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Krinkels or Knox?

11,837 Views | 275 Replies

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-26 17:59:13

who could win in a fight?

Fucking crazy, and proud.

Your god is a fraud!

BBS Signature

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-26 18:02:24

krinkel. I love the madness series.

but knox is ok for a laugh or 2

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-26 18:19:52


Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-26 21:36:35

krinkels beats knox sooooooooo much

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-26 22:00:08


Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-26 22:01:35

Krinkles of course. He made the Madness series man.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-26 22:08:36

At 6/26/05 07:58 AM, Seizure_Dog wrote:
At 6/26/05 07:58 AM, DEADSiM2 wrote:
At 6/26/05 07:55 AM, DeckMaster171 wrote: krnikles is a strawberry clock wanna bee
In what way?
They want to be King of the Portal. Duh.

Though Knox has actually won that title more than anyone else I think.

Thats what ive been saying FOREVER

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-26 22:11:41

How can you compare them? One does clay, one draws, the styles are completley different. Maybe if you were comparing OrangeClock and StrangeClock, but you aren't.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-27 12:27:36

ok, krinkels, im calling you out

meet me at the old abandoned parking lot at 12:00

No guns.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-27 12:29:04

Oh snap, now you got Knox mad.... prepare for your utter EDN...

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-27 20:17:52

Knox all the way, his stuff is great

Book of Anima 22:32 " Do not profane my awesome name. I must be acknowledged as awesome by the Newgrounders. I am the LORD of music, who makes you awesome."

BBS Signature

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-27 20:19:22

Krinkels. But Knox is really good too.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-29 05:38:50

At 6/27/05 12:27 PM, -Knox- wrote: ok, krinkels, im calling you out

meet me at the old abandoned parking lot at 12:00

No guns.

Woot!Knox has posted in my Topic!YAY!!Im a big fan of yours Knox!! ^_^

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-29 05:55:33

I prefer Madness, so I choose Krinkels.

BBS Signature

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-29 07:34:43

At 6/26/05 07:12 AM, TornadoClock wrote: If you guys had to pick wich one submitts better content, wich one would you pick?Krinkels or Knox?
Id pick Krinkels but Knox rox my sox..

I like Krinkel's more... Madness 4evah

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-29 07:39:45

Krinkels madness dudes blow clay to hell.

Knox is good. But Krinkels is probably the best flash maker on NG.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-29 08:06:26

It is so obvious that it is -knox-, he is a lot funnier.

BBS Signature

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-29 08:09:37

<sarcasm>id rather take krinkox he makes ultra voilent clay men movies </sarcasm>

So zetta slow!

BBS Signature

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-29 08:15:23

Krinkels is good at animating, which includes humour, knox only moves his clay toys around, but still has good dialouge. I'd go with krinkels, mainly because of this .

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-30 19:17:24

i faught kinkels...i kicked his ass

*holds his heart up in the air*

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-30 19:18:12


I love his stuff.

Minds shall break and bring a bright sky.

BBS Signature

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-30 19:21:26

Why do you make me choose?! Damn this is hard but I think I'll go with Knox..

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-30 19:22:59

I would easily pick Krinkels.

However, I don't like clay videos.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-06-30 23:05:30

At 6/30/05 07:17 PM, -Knox- wrote: i faught kinkels...i kicked his ass

*holds his heart up in the air*

Whered you get that fake heart?
Wal Mart?

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-07-01 13:29:13

At 6/30/05 07:17 PM, -Knox- wrote: i faught kinkels...i kicked his ass

*holds his heart up in the air*

Hey man, you don't need to brandish some homeless guy's heart to the crowd for their approval! Mine's easy pickin'!

Anyhoo, last week, I got all hammered on DayQuil and drove my car into the side of an apartment building. I got out and some guy was all like "OMG! You wrecked my rec room!" and I was all like "WTF, Funny man? You must be Knox!". So I promptly challenged him to a duel of fates where I was eventually thrown from the top of the Sears tower screaming "I'll get you next time!", that way, there is room for a sequel.

Shit, I wish I could actually animate, that story may be the best story ever.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-07-01 13:32:37

At 6/30/05 07:17 PM, -Knox- wrote: i faught kinkels...i kicked his ass

I knew it, you are a lot better than krinkles, although his ia also good

*holds his heart up in the air*

That's not nice isn't it.... Now i want you to give krinkle's heart back and ask sorry nicely, we don't want his to be sad now won't we?

BBS Signature

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-07-01 13:33:02


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Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-07-01 13:34:06

Knox is great, buuut...


Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-07-01 13:37:24

At 7/1/05 01:29 PM, Krinkels wrote: Hey man, you don't need to brandish some homeless guy's heart to the crowd for their approval! Mine's easy pickin'!

bummer, I realy thought he killed you..... Not that it is good....... Because you are a great animator..... I love maddness and....... -Knox- is better!!!!

Anyhoo, last week, I got all hammered on DayQuil and drove my car into the side of an apartment building. I got out and some guy was all like "OMG! You wrecked my rec room!" and I was all like "WTF, Funny man? You must be Knox!". So I promptly challenged him to a duel of fates where I was eventually thrown from the top of the Sears tower screaming "I'll get you next time!", that way, there is room for a sequel.

No, it is not a good story AT ALL, you will neve beat up -knox-, he is better than you (although ou are also good), besides -knox- writes better scripts.

Shit, I wish I could actually animate, that story may be the best story ever.

Why, you are a great animator, that's your only card, you are a great animator and director, unlike -knox- who can animate only silly clays, but he does it with great scripts, that is why i like him.

BBS Signature

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2005-07-01 14:13:45

Wait, why am I even being compaired to this guy?
Here's a rundown, folks:

Krinkels Knox
Portal awards 16 86
Batting average 3.81 3.85
DVD? no koming this summer

Knox can keep it up higher, for longer, and get paid while doing it. There's your quality AND quantity. Hell, may as well 'ave held me up to Luis or LF!