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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-09 00:07:34


Hasn't martial arts been mixed with "eastern" religions for centuries if not millennia already? If I remember right some arts are based on religious principles if not religions themselves.

I don't think it's a matter of should or shouldn't, I think it's a matter of personal choice. In my oppinion there's nothing wrong with it either way.

I am confused about one thing though, you used the term "our philosophy", could you explain what you mean?

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-09 01:34:26

At 3/9/07 12:07 AM, ThunderboltLegion wrote: Satan:

Hasn't martial arts been mixed with "eastern" religions for centuries if not millennia already? If I remember right some arts are based on religious principles if not religions themselves.

I don't think it's a matter of should or shouldn't, I think it's a matter of personal choice. In my oppinion there's nothing wrong with it either way.

I am confused about one thing though, you used the term "our philosophy", could you explain what you mean?

Sorry dude, this is probably the first time I've had to disagree with you. Don't know about anybody else, but I've never seen a martial art based on a Catholic, Christian, Baptist, or whatever else belief system. If you're referring to Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, or Confucianism, then you should do some homework. These are viewed as philosophies, not religions. Some places (my college) might even be so bold as to call them religious philosophies. Either way, they are not classified as religions. Martial arts has been mixed with a life philosophy that will improve your physical and mental outlook on fighting and life in general. Martial arts and religion have NEVER been mixed until now.

Any good martial artist will tell you they train a philosophy. Usually a mind-body-spirit philosophy, even MMA fighters and even RBSD practitioners will tell you there is a mind set to get into while training so that you know how to react in a street situation. When I said"our" philosophy was referring to that. All of us have one. It doesn't have to be a true Buddhist philosophy or a belief in a God. We should keep that mind set without having to involve religion. Like you said, it is a personal choice that you have to make when it comes to believing anything. If I believe in the fucking Easter Bunny that isn't something I can convince you of and I shouldn't try.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-09 07:15:58


on religion in martial arts I like how my teacher said it you come here to learn to save your ass not your soul if you want that go to church.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-09 13:31:03


Buddism and Hinduism are clearly defined as religions. The buddist monk is almost synonomis with kung fu, for example. The shaolin temple was a place famous for its association with buddism and martial arts. Yes these religions are considered philosophies in some ways but one could argue that Christianity isn't as much a religion as it is a way of life, or a philosophy.

People will find their strength where they will. Yes there is a mind set that doesn't require a belief in anything, just focusing. In fact I was doing some board breaking just the other day and had to use this mind set, I had to focus and I didn't incorporate religion.

I guess I'm just confused as to how you make the determination that religion "shouldn't" be incorporated into martial arts?

It most certainly doesn't have to be but I don't see the harm?

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-09 14:50:56

Why would a religion like Christianity support violence in their teachings?

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-09 17:03:15

At 3/9/07 02:50 PM, LtSurge659 wrote: Well...
Why would a religion like Christianity support violence in their teachings?

If you really want me to get into it, start a topic in the Politics section and let me know about it. I'd be happy to answer any of your questions, but as long as we're in posting in the Martial Arts Club, lets try to keep the conversation to martial arts as much as possible.

Martial arts isn't about violence. Yes, violence is involved when applied to a real life situation however the priciples that guide ones training and action based on that training need not always be the same. One could easily apply priciples from all different religions to their training and come up with different results. They would determine how you handle a situation, for example; when fighting is warrented (in the name of self defence or otherwise).

Another aspect of martial arts is self confidence. This for me is a major reason why I've stuck with martial arts as long as I have and fully intend on continuing my training as long as I am physically capable. The self confidence gained from martial arts training can be an important part of ones development, not only as a human being but also in other areas such as religion.

An example of this would be having the confidence not to fight when it is not necissary (though desired for whatever reason) and therefore not violate your religious principles. Or vice versa in where your religious priciples would prevent you from bringing dishonor to yourself, to your instructor, to your school and even to martial arts in general when you would otherwise fight unnecessarily. In fact such lack of unnecessary action in the name of religion (because of you self confidince from martial arts training) could set a (religious) example for others to follow.

In other words, you can srengthen your religious priciples by applying them to martial arts and putting them to practice. So to imply that a religion would support violence in their teachings simply by endorcing martial arts is obsurd, there's much more to it than just that.

Hope I answered your question :)

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-09 23:37:56


Buddhism and Hinduism are practical philosophies, NOT religion. The best way I can describe the difference between religion and philosophy is that philosophy asks a question whereas religion answers them. These two can cover the same topics, such as reality of nature, belief, right conduct and state of mind but they treat the issues completely different. Religion investigates means of commitment, faith and emotional experiences, and relies on ritual, dogma and authority while philosophy investigates by means of skepticism, criticism and objectivity and rests upon critical thinking. So to get to my point, religion tells you there is a God, while religion asks you if there is a God. We can argue this all fucking day, and I'm sure you will be an excellent match for me, or we'll just annoy/frustrate each other.

The mind set I was referring to not only included focusing on the target and situation at hand, but the belief that you will make it out alive. If you doubt whats going on for one second you will fail. This is why so many instructors preach having confidence in your technique. There is so much more to that mind set than just focusing, its an entire mind-body-spirit belief and not even that explains it.

Like flashfrozen just said, you are in martial arts to save your ass, if you want to save your soul go to church. A belief in a God is a very intimate belief that one person has to choose to make. I don't think that choice should be forced on me by someone else.


The Bible can give very conflicting instructions on weather or not violence is okay.There are numerous passages that refer to Christians as being pacifistic, for example Proverbs 25:21; Matthew 5:38; Romans 12:17. Now I don't know if you've actually read the Bible or not, but anyone that has knows its a bloody, gore filled fucking violence ridden book. According to the book God commanded the Israelites to completely destroy everyone and everything in the promised land, not to mention David slaying Goliath. Now as Thunder mentioned, martial arts is not about violence, it is about self defense which has a lot to do with wisdom, understanding and tact. The question for all religious people is weather or not self defense is okay by the church and God. That depends on how you've interpreted the book. After all, the only reason we go to church is to praise worship and learn how others have interpreted it. In my opinion God is okay with self defense. In the Luke 22 passage Jesus tells his disciples to get a sword because he knew he would be threatened (and later killed), as would his followers. When he told his followers to get a sword because danger was coming this gives me the impression that he is giving the approval of self defense. Now a few verses later we see Jesus being arrested and Peter cutting off someone's ear with the sword. For this act Jesus rebukes him. Peter acted unwisely in this situation, he was trying to stop something that Jesus had been telling them was going to happen. This was an even that was not supposed to be stopped. This is where wisdom in the martial arts comes in, you have to know when and when not to fight. There is a time and place for everything. The Bible also shows a good bit of God's attitude towards self defense a little more in Exodus 22. "If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck so that he dies, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happens after sunrise, he is guilty of bloodshed. A thief must certainly make restitution, but if he has nothing, he must be sold to pay for his theft.” Now obviously here we see that when a thief breaks into someone’s house at night and that person defends his home and kills the thief, God does not hold that death over the defender's head. However, God does not want anyone to take law into his or her own hands. Now this is speaking of thievery, not an attack. I would believe that if the thief were to attack the defender even during the day, that man would be justified to defend himself. Once again this all depends on how you view the passages.

One of my favorite instructors that I had the pleasure of training with out in California, who is also GM Ji Han Jae's highest ranking student (to my knowledge that hasn't changed yet) in his style of Hapkido, he told us to restrain our physical abilities by spiritual attainment. This is basically a fancy way of saying that if you have the ability and power to break someone's arm that doesn't mean you need to use it.

Since this is all related to religion in the martial arts and violence I don't see a need to move it to the politics forum. If a mod wants to I'd be more than happy to discuss this there, but for now this is still concerning martial arts and it hasn't veered off topic too much.

Hopefully my assumptions in religion are taken seriously since I have studied religion pretty closely, although I'm not a religious being. I'm partial to believing in a "higher self" rather than a God. As my Mom says, I will bow to no man! :P

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-10 01:10:52

At 3/9/07 11:37 PM, Satanic-Samurai wrote: We can argue this all fucking day, and I'm sure you will be an excellent match for me, or we'll just annoy/frustrate each other.

lol, yeah probably :P But just so you know it is not at all my intention to annoy or frustrate you. I simply enjoy a friendly conversation, even if it is based on a disagreement :)

I understand what you're talking about though, your example helped.

Like flashfrozen just said, you are in martial arts to save your ass, if you want to save your soul go to church.

In the case of many religions this may be true but the original example was of Christianity, and Christianity is a way of life. It isn't something that you pick up when you walk in to church but forget about as soon as you walk out. Its principles and biblical teachings are a guide line for every day life, and this includes when you’re training in martial arts. In other words the whole soul saving aspect of Christianity isn't restricted to just church, it’s part of the Christian life.

Aside from that I don't really disagree with much of anything else you had to say. I still don't see a problem with the incorporation of religion into martial arts, or the other way around for that matter...

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-10 02:50:19

At 3/9/07 05:03 PM, ThunderboltLegion wrote:
At 3/9/07 02:50 PM, LtSurge659 wrote: Well...
Why would a religion like Christianity support violence in their teachings?
If you really want me to get into it, start a topic in the Politics section and let me know about it. I'd be happy to answer any of your questions, but as long as we're in posting in the Martial Arts Club, lets try to keep the conversation to martial arts as much as possible.

WARNING: Please do not read this portion of my response if you are easily bored and would rather not listen to a fools beliefs... Thank-you, and have a nice day.

Politics is something that completely disgusts me in this world... In fact, the word, "Politician" has one meaning, which states:
One who seeks personal or partisan gain, often by scheming and maneuvering...
Even John F. Kennedy noticed this and stated:
"Mothers may still want their favorite sons to grow up to be President, but . . . they do not want them to become politicians in the process."
In a way, you could say that there is no such thing as a clean politician, for that very statement is an oxymoron... Politics, to me, is nothing more than organized and well planned corruption, tainting and twisting everything it enters. Whether it be Art, Sports, Religion, Government, Schools, etc...

Martial arts isn't about violence. Yes, violence is involved when applied to a real life situation however the priciples that guide ones training and action based on that training need not always be the same. One could easily apply priciples from all different religions to their training and come up with different results. They would determine how you handle a situation, for example; when fighting is warrented (in the name of self defence or otherwise).

To learn Martial Arts is to learn how to defeat ones enemy and/or protect what's precious to individual with the individual's own mind, body, and extensions... Thus, a martial art, is a type of knowledge. A knowledge that is formless... which then is shaped by the desire, passion, will, beliefs, philosophy, and ideals of it's user...

Knowledge in itself is nothing more than a tool... It's how one uses it that determines whether it's a sword thirsty for blood, a shield for protection, an ornament for viewing pleasure, or a combination thereof...

The Art is an extension of it's user, just as the user is an extension of the art. Just as our will shapes the art, it shapes us as well. It's not called a way of life for nothing. As we live the art, the art lives through us.

Another aspect of martial arts is self confidence. This for me is a major reason why I've stuck with martial arts as long as I have and fully intend on continuing my training as long as I am physically capable. The self confidence gained from martial arts training can be an important part of ones development, not only as a human being but also in other areas such as religion.

A very important lesson indeed... One I seem to have lost along my journey... or to never have obtained altogether... I guess that means according to your description, I'm way under developed, not only as a human being; but as a Non-Denominational Christian, an Okinawan Martial Artist, etc... I guess that could be true... in fact, it probably is... What is confidence really though? Is it to believe in something with a shred of evidence, perhaps? I myself believe in very few things... When it comes to God, I have faith... When it comes to what surrounds me, I have knowledge, beliefs. and doubts... When it comes to myself... I either have knowledge, doubts, or nothing... From my experience, every time I've set goals with the belief that I could accomplish them... I failed as sure as the sun would set... doing the same with doubts... I had a 45% success rate... and with nothing...about an 80% success rate...

An example of this would be having the confidence not to fight when it is not necissary (though desired for whatever reason) and therefore not violate your religious principles. Or vice versa in where your religious priciples would prevent you from bringing dishonor to yourself, to your instructor, to your school and even to martial arts in general when you would otherwise fight unnecessarily. In fact such lack of unnecessary action in the name of religion (because of you self confidince from martial arts training) could set a (religious) example for others to follow.

For me, it's more of a trust and respect kind of thing... but no argument here.

In other words, you can srengthen your religious priciples by applying them to martial arts and putting them to practice. So to imply that a religion would support violence in their teachings simply by endorcing martial arts is obsurd, there's much more to it than just that.

Much more than I could cover in the time I have allotted to me. Thanks for giving me the motivation to post again.

At 3/9/07 11:37 PM, Satanic-Samurai wrote: Buddhism and Hinduism are practical philosophies, NOT religion...Higher self, not God.

Please forgive usuad of only a small portion of your post, but I had responded to each part yours, individually too, I have to fit my response in a couple posts... not to mention the fact I have to get up at 5 to put up new walls, ceiling, and and do a bit of major cleaning afterwards... (whoever developed sheet-rock walling should have died horribly...-_-)

But, First things first...Why are you picking on me? Especially about scaring me off, when you yourself seem to leave the chatroom, when "scarey " subjects get brought up, no? :p

And thanks for glimpse of your personal beliefs. In fact, I found a lot of which that I agreed with, but I still found some that I disagreed with... I think my response to the post, which this particular post, responded to will give you an idea as to which is which..

Meh... you may be right... I'll just let my actions speak for their-selves... Oh, congrats and condolences on the hot student and the injury. Hope you have a lovely time being immobile and horny.

Still can't bump you up to rare on any messenger... even evil Tom hasn't seen you on. Oh well, I'll greet ya when I meet ya.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-10 03:25:49


I can understand a religion being a way by which to live your life. Thats kind of like living your life by a martial arts philosophy. I'm glad I could help and explain why philosophies aren't the same as religions. Glad we could agree on something. I enjoyed the debate. :P


I would like to know what exactly you disagreed with me on and why. I'm always open to different views and opinions. When was I picking on you? I've never left a conversation when things have started to bother me, usually I tell the other person to shut up or I try to work it out. If I've left a conversation its because I had something to do or my IP connection went out. Sorry.

I don't explain my views to people often because I don't feel the need to explain myself. Its part of the reason why I'm so reclusive. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I brought up some good points that you'll take into consideration, but its not expected.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-10 10:23:10

I'm seeing some constructive debate going on here. Good, finally i say. Problem is it's about religion, which can't be argued either way anyways; oh well, at least it's something. So, aside from philisophical debate, WHAAAT'S been going on in the past few pages, anything important or interesting for me to know?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-10 16:07:13

At 3/8/07 02:10 PM, ThunderboltLegion wrote: So Mono, are those swords the best you can get or are they just the best you can get at a reasonable price?


Hanwei swords are definitely not the best out there. The fit and finish on one is good, but not great..... like you'd find on a Katana from the forge of a Japanese Master. Hanwei swords are actually made in China. But they are definitely the best that you can get at a reasonable price. Also, unlike a sword costing thousands of dollars, a Hanwei model is actually likely to get used when practicing martial arts. Nowadays when someone spends thousands of dollars on a sword, and waits half a year to get it, they just place it into their collection to look at.

Regarding religion in martial arts: Here's one example why I think it's a bad idea.....
A few years ago, a somewhat well-known martial artist and Knife Combatives instructor wrote a book on Military Knife Combatives. But some of the chapters were dedicated to civilians defending themselves against Knifers. Sadly, he dismissed many of the Prison Knife Fighting techniques as being "punk moves."

His strong Christian beliefs, which were brought up several times in the book, were the reasons why he looked down his nose at techniques learned behind bars. Here's a Christian martial artist who because of his religion, dismissed a very effective and dangerous aspect of Knife Combatives. A student with limited time who decides to train under him, well; his training will sadly be incomplete. A Prison Knifer, or someone taught by one, is going to be one of the most dangerous attackers you might run into. Prison techniques are highly effective and pragmatic. To dismiss them, simply because they were created by Godless inmates, is foolish. With a religious instructor, you run the risk of his religion getting in the way of learning the most effective of techniques.


To: Shin -

Evil Tom has encountered me twice on MSN in the last few days.

So how about that upgrade? ;)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-10 22:33:41

At 3/10/07 04:07 PM, Monocrom wrote:
Evil Tom has encountered me twice on MSN in the last few days.

Wtf? When are you guys on?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-11 06:49:43

Quick question: Any of you guys do Ninjutsu? If so how complicated is it?

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-11 17:19:23

At 3/10/07 10:33 PM, Satanic-Samurai wrote:
At 3/10/07 04:07 PM, Monocrom wrote:
Evil Tom has encountered me twice on MSN in the last few days.
Wtf? When are you guys on?

Encountered him twice at 10am E.S.T.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-11 17:26:24

At 3/8/07 09:19 PM, LtSurge659 wrote: I do have a bokken. I just got a book on the art of kenjutsu or kendo (unless they are different...) and I'm off at a nice, slow start.


My Shihan teaches swords, but I'm not really sure what art it is, but I think it's Kendo.

I'll just ask him if we can do that one week or something.


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-11 19:57:09

At 3/11/07 05:19 PM, Monocrom wrote:
At 3/10/07 10:33 PM, Satanic-Samurai wrote:
At 3/10/07 04:07 PM, Monocrom wrote:
Evil Tom has encountered me twice on MSN in the last few days.
Wtf? When are you guys on?
Encountered him twice at 10am E.S.T.

You remember what time I was on? Neat.

Sorry I haven't been posting much, I've been out and about doing things, and sleeping until five. If you've ever had pink eye and strep throat at the same time then you'll know what I mean.

NGMartial Arts Club Are you Man...

MUSIC | or a little, dying cosmic whore...

Speak with your actions, come from your core.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-11 20:33:30

At 3/11/07 07:57 PM, Lagerkapo wrote:
At 3/11/07 05:19 PM, Monocrom wrote:
At 3/10/07 10:33 PM, Satanic-Samurai wrote:
At 3/10/07 04:07 PM, Monocrom wrote:
Evil Tom has encountered me twice on MSN in the last few days.
Wtf? When are you guys on?
Encountered him twice at 10am E.S.T.
You remember what time I was on? Neat.

To be honest, I'm usually home from work at 10am; and sometimes sign-in to MSN at that time. Sorry to disappoint you. But I try to be on when I'm not posting a new story or chapter on NG.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-11 20:52:10

At 3/11/07 08:33 PM, Monocrom wrote: stuff

I'm usually on from about 2:30PM EST until 10:00PM EST.

Those are the general times, I might be one for about half an hour everyday between those times.

I don't use MSN anymore htough, so I don't see why I posted that...


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-11 22:26:50

I don't really relate to that, but I had pnumonia and strep throut at the same time before.
Sorry for the bad spelling.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-11 22:35:08

Lol....to stay on the subject of sicknesses.

Once I got such a bad fever/allergic revelation that it lasted two straight weeks. After that fateful day I had seasonal allergies. Before that day, I was never sick, but after that I got sick all the time and actually had to miss nine days of school this year. (five were in one week)

Also, that was right when I got puberty (weird ain't it?)..............

That was pretty crappy.


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-12 01:35:14

At 3/11/07 06:49 AM, Marsupial wrote: Quick question: Any of you guys do Ninjutsu? If so how complicated is it?

I put this reply at the top only because I'm not sure you'd find it within the rest of my post.

We used to have a member who takes Ninjutsu, Tsuchiya. He had formally taken Chinese Kenpo Karate at a Tracy's Karate Studio, the same style and system that I take (I train at a Tracy's Karate Studio, his was in Las Vegas if I remember correctly, while mine not too far from Cleveland). he had said that he quit because of the difficulty of my style but he enjoyed and excelled at Ninjutsu, again if I remember correcly.

So I don't think it'd be too complicated for you if that's what your implying by your question. Still some martial arts aren't for some people, for Tsuchiya my style just wasn't for him. You have to find a style that fits you, I'm lucky enough to have found my fit on my first try but some may have to go through many styles before they come to the one that's right for them.

At 3/10/07 02:50 AM, Semi-Shinro wrote: WARNING: Please do not read this portion of my response if you are easily bored and would rather not listen to a fools beliefs... Thank-you, and have a nice day.

lol, you're so humble it's almost annoying :)

That's a compliment by the way.

I agree with you on politics, they disgust me to a similar level. Unfortunantly though we are unable to escape their influince on our lives so therefore they must matter to us...

To learn Martial Arts is to learn how to defeat ones enemy and/or protect what's precious to individual with the individual's own mind, body, and extensions... Thus, a martial art, is a type of knowledge. A knowledge that is formless... which then is shaped by the desire, passion, will, beliefs, philosophy, and ideals of it's user...

Knowledge in itself is nothing more than a tool... It's how one uses it that determines whether it's a sword thirsty for blood, a shield for protection, an ornament for viewing pleasure, or a combination thereof...

The Art is an extension of it's user, just as the user is an extension of the art. Just as our will shapes the art, it shapes us as well. It's not called a way of life for nothing. As we live the art, the art lives through us.

Wow, beautifully said, I don't think I could have said that better if I worked on it all night...

What is confidence really though? Is it to believe in something with a shred of evidence, perhaps?

Well If you'd believe a dictionary, confidence is a "belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities". But why we have confidence I don't know for sure. Perhaps we are indeed fools for being confident with little or sometimes even nothing to give us absolute assurance. Or perhaps it is what we know for ourselves that can't easily be explained or convinced to others that gives us strength, not only in the areas in which we are confident but also to be confident.

Much more than I could cover in the time I have allotted to me. Thanks for giving me the motivation to post again.

It's my pleasure, you should do it more, perhaps you could inspire the very same type of conversation that would be your own motivation to continue posting :)

At 3/10/07 03:25 AM, Satanic-Samurai wrote: I can understand a religion being a way by which to live your life. Thats kind of like living your life by a martial arts philosophy. I'm glad I could help and explain why philosophies aren't the same as religions. Glad we could agree on something. I enjoyed the debate. :P

I did as well :)

Though as far as debates go this was more of a short friendly conversation. Ahhh the good old days when I was debating four people at once with no one on my side. I even occationally had to turn people down as I was simply too busy. Even when I was only debating one or two people my replies were sometimes four posts long, lol :) I have retired from those debates though, too stressful and they didn't exactly bring out the best in my behavior I'm ashamed to admit. But hey, anytime you want a debate I'd be happy to oblige for someone who wouldn't argue back at my responces. I'm sure we could find plenty to disagree on :P

At 3/10/07 04:07 PM, Monocrom wrote:

Thanks for the info on Hanwei swords 'n' stuff, most helpful as usual :)

Regarding religion in martial arts: Here's one example why I think it's a bad idea..... etc...

I understand how this could be a problem but your example is of only a single instructors foolish convictions. It wouldn't seem like his religion was preventing him from using those techniques but rather he was preventing himself. You can't blame all of religion or even Christianity. Religion mixed with martial arts I contend is not a bad idea, however some who don't understand it can make this connection problamatic for themselves and their students.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-12 02:53:33

At 3/9/07 11:37 PM, Satanic-Samurai wrote:
Hopefully my assumptions in religion are taken seriously since I have studied religion pretty closely, although I'm not a religious being. I'm partial to believing in a "higher self" rather than a God. As my Mom says, I will bow to no man! :P

Dam that was a long post!
Yes, I have read the BIble. Not comprehensively, though yes I know there's much violence. Even God himself had smote us before, according to the good book. Genesis, I believe. I myself am not very religioso, though I have been very keen on the book's historical ties and moral stories.

Is this "higher self" you mention perhaps a transcendental belief? That there is no God, only the God in ourselves and the Earth and the Heavens...

I don't want to go too deep into this, though your post was just so very informative, I had to give a formal response!

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-12 05:34:44

To: Thunder-

What bothers me is that that instructor is not alone in his beliefs, and how it affects how he teaches both martial arts and Knife Combatives. I try to live my Life in a moralistic way with a Christian background. And I've met folks who represent the worst parts of Christianity. Closed-minded bigots who read the Bible with an eye toward trying to find passages that agree with their point of view..... Instead of reading it with an eye toward what it actually says.

The fanatical side is not nearly as bad as it is in the Muslim religion. But I hope it doesn't get a foothold in martial arts. It's one thing to dismiss a technique because it's unrealistic or because it doesn't work for you..... quite another because you think God would not approve of its use. And as an instructor, one who refuses to teach a Godless technique because of his own beliefs; just doing a disservice to his students who may one day need that technique to stay alive!

If there weren't more than a few fanatics, it wouldn't matter. Sadly, not the case.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-12 16:17:28

You make an excellent point Mono. I still contend though that Christianity is not the cause, just like you can't blame all of islam for the radical few who straps bombs to their chests.

There's no guarantee that even without incorporating Christianity into martial arts that these "radical" few would still teach these techniques. Without a divine moral standard to abide by there's also cultural and personal moral standards which can vary from person to person and region to region that may prevent the teaching of useful techniques of questionable origins. Perhaps without Christianity as an excuse it would be a matter of personal conviction. There's no way to know for sure but the blame rest solely on the peple who would make these errors in judgement.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-12 20:29:57

I know this is an old topic, but I think I figured out where "anything goes" Martial arts came from.


Look at the sign at about 4:00

This is a classic anime called Ranma 1/2. Just look at that sign.


NG Naruto RP Crew

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-13 18:16:47

Ranma 1/2? It's nice to hear that name again. The funny thing is, I've heard so much about it, yet never really seen any episodes...

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-13 21:30:55

Shin i think you where talking to leth about the hot student. He was telling me about her and even showed me a picture. I then realized I taught in the wrong fucking country if she is that hot.

Ya I gotta go back to the doctors tomorrow and that wont' be fun. I will etiher be told to take a break or take it easy with teaching. Well it ill be fun.

I love teaching so much nowadays. Cause I kick ass as a teacher. Now i know that is not the most modest thing to say but it is kind of like when you realized that you have become a lot better at something and you are excited about it. Damn i love teaching though.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-14 02:34:28

Here's a new topic of discussion: "Hot-heads in martial arts."

Inspired by an arguement I just had with one of them at work. (That's where I'm posting this from). Thankfully, the piece of shit is just filling in for one of the guys I normally work with. But the whole incident got me thinking about the fact that these A-holes can be found in any martial arts school.

How often have you guys encountered them, and how do you usually deal with them?

Normally, I do my best to avoid them. It's been my experience that Hot-heads are not just immature as fuck, but they tend to be delusional as well. If one intentionally disrespects you, and you call them on it; don't be surprised if they try to turn it around and pretend that they did no wrong. You'd literally get better results by trying to make your point to a brick wall...... instead of trying to reason with a Hot-head.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-03-14 16:40:47

At 3/14/07 02:34 AM, Monocrom wrote: Here's a new topic of discussion: "Hot-heads in martial arts."
How often have you guys encountered them, and how do you usually deal with them?

There aren't any REAL hot heads in my school. My Shihan is very modest, and so is basically every student there. The only person we have a little trouble with is this 14 year old girl who thinks that there is no chance that she will ever be assaulted. Ever.

Other than her, I can't think of anyone who would be a hot head.


NG Naruto RP Crew

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