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Site Performance and more...

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Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 04:54:31

During my tour of newgrounds, I have found the site to be both alarming and disturbing. You have done you job well. I think it is excellent. I had expected the newdgrounds site to be just as 'good'.

However, I was a bit more than a bit disappointed;

1. Site performance is lousy. I have waited in excess of 10 minutes for the main page to open. (Not including the flash opening)

2. Material is nearly inaccessable or doesn't work. Dirty Ernie freezes every time. The Spring Break cams don't work. The only thing that does work is holio U, which is an offsite element.

3. Support is nonexistant, incordial, unresposive, etc. If you guys are going to charge $20 a month, you need to step up to a higher level of professionalism before you go on air.

I have since cancelled my membership to newdgrounds (crewdgrounds, as in basic and not working), and am waiting a refund as I am way less than satisfied.


Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 05:12:24

At 3/16/02 04:54 AM, Ossion wrote: During my tour of newgrounds, I have found the site to be both alarming and disturbing. You have done you job well. I think it is excellent. I had expected the newdgrounds site to be just as 'good'.

However, I was a bit more than a bit disappointed;

1. Site performance is lousy. I have waited in excess of 10 minutes for the main page to open. (Not including the flash opening)

2. Material is nearly inaccessable or doesn't work. Dirty Ernie freezes every time. The Spring Break cams don't work. The only thing that does work is holio U, which is an offsite element.

3. Support is nonexistant, incordial, unresposive, etc. If you guys are going to charge $20 a month, you need to step up to a higher level of professionalism before you go on air.

I have since cancelled my membership to newdgrounds (crewdgrounds, as in basic and not working), and am waiting a refund as I am way less than satisfied.


Ehh, its note that bad.

Except, it has been taking fucking ages to get to the portal, and even using a 56k it used to be faster.

It crashes every one in a while. It crashed twice on me today.

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 05:47:39

At 3/15/02 04:27 PM, TomFulp wrote: The site seems to be running really slow these past few days. How has it been running for everyone else? How has it been running for the past few days, and how has it been for the past few weeks before that?

Also, has NG been crashing your browser? If so, is it a recent thing or has it always done that? We are making plans to buy some more servers. We will also be upgrading MySQL, which will hopefully squeeze some performance out of the current system.

Check out the new Arrogancy collection! This is a great series and we are starting to develop a game together!

We are on the verge of hiring Jose Ortiz to do art on a full-time basis. He would be doing artwork for both Newgrounds (Pico 2) and Newdgrounds (making original content for the subscribers, who would be paying most his salary).

If you have been considering signing up for Newdgrounds, this is another great reason to do so. People who support us will help support Jose and we'll get great content on both sites as a result. Just an FYI for anyone with a credit card! ;)

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 05:52:53

sorry for my last entry!
I must of messed up somewhere.
Anyway yea, the site performance is ok for me but it might be different for 56k users... However there is the occasional creshing usely between 5pm-8pm british time.
But im not complaining i dont mind loading up the site again.
Im sure if theres a problem you will sort it.

-ken- alias -uhoh_spagettio- or is it?

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 06:09:31

The site is always slow.

Newdgrounds is lame.

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 07:33:30

At 3/15/02 04:27 PM, TomFulp wrote: The site seems to be running really slow these past few days. How has it been running for everyone else? How has it been running for the past few days, and how has it been for the past few weeks before that?

Also, has NG been crashing your browser? If so, is it a recent thing or has it always done that? We are making plans to buy some more servers. We will also be upgrading MySQL, which will hopefully squeeze some performance out of the current system.

Check out the new Arrogancy collection! This is a great series and we are starting to develop a game together!

We are on the verge of hiring Jose Ortiz to do art on a full-time basis. He would be doing artwork for both Newgrounds (Pico 2) and Newdgrounds (making original content for the subscribers, who would be paying most his salary).

If you have been considering signing up for Newdgrounds, this is another great reason to do so. People who support us will help support Jose and we'll get great content on both sites as a result. Just an FYI for anyone with a credit card! ;)

Sites been running pretty crappy for me, sometimes it will take forever for the simplest movie to load and im on cable here.

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 07:53:48

Yea ever since u started talking about newdgrounds its been like this :( All these sad porn freaks... No wonder its muffed up. Infact, ever since the Osama Bin Laden publicity that like, multiplied site popularity by about 30, the sites never been quite right

Also, Im on a 56k modm and i dont like having to wait at least 20 seconds after voting on every movie :( Thought u sed it cached now. I admit it looks neat, but i preferr the old system

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 08:06:24



i agree wuth that!! its really fast in the morning anf at night but at peek hours its a pain in the ass and im using msn explorer so it doesn't crash (im on dsl)

Site Performance and more...

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 08:08:11

My browser has always crashed or froze up. I dont know why bnut i need a reallyfresh and good connection. Maybe its cuz i use dial-up.......

Site Performance and more...

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 08:47:11

Last few days have been a bit slower than normal but no browser problems!

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 10:03:57

The site has been quite slow, but I've not noticed anything like a crash. I'm guessing it's due to all the traffic.

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 10:17:57

At 3/15/02 04:27 PM, TomFulp wrote: The site seems to be running really slow these past few days. How has it been running for everyone else? How has it been running for the past few days, and how has it been for the past few weeks before that?

Also, has NG been crashing your browser? If so, is it a recent thing or has it always done that? We are making plans to buy some more servers. We will also be upgrading MySQL, which will hopefully squeeze some performance out of the current system.

Check out the new Arrogancy collection! This is a great series and we are starting to develop a game together!

We are on the verge of hiring Jose Ortiz to do art on a full-time basis. He would be doing artwork for both Newgrounds (Pico 2) and Newdgrounds (making original content for the subscribers, who would be paying most his salary).

If you have been considering signing up for Newdgrounds, this is another great reason to do so. People who support us will help support Jose and we'll get great content on both sites as a result. Just an FYI for anyone with a credit card! ;)

yeah the site has been slow and I get that error please try and fix it asap
the Arrogancy game sounds awsome

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 11:32:13

The site seems to be running really slow these past few days. How has it been running for everyone else? How has it been running for the past few days, and how has it been for the past few weeks before that?

Also, has NG been crashing your browser? If so, is it a recent thing or has it always done that? We are making plans to buy some more servers. We will also be upgrading MySQL, which will hopefully squeeze some performance out of the current system.

Check out the new Arrogancy collection! This is a great series and we are starting to develop a game together!

We are on the verge of hiring Jose Ortiz to do art on a full-time basis. He would be doing artwork for both Newgrounds (Pico 2) and Newdgrounds (making original content for the subscribers, who would be paying most his salary).

If you have been considering signing up for Newdgrounds, this is another great reason to do so. People who support us will help support Jose and we'll get great content on both sites as a result. Just an FYI for anyone with a credit card! ;)

the site is slow on and off. voting always takes years. and id sign up to newdgrounds if it was 9.99 or 9.95. seriously, 19.95 is high for a fledgeling unknown site. i have so many monthly things its horrible. digi cable, some weird sites i didnt sign up for and who wont let me cancel, 1 pr0nish site (its not just pr0n, its a whole pic posting system, mainly used for pr0n) dsl, aol, reg cable, cable modem... also, what shows up on the cc bill? i think it would look better if it just was entitle newgrounds instead of newdgrounds. i never sign to a pr0n site with an open billing name (its like a joint cc sorta but i pay my bills, imagine if my mom decided to open my cc statement and it sed "Billy Bobs House Of C0k Suking Bytches", and she does open my bills sometimes to be helpful).

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 11:39:28

the site has been running slow....but i thought it was always slow.....

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 11:42:50

For me this site has always been kinda slow.....but right now it seems like it has been even slower than normal for a long time.......i hopr you can fix this.....but it still wont stop me from enjoying your site....

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 12:01:32

Site has been running really slow the last few days

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 12:53:12

it's been extra slow for me lately and i have cable internet, and my browser has crashed on this site maybe because im on at peek hours,im starting to get real annoyed

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 12:55:47

At 3/15/02 04:27 PM, TomFulp wrote: The site seems to be running really slow these past few days. ...and how has it been for the past few weeks before that?

Also, has NG been crashing your browser? If so, is it a recent thing or has it always done that?


Since I discovered NG 1n '99, until I rediscovered it last July, NG has always run ALOT slower than my connection can accept. I sometimes find myself refreshing the browser two or three times to achive decent functionality.

Browser crashing happens alot while I'm on NG, but I never thought the two were connected... I think it would be a recent thing.

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 14:03:34

At 3/15/02 04:27 PM, TomFulp wrote: The site seems to be running really slow these past few days. How has it been running for everyone else? How has it been running for the past few days, and how has it been for the past few weeks before that?

NG was slow in the evening the past week...seems to run better right now :)

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 14:42:05

At 3/15/02 04:27 PM, TomFulp wrote: The site seems to be running really slow these past few days. How has it been running for everyone else? How has it been running for the past few days, and how has it been for the past few weeks before that?

I just got DSL and the site is running like crap :(

Also, has NG been crashing your browser? If so, is it a recent thing or has it always done that? We are making plans to buy some more servers. We will also be upgrading MySQL, which will hopefully squeeze some performance out of the current system.

haven't experienced crashes yet.

Check out the new Arrogancy collection! This is a great series and we are starting to develop a game together!

I'll check it out. If the server improves...

We are on the verge of hiring Jose Ortiz to do art on a full-time basis. He would be doing artwork for both Newgrounds (Pico 2) and Newdgrounds (making original content for the subscribers, who would be paying most his salary).

Cool. Jose would make a nice addition to the official staff. ON the other hand:
Jose Creating Smut, nice.....
Some people really know how to betray their artistic gifts and sell out...

If you have been considering signing up for Newdgrounds, this is another great reason to do so. People who support us will help support Jose and we'll get great content on both sites as a result. Just an FYI for anyone with a credit card! ;)

Sorry Tom, but the day I sign up for NdG will be the day hell freezes over... :)

Here's kind of a nosy question, but how much $$$ does Newgrounds make per month (excluding the addition of revenue gained by NdG) ???

I was never really here.

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 15:50:37

Cool. Jose would make a nice addition to the official staff. ON the other hand:
Jose Creating Smut, nice.....
Some people really know how to betray their artistic gifts and sell out...

I wish I could sell out every day I wake up and realize that my account is slowly dwindling.

The first thing that you realize as an artist is that in order to make any sort of living, you have to sell out in one way or another.

If I didn't have a strict anti-porn stance, I'd create stuff for Nudegrounds too.

And if I didn't have any taste, I'd fill Arrogancy with blood and Matrix-type-effects for all of the little kiddies.

You have to sell-out to make money, sadly.

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 16:48:52

Sometimes the site is really slow, and sometimes it runs great. I think it just depends on how many people are on at once. My browser used to crash a few weeks ago, but I thought it was some pop-up ad that was doing it. Other than that, the site is great! Keep up the awesome work!

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 22:09:31

At 3/16/02 03:23 AM, holopaineniiro wrote: It runs like shit!
I have a DSL and still it takes ½hour to get to the portal... just kiddin but it takes still very long time. I hope you could find a better server or somethin. :(

I have DSL and it is slow on the portal a lot tom you must need a new server and I'm also get that MSQL error

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 22:10:53


Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 22:17:21

sHUt uP wOMAN¿

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 23:00:37

Help......dieing......too.....slow.....must get.....
*caugh*..faster connection!


Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-16 23:38:29

At 3/15/02 04:27 PM, TomFulp wrote: The site seems to be running really slow these past few days. How has it been running for everyone else? How has it been running for the past few days, and how has it been for the past few weeks before that?

Also, has NG been crashing your browser? If so, is it a recent thing or has it always done that? We are making plans to buy some more servers. We will also be upgrading MySQL, which will hopefully squeeze some performance out of the current system.

well. about the site. it runs slow a lot on my computer, and its run slow for quite a while. as for crashing by browser, its done it a couple of times in the past but not recently. One major problem is that sometimes when i vote (especially the last few days) it gives me an error "MySQL" crap. like this that i got today "Warning: Lost connection to MySQL server during query in /home/tfulp/html/gold/session.php on line 61

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during query in /home/tfulp/html/gold/session.php on line 61

Can't connect to melvin.troma.com as newgrounds
MySQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/tfulp/html/gold/session.php on line 78" it does that a lot. and when i get that error, i have to restart my computer and logon again for it to be fixed.

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-17 02:34:26

its runnin good for me

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-17 04:14:35

Tom, I think buying some new servers would be the best investment you could make!Everyone in my clan loves newgrounds and it's content, but EVERY ONE of them don't visit here anymore because they just don't have the patience to wait 5-10 minutes to download a 315k game. Newgrounds has by far the most expansive and highest quality collection of flashes that I and most people know of, but it's one flaw is the suffering bandwidth.

Response to Site Performance and more... 2002-03-17 11:11:58

Performace during "Prime Time" is hellacious. I won't go near NG during evening hours until after 11:00 central when the traffic clears up. After that its fine. There have been a couple errors when using my grounds gold though within the last few days.

Site Performance and more...