apply?

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 07:45:45

At 3/24/09 06:28 PM, aldlv wrote:
hahaha... this was a little bit exaggerated but XD

Yeah, I over exaggerated it on purpose. :P

ohh right... i mean
this was a little bit exaggerated Commender but XD

i can't wait to get that rank

It does look pretty good. Only one more to go until I can semi-retire from B/Ping.

la intenciĆ³n es lo que cuenta
in english it would be something like
the intention is what matters

Yeah, we went over a lot of stuff like this in my social foundations class here at college. We would do presentations on questions like, "Should attempted murder be trialed the same as murder?" and of course you get so many different opinions on the matter. That's the point of the presentations though.

deckheadtottie... how did i never heard of this user?

He made a popular computer help thread in the wi/ht and was the user that called the cops with the whole sirtom thing.

At 3/24/09 08:18 PM, TheThing wrote:
At 3/21/09 11:21 PM, TheThing wrote:
It takes real balls to pull a trigger? Wow.. that is one of the most terrible things that I have ever heard. That's the total opposite of what a person should think. It's almost like your nagging someone on.
What I really meant was it takes a real will to hurt some one to pull that trigger. I just could only verbalize at the time with "balls".

I see what you mean now. I was hoping that you didn't mean what I was thinking the first time around.

Basically, anyone can point a gun, but not many can pull the trigger to kill some one. It takes a lot of hate or will power to do that.

Yeah, I understand and agree with what your saying now.

It takes a man with balls to realize how stupid something is and not pull the trigger.

It takes a wussy who want's to take the easy way out to pull the trigger.
I'm not talking about suicide; I'm talking about killing some one else. Yes, killing yourself is a wussy thing to do, but killing some else is a different story.

I don't agree with this. I think killing someone else shows the same amount of weakness as killing oneself. I was never talking about suicide here. I still think it takes the person with the most balls and most guts to not kill someone and live through life.

Going to prison or a mental hospital can be an easy way out of life for people.

Like you said, that depends on what you consider spam. I wouldn't call the Clock Crew spam, but I would call the Robot Rangers (whose's game I did enjoy) spam because they would submit it over and over again.

Yeah, that's about as far as we can really go with this because I again completely agree. We all see spam as different things.

At 3/24/09 08:33 PM, byteslinger wrote:
At 3/24/09 04:59 PM, Corky52 wrote: Nice replies to my questions about post and review deletions without 'bot messages
Thank you, Corky, for clearing that up. It makes sense now. :)

Your welcome.

And no hard feelings on that flash review, alright?

Never. I PM'd you asking for a honest review and that's exactly what I wanted. I never will get upset with a good review no matter how low the score.

I just hate useless/abusive reviews alone with low scores, which yours was clearly not.

At 3/24/09 10:25 PM, idiot-buster wrote: I doubt they will ever get rid of thr forums anytime soon. Look at it this way there are over 8,000 posts every day and meny topics that get posted in dozens of times each day. It's not like there are no more new users comming to the forums. They keep on comming in the Wi/Ht forum asking questions and making very bad spelling errors and grammer mistakes. If they do come to a end the clubs and crews/ Wi/Ht would be the ones to survive.

Hm, I do laugh a little bit when you talk about spelling error and grammar mistakes.

Things you spelled wrong..

the as thr
many as meny
coming as comming X2
grammar as grammer

Not saying that I misspell thing, but you generally do with most posts. :P

At 3/25/09 05:48 AM, ever-vigilant wrote:
At 3/24/09 04:20 PM, Corky52 wrote: At 3/24/09 04:10 PM, Little-Rena wrote:
Man that takes a lot of weight off my mind. I was bricking it earlier. Im not particularly tech savy so I dont really understand 50% of what is happening on my PC.

Ha, like I said I really don't know anything that goes on either, but I know I get that stuff from newgrounds to when I run my scans and they haven't ever done anything, which made me believe that they weren't harmful.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 07:51:44

At 3/25/09 06:47 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
At 3/25/09 06:20 AM, Arthuria99 wrote: Elite guard? do sergeant count?
Yes. The minimum stat requirements for entry into the Barracks is Private or higher and a Bronze Whistle or better, both of which you have. Do you want to apply?

Sure, i have both bronze whistle and sergeant rank

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 09:26:30

At 3/25/09 06:20 AM, Arthuria99 wrote: Elite guard? do sergeant count?

That's from the old ranking system, before the 2007 redesign. All ranks were either Police or Elite Guard, with security, civilian and militia style ranks making up the lowest levels.

After the redesign, we all got new badges and they decided to knock off the Elite Guard from the rank names.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 10:27:06

At 3/25/09 07:45 AM, Corky52 wrote:
At 3/24/09 08:18 PM, TheThing wrote: I'm not talking about suicide; I'm talking about killing some one else. Yes, killing yourself is a wussy thing to do, but killing some else is a different story.
I don't agree with this. I think killing someone else shows the same amount of weakness as killing oneself. I was never talking about suicide here. I still think it takes the person with the most balls and most guts to not kill someone and live through life.

But killing some one isn't a sign of weakness. I'm not saying it's a sign of strength, but it doesn't show weakness. It doesn't take guts not to kill some one; how many people do you know that have killed a man? Not many, I would hope.

Most people don't want to kill; in fact, they see it as a last resort. Sometimes, no amount of talking or walking away can make the problem go away. Sometimes, killing is the only solution left. And at that point, it takes guts to have to do that. If I absolutely had to, I would kill someone. I consider myself a logical, reasonable, peaceful guy, but if there was no other way, I would kill. It would probably haunt me for the rest of my life, but if there was no other solution, I would. Does that make me less of a man because I would kill when no other solution was available? I don't think so, and I hope you don't.

Going to prison or a mental hospital can be an easy way out of life for people.

That's the same as suicide. But rather than not living, you're wishing you were dead.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 10:56:59

At 3/25/09 07:51 AM, Arthuria99 wrote: Sure, i have both bronze whistle and sergeant rank

In that case...

Welcome! I'm Slash Firestorm, the Recruitment Officer and Commander of the Elite Guard Barracks, and I'll be guiding you through the recruitment process. Here's how it works.

First, I will present you with the shortened code of conduct for the Barracks, along with links to the relevant FAQ's on our forums. You must read them, understand them, and post here again confirming that you accept those principles. A simple "yes, I agree" will be sufficient. This process serves two purposes:

1) Ensuring that you're not a "drive-by applicant" who asks to join and then never comes back, and

2) Ensuring that you know how we operate so there won't be any complications in the future, such as "wait, we're not supposed to be mass voting?".

After you agree to the code of conduct, the Barracks community will discuss your qualifications and decide whether to allow you into the group. Our requirements aren't too strict; beyond the main qualifications of 2500+ B/P and a Bronze Whistle or better, we'll be looking for sufficient post quality (low number of one-liners, intelligent posts that contribute to the topic), helpful reviews, any potentially problematic flashes, stuff like that. After discussion and a vote, I'll make the final call and PM you with the results. Assuming that no objections are raised, the process usually takes a day or two.

Here is our abbreviated Code of Conduct. Read it, learn it, and post again with confirmation of your understanding. If you can't abide by these principles, say so.


1. Voting fairly.

This is the foundation of the Elite Guard Barracks. All members are expected to give every flash a fair vote, regardless of who made it or what their group affiliations are. We do not target any flash group, not favorably or in opposition; our only enemies are those who break the rules of the site, not those who merely bend them.

Everyone has a different definition of quality, and all members are expected to vote based on what they honestly feel a flash deserves, not on whether they think the flash will pass or be blammed. While Barracks members are proud of their high ranks, and are eager to compete with others, a high B/P score means nothing if achieved through petty point-whore voting, and any member who admits to doing so will be removed from the organization.

2. Stopping Portal abuse.

Numerous stolen, malicious, and unsuitable flash are submitted to the Flash Portal every day, and it is our job to ensure that as many of them are removed as possible. Members are expected to report any suspicious flash to the Barracks, including any evidence or doubts that they might have, and only whistle something if they are sure, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it is whistle-worthy.

Just as with B/P, points mean nothing if achieved through inappropriate means. There should be no blind rush to whistle a flash that is merely suspected of wrongdoing; it's better to let an uncertain case go by rather than wrongly whistle an innocent submission. If evidence of wrongdoing is discovered after a flash passes judgment, we can always (and will always) inform Wade of our findings.

In the case of a beyond-reasonable-doubt rulebreaking flash, members are encouraged to share their results with the Newgrounds Police Department and the Newgrounds Department of Defense.

3. Cleaning up the review system.

Members are expected to be familiar with the review guidelines and whistle abusive reviews when they come across them, and report severe cases of abuse to a review mod. Additionally, members are expected to write helpful reviews, offering constructive criticism and remaining civil even when the author refuses to do so. We must set a good example for other Newgrounders, in hopes that they will improve their own reviews as well.

4. Setting an example for others to follow.

Barracks members are expected to post intelligently, contributing to threads rather than merely dropping a one-liner opinion on it. Flaming, spamming, and other ban-worthy behavior is strictly prohibited, and extreme misbehavior will lead to removal from the EGB.

Members are also expected to act civilly towards all Newgrounders. You are expected to be helpful and patient when dealing with newer members, whether simply showing them the FAQ or explaining more complex concepts that they do not understand. Concepts such as fair voting, intelligent posting/reviewing, and keeping an open mind are essential for newer members to learn, and we are just the ones to teach them.

For those with more experience, you are expected to show respect and understand that they may, in fact, know more about Newgrounds than you do, even if you're a seasoned veteran. This applies both to fellow Barracks members and Newgrounders in the general population.

Members are expected to put reasonable effort into any flash or audio submissions, and be careful with who they become Portal Buddies with. We are quite generous with our definition of reasonable effort; examples of unacceptable submissions would be static images, single frames, ridiculously small loops, or purposefully bad music. Anyone submitting rulebreaking content would, obviously, be removed from the Barracks and reported to Wade.

5. Not starting shit.

As mentioned above, the Barracks has no enemies beyond those who break the rules of the site. Our roster has included current and former members of various flash groups, including the Clock Crew, Barney Bunch, and Kitty Krew, and we are open to anyone willing to follow our principles. Barracks members are expected to be civil to others and not start fights, and anyone found to be starting shit with anyone, even if they deserve it, will be removed. You are representing the Barracks with your actions, and if your actions do not reflect our principles, you will not be a part of the organization.

6. Remaining active with the group.

Barracks members are expected to remain reasonably active in the thread, as well as with their duties. Those who are inactive for long periods (months) may be removed from the roster at any time, and rollcalls are occasionally sent out to all members to determine who is active. Members who expect to be inactive for some time due to IRL reasons (such as school, employment, vacation, etc) should inform the Barracks in advance.


In addition to the above, please examine the following materials.

The Barracks Manifesto
The Barracks FAQ



Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 11:42:41

At 3/25/09 09:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: After the redesign, we all got new badges and they decided to knock off the Elite Guard from the rank names.

I liked it better with the Elite Guard thing, lol. You know what would be intresting, having civilian ranks going all the way up to the final police rank and having an opinion to either have police rank B/P icons or Elite Guard ones because maybe some preople prefer having police badges, lol. And obviously make the final police ranks look better ;)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 17:29:37


The Elite Guard Barracks

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 17:40:39

At 3/25/09 05:29 PM, honsolo26 wrote: SARGENT I WANT TO ENLIST SIR!!!!!!

You don't meet any of the requirments to join, you need a bronze whistle and a B/P rank of Private. You should try coming back when you have those as well as following the BBS rules, such as no all caps posts and not uploading a picture when you don't need to.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 18:38:41

At 3/25/09 11:42 AM, Little-Rena wrote:
At 3/25/09 09:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: After the redesign, we all got new badges and they decided to knock off the Elite Guard from the rank names.

That i did not approve of, they removed the "Elite Guard" name before i even came close to getting there. I believe i had about 900 b/p when the redesign hit.

I liked it better with the Elite Guard thing, lol. You know what would be intresting, having civilian ranks going all the way up to the final police rank and having an opinion to either have police rank B/P icons or Elite Guard ones because maybe some preople prefer having police badges, lol. And obviously make the final police ranks look better ;)

The Elite Guard name also sounded much better infront of the last 5 or so badges. I like that idea, but i'm not sure i understand what you are saying. Do you mean that a user could pick weather they wanted to have the old "badges" show up on there profile if they want to. Because i would love to have that option. Then again i do like the newer supreme commander badge better than the past one.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 19:08:43

Read the author comments, does it qualify as stolen?

... Seriously... Why even put it in your comments, it's like.. Oh I don't even have to type it, you all know.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 20:50:20

Disregard last post, apparently I was correct.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 21:19:08

At 3/25/09 07:45 AM, Corky52 wrote:
Hm, I do laugh a little bit when you talk about spelling error and grammar mistakes.

Oh really, i get a good kick out of it to after i see my post and then i think :::i'm such a dumbass sometimes::: I'm glad that you find my mistakes amusing @;-}>

Things you spelled wrong..

Well thanks for pointing them out buddy, i will look into fixing them as i try to learn how to spell them.

the as thr

One of my common typing errors.

many as meny

Another common error for me.

coming as comming X2

Damn, twice in the same post.

grammar as grammer

I really hate myself for this, it's so ironic how i do these things.

Not saying that I misspell thing, but you generally do with most posts. :P

I know, i know off to the corner with me until i learn how to spell.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-03-25 23:27:06

KrevZabijak you are really good at finding stolen stuff ,now this may be stolen the comments don't give anything away but it looked funny.

Maybe stolen from here http://www.ultimatearcade.com/pachis-ruc kus http://en.t45ol.com/play/4770/pachis-ruc kus.html,
http://www.pictogame.com/en/play/game/0T 1sqg8zRqzT_pachis-ruckus. On quite a few websites now this is the site it is from http://www.kabillion.com/?refuser=UAE2

Looking I could not find any evidence it is his but I may be wrong says from gmail address.

Anyway I did overreact over that post anyway again TOTW gone was by Hentuxx aka Chris Beer annoying. I'm not sure what badge I would have had on the old level any idea?

Archer I'm a good shot!