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Queer as Folk - NG Fans???

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Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 04:10:51

Tom, I'm not judging you or anything your a cool guy and all. Been big fan of NG since 97 and watched it grow and Tom's life pass through time as a student in the past, but TOM ARE YOU HOMO-Courious or just plain gay? Tom, we can get you some help, like counsoling! We can't bare to see Newgrounds.com turn gay along with you. We love you, but not in that way. Does your girlfriend know yet? How would she feel?

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 04:49:04

At 6/1/02 04:10 AM, DeadcowClockX wrote: Tom, I'm not judging you or anything your a cool guy and all. Been big fan of NG since 97 and watched it grow and Tom's life pass through time as a student in the past, but TOM ARE YOU HOMO-Courious or just plain gay? Tom, we can get you some help, like counsoling! We can't bare to see Newgrounds.com turn gay along with you. We love you, but not in that way. Does your girlfriend know yet? How would she feel?

I hope you're kidding. *Blink*

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 07:50:35

At 6/1/02 03:04 AM, Kaiser0120 wrote: Homosexuality on Newgrounds is exactly what we need. There's so much straight crap going around it's time we got something for the guys who don't exactly like breasts and pussy. But back to the actual topic...

I think it's pretty cool to see Newgrounds on such a popular show. What's next? Sex in the City? Or better yet, Sopranos.


Well, Im a big enemy of porn, but I am not a homo. I dont like pussy. Not a homo.

Queer as Folk - NG Fans???

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 08:59:49

I must say, after reading some of the responses I was disgusted by the homophobic stuff some people said. What the fuck are you talking about, you can't sue the show for that reason! They would reject the lawsuit faster than you can say "queer" (hehe).

And I haven't seen any gay ads here, is an ad gay just because it has a man in it? You're forgetting that Newgrounds has plenty of female visitors here and all they get to see here is tons and tons of pictures of nude women. In other words, no fun for women.

Tom, don't listen to these jerks. This sort of thing should be encouraged! I don't think you, Wade or anyone else that works on Newgrounds is gay just because there are ads showing men half naked.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 10:06:15

Please Tom remove the fucking Gay Porn banners on NG.How cold you put them here?I can't understant this,i thought Newgrounds was not a gay site.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 12:51:36

Recoil, I think they were just joking when calling for a lawsuit, it was a reference to how NG gets threatened every time someone's copyrighted content show up here.

As for the porn ads, I don't care for them at all. Don't get me wrong, sure I've watched porn before. But not only are the ads offensive to women, they are also bad for those of us acessing NG in a public place such as a school... it's not cool to have a teacher walk by and see a porn ad on the page you're looking at when all you're doing is looking at the BBS or something. I know porn ads pay the most, but surely something else can be done.

There is a large number of homophobes running around on NG, mostly 13 year olds who have to prove just how not gay they are by riduculing gay people, thinking that's the cool thing to do.

I like the comment of the one guy: Gay guys=More chicks for me... hell yeah!

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Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 12:53:44

At 6/1/02 10:06 AM, Raven13 wrote: Please Tom remove the fucking Gay Porn banners on NG.How cold you put them here?I can't understant this,i thought Newgrounds was not a gay site.

Newgrounds has been a "gay site" for a very long time, I mean look at all the lesbian ads. You didn't see anyone complaining about those, now did you? So shut up.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 13:29:01

At 6/1/02 12:53 PM, Recoil wrote:
At 6/1/02 10:06 AM, Raven13 wrote: Please Tom remove the fucking Gay Porn banners on NG.How cold you put them here?I can't understant this,i thought Newgrounds was not a gay site.
Newgrounds has been a "gay site" for a very long time, I mean look at all the lesbian ads. You didn't see anyone complaining about those, now did you? So shut up.

Thats because no matter how straight a guy is deep down he still wants to see two hot chicks kissing (grin)
As for gay men....well, I'm not the one that came up with the phrase "Wrong as two boys fucking".
Im not a homophobe, it just doesnt float my boat, and as for someones comment about needing to have more gay flash or something....I think we have had enough of trying to cater to other groups of people. If you want gay cartoons go to a gay site. If you want subtitled cartoons go to a deaf site. If you want good old fashions stick/poop/toilet humor/blood guts & and the occational duck humor, stay here.

I would still like to see the gay banners removed though, or at least transferred to the adult section of NG.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 13:54:03

First of all, Tom does not seem offended by the fact that NG was on QaF. I also don't recall seeing any anti-gay stuff created by him, either. Also, although i'm not a fan of porn ads in general, removing only the homosexual ones would be completely categorifial as a hate crime. And saying there shouldn't be any gay cartoons on this site... what? If you don't want to see it, don't watch it. There are a lot of movies on here that I'm sure most people don't want to see, therefore we don't watch them. I mean, if we're getting rid of all the gay flash cartoons/banning them from coming in, why don't we do the same for cartoons featuring music by Korn? I hate (and I know I'm not alone in this opinion) Korn. Continuing, I don't see why people can't be civilized and accept the fact that yes, people are gay, and no, it's not bad or evil or gross or something. I mean that can be your opinion, but when people say things like that it just makes them seem stupid and... lower on the evoloutionary scale. I mean, calling something "gay" for instance... Completely uncreative. And most of the people that say gay do it because other people do it, and not because they mean it, which is even worse. Why can't anyone in this society be original anymore?

Me: you can't say "that's gay"
Sarah: but gay is just another word in our seociety, like hella
Me: i know
Me: but it's offensive
Me: would you say "That's so black" if you thought something was stupid?
Sarah: when i say that is gay i mean that is stupid
Me: yeah
Me: and that's basically saying gay = stupid
Me: so thats why people need to stop saying it.
Sarah: u kno how some words have 2 or more meanings gay has more than 1 meaning
Me: yeah, homosexual, and happy.
Sarah: i guess ur right

Sorry for being so long winded, sometimes people are too stupid for their own good.

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Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 18:23:31

Sue them for what? Does anyone have an idea of how
the legal system works? Unless there is some sort
of liable against NewGrounds or some sort of damage
that results from using its image, there is no
basis for a lawsuit.

Damn, I hate coming late into the conversation but what the hey. Septi, that's not completely true, if Tom didn't appreciate the free publicity, he could sue. YOU CAN BASICALLY SUE ANYONE FOR ANY FUCKING THING. Obviously Newgrounds was on there without permission, or else Tom wouldn't have to verify, and that's a big no-no because you basically need a release to show ANY FUCKING THING FILMED. So he could sue, if he wanted. And to the other dumb fucks being homophobic about it, stop you stupid shits. Tom wasn't concerned that it was on Queer as Folk because it was Queer as Folk, he was concerned because he wanted to confirm a rumor that could mean good, free publicity. Goddamn, some people here just shouldn't fucking be alive.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 18:33:45

Can anyone put a title to the episode???

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 19:42:08

At 6/1/02 06:23 PM, Eleven34 wrote: Damn, I hate coming late into the conversation but what the hey. Septi, that's not completely true, if Tom didn't appreciate the free publicity, he could sue. YOU CAN BASICALLY SUE ANYONE FOR ANY FUCKING THING. Obviously Newgrounds was on there without permission, or else Tom wouldn't have to verify, and that's a big no-no because you basically need a release to show ANY FUCKING THING FILMED. So he could sue, if he wanted. And to the other dumb fucks being homophobic about it, stop you stupid shits. Tom wasn't concerned that it was on Queer as Folk because it was Queer as Folk, he was concerned because he wanted to confirm a rumor that could mean good, free publicity. Goddamn, some people here just shouldn't fucking be alive.

OK, let me clarify that statement. Yes he could sue them over it, but he would not win unless he could prove that his reputation was damaged or there was some sort of libel or slander against NG. You can sue over anything, but it's not worth bothering unless you can win. A web site is public domain; you wouldn't necessarily a release to film it. (CNN and FNC didn't get releases when they did stories on NG.) And as I said before Viacom has tons of money and lawyers.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 19:45:36

You can sue the site for using the site without permission or for slandering the site in the light of a gay site. Pfft lets just get the gays out of here.

Oh and they dont just have men porno sites for girls, these are true gay banners which should be taken off.

Queer as Folk - NG Fans???

Wi/Ht Member #50 | Top 500 XP | Top 80 B/P! | Top 45 Protector | Top 125 VP

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Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 20:10:40

At 6/1/02 07:45 PM, zimzap wrote: You can sue the site for using the site without permission or for slandering the site in the light of a gay site. Pfft lets just get the gays out of here.

Oh and they dont just have men porno sites for girls, these are true gay banners which should be taken off.

Gays aren't going ANYWHERE ANY time soon. Ok? Ok.


Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 20:31:43

At 6/1/02 07:45 PM, zimzap wrote: You can sue the site for using the site without permission or for slandering the site in the light of a gay site. Pfft lets just get the gays out of here.

Oh and they dont just have men porno sites for girls, these are true gay banners which should be taken off.

Dude, chill out. So what if we run some gay porn banners? Newgrounds.com was featured on a gay television show. We're just seeing if we actually have a gay audience. So far no one has signed up for the new gay porn ads. We will give it a week, and if we don't have any results we will pull them all. :)

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Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 20:38:44

At 5/31/02 10:55 PM, Nitztastic wrote:
and i dont think tom wants to sue them. he's hoping for more publicity, which is also why he never deleted KABOOM!, so he could make newgrounds.com be typed up in newspapers all over.

There is the implication in your statement that Tom's primary incentive in maintaining Newgrounds is that of satiating his own venal desire for fame. You did not say this expressly, but your statement could be construed (or misconstrued) to suggest as much.

Truth is, there vast array of dissimilar Flash contributions on this site, very few of which list Tom as the author. Furthermore, there is no cost associated with viewing any NG movie or game. Does Tom make money with the pop-up ads? Some, but not a lot. Certainly not enough to purchase a property in which NG contributing artists would work & possibly live near one another, which - unless I'm wrong - was the thinking behind his dream for a Newgrounds "Haus".

So what is Newgrounds?

Newgrounds, to me, is like a specific sort of renaissance within our culture—not unlike the brief renaissance Hollywood movies experienced in the 1970's. Where Hollywood went wrong in the 80's is it became a house of mirrors, rather than remaining porous enough to absorb the cares and woes of regular persons. At this time, the entertainment industry closed doors to many younger intellectuals with new perspectives. National TV was worse. In the case of national television, you are looking at media which has always geared its entertainment towards persons of 70 to 100 IQ’s. Newgrounds gives brighter kids a means of recognition they would not otherwise have. For this reason, NG intimidates—perhaps intensely intimidates—producers in the existing entertainment food chain.

NG is like a cyber artist's colony. If you have some original art on your computer, and if you can squeeze it into a Flash file, well, here is your perfect gallery.

I am an artist. I did not choose to be an artist, I was born one. This means I think about doing art the way most people think about having sex - it is instinctual. Therefore, whenever I see some good art on display, every instinct I have tells me to do some good art of my own and hang it nearby. "Addiction to beauty" you might call it - but there's probably something deeper in our human psychology that makes us behave this way, something we cannot accurately explain in this "era of rationalism" (but give the human race a few more years).

Now, I'm sure some people want to fault Tom for not being a saint. Truth is, we always want our heros to be perfect, even though they are as human as ourselves. Maybe the act of coming to understand that is part of growing up. As I type this right now (see the above time and date), India and Paksitan are hedging ever closer to nuclear war. The death toll from such conflict? Forecasted at 12 million. That's the world outside. Brutal. Insane. Vicious in ways that exceed our ability to express it in language. So don't worry too much about your heros not being saints. Worry more about just doing something nice for someone you know.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 20:42:06

At 6/1/02 08:31 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Dude, chill out. So what if we run some gay porn banners? Newgrounds.com was featured on a gay television show. We're just seeing if we actually have a gay audience. So far no one has signed up for the new gay porn ads. We will give it a week, and if we don't have any results we will pull them all. :)

well said Wade, and remember, gay men = more girls for me

Queer as Folk - NG Fans???

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 20:50:04

At 6/1/02 07:45 PM, zimzap wrote: You can sue the site for using the site without permission or for slandering the site in the light of a gay site. Pfft lets just get the gays out of here.

Oh and they dont just have men porno sites for girls, these are true gay banners which should be taken off.

Quite frankly I'm bothered by this heightened Leval of homophobia. I personably believe that everyone has the right, :A: to view what website they want and :B: be a member of any community they choose. You can't just kick people off newgrounds cause they have a differant sexual prefferance then yourself.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 22:12:28

It's like this: Gay people exist. We can't change the way they think. And so what if NG was on a gay TV show? At least it was on TV. I'm not gay, but people shouldn't be so homophobic. Who cares about gay ads? If you don't want to click the ad, don't click it. Simple as that. Wade's doing the right thing. Waiting a week.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 22:30:33

At 6/1/02 08:59 AM, Recoil wrote: I must say, after reading some of the responses I was disgusted by the homophobic stuff some people said. What the fuck are you talking about, you can't sue the show for that reason! They would reject the lawsuit faster than you can say "queer" (hehe).

And I haven't seen any gay ads here, is an ad gay just because it has a man in it? You're forgetting that Newgrounds has plenty of female visitors here and all they get to see here is tons and tons of pictures of nude women. In other words, no fun for women.

Tom, don't listen to these jerks. This sort of thing should be encouraged! I don't think you, Wade or anyone else that works on Newgrounds is gay just because there are ads showing men half naked.

Yeah I totally agree, and being a "homosexual fudge-packing queer" person myself it's pretty damn offensive. If you guys can't deal with gay banners don't come to the site, truth is, probably around 10% of the people visiting this site are gay. So fucking deal with it.

If any of you had actually watched the show maybe you wouldn't complain like this cause you'd realize not all gay people are huge perverts. The only reason you guys said to sue it was because it was a gay show. Fuck you homophobic cunts.


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Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 22:40:47

Hmmm, ok, I'm expecting alot of flames coming now for saying this.

I'm gay. Seriously.

I see this post as nothing more than Tom asking if anyone saw the show and if they did if the Newgrounds site was on it.

Needless to say, everyone got in a fit about homosexuality and everything around it. And to think the taboo several decades ago was interacial marrages.

Oh, and the porn ads? Don't complain. You want Newgrounds to be free right? Porn pays for the site sadly. He's got to cater to everyone. Lesbians, streights, gays, girls that like to fuck horses on the farm. And you are you willing to pay for Newgrounds if those and other ads that we find annoying weren't there? I doubt that.

Okay, enough said. Waiting for the flames of ignorances and stupidity to be in my e-mail box for my delection after laughing at them. Enjoy life you closed minded homo-phobes!

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 23:11:58

At 6/1/02 10:40 PM, ZeekSlider wrote: I'm gay. Seriously.

Umm? Proud of yourself? Fuck off dipshit.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 23:23:01

At 6/1/02 10:30 PM, JMartin97 wrote:

At 6/1/02 08:59 AM, Recoil wrote:

If you guys can't deal with gay banners don't come to the site, truth is, probably around 10% of the people visiting this site are gay. So fucking deal with it.

Wow 10%! So we should have stuff for the minortiy?

Now I don't truely hate gays but I really dont like them. Face it most of the people in the US anyway dont like gays. So how is being shown on a gay show going to help NG? Its just going to hurt. Gay shows like that shouldnt even be on tv.

Wi/Ht Member #50 | Top 500 XP | Top 80 B/P! | Top 45 Protector | Top 125 VP

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Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 23:29:25

At 6/1/02 10:30 PM, JMartin97 wrote: If any of you had actually watched the show maybe you wouldn't complain like this cause you'd realize not all gay people are huge perverts. The only reason you guys said to sue it was because it was a gay show. Fuck you homophobic cunts.:

So you're going to be progressive by stigmatizing part of the female anatomy? Crazy bastard...

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-01 23:52:09

I've known gay people that were really cool. They're just like straights in the way that some are cool, and others are jerks. For anyone who says all gay people are losers, they are obviously the losers, for being so narrowminded. Seriously, if you think you can insult people simply based on their sexual preference, your wrong.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 00:22:15

At 6/1/02 11:52 PM, Shins wrote: I've known gay people that were really cool. They're just like straights in the way that some are cool, and others are jerks. For anyone who says all gay people are losers, they are obviously the losers, for being so narrowminded. Seriously, if you think you can insult people simply based on their sexual preference, your wrong.

And yet people still do. Everyone is going to think that they are the only ones that are right in th world and everyone else is wrong cause they are the smart one and everyone else is stupid.

Oh well, the whole worlds going to hell anyway.

Besides, when did God give anyone the right to say who should live and who shouldn't? When did some important person hand down the power to the ones that think gays aren't human? I don't understand people. Sociaty when through the same thing with Irishmen, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Interractial marrying, and now Afganis!

Let's face it, everyone is stupid. Including little gay me.

So gays shows are bad. That's your opinion. So you think all gay men are big perverts. Shows what you know. So you think all gay men are just out to hit on straight ass. Whatever.

I'm sick of all these little fuckers that think they know fucking everything in the world and what should be right and what should be wrong! When will you people get it! We are all the same thing! We are all human!

By the way, I'm still awaiting flames attacks from all you gay haters. If you think homosexuallity is wrong, then tell me! Posting it here just makes you look stupid. If you got a problem with who I am, let me know.

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 00:33:05

At 6/1/02 11:23 PM, zimzap wrote:

Gay shows like that shouldnt even be on tv.

That's like saying black shows shouldn't be on the air and Newgrounds shouldn't be online.

Man, Tom's really got to be regretting postting this, huh? I sure know I am.

Besides, have you even seen the show? It's not all limped-write, lisp talking drag queens. They got straight acting men, lesbians, even gay parents! The show is groundbreaking cause it is for once showing what the gay community has to go through with sociaty and maybe even just everyday life. I don't see anyone complaining about how 7th Heaven is to straight of a show or how The Sapranos is telling the mob stories from the wrong angle. I mean, give it a break, it's just a TV show! Showtime wants to air it, so let them. The least you can do is the most you'll ever do and that's to just change the channel! Suing will get you no where and bitching about it just makes you look even more stupid.

Come on people, just shut up about the gay thing before I start complaining and stereotyping the straight community like you guys have been doing.

*puts a bull's eye on*

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 01:07:20

Hey, two of my Musical Heros are Gay, Rob Halford of Judas Priest, and Freddie Mercury of Queen, they are two of the greatest singers ever, I'm not going to stop liking them for that, even hardcore metal heads like me like them so have some respect assholes

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 01:32:28

i dont have anything against gays cuz i agree w/ that one guy's quote "Gay guys=More girls for me", but still... all of these goddam gay porn links on the site?!?! geez, blam them like we blam shitty movies... so yea... im done bitchin now...

Response to Queer as Folk - NG Fans??? 2002-06-02 02:52:34

Thats cool everyone likes my quote the "Gay guys = More girls for me" one, but why care about the gay porn ads I don't even look at them