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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-24 03:00:18

At 6/23/05 10:55 PM, afliXion wrote: I'm preparing a sermon as we speak!

that's great, but i'd perfer not to think of them as sermons. cause I belive none of us are ministers or priests. I like to think of it as just some words or thoughts you have of God. I do hope you don't mind any questions i might, and most probably will have on your sermon.

At 6/24/05 01:27 AM, -Crazed- wrote: No dude, not at all. IN fact while I'm typing this I'm tripping out on 740 mg of DXM and tommrow night I'm sneaking out to go pick mushrooms after I smoke out all day at work tomorrow.

wow that's really sad. It's always sad to see somone fall victim to satan. But it just takes strong faith and will power to stay standing.

I'm back, as in back on NG. As for God, meh, I'm not really a christian anymore. Life's to short to worry about that.

hoiw could you not have time for God? He should be your everything. your reason for living. this is the short time we must work hard for God so we can see the rewarded he's promised us. we only have a little time left. our lives are nothing but a breath in the wind and it'll end soon. After all it's not just for God, it's for you too. you can ethier make time so you could probably be saved in the end, or you could just forget about it and expect hell. sorry to be so rough, but honestly it's how i feel.

So bottom line: you're right, life is to short. so because of that we must try our hardest for God or else you will be part of the second death.. which is far worse than the first death.....

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-24 20:17:28

At 6/24/05 07:52 PM, Tal-con wrote: What do you mean you're not a Christian anymore?! Well screw that, I'm not willing to be a member of an e-church if the leader himself does not accept Christ. Henceforth, I renounce my membership to the Ng Church until further notice, good-day.

I hope you're not serious. are you really just gonna quit because of someone else? dosn't make much sense to me. besides, he isn't the leader anymore.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-24 20:20:50

At 6/24/05 03:00 AM, Guitardude91304 wrote:
At 6/23/05 10:55 PM, afliXion wrote: I'm preparing a sermon as we speak!
that's great, but i'd perfer not to think of them as sermons. cause I belive none of us are ministers or priests. I like to think of it as just some words or thoughts you have of God. I do hope you don't mind any questions i might, and most probably will have on your sermon.

Actually that was just some sarcasm. But sadly I have to leave for 6 weeks now. I'll be in MI.

Response to NG Church 2005-06-24 20:32:04

At 6/24/05 08:20 PM, afliXion wrote: Actually that was just some sarcasm. But sadly I have to leave for 6 weeks now. I'll be in MI.

oh, well that sucks. But coincidently i'm gonna have to cancel My internet soon. only for a while but i wont be able to post for a period of time.still It would be cool if you hung around here when you come back. I should be back by then

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-24 22:58:43

At 6/24/05 09:25 PM, Tal-con wrote:
Yeah, who is? Let me guess, afflixion. No thanks, I don't wanna be lead by someone who's as anti-Catholic as him.

Talcon, please. I wish you could see me in real life. I don't go around preaching anti-catholicism wherever I go. I made a thread about the antichrist, who in my view will be a Pope. The antichrist will be the world religion leader, and unite all the religions into one. The Pope is the practically the world religious leader already. Pope John Paul 2 even recieved a marking on his head by a shiva mistress, and got together will ppl of other faiths like voodoo, and prayed to the 'universal diety.' Look it up ifyou don't believe me. So with the actions of the popes, and their blasphemes, it seems they are the most likely candidate for the antichrist. And I've got news for you, its not just me who thinks like this. Take W.F. Strojie for example. A great Roman Catholic author. He writes in 'The Last Days of the Catholic Church' "I am convinced that it is theologically necessary that Antichrist be a pope. I agree... Antichrist, the Man of Sin, Son of Perdition, to deserve these titles must hold a unique spiritual office, one in which the greatest possible doctrinal disciplinary and moral corruption can be accomplished. And to oppose Christ who is all Truth the essential procedure of Antichrist will not be one of force but of deception. This follows from St. Paul's prophecy of a great spiritual blindness in the time of Antichrist and the Great Apostasy... With due respect for possible non-Catholic claimants, I scoff at the notion that anyone OTHER THAN A POPE COULD BE THE ANTICHRIST."
And talcon, I'll kindly ask you to stop calling me anti-catholic and bringing it up even when its completly uneccesary. I would expect it from heinousdude, but not you. "Don't bear false witness" you know.
Besides, I'm not looking to lead anyone. If this is NG's church then its head is none other than JESUS CHRIST, and we are the body.

Response to NG Church 2005-06-25 06:24:08

At 5/25/05 05:34 PM, Less-than-three wrote: I love this thread. I want to join. I'm a praticing Catholic, I go to church every weekend, I pray. I have morals, I'm all no sex before marriage. Even though it's hard to resist temptation, I want to go to heaven and such.

Isn't it true that the Catholics don't beleive in the talking of tounges?

Animator for hire. Check out the stuff I have on the portal and the forums. If you like something, send me a message.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-25 08:15:15

At 6/23/05 07:40 AM, Enoll wrote: It's funny beacuse you're religious.

It's also funny that most of you are so insecure that you lash out
at people who have different views of your religions.


Response to NG Church 2005-06-25 20:30:25

At 6/25/05 08:15 AM, Enoll wrote: It's also funny that most of you are so insecure that you lash out
at people who have different views of your religions.

um...i think that applies to you more than us...

Response to NG Church 2005-06-26 01:44:19

At 6/24/05 09:25 PM, Tal-con wrote:
At 6/24/05 08:17 PM, Guitardude91304 wrote:
besides, he isn't the leader anymore.
Yeah, who is? Let me guess, afflixion.

No, I AM.

At 6/25/05 08:15 AM, Enoll wrote: It's also funny that most of you are so insecure that you lash out
at people who have different views of your religions.

not really. Being insecure has nothing to do with this whatsoever. I don't agree with some of these peoples' religion, but I don't lash out.

I'm thinking you are the most insecure of all since you go out of your way to go to a club where you're not even wanted, and lash out there.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-26 02:14:46

i have a question for u guys....what do u think about bisexuals......condemn them or let them be?

Response to NG Church 2005-06-26 02:55:05

Unfortunately I have some news. I'm going to have to cancel my internet today so I wont be posting for a while. It really shoudln't take that long for me to get the Net again so don't worry, I'll be back. I will try to use my friend's computeronce in a while to check up on you guys till then.

it's just unfortunate I'm leaving now when the club seems to be getting a little active. I won't be able to answer some of these questions i've been meaning to answer.

At 6/25/05 06:24 AM, Xcyper33 wrote: Isn't it true that the Catholics don't beleive in the talking of tounges?
At 6/26/05 02:14 AM, Prince_of_Whales wrote: i have a question for u guys....what do u think about bisexuals......condemn them or let them be?

I do have an answer for both of them now, but I rather do it when I come back . that way we can talk about any thoguhts you guys have on my opinion.

well take care I'll be back soon enough!

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-26 03:03:42

Hmm, Yes I have a question about the picture that Lionardo Divinci(sorry I cant spell that correctlly) painted "The Last Supper", on Jesus's right there is somebody that some say is Mary Magdelin (I think I spelled her name correct) and others say it is I beleive the Diciple Peter. Well anyways my question is wich do you think it is? Anybody?? I am just curiose to hear the oppinions of everybody and who all actually knew about this.

Response to NG Church 2005-06-26 17:54:17

bi-sexuals are the same as homosexuals..except they have more of a chance at becoming straight again. I don't mess with gay people, I just avoid making contact with them (not in a mean way, just so i wont have to deal with it) It actually really bothers me seeing gay people all the time..its just..eh..but I believe that marriage is for a man and a woman only.

Response to NG Church 2005-06-27 01:31:17

At 6/24/05 01:27 AM, -Crazed- wrote:
At 6/23/05 11:04 PM, Tal-con wrote: Hey, DC, it's nice to see you're back, but your sig says "let's go shroomin`". You said you wouldn't come back until you repented, so I dunno, did you give up drugs or not? Maybe I had a misconception about the situation...?
No dude, not at all. IN fact while I'm typing this I'm tripping out on 740 mg of DXM and tommrow night I'm sneaking out to go pick mushrooms after I smoke out all day at work tomorrow.

I'm back, as in back on NG. As for God, meh, I'm not really a christian anymore. Life's to short to worry about that.

WTF DC GET YOURE SHIT TOGETHER! (excuse my french) i just thaught i would see if youre back. and look at you....you need help..

Response to NG Church 2005-06-27 05:56:31

At 6/25/05 08:30 PM, Draciel56 wrote: um...i think that applies to you more than us...
At 6/26/05 01:44 AM, Guitardude91304 wrote: I'm thinking you are the most insecure of all since you go out of your way to go to a club where you're not even wanted, and lash out there.

"I know you are but what am I ?"



Response to NG Church 2005-06-27 09:35:54

At 6/27/05 05:56 AM, Enoll wrote:
At 6/25/05 08:30 PM, Draciel56 wrote: um...i think that applies to you more than us...
At 6/26/05 01:44 AM, Guitardude91304 wrote: I'm thinking you are the most insecure of all since you go out of your way to go to a club where you're not even wanted, and lash out there.
"I know you are but what am I ?"


Heh, if that is your big comeback you have just been pwned my friend.

Animator for hire. Check out the stuff I have on the portal and the forums. If you like something, send me a message.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-27 09:41:17

DC you need to get straight with god and cast that demon inside of you outward. There is a demon in you man, I just know it. I can't beleive you went from saved and saintified to so low in such a short time. You have been in the church and you know alot of things. Listen to my words.

It is worse to die and go to hell when you have been in church all of your life, or alot of your life, and knowing what to do to follow god's word and not do it, then to not have been inc hirch all of your life. You my friend need to get yourself straight. PUT FORTH THE EFFORT!!!!! I don't beleive how low you have become. Wages of sin is DEATH. Hurry up and get out of that state your in before it is to late!

Animator for hire. Check out the stuff I have on the portal and the forums. If you like something, send me a message.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-28 17:14:24

wow i leave for four days and the whole ng church seems to be going crazy,

first of dc im pretty new, and i don't really know who you are, i also don't belive preaching to you is going to do anything, im just wondering what caused such a change of faith in you?

dxm is pretty powerful stuff, sadly i know that

tal-con, same thing i said to dc im pretty new so my guess is you're not gonna take me seriously, but you are quiting just because someone else is? come on man thats weak.

As for the whole anti catholic arguement, can't you guys just respect the differences? in the big picture we are all christians

well sorry for acting like your mothers, but i just felt i should say it

You're so pretty, like a tree, or a high-class prostitute.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-28 17:20:32

At 6/26/05 02:14 AM, Prince_of_Whales wrote: i have a question for u guys....what do u think about bisexuals......condemn them or let them be?

i think that it is perfectly ok, Christ said to love all, just because someone is different than you doesn't mean they are wrong. Also they have never done anything to you so why pester them.

thats my opinion

You're so pretty, like a tree, or a high-class prostitute.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-28 20:52:43

NG church is where you can say prayers and sermons not do wierd stuff that doesn't have to do with church! and stop talking about homosexuels and satan worshipers I know their wrong but don't talk aboult it here.

Response to NG Church 2005-06-28 21:41:52

Hey everyone, I managed to keep the internet for a couple more weeks but I wont be on for long.

At 6/28/05 05:20 PM, oc_fuzzy wrote: i think that it is perfectly ok, Christ said to love all, just because someone is different than you doesn't mean they are wrong. Also they have never done anything to you so why pester them.

thats my opinion

well of course Bisexuals should be treated the same as homosexuals, because they both do thing wth the same sex as them. And that is one of the worst abominations in the eyes of the Lord.

and just in case you ask me for a text...

Romans 1: 25-32

I like how verse 32 puts it best.

"who, knowing the righteous judgement of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of Death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them."

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-28 23:05:19

At 6/27/05 09:35 AM, Xcyper33 wrote:
At 6/27/05 05:56 AM, Enoll wrote: "I know you are but what am I ?"

Heh, if that is your big comeback you have just been pwned my friend.

Not a comeback of sorts but a summary of what was said in reply to one of my
pervious comments.


Response to NG Church 2005-06-29 02:34:04

At 6/28/05 11:05 PM, Enoll wrote:
At 6/27/05 09:35 AM, Xcyper33 wrote: Heh, if that is your big comeback you have just been pwned my friend.
Not a comeback of sorts but a summary of what was said in reply to one of my
pervious comments.

not really. I was just saying that maybe you should reflect upon yourelf before judgin other people. We are part of this club and are bound have a small debate, argue, or maybe even "lash out" as you put it. but you, seem to come into this club Uninvited and do the same thing.

if you see that somewhat like "I know you are what am I" so be it.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-29 03:17:46

At 6/28/05 05:20 PM, oc_fuzzy wrote:
At 6/26/05 02:14 AM, Prince_of_Whales wrote: i have a question for u guys....what do u think about bisexuals......condemn them or let them be?
i think that it is perfectly ok, Christ said to love all, just because someone is different than you doesn't mean they are wrong. Also they have never done anything to you so why pester them.

thats my opinion

Unfourunately what YOU beleive doesn't go int une with scripture. Becuase the bible clearly states that a Man and a man/ Women and a women is wrong. Christ DOES love us all. But you seem to forget one "KEY" thing. The lord loves us and has mercy. But he is a JUST god.

Animator for hire. Check out the stuff I have on the portal and the forums. If you like something, send me a message.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-29 03:55:02

At 6/28/05 08:52 PM, iliveforhim wrote: NG church is where you can say prayers and sermons not do wierd stuff that doesn't have to do with church! and stop talking about homosexuels and satan worshipers I know their wrong but don't talk aboult it here.

uhhhh.... how long have you even been here? I'm perfectly alright with us talking about things like this as long as it helps us in the things of God. He simply asked what we think of the homosexuls and their salvation.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-06-29 04:07:23

At 6/29/05 03:55 AM, Guitardude91304 wrote:
At 6/28/05 08:52 PM, iliveforhim wrote: NG church is where you can say prayers and sermons not do wierd stuff that doesn't have to do with church! and stop talking about homosexuels and satan worshipers I know their wrong but don't talk aboult it here.
uhhhh.... how long have you even been here? I'm perfectly alright with us talking about things like this as long as it helps us in the things of God. He simply asked what we think of the homosexuls and their salvation.

so...why does god think that homos are bad while he says that you most love evryone...so...straight is good, homesexual is bad...where does that leave bisexual?

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2005-06-29 14:31:29

so...why does god think that homos are bad while he says that you most love evryone...so...straight is good, homesexual is bad...where does that leave bisexual?

well in the Bible it says that a man should be with a woman and woman should be with man. and bisexual just means the same thing as homesexual. and yes, straight is good and homesexual is VERY BAD. OK then...

Response to NG Church 2005-06-29 16:37:10

At 6/29/05 02:31 PM, iliveforhim wrote:
so...why does god think that homos are bad while he says that you most love evryone...so...straight is good, homesexual is bad...where does that leave bisexual?
well in the Bible it says that a man should be with a woman and woman should be with man. and bisexual just means the same thing as homesexual. and yes, straight is good and homesexual is VERY BAD. OK then...

but doesn't the bible teach to love your fello man...and what about jezus I mean, the man is a queer, I mean, he's being chased by 12 men...and cristianity is pure racesisme, I mean, where there any black apostels?now huh?And isn't our new pope a nazi?I tell you, it's the third reich all over again.

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2005-06-29 16:43:47

The Pope Has nothing to do with Christianity and there probably werent black apostles because they were probably slaves (no racism intended). Being atheist doesnt make you "cool"

Response to NG Church 2005-06-29 17:07:28

At 6/29/05 04:43 PM, harryjarry wrote: The Pope Has nothing to do with Christianity and there probably werent black apostles because they were probably slaves (no racism intended). Being atheist doesnt make you "cool"

Dude...I was just screwing around, I don't give a shit about god or jezus or that stuff, I respect that you put your believe in it but I just don't like the principle of worshiping something of wich there is no proof that it ever existed.

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^