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Writer's Guild

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Response to Writer's Guild 2004-11-30 18:37:05

Halo man, you are an obvious amazing talent and your contrivbution to the WOR is widely appreciated. Your practically a NG Rping Guru ;)

Not to Fox: Aha, as the official 'Defender' you can flame i dont care, as long as the thread dont get locked. So be a just defender.
Also Fox, i do not understand what your new idea is about, i have never seen the show. Can you explain it?

Anyone know where immortaldarkness is, me and his character are disputing.. but i dont know whats going on? Get hi mto post what i missed or dont understand here for me. I will be back in about two hours, i just quit the school basketball team because i got too much shit on my plate lol. Anyway, i got a mini-summit to go to tonight and wont be in until about 9. See ya then.

Also to LordSkeleter (sry if i spelt it wrong), the leader of my favourite club, the Book Club, that sucks about the virus, but i am glad to see your back and kicking. Shit is going to hit the fan this weekend in WOR when the the Campaign Party for Karess occurs. The party in which is to advertise Karess as the next Senior Council Member of the Elder's Sanction... or is it?

See ya in two boys... and ladies (have we? i dont think so, eh?)

Cheers, P.S. Anybody tell me about their review percentage, i am curious to see if 22% is good.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-11-30 18:39:10

At 11/30/04 06:37 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
Note to Fox: Aha, as the official 'Defender' you can flame i dont care, as long as the thread dont get locked. So be a just defender.
Also Fox, i do not understand what your new idea is about, i have never seen the show. Can you explain it?

Sorry about al lthe typos, im in a rush, but i thought id point the one above out... i said "Not to Fox"... when i should have said "Note to Fox"... lol... sry to confuse you Frozen_Fox.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-11-30 22:45:26

I guess no action today here, anyway... quick note: My first Art Exhibition in which i have 4 peices submitted is this Thursday. Today i went in and chose my placement, the guy running it likes me, so i got to choose my own wall.lol. It was great. Plus, some fine woman were invited into the exhibition too. I just wanted everyone to wish me luck. All the enterers were there today and i got good feedback thus far, but once the public comes.... oh no, it might not be so happy-happy, joy-joy.

Night all... dun let the bed bugs bite.


Response to Writer's Guild 2004-11-30 22:57:34

Hey, I've got a half finished modern-thriller... about 30 pages. It got an 87% from my teacher in Creative Writing about a year back. Now I have an oppertunity to publish it, if finished. Would anyone be willing to read it? Maybe some ideas or constructive critism?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-11-30 23:29:37

Wow myst, thanx for the complement, i just like to write, lol, hope i can help enrich your story alot, hopefully tomorrow we get some good stuff going, well, peace for now

Night all
Fox the defender, i had to laugh at that, keep up the good work man


Response to Writer's Guild 2004-11-30 23:44:13

before i leave, quick question, on your sigs, how do u use the links? i want to put the 3 forums i do in there as a link, thanx, see ya

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 12:30:51

At 11/30/04 06:39 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
Also Fox, i do not understand what your new idea is about, i have never seen the show. Can you explain it?

But of course. BAsically there is a Tv show called Im a celebrity get me out of here where zC-z list celebs go into the jungle to try and raise money for charity. Everyday the public votes for which celebrity they want to take part in a bush tucker trial. The trials are things like having to colect stars from a pit thta has snakes in etc that sort of thing. Depending on how many stars they get determines how much food the celebs get to eat. So if they dont get any stars the celebs have toe at rice and beans till the next tiral. My idea is basically to replace the celebs with NG regulars and make the trials and things really stupid and deadly. Im sure loads of people would love to see silenced intruder or fulfan 5 have to dive to the bottom of a pit that is filled with deadly sscorpions.....likewise Im sure loads of little prepubescent 13 year old would just love to see a scene where a load of alcohol gets taken into camp and Nepthys and shrapnel start playing strip snap :P

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 13:02:46

Hey guys, *yawn* I sent a trailer of my story toLnL. Click here to view.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 14:23:35

At 12/1/04 01:02 PM, -Sean_of_the_Dead- wrote: Hey guys, *yawn* I sent a trailer of my story toLnL. Click here to view.

I had a read of it. Quite impressive compadre

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 15:25:02

Holy shit, i cannot jump back into WOR, because i am confused of what is happening. Is there a stand off? Just tell me what the hell is going on so i can chip in... i am going to post my come back right now, but i want to know who is fighting who or w/e so i can get in on the action. :)

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 15:48:16

I posted my 'comback'.. but i am still lost. What exactly is Karhein doing and where? Since my charcter is looking for him...

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 15:55:02

Mina (me) and Karhein are defending Paddy from assasinacion from Shadow and ummm....someone else, lol. Paddy got stabed with posion or whatever before we could come in, but we are there trying to handle them, so far no moves made by them. There will probably be an alliance set between u, mina, Karhein and paddy from how i see it. Hope that helps

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 16:05:13

At 12/1/04 03:55 PM, Haloman wrote: ...we could come in, but we are there trying to handle them, so far no moves made by them. There will probably be an alliance set between u, mina, Karhein and paddy from how i see it. Hope that helps

It does help. thanks alot. I guess a few characters havnt posted much since i have left, but your additionm as filled up the storyline plenty.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 16:08:00

yea, hopfully we can get the assasins moving soon, iv stired up some action to get a reaction from em, lol

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 16:12:07

btw, im sure we are close to the arena or somthing, hope that helps too, lol

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 16:12:28

At 12/1/04 04:08 PM, Haloman wrote: yea, hopfully we can get the assasins moving soon, iv stired up some action to get a reaction from em, lol

jesus. I go offline for an hour and loads of stuff happensin WOR just my luck.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 16:25:50

Aha, its cuz im back ;)

So who is the assassin?... and where are you guys exactly.. if i knew where you were i could devise a better entrance lol.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 16:29:01

At 12/1/04 04:25 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Aha, its cuz im back ;)

So who is the assassin?... and where are you guys exactly.. if i knew where you were i could devise a better entrance lol.

I believe we are at some sort of arena where a tournament is meant to be hld but everything is kind of been spoiled by this little fight of ours :P

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 16:29:09

The guys are Shadow and Tsasle, hired to kill paddy from my understanding, we are close to the arena, hope that helps.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 19:51:29

ugh, no one's on right now and its driving me crazy, i really wana write since i got alot of spare time today, lol, hope people get on soon!!

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 21:03:04

i just posted a cool twist, hope it gets things interesting, definatly presents a predicament for my character :D

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 23:21:36

YAY Iam back, tell me whats going on in WOR havent looked there but by the looks of things here it looks like a lot has gone on, I have had lots of random thoughts about becoming semi-nocturnal I knew a guy in 8th grade that did it, I might start a club of nocturnals, but a lot of people will probably think its stupid, if I do start a nocturnal club I'd have to be serious about it and I dont think I could do that. oh well.
Once again let me know if you want to subscribe to my Vampire Ninja comics, so far I only have two subscribers, my dad and Frozen_Fox.

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 23:24:23

Sorry i have not posted much in WOR tonight. My local cable provider was down today or something. I couldn't get on. Pissed me off. So i will deffiently spend some time tomorrow before i got out for my exhibition tomorrow night. Wish me luck.
I am going to try and leave with one last post in WOR. I liked your post ImmortalDarkness... we had the same insight and thoughts of the matter.
Tommorrow i hope to rap this assasin thing up and move towards the campaign party. Should be fun ; )
Night all... shit just keeps happening lately. I am looking forward to a relaxing roleplaying weekend.


Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 23:26:19

At 12/1/04 11:21 PM, G-MAN490 wrote: Once again let me know if you want to subscribe to my Vampire Ninja comics, so far I only have two subscribers, my dad and Frozen_Fox.

I cannot gauantee i will read them and review right away. I am rerally busy with my writing, art, work, school, sports, friends, family, etc. However i will do my best. Send them to me. I am interested. If you could send the ones i have missed too, i wil ltry and catch up. Should be fun.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-01 23:59:44

At 12/1/04 11:26 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: I cannot gauantee i will read them and review right away. I am rerally busy with my writing, art, work, school, sports, friends, family, etc. However i will do my best. Send them to me. I am interested. If you could send the ones i have missed too, i wil ltry and catch up. Should be fun.

ok I just sent you episode 1, do you want episode 2 tomorrow or do you want to get them weekly?

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 00:16:10

WOW were fourth down from the top right now on the clubs and crews BBS list, just had to say it. YAY the club is growing, slowly but surely, just for clarity Iam not a stoner, this is totally irrelevant or something like that, I may talk like one and act like one, and even look like one, but I have never touched any illegal drugs. I just had to say it, wow sometimes I just feel like typing.
this is probably my wierdest post besides my poems, sometimes I can be a wierd guy or boy, or man, except according to most people Iam not a man yet. as you can see by now I like to type allot and I always spell a lot wrong, its a bad habbit. hey this is sort of like a random free write, for some reason I cant stop writing, will this post ever stop...will it? I dont know, my fingers are possesed, I doubt anyone is reading this, I could say anything I wanted to, but I wont just because of the off chance that someone will read this, blah blah blah, sorry for taking up so much room, yes my fingers are still possesed, okay Iam stopping now..........now...............GODDAMNIT why cant I stop, STOP DAMN FINGERS, once again I apologize...............cant stop writing, lets see can I fit another apology in here...sorry...(sorry thx bye)

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 00:17:52

hey suprisingly that barely took up any space at all, compared to myst's posts, ok Iam stopping now!

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 00:26:13

Yea, Mina is basicaly Samus, same looks, i couldn;t get away from it when creating a girl bounty hunter. everything else is different i think, i like th weapons so i kept those, i will probable make up my own upgrades later, well, night all

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 07:43:01

G-Man... send me episode 2 and whatever else this week until i am caught up with fox and whoever else u got to send it to. Then just send them weekly with everyone else.


Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 10:45:43

Hi, I'm quite new to Newgrounds but I would like to join the writers guild. I am not a very regular writer and I can't animate in Flash but sometimes I think of (in my opinion) good stories. This seemed me a good forum to get feedback on my (occasional) work and to get new ideas from other writers