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Writer's Guild

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Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 13:51:35

At 12/2/04 10:45 AM, invisibleninja wrote: Hi, I'm quite new to Newgrounds but I would like to join the writers guild. I am not a very regular writer and I can't animate in Flash but sometimes I think of (in my opinion) good stories. This seemed me a good forum to get feedback on my (occasional) work and to get new ideas from other writers

Welcome. We are always willing to help people out.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 14:58:05

At 12/2/04 01:51 PM, Frozen_fox wrote:
At 12/2/04 10:45 AM, invisibleninja wrote: ... This seemed me a good forum to get feedback on my (occasional) work and to get new ideas from other writers
Welcome. We are always willing to help people out.

Indeed we are... isnt Fox great invisible ninja? ; ) lol
A true poet too.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:06:17

At 12/2/04 02:58 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
At 12/2/04 01:51 PM, Frozen_fox wrote:
At 12/2/04 10:45 AM, invisibleninja wrote: ... This seemed me a good forum to get feedback on my (occasional) work and to get new ideas from other writers
Welcome. We are always willing to help people out.
Indeed we are... isnt Fox great invisible ninja? ; ) lol

Indeed I am

A true poet too.

Awwww thanks myst.
Bt Im gonna be On ng but i might not be posting much casue Im haveing a huge arguemnt with people. Thought Id let you know as to why I might not be posting weither here or in WOR

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:16:46

At 12/2/04 03:06 PM, Frozen_fox wrote:
At 12/2/04 02:58 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
At 12/2/04 01:51 PM, Frozen_fox wrote:
Indeed I am
A true poet too.
Awwww thanks myst.
Bt Im gonna be On ng but i might not be posting much casue Im haveing a huge arguemnt with people. Thought Id let you know as to why I might not be posting weither here or in WOR

True enough. A Mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
I am trying to re-figure out how to work back into Immortal RP. I am lost and confused... that seven days put a big hit into my charcters storyline. It is mad confusing. I am so lots and pissed off.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:17:46

Yea, Immortal one has me frustrated too, my character can't do anything but wait, it sucks, lol.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:20:30

Hey guys like the new sig?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:25:19

very nice, i need one like that, lol

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:32:50

guys cna y'all check the thread I just made in General as it concerns WOR I could do with back up on my point. Im basicvally having a rant about people spamming up the WOR thread.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:35:16

At 12/2/04 03:17 PM, Haloman wrote: Yea, Immortal one has me frustrated too, my character can't do anything but wait, it sucks, lol.

Maybe your charcter can jump on my ship and help work me back into the rp. I forget who your charcter is?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:37:09

At 12/2/04 03:20 PM, LordSkeletor wrote: Hey guys like the new sig?

Sick Sig! I love it! The book is sweet...

Who made it?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:47:25

Sorry about the thread about the spamming IN WOR but I read some more of the spam tday and it pissed me off that people were so immaure that they resroted to it. Ozca siad I could report abuse to him but Im thinking you should do it Myst its your thread after all.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:48:42

Marik juno, now Junik (they fused) unfortunatly, i havn;t been reading much about the battle, and my character is stuck with Gattsu as it seems, we gota finish somthin up with Karn if he would ever post!! good god. Yea, maybe i can bored your ship, but it depends on which side u are on, if mine, i will help u, if not, probably start dystoring stuff, lol, well, i just posted on WoR agian. We will have to talk on Immortals

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:49:38

At 12/2/04 03:37 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
At 12/2/04 03:20 PM, LordSkeletor wrote: Hey guys like the new sig?
Sick Sig! I love it! The book is sweet...

Who made it?

The Sig Makers United but there thread is locked now :(

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 15:53:20

ok guys but ive just seen the amount ive got to read in WOR and i cant be bothered really lol. so can someone summarise where we are. sorry for being a lazy git but im tired and feeling lazy.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:00:33

At 12/2/04 03:47 PM, Frozen_fox wrote: Sorry about the thread about the spamming IN WOR but I read some more of the spam tday and it pissed me off that people were so immaure that they resroted to it. Ozca siad I could report abuse to him but Im thinking you should do it Myst its your thread after all.

If it is something really out of hand, then you can report it if i havnt already. If it is a minor thing.. like a one liner. Lets just ignore it for now.
Anything more, either of us can report.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:02:32

At 12/2/04 04:00 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Anything more, either of us can report.

ok. Ill leave it for now but hopefully my thread will stop it especially as Ozcar made a blatant point of saying that anyone that does it will be banned. So can anyone tell me wtf is happening in WOR. Im reading stuff and getting confused :S

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:03:14

At 12/2/04 03:53 PM, Frozen_fox wrote: ok guys but ive just seen the amount ive got to read in WOR and i cant be bothered really lol. so can someone summarise where we are. sorry for being a lazy git but im tired and feeling lazy.

Aww, i had some good posts. Your staus is uncertain ,for myself, Paddy and Mina are at my mansion. I cannot help you with your charcter now, better ask LordSkeletor

Haloman: Which sid ear you on exactly? I am on the SCA side. I am one of the enforcers (i thin kthey are called that)... my char was a crook who impressed his way into Farlander's program. lol.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:07:05

ok then skeletor where the hell is Karhein at?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:11:28

At 12/2/04 04:07 PM, Frozen_fox wrote: ok then skeletor where the hell is Karhein at?

I think you are still at the arena..with paddy and Im at the inn and Personally I do not like your new chara haloman to futuristic for my liking but thats just me (sorry)

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:15:02

Hey, i would like to join, i write short stories etc, i used to have flash but it got deleted and all this stuff happened so i cant get it again without wasting money. i will post some concepts and stuff up if you give me the ok

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:16:44

At 12/2/04 04:11 PM, LordSkeletor wrote:
At 12/2/04 04:07 PM, Frozen_fox wrote: ok then skeletor where the hell is Karhein at?
I think you are still at the arena..with paddy and Im at the inn and Personally I do not like your new chara haloman to futuristic for my liking but thats just me (sorry)

It does get away from our storyline and really changes alot, but he is a good writer whether is charcter is out of whack or not.
Maybe she could get stranded on our plante without her suite and have to develop living here as a somehwat normal person. Because the town will prolyl try and kill her for 'witchcraft' if she gets noticed walking around in the suite. lol. I think we can work around it, but i know what you mean Skeletor. Eleneous is still kind of in the 'Crusader' type period. Like uhh... whats the time period called... kind of like... The Count of Monty Cristo time period. Just with alot of fantasy worked in. Sci-fi wa snot really in my plans, but i think we can gradually figure something out.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:17:57

At 12/2/04 04:15 PM, Tubuska92 wrote: Hey, i would like to join, i write short stories etc, i used to have flash but it got deleted and all this stuff happened so i cant get it again without wasting money. i will post some concepts and stuff up if you give me the ok

Any and all writers are welcome here. IF you have a smaple of your work would you be willing to post an extratc of it? This is just me wanting tos ee the talent we have in the guild. If you dont want to you dont have to post it but it would be appreciated.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:18:15

At 12/2/04 04:15 PM, Tubuska92 wrote: Hey, i would like to join, i write short stories etc, i used to have flash but it got deleted and all this stuff happened so i cant get it again without wasting money. i will post some concepts and stuff up if you give me the ok

Cannot wait.

P.S. Fox: We will just say Paddy is at the arena with Karhein... they were off in the distance as Myself and Mina killed the creature. Maybe head to my place now or something?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:20:23

I can see it now *Burn her shes a witch!!!!* lol...
Yeah try and work it out and welcome newcomer state your business....(lol)

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:21:43

Yea, she is very futeristic, im trying to adapt her, i might plan on some of the part on her armor be unrepairable on this planet, so i am trying to tone her down, i wanted to come on with a bang though, lol

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:21:56

Hey all, I'm a decent editor. If anyone wants to see my ideas or have something edited or something just e-mail me. I can improve you story (thematic elements, descriptions, grammar, etc) if that is what is asked. I could join the Guild as an Editor. That is, if you let me join.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:23:41

Get your tourches and Pitchforks!!! hahaha, yea, i am planning for a normal life though, don't worry

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:25:34

At 12/2/04 04:17 PM, Frozen_fox wrote:
At 12/2/04 04:15 PM, Tubuska92 wrote: Hey, i would like to join, i write short stories etc, i used to have flash but it got deleted and all this stuff happened so i cant get it again without wasting money. i will post some concepts and stuff up if you give me the ok
Any and all writers are welcome here. IF you have a smaple of your work would you be willing to post an extratc of it? This is just me wanting tos ee the talent we have in the guild. If you dont want to you dont have to post it but it would be appreciated.

Condider it done, this is a story about starcraft, the first part, the whole thing isnt finished though, the part is about half way through,

“Tower one do you copy, over” no response, then a static sound came on, it was fading but it was no mistaking, the hydrolisks he saw weren’t the only, they were coming his way, I ran out the door back into the training area, the door there was smashed down, I crept around and looked out the door, there were all the types of zerg, stalking around the city making sure no one left alive, dropships filled the air with people fleeing, but only few made it out, at least I don’t have to take the test, I hurried but stayed undetected to the airship port, the factory was been destroyed along with all of its tanks and weapons of destruction. I saw the biggest airship make after all the others, they must be migrating and making a new colony. I opened the door to the port, I cursed when I saw only one dropship, with a big crowd of scv’s and a few marines, all fighting to get in, no one was in yet, the door was closed, I ran over, the door opened, and an scv said after you sir ghost, I said “wait I’m not a ghost”, then I remembered I was still in the armor. I stepped in, everyone was bickering there were 5 more seats and 15 more people I chose 4 scv and one marine, I couldn’t believe everyone listened to me, if I didn’t have my night vision on they would have known I wasn’t a real ghost, I hoped in the pilots seat and said to the marine “take of you armor its going to be a long ride”, “Ok” replied the marine. He took off his helmet, and laughed “hey, Dom”, “thought id never see you again”. “lets go to the pilot room we need to follow the others before they are out of sight”. There was a sudden
* BANG * a group of hydrolisks had smashed open and we needed a minute to take off. Some of the scv’s automatically ran, but were instantly destroyed with the hydrolisks acid-breath. Now there was only 5 marines, and 2 scv’s, Dom engaged the launch sequence, but the hydrolisks were slowly drawing near ,I drew open the window and picked up Dom’s Gauss rifle and started shooting, I killed 2 of the hydrolisks but there were about ten, I didn’t bother to count, I was aiming for my third but realised I was out of ammo, the other marines I had forgot about had killed 3 but were now all slain, including the scv’s. I ran to the closet of the cockpit, and found no ammo. Suddenly I was hit with so much force I almost feel unconscious. “Forgot you didn’t have to kill them only hold them off for 1 minute” grinned dom. “Quite you” I said in a funny accent. We both had a laughed out loud for a few minutes, until realised no one was steering, Dom… who’s steering”. Dom cursed and jumped for the driver’s seat. It was to late we had already crashed, Dom being in the driving seat got smashed through the window feel instantly unconscious, Ill check on him after I check the crew, I opened the door and staggered through, all of the scv’s were dead except one. Are you all right. “No, I’ve been badly injured”. “Can you build a command center?” I asked. “Even if I did have the minerals I’m near death and would not have the strength to” came the feeble voice of the scv. “can you build anything?”….”darn, darn, darn” I said, as the scv’s life slipped away. I instantly remembered Dom, I ran back into the cockpit, and dragged Dom of the windshield facing down into the grounds, so I couldn’t see were we were. I dragged him into the main seating, and laid him down, he was in pain but he would heal, but he would probably need to see a medic, but were? I hopped outside and looked in the direction we cam, although we were only flying for 1 minute or two, the base was a dot in the distance. I suddenly saw specks above the city slowly becoming bigger, “mutilisiks”

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:25:57

At 12/2/04 04:21 PM, captain-t wrote: Hey all, I'm a decent editor. If anyone wants to see my ideas or have something edited or something just e-mail me. I can improve you story (thematic elements, descriptions, grammar, etc) if that is what is asked. I could join the Guild as an Editor. That is, if you let me join.

now thats an interesting idea. what do yuo think Myst?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 16:27:05

oh that part isnt edidted or redone with descriptions yet