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Voice Acting Club

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Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 00:19:36

This club has some serious organization issues though, so I don't see why people won't/wouldn't use it. And it wasn't too hard to find. People posted the link practically all the time back in the day (I sound old).

I just feel bad for Omahdon. He worked hard on it and made it all pretty for us, yet was hardly ever used. Oh well.

Anyway. About me attempting to sing the theme and all.. I just saw Morphemon Duelists (for the first time I might add), and I don't feel too comfortable singing the n-word, so nevermind to that.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 00:50:23

Maybe they were just lazy. :/ It is a shame though, because it was a useful resource.

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 01:42:35

well,Um............................... Crap I forgot what I was going to say,oh yeah Gito,saw your comic,Loved it,um,I can only do it through wave. I hope you don't mind. You can convert it into the Mp3,if you can.



Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 02:16:32

ok shock_dingo, got it. and i dunno.. could you sound a bit more like the narrator in Dragonball? (not in the fighting tournament xD)
and yea, my mail would be best


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 03:04:16

So...even though the roster is down...am I still able to join the club?

I have received no closure on that yet.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 03:56:13

Sure, go ahead and join. I think it's pretty open now.

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 04:06:37

At 8/12/05 03:04 AM, ShadowKoda wrote: So...even though the roster is down...am I still able to join the club?

NO MORE JOINING/UNJOINING!! With the death of the Roster we will just revert back to the old system of "if you post a lot, then you're here". And yes, in order to get roles, people will have to audition or have demos. No mic? No roles. The way it should be.

I have received no closure on that yet.

The Roster never should have become what it did. It should have been used as a resource for flashists to find VA's, or n00bs to get faqs on starting out. Instead it was a status symbol of sorts: "am i on the roster yet? am i on the roster yet?!?". This got old.

Continue posting samples/clips/demos and we'll continue critiquing them (sorry Kagome for not reviewing your new one yet). We'll still help n00bs, in fact I'm going to take a lot of the info on the roster and host a simpler page as an "intro to the VAC" kinda thing. Maybe the more active/talented VA's will make resumé pages and we'll all link to each other in a loose "VA web" of sorts. We never really did that before much.

Anyways, I for one think the Roster had to go (sorry Omahdon, I know you worked hard). Think of how many "first posts" we had... The thread would be like 10 pages shorter without them. Hopefully this new era (post-roster VAC) will prove a step up. Or at the least, less annoying.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 04:24:22


Check out Sprite War Online! Featuring Kagome, Laura/Revenge_Is_Fun, and some non-VAC members (not sure of their names) Please note that this also makes 50 completed movies Kagome has voice acted in on Newgrounds. Hahah.

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 05:17:35

umm I think I could tell which one was you... but there were like 3 or 4 I thought you were... did you play a couple of characters (I dont read the credits much and forgot to this time grrr oh well)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 06:00:23

Frogs: Yup. I'm actually kind of curious to see how the no roster thing turns out. The only thing I can see happening now is that more people will "join", whether they have a mic or not. It doesn't really matter either way because roles will only be given to those who can actually can do them.

Kagome: Well once I get my new computer and get everything hooked up, I should be set for quality! Until then, I shall hang my head in shame... I actually think it has something to do with the acoustics of my recording area too. It's kind of enclosed, thus the box-ish sounding quality :(

GooGum: You're a funny guy and I enjoy watching Morphemon Duelists, but this isn't the place to flame/argue with someone. As long as you make a request and treat people with respect, you'll recieve the help you need. Now excuse me as I read to blind children to make myself feel important :P

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 06:29:38

At 8/12/05 02:16 AM, Gito wrote: could you sound a bit more like the narrator in Dragonball? (not in the fighting tournament xD)

changed my mind, maybe more of a Powerpuff girls-narrator? =P
oh and doesnt matter if its Mp3 or Wav (as long as not in files like .Aup)


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 06:39:31

I don't know if you have "Musician's Friend" Music Stores in your area. But if your looking for Pro-level condesor mics. A freind of mine who's trying to go pro said they are having a sale on this month and that people should check it out. He didn't say the prices..but...I thought I'd just thow this out for the information for everyone.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 10:30:35

At 8/12/05 06:29 AM, Gito wrote:
At 8/12/05 02:16 AM, Gito wrote: could you sound a bit more like the narrator in Dragonball? (not in the fighting tournament xD)
changed my mind, maybe more of a Powerpuff girls-narrator? =P
oh and doesnt matter if its Mp3 or Wav (as long as not in files like .Aup)


Sure I'll try and get as close to that as I can; I'm not sure if I can lighten my voice up that high lol

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 15:05:52

Actually I have a mic....and have posted samples....and have also gotten Voice Acting work before.....

So yay! I join.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 16:26:12

AT7K: WTF are you talking about now? I'm afraid you might be falling back into your old habit of endless useless posts. Please don't.

At 8/12/05 06:39 AM, Niftykoala wrote: I don't know if you have "Musician's Friend" Music Stores in your area. But if your looking for Pro-level condesor mics. A freind of mine who's trying to go pro said they are having a sale on this month and that people should check it out. He didn't say the prices..but...I thought I'd just thow this out for the information for everyone.

Musician's Friend is a cataloge/online store only. They are affiliated with Guitar Center stores however, and you can find all the same items at the same prices because of that. If you're ordering online, I actually prefer American Musical Supply or Music123 as they have better prices and better shipping deals.

BUT BE WARNED!! If you're looking to buy a nice condenser mic you will need a way to supply phantom power and convert an XLR jack to an 1/8th inch. This can be done with a mixer (and adapters) or a pre-amp (also w/ adapters). Instead you might want to look into this USB condenser mic that's fairly new. All you need is a short desk mic stand. It is much easier and much cheaper than buying all kinds of other gear just to hook up the mic. MC-H knows all about these problems...

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 16:30:56

The schedules for Anime Evolution are online now. I'm currently making a list of all the things we VA's must attend such as "Anime Directing With Bakewell" (they had that at Sakura-Con, this guy actually instructed people like Richard and Moneca!) and of course, Kirby Morrow's Autograph....

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 16:33:21

Sheesh, I'm not around for two weeks and stuff happens.
Ok, quick update, I haven't been on recently because I switched my internet from dial-up to broadband.
Of course, things never go smoothly around here so I was stuck without the internet for close to two weeks.
As for Tvs_Slayer, he hasn't had any internet either.
Anyways, hopefully, luck willing, I can get back into voice acting roles seeing as I can update stuff more quickly.
Any news on whether there's gonna be any more chats?

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 17:54:45

Will you just chillout?

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 18:21:07

Ok look, I'm not your enemy ok? I don't know why you're so pissed off, I aint trying to get after you.

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 19:13:02

At 8/12/05 06:45 PM, AudioTransmitter7000 wrote: Shock, I got nothing against you. I got some guy from who the **** knows where telling me what he thinks. I talk about the VAC, I'm not talking about what some **** **** into a toilet last night. Bull***********.

I'm confused, since I'm new to the boards, both you and Frogs are members of the VAC right? Or No?

Now I hear the main site is dead, but this is still a club thread for New and Trained Voice Actors to discuss technique and find/discuss completes works. And for Flash Authors to post VA requests.

Anyway....I was wondering, what flash anims you've VA'ed for AudioTransmitter7000?
I'm always intriged to hear different types of VA talent.
I'm still waiting for some of the characters I've VA'ed for to be posted into the portal.

Anyway...Here is a Question for everyone in this club.
What was your favorite VA job for Newgrounds up to this point?
If it's already part of the portal please post.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 19:18:46

Koala: Good question. My favorite VAing job was for The Orc Ring; I was proud of the voice I used since I tried different things and finally created a new voice for it. Plus I always love doing non/human or weird human voices.

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 19:23:49

I guess AT7K was just talking about the club being old news after joining, or something. That's what I figure anyway, from all the synonyms. Which is kinda on-topic... seeing as someone said something about joining and such.

However, I have a serious question for you AT7K... are you bi-polar or something?

You're posts are very random and awkward most of the time, so it's pretty understandable that Frogs and others would see your post as really unnecessary. And when people start informing you about your crazy posts, you turn into some sort of maniac and start cussing and such.

This is all just misunderstanding though... so there's no need to act all hostile and start cussing at everyone. Just be cool. If there's nothing to talk about around here, then just don't post. Wait until there is a topic that you can discuss about, because if you post something like that, most likely others won't understand it and it'll just be seen as another space wasting post on this thread.

And don't post if you're just bored, either. If you're bored, go talk to someone. Talk to me if you want. I don't care. I may not be around all the time, but you got my Yahoo name and AIM sn. So please please please, stop with the weird posts and take everyone's advice, mkay? This board is getting worse and worse for me, and you cussing at everyone doesn't help much.

Niftykoala: Working on Autumn Tree. I didn't have many lines, but I really love how that flash movie came out, and I'm glad I was apart of it.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 19:26:19

Elliar I've a question will there be a chat tomorrow? I really really wanna try hard and be there again

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 19:31:30

Well, I sure hope there will be one tomorrow. And on Sunday, too. It all depends on if people show up, really. And since I'm talking about it, I might aswell whore it around now.

VAC Chat, Yahoo Messenger, 6pm PST (9pm EST), add Elliair_lel.

Go to it.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 19:54:36

In response to the question, my favorite flash series to VA for was Xin. I <3 LiFe.1 - Steven and Max are really talented and always produce good stuff.

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 20:51:47

AT7K: I tried very hard with you. I gave you help when you needed it starting out, I've defended you to other VAC memebers when they would attack you behind you back, and I even went so far as to help calm some memebers down when they were furious that you had come back after quiting the VAC.

No more.

You have used up all my patience for you. You really must be bi-polar or something, as half the time you've been cool and half the time a pain in the ass. Like I told you before, you should probably seek help for that. For your own sake, not ours.

But as far as the thread goes, we have our rules that we collectively agree upon and collectively enforce. There really isn't anything we can do though. We're not mods and can't ban you, or remove you're hateful posts. All we can do is ignore. And we all know that doesn't really work, and it certainly doesn't stop you from posting.

So I will ignore you from now on, whether you are cool or psycho... doesn't matter. Someday I hope you grow up and out of your emotional instability. I would hope that you leave this thread until then (and find another place in the forums that welcomes your kind of posts), but I know you probably won't. But again, there's nothing that we can really do to stop you.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 21:40:18

At 8/11/05 11:45 PM, Elliair wrote: I will sing the theme, IF you promise to stop posting about Kagome and Excel rants and whatever it is you've been arguing about.

This is all getting really old for me.

Said the spineless chick who wouldnt try out for Morphemon even though i wanted you to because you were bowing out for Kagome to take it. Coward.
And no i dont want you singing the theme, not because of ^-that but because im looking for males.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 21:47:44

Not that it really matters, but I didn't try for Morphemon Duelists the second time around because I realized that it was just something I did not have any interest in. And because I sensed you were a picky type of producer, hence why I said for you to just allow Kagome to have whatever role it was I tried for.

Why that makes me a spineless chick and a coward baffles me, but I respect everyones opinions, no matter how senseless they are.

And that's okay. Wasn't going to sing it anyway, after I finally heard the song.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 22:04:41

At 8/12/05 09:47 PM, Elliair wrote: Not that it really matters, but I didn't try for Morphemon Duelists the second time around because I realized that it was just something I did not have any interest in. And because I sensed you were a picky type of producer, hence why I said for you to just allow Kagome to have whatever role it was I tried for.

Picky? I demand quality, half-assed is not in my work ethic and i expect the same from anyone who chooses to work with me. ...And what exactly gives you the right to tell me to take Kagome and what makes you think Kagome is any good for the parts?

Why that makes me a spineless chick and a coward baffles me, but I respect everyones opinions, no matter how senseless they are.

Yeah well i cant respect people who show spite through a veil of "respect"...i guess thats you out.

And that's okay. Wasn't going to sing it anyway, after I finally heard the song.

And youre too scared to sing an edgey song....cowardice.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-08-12 22:25:14

Being picky is different from accepting half-ass work. I just didn't want to bother making another audition, especially since I didn't really care too much for your project. Other flash projects interested me at the time, and not yours. Simple as that.

I said for you to offer the role to Kagome only because of my knowledge of her getting a whole bunch of roles, especially in anime type things that include females with high voices. That was just me assuming, so, uh, my bad? And, well, you didn't choose her anyway, so I don't see why that is a problem at all.

And again with the cowardness. Does it really make me a coward for not wanting to say the n-word? I'm not afraid of saying it, I just don't want to. Am I not allowed to do choose not to do something?

And F.Y.I., I'm only defending Kagome because there have just been way too many arguments as of late. If you were around for a certain previous argument, you'd know what I really think/thought of her. Anyway, the arguments about the Excel Rant, including this one is pretty petty. Seriously. It's waste of time. And what's worse is that I've jumped on the bandwagon. Why can't this thread just be used for what it's for? I don't even know why I stay..

So please. If you've got anything else to say to me because you just can't help it, even though I haven't really done anything to you but point out that the arguments need to stop, by all means, say it to me, but do it via e-mail please.

This stuff just makes this place worse.

BBS Signature