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Queer as Folk - NG Fans???

10,155 Views | 126 Replies
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Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 03:24:40


Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 06:02:35

People who say things like, "All Gay people should be put in jail," are both really stupid and annoying. But the worst people are those who say, "I dont have anything against queer people, I just dont think we should have to see them." What the hell is wrong with you, you know who you are. Your worse than the others because you try and hide to make yourself seem better but really your worse than Nazis. You pick on people you dont understand like some sort of 1920s guy who kicks an old black lady off her seat in the bus cause he cant be bothered to sit elsewhere. There are gay people in this world so you better damn well get used to it!

*End Rant*

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 06:03:42

Okkaaayyy...I never ever post in the NG forums, but this thread has ticked me off a bit. ;)

For one thing...what's with all the anti-gay posts running around here? What is it going to help by people saying "I hate gays". Is that supposed to mean something intelligent, other than the fact that you can't be open minded enough, and even if you're not, the fact that you have to announce this to the whole forum? I mean, what benefit does it do to you, except make you look like a homophobic idiot?
The world's changing. And there's nothing wrong with gay people, or NG being on a gay show.

As for the gay porn ads...please...can't you ignore them? They're not even explicit. (unless seeing face shots of two guys gives you the willies or something) How do you think I, a female (oh my god! they exist here?) feel when I see naked girls, naked girls, naked girls with animals, naked girls, naked girls...plastered all around NG? I don't go on a flame war though...
Try to ignore things once in a while. Believe me, it does you good.

Oh, and by the way, it's best not to sue the TV show. They're giving extra publicity. They're showing that even a TV show wants to show a few seconds of NG. And what would NG sue it about anyways?
"It's giving too much publicity! Too many people are coming, and they're slowing down the server!" Seriously...

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 07:44:25

newgrounds - endorsed by majorly gay voices everywhere.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 09:03:05

yeah i seen it but it was the old version of ng

Queer as Folk - NG Fans???

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 10:20:15

At 5/31/02 11:22 AM, TomFulp wrote: We got word that last night on Queer as Folk (Showtime), someone had Newgrounds (Assassin) open on their computer. Can anyone else confirm this? We'd love to hear more about it!

Be sure to read the post below and send complaint letters to KRAFT...

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 10:23:20

Sorry bout my first post i wasent thinking there i once saw assassin on a sky 1 tv show with evil daves ricky martin assassin

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 11:32:28

At 6/1/02 11:23 PM, zimzap wrote:
At 6/1/02 10:30 PM, JMartin97 wrote:
At 6/1/02 08:59 AM, Recoil wrote:
If you guys can't deal with gay banners don't come to the site, truth is, probably around 10% of the people visiting this site are gay. So fucking deal with it.

Wow 10%! So we should have stuff for the minortiy?

Now I don't truely hate gays but I really dont like them. Face it most of the people in the US anyway dont like gays. So how is being shown on a gay show going to help NG? Its just going to hurt. Gay shows like that shouldnt even be on tv.

Why should they not be on TV? What do you care if you don't watch? People who write stuff like this obviously need to get out more.

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Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 11:52:11

At 5/31/02 07:59 PM, AnthonyB wrote: I just want to see my level...he he he

Me too.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 12:47:00

At 6/2/02 06:02 AM, Engar wrote: People who say things like, "All Gay people should be put in jail," are both really stupid and annoying.

Who said they should be put in jail?! I always thought they should be shot off into space on a rocketship! *cackle*

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 13:26:47

First off you homophobes are such hypocrites. You're the same idiots posting/voting 5 for all the lesbian porn here. As a bisexual female and a human being I find all your comments offensive and you owe an apology to all of humanity just for your existance.

Second I don't think Tom's even offended. He's just curious. Why the hell should he sue for a free advertisement of his site? Geez, you people can be so retarded. If you're not falling for that $20 bill trick/scam then you think a person should sue for no damn good reason. Idiots.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 13:33:04

check this out:

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Leviticus 18:22-

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 13:34:13

At 6/2/02 06:02 AM, Engar wrote: People who say things like, "All Gay people should be put in jail," are both really stupid and annoying. But the worst people are those who say, "I dont have anything against queer people, I just dont think we should have to see them." What the hell is wrong with you, you know who you are. Your worse than the others because you try and hide to make yourself seem better but really your worse than Nazis. You pick on people you dont understand like some sort of 1920s guy who kicks an old black lady off her seat in the bus cause he cant be bothered to sit elsewhere. There are gay people in this world so you better damn well get used to it!

*End Rant*

See, now this is why I hate stupid people. Read this goddamn post: "You pick on people you dont understand like some sort of 1920s guy who kicks an old black lady off her seat in the bus cause he cant be bothered to sit elsewhere." Jesus jumped up criminy Christ....You mean fucking Rosa Parks???
"All gay people should be put in jail." I dont even recall seeing this on any post.
"Your worse than the others because you try and hide to make yourself seem better but really your worse than Nazis." What the fuck does this mean???
"There are gay people in this world so you better get damn well used to it."
HOLY SHIT!!!!!! There are gay people in the world??? No way!!! I dont belive it....oh my god, YOU could be gay!!!
Rant my ass, you arent ranting, you're ejaculating. You wanna read a rant? www.angelfire.com/ego/comoratsrantings

Those are some rants........where was I going with this? Forget it, GO LAKERS!!!

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 13:39:27

At 6/2/02 01:33 PM, oSCARFACEo wrote: check this out:

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Leviticus 18:22-

As it is written in the book of Comorat, "Do not cometh to NewGrounds and spread your religious bullshit. For no one man givith a crap and no one woman will sleepith with you anyway." Comorat 3:16

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 18:15:00

At 6/2/02 01:33 PM, oSCARFACEo wrote: check this out:

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Leviticus 18:22-

If God told you to detest black people, would you do that too? Look, I could write a big-ass book and call it the bible too and turn people into horrible gay bashers... but I won't, because unlike you I have these two little things called respect and moral. Isn't that what God teaches you to have, respect and moral? Hmm... could your almighty God be a hypocrite perhaps?

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 19:18:51

Ok ComoRAT since you cant seem to understand some of the things i said (Mr I Hate Stupid People.. LOL), I'll break them into smaller chunks just for you.

Mr Welduh said, and I quote, "i dun have a prob wit homo but with all them popping up in this god damn world there are 2 many so maybe a few should go to fucking jail!!!!" Still think no one mentioned anything about jail?

The reason I didn't know the black womens name was that, given the fact that I live in the UK, I don't know that much about American History. Surprisingly we have our own history to learn about.

My "As good as Nazis" comment was about the many people who posted things like, "Its not that I hate gays.." The reason that I see this as worse is that not only do they go on to insult gay people for being different, much like Nazis, what they say about not really hating them is to try and make themselves look a little less prejudiced.

And my little closing statement, well I really dont see any need to explain. Its not my fault you cant take the time (or think enough) to understand what I said and really I think you just want to annoy someone. Good Luck with that! LOL :D

P.S Everyone continue the debate, some of its actually pretty funny.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 20:46:00

At 6/2/02 07:18 PM, Engar wrote: My "As good as Nazis" comment was about the many people who posted things like, "Its not that I hate gays.." The reason that I see this as worse is that not only do they go on to insult gay people for being different, much like Nazis, what they say about not really hating them is to try and make themselves look a little less prejudiced.

Maybe you dont realize that you can not like gays but still not hate them

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Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 21:23:23

heh... pretty fucked up on how this whole conversation became one big gay bashing/siding with tournament... if y'all need me, i'll be attending to my life, thank you...

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 21:27:28

At 6/2/02 09:23 PM, pimpinthief wrote: heh... pretty fucked up on how this whole conversation became one big gay bashing/siding with tournament... if y'all need me, i'll be attending to my life, thank you...

I'm with you on that one, dude.

I don't know why I even bothered posting and voicing out earlyer.

Idiots will always be idiots.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 21:40:45

Man. I don't know why I'm posting to this flame fest, but here goes. Probably because all of this is on a personal level for me, being that I'm bisexual and female. All Tom was trying to do is see if anyone saw Queer As Folk and fekking World War III breaks out.

Another poster mentioned something before about how there are all of these gay porn banners around and people are so offended, but no one is complaining about all of the lesbian hentai submissions in the Portal. I happen to agree with this--it just shows me that the objectification of women is ok, but if "masculinity" or lack thereof is somehow called into play with gay porn ads (as if being gay had necessarily ANYTHING TO DO with masculinity), HOLY SHIT look out. The double standard makes me sick.

As many others have said here, if you DON'T like the banners, DON'T look at them!

Now can we pretty please get back on topic, maybe? Thank you.

Queer as Folk - NG Fans???

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 22:21:38

At 6/2/02 01:33 PM, oSCARFACEo wrote: check this out:

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Leviticus 18:22-

Whatever, the bible is stupid. I can see its laws like do not kill, or steal being fair. But to deny someone their way of life is stupid. Being gay isnt harmful to anyone or anything, so why does the bible not allow it?

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 23:07:51

This is truly a rare day for me. Responding twice to one topic message. But I'm angry, dammit. Deeply disgusted.

I got 1 quick question for all you geniuses out there complaining about the gay porn.

How come you quick wits never frequented the banners that were clean & presentable? The casino ads? The news ads?

How come, after Tom builds this site for you, you cut and run when it's time to shell out A MUTHERFUCKING DIME OF THANKS.

How come, friend & neighbors, Gen-Y kids saying yo-this, yo-that, hipsters in your riced out fart cars, your Korn turned up and your brain turned off - how come you leave this site bereft of anything more than the wind you blow out your ass? Is it too much to actually THANK SOMEONE who comes from your own ranks, who creates something that was never done before, does it INTELLIGENTLY - and then, instead of getting to live in a swank house in Beverly Hills - gets to be legally threatened by older, embittered persons who, were it not for young troopers like Tom, would find SOME way to shut down every single Flash cartoon that doesn't come with a Fascism of America Family Values seal of approval?

You people don't get it, do you. You don't realize what's at stake, here. You never lived in an era which had an operational military draft for persons 18 - 28, a nation which squeezes its youth into the meat grinder of an unjust war and equates any least dissent with absolute treason. But you're getting there. You are absolutely fucking getting there. Keep "rollin', rollin', rollin'" as your fun-lovin' hero Fred Durst likes to chant.

I goddamn guarantee you if a nuclear weapon is detonated on our shores - and we gave away 2, so we're due 2 - and you have any least complaints about who's in charge of your U.S. government at that moment - your complaints, along with the rest of cherry red ass, will be locked away someplace very dark and very quiet for a mighty, mighty righteous fuck of a long while. Nobody will remember you when you get out. If you're lucky, you might be able to chew holes in your wrists and bleed to death.

-but I doubt you will be lucky.

So. Therefore. Instead of opening your stinking hole and letting words fall out that are bigger than the person speaking them, why don't you ruck the fuck up, go up to one of these banner ads, left click, and support your first ammendment by showing you care about a man who is ALREADY supporting it.


And have a nice day.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-03 04:05:38

Is it true that a lot of americans hate gay people????

Hmmm, I really don't see the problem with two or more adult people doing with eachother whatever they want to do. Not my business..

I really do hate those animal sex adds. I really think it's the sickest thing to have some sort of sex with a animal. that should be fucking banned!!

Oh, I live in Holland. I don't think there are any problems with gay people here... We have gay parades and all, funny as hell. So why are a lot of Americans so hatefull against gay people, isn't America THE LAND OF THE FREE???

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-03 04:30:09

At 5/31/02 11:22 AM, TomFulp wrote: We got word that last night on Queer as Folk (Showtime), someone had Newgrounds (Assassin) open on their computer. Can anyone else confirm this? We'd love to hear more about it!

Be sure to read the post below and send complaint letters to KRAFT...

yep it happne i saw it...but im not queer as folk..nah im just playing i dint see it? but do u know how to get a program that mkaes flash movies????

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-03 05:14:08

At 6/2/02 09:40 PM, Astro_Princess wrote: Man. I don't know why I'm posting to this flame fest, but here goes. Probably because all of this is on a personal level for me, being that I'm bisexual and female. All Tom was trying to do is see if anyone saw Queer As Folk and fekking World War III breaks out.

Another poster mentioned something before about how there are all of these gay porn banners around and people are so offended, but no one is complaining about all of the lesbian hentai submissions in the Portal. I happen to agree with this--it just shows me that the objectification of women is ok, but if "masculinity" or lack thereof is somehow called into play with gay porn ads (as if being gay had necessarily ANYTHING TO DO with masculinity), HOLY SHIT look out. The double standard makes me sick.

As many others have said here, if you DON'T like the banners, DON'T look at them!

Now can we pretty please get back on topic, maybe? Thank you.

This really has become a big flame war. I swear to God, I could cook a horse with this topic. I've noticed, too, the ever present use of double standards on NewGrounds. I'm surprised no one has gone off on the zoophilia ads. Those I can say are rather wierd. Sex with an animal? The only reason I don't go off on that is because I'm into anthropomorphism, but I still have to say that zoophilia is really strange.

But back to the topic, as you said. Queer As Folk is a really famous show, now. It's got ALOT of watchers, most gay, alot lesbian and even some straight watchers waiting for the lesbian scenes. But really, what does it matter if NewGrounds is on Queer As Folk? It's not like it's saying anything bad about it. It's not promoting it, either, but it doesn't really fucking matter. It's bloody proof, looking at this topic and at my topic in the General area that there are gays in the NG fandom.

In the end...

Was it the 7 elves with the knives or just the monkey with the gun?


Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-03 08:36:27

Im From Finland..... I Dont Even Know The Damn Show You Are Talking About.... :P

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-03 10:11:41

At 6/2/02 11:07 PM, MisterEd wrote:


supporting newgrounds argument to slippery slope argument to America is facist when nuked so you homophobes better shut up argument?


Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-03 10:58:51

At 6/2/02 11:07 PM, MisterEd wrote:
How come you quick wits never frequented the banners that were clean & presentable? The casino ads? The news ads?

How come, after Tom builds this site for you, you cut and run when it's time to shell out A MUTHERFUCKING DIME OF THANKS.

How come, friend & neighbors, Gen-Y kids saying yo-this, yo-that, hipsters in your riced out fart cars, your Korn turned up and your brain turned off - how come you leave this site bereft of anything more than the wind you blow out your ass? Is it too much to actually THANK SOMEONE who comes from your own ranks, who creates something that was never done before, does it INTELLIGENTLY - and then, instead of getting to live in a swank house in Beverly Hills - gets to be legally threatened by older, embittered persons who, were it not for young troopers like Tom, would find SOME way to shut down every single Flash cartoon that doesn't come with a Fascism of America Family Values seal of approval?

You people don't get it, do you. You don't realize what's at stake, here. You never lived in an era which had an operational military draft for persons 18 - 28, a nation which squeezes its youth into the meat grinder of an unjust war and equates any least dissent with absolute treason. But you're getting there. You are absolutely fucking getting there. Keep "rollin', rollin', rollin'" as your fun-lovin' hero Fred Durst likes to chant.

I goddamn guarantee you if a nuclear weapon is detonated on our shores - and we gave away 2, so we're due 2 - and you have any least complaints about who's in charge of your U.S. government at that moment - your complaints, along with the rest of cherry red ass, will be locked away someplace very dark and very quiet for a mighty, mighty righteous fuck of a long while. Nobody will remember you when you get out. If you're lucky, you might be able to chew holes in your wrists and bleed to death.

-but I doubt you will be lucky.

So. Therefore. Instead of opening your stinking hole and letting words fall out that are bigger than the person speaking them, why don't you ruck the fuck up, go up to one of these banner ads, left click, and support your first ammendment by showing you care about a man who is ALREADY supporting it.


And have a nice day.

Ok Ed, take a deep breath....in....out.....in....out....better? Ok good. You make a lot of good points here Bubba, but you seem to miss one very important bit of info. Id say a good 90% of the folks that are here on NG are between the ages of 12-18. They dont come from an age with a draft anymore than they come from an age where CD players didnt exist. To put it simply they just dont get it. Trust me, its better NOT to get worked up about it, when the shit hits the fan there will be two very defined groups walking around: The ones that can handle it and the ones that dont realize anything is wrong.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-03 13:27:15

At 6/3/02 10:58 AM, Comorat wrote:
At 6/2/02 11:07 PM, MisterEd wrote:
How come you quick wits never frequented the banners that were clean & presentable? The casino ads? The news ads?

How come, after Tom builds this site for you, you cut and run when it's time to shell out A MUTHERFUCKING DIME OF THANKS.

How come, friend & neighbors, Gen-Y kids saying yo-this, yo-that, hipsters in your riced out fart cars, your Korn turned up and your brain turned off - how come you leave this site bereft of anything more than the wind you blow out your ass? Is it too much to actually THANK SOMEONE who comes from your own ranks, who creates something that was never done before, does it INTELLIGENTLY - and then, instead of getting to live in a swank house in Beverly Hills - gets to be legally threatened by older, embittered persons who, were it not for young troopers like Tom, would find SOME way to shut down every single Flash cartoon that doesn't come with a Fascism of America Family Values seal of approval?

You people don't get it, do you. You don't realize what's at stake, here. You never lived in an era which had an operational military draft for persons 18 - 28, a nation which squeezes its youth into the meat grinder of an unjust war and equates any least dissent with absolute treason. But you're getting there. You are absolutely fucking getting there. Keep "rollin', rollin', rollin'" as your fun-lovin' hero Fred Durst likes to chant.

I goddamn guarantee you if a nuclear weapon is detonated on our shores - and we gave away 2, so we're due 2 - and you have any least complaints about who's in charge of your U.S. government at that moment - your complaints, along with the rest of cherry red ass, will be locked away someplace very dark and very quiet for a mighty, mighty righteous fuck of a long while. Nobody will remember you when you get out. If you're lucky, you might be able to chew holes in your wrists and bleed to death.

-but I doubt you will be lucky.

So. Therefore. Instead of opening your stinking hole and letting words fall out that are bigger than the person speaking them, why don't you ruck the fuck up, go up to one of these banner ads, left click, and support your first ammendment by showing you care about a man who is ALREADY supporting it.


And have a nice day.
Ok Ed, take a deep breath....in....out.....in....out....better? Ok good. You make a lot of good points here Bubba, but you seem to miss one very important bit of info. Id say a good 90% of the folks that are here on NG are between the ages of 12-18. They dont come from an age with a draft anymore than they come from an age where CD players didnt exist. To put it simply they just dont get it. Trust me, its better NOT to get worked up about it, when the shit hits the fan there will be two very defined groups walking around: The ones that can handle it and the ones that dont realize anything is wrong.

Wow, well said the both of you. I would say this is a good spot to end the thread...but I don't think that would ever happen. You're right...they just won't get it. The world is filled with stupid people, and the stupidity will never leave. The best thing you can do is live your life and your life only. People will have their opinions, some reasonable and some not. I do not personally have anything against gay people. I do not agree with their sexual preference, at all. I don't believe gay people are bad, but their sexual preference does raise risk of STDs, as do teenagers having sex before marriage, unprotected. If our decisions were controlled by our mind instead of our genitals we would all be better off. This is my opinion and it will be heard only by those who will listen.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-03 13:29:40

At 6/2/02 01:33 PM, oSCARFACEo wrote: check this out:

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Leviticus 18:22-

hahahaha! thats so funny! you do realise that that cometh not from thine original source of worship (God/first edition bible), but from the mouths of officials, making things look how they want them to look, so as to have a following that follows their ideals and not gods? "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, that is detestable" quoth Leviticus. And just WHO is Leviticus? Is he God? Nay. Is he a son of God? Nay! "Then who is he?" ye may ask, and I answereth: A man. A mere man. A man with an opinion all his own, which he wishes others to have, because he believes it is right. A man, not even making an interpretation of Gods words/will. Just an impotent, ignorant man. Follow thee thine God or the saying of some man who happens to be in a RE-WRITTEN bible, a HOLY book made by the most unholy of all, people. That was for you bible thumpers out there. Now for the people who say zoophilia is sick (weird maybe, but not sick), and that people should not have sex or anything similar with animals I speak thusly: Woulds't thou be celibate? Thine words precede thee in saying "Yea! I shall be celibate for all my live long days!", for what is Man but animal? Naught but animal is man. To say we evolved from animals would be incorrect as well, for tha would suggest we are no longer animals. Then what are we if not animals? Plants? Nay. Minerals? Nay! Are we strange aliens? Most doubtedly not! What leaveth we, but animals? If thou art not an animal, than thou ist not a human being.