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Krinkels or Knox?

11,836 Views | 275 Replies

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-04-23 16:15:22

Krinkles... And wow your lucky UOTD. too bad its randomly chosen and nothing special, But hey your still UOTD!!!! ;D

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-04-23 16:15:44

Errrrrr...The first one.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-04-23 16:17:02

knox all the way man

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-04-23 16:19:15

What a hard choice...:(


Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-04-23 16:19:55

At 4/23/06 04:19 PM, gamesnake wrote: What a hard choice...:(

At 4/23/06 04:17 PM, shake911 wrote: knox all the way man

All of you, out.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-05-05 12:02:04

Knox, because one time I saw him jump over thirteen moble-homes in a replica of 'The General', which was on fire. He was also fighting ninjas at the time.

It was awesome.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-05-05 23:29:12

At 5/5/06 12:02 PM, Krinkels wrote: Knox, because one time I saw him jump over thirteen moble-homes in a replica of 'The General', which was on fire. He was also fighting ninjas at the time.

It was awesome.

haha yeah.....it was awesome..but then i broke my back and now my moble-home jumping/ninja fighting days are over.....

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-06-09 01:26:48

krinkels is awesome all him madness flash movies r great i wonder why he hasn't made anymore???


Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-06-09 01:34:05


Because he came up with an original concept and characters, animated it well, and gained success from it.

And unlike Knox, he isnt whoring it in everyone's face and demanding you buy it.
And if Krinkles did sell a DVD I highly doubt he'd brag about how much he made off of it every 10 freaking seconds.

I'd rather watch Krinkles little dudes kill each other for hours then Knox's faceless motionless blobs of blue "klay"

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-06-09 01:56:56

Hmmm, they each work in vastly different styles, comparing them is like comparing apples and bananas. Each of them are very good at what they do.

However, my vote goes to Krinkels. Knox has a good sense of humour and that makes his claymations good, but I tend to look more at animating style. And, let's be honest, the main highlight of Knox's work is the humour and comic timing, making clay men isn't a particularly awe-worthy skill in my opinion. I still like his work though.

Krinkels has a very good animating style, it's evident that his work requires a lot of skill to create, which could explain why there's comparatively few flashes by him in the portal. Some people simply vote high on his work for the violent aspects, but I like them for the fluid animation. His series' place in the top 50 is well justified.

Also, lol @ both aforementioned author's responses to this thread XD

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-06-09 02:15:49

At 6/26/05 07:35 AM, Vegeton wrote:
At 6/26/05 07:27 AM, TornadoClock wrote: Wow the famous Seizure_Dog has posted in my Topic. <3 I also agree with ya
You agree with him?! LOL! At the beginning of this topic you took Krinkels over Knox now your agreeing just because of Seizure_Dog's overall awesomeness..tsk tsk tsk.

Better yet, when did he become famous?

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

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Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-06-09 11:01:18

At 6/9/06 01:34 AM, ZekeySpaceyLizard wrote:
And unlike Knox, he isnt whoring it in everyone's face and demanding you buy it.
And if Krinkles did sell a DVD I highly doubt he'd brag about how much he made off of it every 10 freaking seconds.

im rich and stuff

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-06-09 11:05:39

Dayyyyum this topics older than Pirates vs Ninjas
Knox wins cause he bothers to turn up more to defend his case

He'd Look Just Like You'd Want Him Too, Some Kind of Slick Chrome American Prince.


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Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-06-09 11:09:38

It's really close, but Krinkels.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-06-09 11:50:21

At 6/9/06 11:01 AM, -Knox- wrote: im rich and stuff

can I borrow 15 bucks? you know I'm good for it! I'll pay you back in Tony-bucks. They are even better than regular moneys, trust me!

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-06-09 12:06:32

zip zop zoobada BOP

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 08:25:56


Standard flash movies are no match for claymations, if though Madness Combat is a masterpiece.

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Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 08:26:41

krinkles all the way !!

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 08:32:17

Krinkles. he is awesome.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 08:34:27

At 3/10/06 09:23 PM, iscrulz wrote: Both are too overrated. But I could go with out seeing a knox klay krap. So it would have to be Krinkels

Agreed. Thank god Krinkels is trying branch out. Madness parodies are nauseating.

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Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 08:36:54


Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 08:37:57


O rly?
Ya rly.


Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 09:32:56

Mindless violence or random Klaymation humor????

It's too hard, I fail.

There's the Madness Interactive game, and Knox had those hilarious movie dubbs, so I have no idea.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 09:41:13

krinkels ftw


Thanks to Cagedsilhouette for my sig.

R.I.P George Carlin, 1937-2008

R.I.P Dimebag Darrell, 1966-2004

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Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 09:46:18

I'd picked Knox.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 09:47:20

At 8/4/06 09:46 AM, Altness wrote: I'd picked Knox.

I fail at grammer.
I'd pick Knox.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 10:48:11

At 6/26/05 07:32 AM, liaaaam wrote: Knox, his sense of humour is like intwined with my own... or something.

Krinkels doesn't do much humour, but he does violence better than anyone on here.

Acually Sick Death Fiend Is the king Of Gorey/Bloody movies in newgrounds.

Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-08-04 10:51:44

Krinkels put's effort to his movies,not to forget that he is a talented animator.

Knox is neither.

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Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-09-20 18:12:35

At 8/4/06 10:56 AM, Grammer wrote: I like Knox, he's funny.

Krinkels is... bleh.


Response to Krinkels or Knox? 2006-09-20 18:19:20

I'd have to say Knox cuz bunjee jumping is teh funneh!

I hate you.

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