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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-06 19:51:05

well sombodys good at geometry...

well.. i guess this just proves that all things emanate from one source after all, ive never been too good at math, just scraped along as i took the classes, my training is more.. not mathmatical, i go at it the way I go at music, with rythum and what-not involved, its hard to explain, esp. if whoever im talking to doesnt know music very well, but its essentially, if i dont worry about what im doing or what im about to do and let myself flow i do it well, otherwise i mess up. ive had several instances where i dont even know what i did, but it worked and thats good enough for me, my training helps refine and perfect that.

and good, you'll be perfect for providing alternate views on a situation and techniques and what-not.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-06 20:14:11

At 6/6/06 07:51 PM, Tsuchiya wrote:

but its essentially, if i dont worry about what im doing or what im about to do and let myself flow i do it well, otherwise i mess up. ive had several instances where i dont even know what i did, but it worked and thats good enough for me, my training helps refine and perfect that.

flow is a large portion of understanding, but also quite common among all martial sciences it's the hardest thing to do...

I currently study two sister arts...Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun and Weng Chun Kung Fu both not to be confused with Wing Chun, however I did study the Yip Man system for a year, but switched when I found a more in-depth and complete system of Hung Fa Yi...I say they are sister arts because they are both Shaolin, and have common concepts and principles making them similar, but each has a unique look even though they are closely similar in theory...

I have trained with both Grand Masters of each martial science... GM Garrett Gee of Hung Fa Yi and Andreas Hoffman, GM of Weng Chun... Garrett Gee operates out of San fransisco and Andreas Hoffman operates out of Germany...

Weng Chun focuses mainly on flow with it's 5 and 1/2 priciples...(6 principles in total) this is the funny thing cause many many people misunderstand the 1/2 as just that half of 1...when in reality in the system it represents 50% of the system, which in turn is flow...so it's 1,2,3,4,5 = 50% and 6 = 50%

Weng Chun looks very much like your typical shaolin, because it is...it focuses on capture and control like most shaolin arts, while killing is possible that is a last resort the art does feature these but it's not the main focus...

Hung Fa Yi, while it can focus on capture and control it's really up to the practitioners discretion to use it...this is a combat art...it was designed to for just that...but it was created during the time when China was warring and it was necessary on a battle field...it's history is amazing, which I do not want to get into at this time...

I study both because from what I practiced, Hung Fa Yi is a stand up art...it was not designed for ground grapeling...

however...Weng Chun has plenty of ground grapeling which is why I study it, and I felt I had already accomplished much because most of the concepts and principles are very similar to Hung Fa Yi...

okay, I am done for a while...just wanted to give a lil background...

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-06 20:50:09

At 6/6/06 07:16 PM, Tsuchiya wrote: Theban: ok ok i guess it works in some situations, and most likely will (most people these days are afraid of confrontation and just want to show off by picking on people anyways), and im assuming i dont have to say this but i will anyway, dont expect it to work in every situation.. and i still perfer my way better myself, but to each his own, right?

Right, of course. I think you hit the nail right on the head when you said most people are afraid of confrontation, but the reason I believe threatening someone with death as a consequence of their actions would work so well is that people are afraid to die. If I were to say in responce to mentioned situation "I'm going to break your nose", I don't think it would have much impact, but hearing that you could die is no small matter even if you don't truely believe it. And again it also matters how you say it, if you say it with arrogence then you won't be taken seriously, if you say it with confidence and conviction then it'll make just about anyone stop and think twice. But again, you are right, you can't expect anything to work in every given situation, you shouldn't at all rely on this tactic but it's worth trying at least.

I agree that your method would work but as soon as fists start flying things can move pretty quickly, I would use your method second, after I tried threatening death.

So it would go like this:
step 1) threaten death
step 2) knock him around a little to let him know you mean business
step 3) hurt him, break an arm if you have to

All of these provided you have no other choice, that includes running away. Anyway, I hope this gives you a slightly more accurate idea on where I stand when it comes to a self defence situation. (And of course those steps can be skipped as a situation warrents it.)

Well, now that I'm done rambling on and on with a responce that could have consisted of one word and a smiley face:
Assuming that this means you are officially joining:

Welcome to the club fox :)

if you prefur one mutilation of your name to another lust let us know...

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-06 22:49:56

A very busy couple of days....... for both the club, and me.

To: Ts -
That particular disarm that I mentioned as being my "favorite," is still taught in many schools. Thankfully, not in most schools. But it's still common enough that I should include it as one of the things to look for when selecting a school. (If they teach it, run away!) I understand why the Spiritual aspect of your Art is important to you. I hope you can understand that my spiritual side has nothing to do with the Arts I study. I agree that true Warriors do not focus soley on combat....... They'd miss out on so much in Life, if they did. Also, the part about creating a "false sense of security," Yes; that's it exactly! You are not wrong.

With regards to how to handle someone looking for a fight......... I'll apologize to him for whatever perceived Wrong he thinks I've commited against him, and I'll make it sound sincere. Now that his fragile, little ego is satisfied; he'll most likely leave. It happens! Guy like that is just looking for an ego-boost. I gave him one. Screw that macho bullshit. If it becomes physical, I'll either pivot out of the way of his punches, or block them. If I can't calm the guy down or de-escalate the situation, and things get worse, well; that's not a fight anymore, it's self defense. And, I'll do what I have to......
To: Fox -
Welcome to the club. Just to set things straight, DSM and I are mirror-opposites in our outlook on martial arts. Disagreements have happened before, they're likely to happen again. Put a lit match and a pile of old-fashioned black powder next to each other, guess what happens..........
To: DSM -
Actually, those 5 styles are not the only ones I believe are worth studying. But they are the only ones that I've POSTED, that are worth studying. I don't dismiss arts that are not all-inclusive. There's no such such thing as an Art that emphasizes everything. (Like I said, BJJ has some severe limitations for self defense. But it's still worth studying).
To: fr13 -
Yup, you quoted the wrong member in your other post. That was Theban's quote. No problem, though. I agree with you that "showing people they can't win doesn't always work." There are some really thick-headed, dumb-ass people in the world. (Hell, some guys will STILL want to fight you....... because they're girl is watching! The dude might have come up to you to pick a fight, kick your ass, and impress his girl! Now he knows he can't win, but he'd rather fight you anyway......... instead of looking like a punk, in front of his girl). Macho bullshit.
To: Theban -
With all due respect to your Instructor, he was able to get away with making such a threat because there were no witnesses around. In a bar, nightclub, diner, or any place that has witnesses.......... Wow! "If you take one step closer I'll kill you." My jaw hit the floor when I read that. I learned something in firearms training a long time ago. Something that was repeated to me just last night. You never want to use the word "kill." Here's why - Let's say you make that statement, but the guy is a bit drunk and very stupid. (A common combination). He takes a swing at you, not a half-hearted one either. You take him down to the ground, instead of instinctively tucking in his chin, he ends up busting his head on the floor. His death was an accident. When the cops show up on the scene, they're going to talk to the witnesses......... the ones that heard you use the word "kill," in your idle threat. See the problem?.......... The use of that word will get you crucified in criminal court. And yes, it HAS happened to people. It's best to use the word "stop," instead of "kill." My personal view on using idle threats is = A very bad tactic! Yes, only stupid people would continue; once you've made such a threat........ But how many intelligent, rational people do you know who go around picking fights with strangers?.......... I just don't want you to end up in prison, like a lot of other guys have, because they used the wrong word; and their attacker unintentionally died.

I'm a bit surprised that you see the throat as a non-harmful body target. A good shot to the throat can do a lot of damage.

Also, Faces hit the nail on the head with his explanation of why we don't discuss killer-techniques. Just use your best judgement when discussing subjects, and you'll be alright.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-06 23:10:00

foxy lady (how do you like THAT nickname?): its good that you know your flow, ive seen some people who put so much emphasis on the flow that they forget to do it hard and fast at higher lvls, and they do the attacks slow and soft, but like you said it should be only 50% of the final product.

theban: ya, i can talk from personal experince where threats havent worked out, but a good confident one oughta help

mono: i cant belive someone else hasnt said that solution yet... i probably should've come up with it myself though, so i cant say anything on it...
ya, above i said to each his own, martial arts are my passion, and im gonna live them, not just practice them. i dont see why anyone who practices them has to live them, but its people like me who keep the soul of it alive and allow for the growth of the art. think of how RBSD will be like in a thousand years, when its robots and cyborgs that attack people rather then other people, RBSD will have grown to fit in the times the way all arts will, thanks to the people who devote themselves to it. people like you are the reason why people like me (assuming you dont want to live the art and want to be like the ultra teacher of RBSD in 30 or so years) keep the art alive itself, we are the soul, you are the body, neither one can or will survive without the other..
i just made that all up right now, so i should probably make some revisions on it, umm.. will you tell me how you reacted to this, and can everyone else? tell me things that you want me to say on that, because i dont know exactly how you feel about that art, i can only assume, so your input will be greatly appreciated..
also, i hope you know what i mean when i say "live the art", ill try my best to explain it if you if you dont understand..

umm also, take into consideration that when i say soul, i mean my interpretation of soul, which is that its an eternal part, and it moves through people like me, and we interpret that essence of the art and allow it to be taught and open it to people to learn it. kinda like a preacher(or priest or whatever) and the congregation in a christian church, that kind of a relationship.. hopefully this'll help you understand my point im trying to make (i said earlier i dont really think consciously of what i do, when i practice and write about it, i let the thoughts/ whatever flow out..)

regarding my training today.. umm.. dam, this is the sorest/ most worn out ive ever been, which is good. it makes me love ninjutsu all the more going full throttle in it..

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 00:07:42

At 6/6/06 10:49 PM, Monocrom wrote: To: Fox -
Welcome to the club. Just to set things straight, DSM and I are mirror-opposites in our outlook on martial arts. Disagreements have happened before, they're likely to happen again. Put a lit match and a pile of old-fashioned black powder next to each other, guess what happens..........

I will keep that in mind Thnx for the heads up... and thanks all...

At 6/6/06 08:50 PM, ThebanLegion wrote: Welcome to the club fox :)
if you prefur one mutilation of your name to another lust let us know...

what ever you all wanna call me is fine...I take no offense to funny nick names so far XD Foxy Lady !!!

At 6/6/06 11:10 PM, Tsuchiya wrote: regarding my training today.. umm.. dam, this is the sorest/ most worn out ive ever been, which is good. it makes me love ninjutsu all the more going full throttle in it..

yeah I know those days...make sure you do plenty of stretching...it helps relax the muscles and it also helps in them growing...

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 00:09:21

Actually it was one of my instructors, instructors from when my instructor was a brown belt, he's in his early to mid sixties, is short (about 5' 7"-8") and rather round if you know what I mean :) I understand completely where your coming from and you do have a good point. Were talking about a potentially life or death situation here. If I can say something to de-escalate a situation before it gets out of hand then I'm going to say it. As far as legal ramifications, at least I'd be alive to face them. Obviously this isn't the best thing to say in every self defence circumstance, if there are other people around it might be best to forego a death threat and dodge his first few swings buying enough time for the other people around us to intervene, if possible.

It seams we have different philosophies when it comes to self defence situations. I believe in doing whatever I have to do to keep myself, or anyone I'm protecting, alive at just about any cost. I'm not going to give up a potential life saving tactic just because someone might get the wrong idea about my intentions and try to use it against me later. My self defence is concerned with the here and now, what am I going to do in the present. I'm not going to let the future rather then the present dictate my actions with unknown consequences. With all that said, you are right to a degree, if I have time to think then I'll think about my next action rather then just let instinct take over. And, going anywhere, whether it be in your backyard or into a bar, you need to preemptively make a determination on the best way to handle a situation if one were to arise. You need to know your surroundings at all times and know what your best option for self defence or for the diffusion of a potential self defence situation is. If you say the word "kill" in the context of a fight in the middle of a croud, then people might think it's you attacking the other guy (if they weren't paying attention until you said "kill"), they might restrain you giving the other guy a chance to do you harm. We could go through "what if" scenarios all night but I think that's unnecessary.

As far as the throat goes, of course it's not a non harmful target but struck with control you can temporarily incapacitate your opponent without cousing him any long lasting harm. Though I have been hit in the throat before and I am still alive, (it was just hard to breathe for a few minutes), I don't at all condone striking to the throat unless you KNOW what you are doing. I personally am confident that I could strike to the throat quickly and with just enough force to achive the desired effects without causing any seroius harm.

And just to make my post a little longer :p What to do in every self defence situation depends. Depends on what? Everything. Many of the decisions to make are small and may not make a difference, but mabye they'll make all the difference. (Going back to the first part of my post...) Threatening death may make no difference but mabye it will stop a fight from ever taking place.

But do you understand why I would choose to use the work "kill" rather than "stop"?

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 00:33:07

Blah you guys are boring me. Sry its just that i've tried reading the last couple of post and saw them as just being argumentive and boring so i stopped reading.

Anyways teaching was pretty harsh today. The reason is, is that there is one kid who is natrually good at TKD and he puts more effort out than most students. The kid is also only 6 or 7. Now the forms that we do are meant for teens and up so the fact that he knows them all pretty well is amazing but the problem is that he didnt know his form completely. And well because of this he didnt pass his pretest. Now he has another week in order to pass it before the testing so i usually dont give it a second thought if i fail someone on a pretest. But what he said was very painful. He said "I tried as hard as i could, i put all my effort into it." Now when a kid says something like that you know how hard it is to tell him that it wasnt quite good enough. Especially to a kid at his age. I did it but you know i just cant stand that look in his eyes. I know this kid will try even harder tommorow but things like this just put you down.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 01:24:10

At 6/7/06 12:33 AM, dsmking wrote: Blah you guys are boring me. Sry its just that i've tried reading the last couple of post and saw them as just being argumentive and boring so i stopped reading.

Well just for the record, I wont argue with anyone in this thread. The closest i will come is a friendly debate :)

And about your teaching: I can relate, I hate having to tell kids they can't test the next week, I even had one girl tear up on me because I said she had to wait another week or two. (She's about eight or nine years old.) I just felt awful...

Well I've been thinking about what you said and in many more ways than I thought while typing out my last post, I am inclined to believe you are right, that saying you'll kill someone isn't the best way to go. For certain cercumstances I still stand by what I said but the more situations I run through in my head the fewer I find would warrent the risk of such a threat :-/

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 17:12:18

1) To Theban and Mono: Sorry for mixing up the posts, my bad.

2) To DSM: Does your school have like, a specific time frame or something, or do you just give out tests? My school has almost no time frame, and the instructors just give out tests when they think the student is ready. I like that way better.

3) To Theban: I guess saying death threats is almost never the solution, and especially after 9/11, I don't think the US. Justice system has a lot of patience with people yelling death threats.

4) To Yoko (Fox): hi. (Why is all of that stuff in spanish on your sig, and profile? Do you speak Spanish?)


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 19:59:19

To: Ts -
You're right about where R.B.S.D. will be in 1000 years. It has to evolve, otherwise it will no longer be based in reality. An average person's day 100 years ago is completely different than what it is now. As for becoming a Teacher, that's only happening if good R.B.S.D. Instructors become rare as Hell! ......... Sadly, a very real possibility; with the current way the Art is structured. Honestly though, I doubt if some of the more traditional arts will evolve much.

For the most part, I agree with what you said. And, I do know what you mean by the term, "live the Art." I also understand your interpretation of soul. (I believe many martial artists would agree with you). My interpretation of soul is the opposite. I see it as something which is internal. Something special that we get from God when we are born. Something that can be lost when we do a truly horrible thing. But, it can also be shared with someone; in order to make the world a better place.
To: Theban -
Our philosophies on Self Defense are actually one and the same. There's 2 parts to most self defense situations: Part 1 is actually surviving the actual attack. Part 2 is when the cops show up, and all the legal shit that follows. You're right about the fact that Part 2 doesn't mean a damn thing if you don't survive part one. But if some guy is "interviewing" you, before the attack, trying to de-escalate a situation is usually best.
To: fr13 -
Don't worry about mixing up the posts. No problem. Just keep in mind that my Boxing glove is the one that looks like someone tossed it into a pool of blood. :P

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 20:37:22

mono: good to see that it didnt rub you the wrong way, whenever i type something like that i always feel like im insulting the other person, so i try to get as many people as i can to tell him their thoughts on it and stuff, so i know how im coming off to people..


for the sake of saying something since this post feels empty, my teacher is gonna give some more free stuff on friday, hes gonna give me a bunch of Stephan Hayes books. which is cool, im really thankful to him for giving me free stuff, but it makes me feel like i owe him something.. i guess i should just push myself more in class to improve so he knows im not just riding the art, instead be good at ninjutsu instead of the techniques.. i know how to do it too, i need to stop think what a good technique would be, and instead just having someone come at me till i can just naturally pull off something. yes.. that sounds good, i think ill do that.

haha, this club has become like my martial arts diary.. o well..

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 21:33:26

To: Ts -
Yup, training harder is a good way of showing your Teacher that you appreciate what he's done for you and given you.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 21:53:32

At 6/7/06 08:37 PM, Tsuchiya wrote: for the sake of saying something since this post feels empty, my teacher is gonna give some more free stuff on friday, hes gonna give me a bunch of Stephan Hayes books. which is cool, im really thankful to him for giving me free stuff, but it makes me feel like i owe him something..

you shouldn't feel that way at all...it may be a personality thing and something you choose to feel that way...

but your teacher knowing and willing is offering...believe me if he wanted something in return he would let you know one way or another...

or also, you do not have to accept...you can make it clear to him that you cannot repay him for his offerings...and you do not wish any disrespect...declining is not necessarily a bad thing sometimes...

however if it was an opportunity to have tea with him or something, you should always accept...

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 22:03:19

Yoko (Fox): Tea? lol. People, other than indians, don't even drink tea in New England. lol. I guess you're in AZ, so people do....even though that makes no sense, since tea is traditionally something that more northern climates drink.

Mono and Theban: You guys are right, but instead of breaking up the thing into parts, I suggest that they re all one, and that they are almost the same. Meaning that no matter what happens in one part, it will directly affect the second.

Ts: That's fine, I like hearing about that stuff.


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 22:56:04

What you said about the two parts of self defence makes a lot of sence and I agree. That is a good way of looking at it, the priority should be to survive the attack and if possible survive it without doing something that could get you in trouble with the law later.

Don't worry about mixing up the posts. No problem. Just keep in mind that my Boxing glove is the one that looks like someone tossed it into a pool of blood. :P

Well, provided you deposit your experience, in 18 days there will be no problem any more :) But watch out, I'm right on your tail...

The connotation of telling someone you'll kill them is not that of a death threat and certainly not yelling out a death threat. That tactic is used for shock value, to get your would be attacker to stop in their tracks.

My instructor buys another instructor and myself dinner every thursday, he doesn't expect any more from me than what I already do, he says that he likes doing it and that it is his pleasure and he is quite sincere about it. I'm not exactly sure what kind of relationship you have with your instructor but it might be close to the same as what I have with mine. Still, to show your apprecation I agree that working harder and practicing more is a good way.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 23:07:05

At 6/7/06 10:03 PM, fremen13 wrote: Yoko (Fox): Tea? lol. People, other than indians, don't even drink tea in New England. lol. I guess you're in AZ, so people do....even though that makes no sense, since tea is traditionally something that more northern climates drink.

mmm maybe...

a short story if I may...

I actually had an important lesson one day over tea...I was invited over to the home of my instructor...and I was told I was going to be given a private lesson...

so here I am thinking I am gonna get me some quality time and training one on one...and all we did was have tea...

it wasn't until a few days later that I realized what had just happened....turnes out I was right...during the entire time during tea, my instructor was demonstrating all the concepts and principles we practice in Combat Training, but in a less obvious way...the way he moved didn't necissarily pertain to combat, but it was just the same as if it was...

but...that's off on a tangent...having tea for me is like a way of bonding...but so is the same as kicking back a few beers or a bottle of warm saki... :)

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 23:09:00

maybe i should describe it a bit more..its not that i feel bad for not doing anything in return, i just want him to know that all this extracurricular type stuff isnt going to waste, i want him to know that everything he's doing for me isnt a waste.. which is why im gonna train harder instead of just giving him something else in return..

fremen: there are sooo many asian restaurants down here in Las Vegas its not even funny. i dont know how it is in Arizona, , but dam, if you want to live somewhere with alot of asian dining (tea included) this is the place to be..

Theban: its probably the same thing it is with you, hes just a nice guy who likes treating his students well, but the only other people he does this with are his army buddies (which are 1st Dan and 3rd Dan themselves, my instructer is 5th, and i still have about 3 or so belts to go until my 1st Dan), so maybe he just sees how dedicated i am and wants to help me along more.. but ya, its not that he expects more out of me, this is just my way of saying thanks

i like how fremen says to do it as one whole thing, rather then 2 parts. as we've said before, flow is about half of everything in martial arts, to have a rigid part thing like that in a technique would be devastating, perhaps the same applies to the pre-fight to.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-07 23:48:47

hey guys, what's going on here lately in the MA club?

Sorry i haven't been here lately, but don't worry, training goes on as usual, so i'm still a match for all the members...should they come to PA at anytime...(open challenge) just kidding, i know how challenging fights seems a little stupid.

School's out, which only means more time to focus on training, but i do also have more time to check out what's happening on NG here and there, so what's up?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-08 00:02:18

At 6/7/06 11:48 PM, BigLundi wrote:

so i'm still a match for all the members...should they come to PA at anytime...(open challenge) just kidding, i know how challenging fights seems a little stupid.

...I'll keep that in mind ; )

...actually I think challenge matches are fun...so long as they are done with respect...and in closed doors or secluded areas where it's only one on one with no spectators...but it takes a matter of trust between the participants to begin with...not everyone shares the same friendly competition attitudes...

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-08 00:11:18

At 6/7/06 11:48 PM, BigLundi wrote: just kidding, i know how challenging fights seems a little stupid.

yes, but it to those very fights, coupled with constant battlefield experimentation, that we owe the modern nature of most asian martial arts, is not most global ones. and hell, i'm always up for a fight :P

NGMartial Arts Club Are you Man...

MUSIC | or a little, dying cosmic whore...

Speak with your actions, come from your core.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-08 00:20:11

Would've posted earlier but SSBM is the greatest game ever... Ehem.

My school we have monthly testings and they test every 2 - 3 months even longer if necessary. Thats all i really got to say right now.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-08 22:49:35

To: fr13 + TheBan -
You guys are both right. What you do in part 1 WILL have a direct effect on what happens to you when part 2 rears its ugly head. Part 1 can last a few seconds....... Part 2 can last years! Arrest, criminal trial, civil trial (when your attacker sues you, or his surviving family members sue you), possible conviction (anything from "mutual combat" [2 guys fighting, no one really got hurt] to Manslaughter [25 to Life]). All that $$$ you'll have to spend on Lawyer's fees....... But it can STILL get worse. Part 2 also involves things such as, his family doesn't decide to sue. Instead of $$$, they want your blood. And here's the thing, you have no clue what they look like; chances are, they know what you look like. Now if his family happens to be a street-gang, they're more likely to want your blood. (Part 2 can get really messy & complicated).

And yes, it is a very good idea to try to minimize the trouble you'll face with the Law, later on; if you can. (Even though the priority is always surviving part 1). One obvious example: If I should ever need to one day use my tactical folder against a violent attacker, which tactical folder is going to look better to a Jury? The one with the name "Endura," or the one that has the words "Combat Elite" stamped on the blade. (And yes, "Combat Elite" is the actual name of a REAL knife company). >:(
To: F0x -
Okay, your post about being invited to a private lesson that was ONLY about having tea; but then you realized later on that it was a demonstration of combat training (in a subtle way) has me confused. Could you please elaborate?......... For me, the words "Tea" and "combat" usually go together in a more obvious way. For example: you're in a diner having breakfast, a very obnoxious Homeless man keeps pestering you for $$$. (It's one of those diners where the manager doesn't give a shit if customers get harassed while trying to eat). You politely refuse by saying you're strapped for $$$ or you actually offer some of your food to him. Still, he insists on $$$, and gets more hostile. Before you can defuse the situation, he reaches for what you believe is a weapon........ so you toss your hot tea in his face, and then blow right by him, on your way to the exit.
To: Lundi -
Hey! What's up with you? What's up with that martial arts Master that you beat up and she went out with you because of it. LOL ! ......... Details please.

Let's see: 1) A discussion on the use of threats to prevent someone from picking a fight with you. Pros & Cons of using this tactic. (I say it's a bad idea). -- 2) How having tea relates to combat. (Quite confusing for me). -- 3) Tom put in a PM option!!! (SWEET!)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-08 23:11:01

At 6/8/06 10:49 PM, Monocrom wrote:
To: F0x -
Okay, your post about being invited to a private lesson that was ONLY about having tea; but then you realized later on that it was a demonstration of combat training (in a subtle way) has me confused. Could you please elaborate?......... For me, the words "Tea" and "combat" usually go together in a more obvious way. For example: you're in a diner having breakfast, a very obnoxious Homeless man keeps pestering you for $$$. (It's one of those diners where the manager doesn't give a shit if customers get harassed while trying to eat). You politely refuse by saying you're strapped for $$$ or you actually offer some of your food to him. Still, he insists on $$$, and gets more hostile. Before you can defuse the situation, he reaches for what you believe is a weapon........ so you toss your hot tea in his face, and then blow right by him, on your way to the exit.

LOL...let me elaborate a lil...

the tea actually had nothing to with the lesson at all...it simply was just tea...it was the way he did everything that was the lesson...the way he kept all his movements in sync with combat techniques...to somebody not concious of the concepts and principles to my martial science it would seem natural and invisible...the way he simply poured me my tea and the manner he reached accros the table were all combat applicable...but you have to recognize it, otherwise it's just that...

basically he was showing me how I could incorporate practice in everyday life while not actually sparring...

...a more sublte and disciplined way of training I suppose...

when I finally told him I realized what he was doing...he just smiled...

there is a ton of philosophy in all that...but I dont wanna bore everyone :P

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-08 23:18:28

To: F0x -
Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I would classify that as being VERY subtle.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-08 23:26:11

At 6/8/06 11:18 PM, Monocrom wrote: To: F0x -
Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I would classify that as being VERY subtle.

we share a stereotypical "Master and Grasshopper" relationship...I learn a lot on my own by failing until I succeed...but his guidance usually helps me come to correct solutions more than not...

he's a very good teacher...it's quite possible I may even teach one day...I have not decided if that is a life I would like for myself...

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-08 23:55:39

summer means i am ungrounded... that means i can finally be a constant presence in the club like i was... 6 months ago. awesome.

my tai chi class was cancelled for june. fuck. now i have nothing for 3 weeks. it was cancelled because no one signed up for it. i had to work last week so i couldn't go, my friend was in maine, and the other guy, al, that does it had a stroke and can't go any more, so now i feel like if i had gotten last thursday off i would have saved the day in a fashion. but what's done is done i suppose.

acting macho is just dumb. period. all it does is make the other ram want to butt heads. someone said that they are like 5'3" and small, so people just keep coming back foor more, and i know exactly where you're coming from. i'm like 5'11", but i weigh 105 pounds. as a result people think i am a walking target, and don't take me seriously unless a friend tells them to, or the fight is over. unfortunately that can drag out for quite a while when meatheads don't learn.

and i recently got a book called "secrets of the samurai: a survey of the martial arts of feudal japan" and regardless of its early 70's printing date it may be one of the best books of its type that i've ever read. the authors are Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook. i seriously suggest reading it, because there is like a 300 page evaluation of fuedal and tokugawa (~1600 - 1869) society and how it affected bujutsu (bu = martial or war, you know jutsu if you're in this club) and its evolution, both armed and unarmed. i have only just gotten to the 300 page evaluations of the arts themselves, after reading the sections mentioned and some kick ass summaries of the armor of fuedal japan (amazingly complex & efficient) and the section of the art of archery (9 foot tall long bows with like 200 lb. resistance.) it's a great read (at least what i've read) and i definitely suggest finding it somewhere.

NGMartial Arts Club Are you Man...

MUSIC | or a little, dying cosmic whore...

Speak with your actions, come from your core.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-09 00:18:54


Do you find Tai Chi to be a Grappeling art or would you describe it as a Strike and Release art...?

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-09 00:44:36

First off, because I'm very perticular about my chosen screen name, ThebanLegion has nothing to do with getting banned or banning someone. The word 'ban', though it appears in my alias, is not to be emphisized. You say the word 'theban' like you would the word 'thunder' or 'theology', with the 'th' at the beginning making it's own sound. Sorry that this doesn't relate to martial arts...

If you are attacked, you successfully fend them off and you cause them no serious harm (mabye a couple bruises), what are the worst and best case scenarios legally? And what can you do/say to help your case?

Teaching has it's ups and downs but the many up sides far outweigh the few down sides. For me, teaching hasn't really effected my life or the way I live it. Though I only teach part time and can't make a living doing it (yet?), I get quite a bit of satisfaction from most of my classes and teaching material brings on a whole new level of learning and practicing that you just can't get from simply training. If you get the opportunity, I highly recomend at least trying it.
I don't know how your school, style or system works so if you started teaching would you really have to change your life style or even dedicate a great deal of time to it?

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-06-09 01:03:03

At 6/9/06 12:18 AM, R3dF0x wrote: tom3rulz...

Do you find Tai Chi to be a Grapelling art or would you describe it as a Strike and Release art...?

i am not trying to be rude, beleive me, but i have to ask; to you have any idea what tai chi is?. don't answer, because of course i will explain. tai chi is basically moving meditation. the ONLY time in tai chi where you even interact with someone (except, of course for when you're learning it) is in the push hands competition (if competition is even the right word [it's not] ) where you try to break the other person's root when they're in a bow stance and they do the same. tai chi is all about how energy flows through the body, and how to use and manipulate this energy. it is also for health (the form of tai chi i do, tai chi qu'an, is more for health, and is somewhat different than the original song family form [if not 1/3 as long} ) and relaxation. the fighting applications of tai chi are indirect and are things like how to use your whole body to make a punch, kick, knee, etc. as powerful as possible, and control and awareness of your body. but like i said, these things are not even touched upon in tai chi, and it is up to the practitioner to figure them out for his/her self. so i would say that tai chi is what it is; moving meditation with energy principles.

NGMartial Arts Club Are you Man...

MUSIC | or a little, dying cosmic whore...

Speak with your actions, come from your core.

BBS Signature