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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:07:35

At 8/13/04 05:40 PM, Letahlity wrote: But I dont think you can achieve both balance and perfection.

Yes, you make good points, but I know I can never achive perfection so that keeps the balance, but I try to get it, so basically im just reaching for the stars.

Thank you for the vote Elder!
*bows deeply to Letahlity*

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:10:46

At 8/13/04 06:03 PM, Letahlity wrote: Sumimasen for the doublepost, but I just remembered;
You never told me wich kick you found most effective, Semi ^_^

Don't worry about double posting. As long as you ask good questions or make true meaningful statments. :-)

The Shuffle Side Kick, is probably the most powerful and deadly kick I've found...
As for efectiveness, the fastest and quickest kick to end a fight would probably be a front snap kick to the knee.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:15:12

I did (click my pic). Are there any club-specific rules or ranks?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:16:47

At 8/13/04 06:10 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Don't worry about double posting. As long as you ask good questions or make true meaningful statments. :-)

The Shuffle Side Kick, is probably the most powerful and deadly kick I've found...
As for efectiveness, the fastest and quickest kick to end a fight would probably be a front snap kick to the knee.

*bows to Goat and Shinro*

We share opinion on that aspect ^_^
Many times I ever had any hostility going on, I ended most of it with a low kick that either dropped my opponent or heavily made him lose his stance, after that I just pretended like it was a joke, and it no bloodshed was necessary ^_^

Do you have any good topic, Shinro-sama (hm, how old are you anyway? If you're older i'd call you 'senpai' ^_^)?
I feel a bit restless at night-time, as always.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:18:47

At 8/13/04 06:05 PM, Letahlity wrote: It apears you posted when I was writing...
Perhaps I expressed myself poorly...
I was talking to the guy that asked if he could join, and I meant more like "I'm a elder, so I can say; of course you can join."

Gomen nasai for the confusion, but I never meant he could become an Elder right away ^_^

Thanks but no apologie is necessary.
You're always wise, truthful, and polite. Exactly what I'd hope you'd be.
You'll go far in whatever style you choose. :-)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:20:43

So am I in?
I cant write anything more in my sig so forgive me that it's just the pic which links to here.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:26:21

1. No flamming or spamming.
2. Keep topics withi Martial Arts.
3. Do not ask to become an elder, we'll ask you.

The only 2 ranks are Members and Elders for now

and you sig is fine.

Letahility, How about Budokai for a topic. and just all me Semi :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:35:19

Arigato, appreciated.
My one final goal is to achieve a high level of authentic style, then to master it, and by that, master myself.
I could develop this into another essay, but I think I should lay them big post's off for a while. ^_^

Budokai, hm?
From what I learned, Budo is Bu = warrior and Do = path.
And 'Kai' is... Shellfish?
Makes no sense to name something Budokai to me...
I'm afraid I have very little knowledge upon the meaning of it.
Is Budokai a word for a number of japanese martial arts?
I made a quick search and all that showed up were a number of many japanese origin-styles, such as Karate, Iaido and so on.

Could you quickly breif me? I would appreciate it a bunch ^_^

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:46:00

At 8/13/04 06:35 PM, Letahlity wrote: Arigato, appreciated.
My one final goal is to achieve a high level of authentic style, then to master it, and by that, master myself.
I could develop this into another essay, but I think I should lay them big post's off for a while. ^_^

Budokai, hm?
From what I learned, Budo is Bu = warrior and Do = path.
And 'Kai' is... Shellfish?
Makes no sense to name something Budokai to me...
I'm afraid I have very little knowledge upon the meaning of it...

At least in my dojo, It means study of weapons.
I never knew that kai meant shell fish... LoL
What weapons have you used and how did they come Existence?
For example; The tonfa was developed from a well crank.
Does this help?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:51:12

At 8/13/04 06:46 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote:
At 8/13/04 06:35 PM, Letahlity wrote: Arigato, appreciated.
My one final goal is to achieve a high level of authentic style, then to master it, and by that, master myself.
I could develop this into another essay, but I think I should lay them big post's off for a while. ^_^

Budokai, hm?
From what I learned, Budo is Bu = warrior and Do = path.
And 'Kai' is... Shellfish?
Makes no sense to name something Budokai to me...
I'm afraid I have very little knowledge upon the meaning of it...
At least in my dojo, It means study of weapons.
I never knew that kai meant shell fish... LoL
What weapons have you used and how did they come Existence?
For example; The tonfa was developed from a well crank.
Does this help?

Oops... I meant kobudo... Yard work can be quite tiresome on the body and mind... Gomensai for the confusion. I wonder where I heard that before... Ohh well, please forgive my ignorance.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 19:21:22

At 8/13/04 06:51 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Oops... I meant kobudo... Yard work can be quite tiresome on the body and mind... Gomensai for the confusion. I wonder where I heard that before... Ohh well, please forgive my ignorance.

Haha, no apologizes needed :)

I see. The study of weapons.
Well the name doesn't make any sense, we established that so far ^_^

I'm very unexperienced with weapons. I always wanted to learn weapon arts, though.
It'll change when I get into Wushu ^_^

I only know a little about the origin of the katana...
Swords was first brough to Japan from China,
broadswords that is.
However, they were found ineffective to use from a horseback, so a longer, thinner and more easier to handle version were made - the katana, or well, not the katana directly...
Many other forms of longswords were created, then the katana came.

And that's my 5 cent.

Weapons are very interesting cause hand-to-hand combat is not always the best option.
One must know one's limitations and where the line is drawn.
"Not knowing when to quit is more humiliating than losing."
- Blade of the Immortal

I know that I have said "If we dont trust in our skill, the skill is pointless" quite recently in this thread, and I still believe so. I dont take back my words.
But if I were to protect something...
My family, friends or anyone considered precious is threatened by a thug, for example.
Am I really that foolish to think that any of my beliefs or ideals matter at that time?
A weapon is just an extraction of the body, if you like...
And it can hurt my opponent alot better then my fist or feet can.

The moment my precious ones are threatened, the ones I promised to protect with my life, I only have one thing in mind:
"Decimate your enemy to prevent them from harm."
I'll throw away all my human emotions and everything that keeps me from eating my opponent alive.

I know my own limitation. But I will always risk my entire life for those I love.
What i'm trying to say is; alot more skill is found in weapon arts.
Even though hand-to-hand is alot more finess, a man who can use a weapon at a adapt level will survive longer then a man who is adapt at hand-to-hand combat.

There are truths and things we would be better off accepting.
I will always practice hand-to-hand.
But as a martial artist, I must grow. And as I said, i'm not the martial artist to limit myself.
Skipping weapons is skipping a big part of martial arts.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 19:30:44

The true definition of budokai: http://users.pandora.be/eric.cornelissis/history.html

Apparantly budokai-do it means "Way of the great warrior"
so budokai means great warrior.( i guess )

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 19:37:49

At 8/13/04 07:30 PM, Mystic-goat wrote: The true definition of budokai: http://users.pandora.be/eric.cornelissis/history.html

Apparantly budokai-do it means "Way of the great warrior"
so budokai means great warrior.( i guess )

I see... I wonder what part 'great' is... "Do" just means 'path'.
Kai meant shellfish...
Geez, it makes no sense at all.

And adding '-do' to "budokai" is, to be completely honest; unnecessary.
There's already 'do' in 'budo (warriors path).
Budokai-do would mean, disregarding 'kai', "The warriors path path".
If we boost it with 'kai', it makes "The warriors path's shellfish's path".
Neither that makes any sense.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 20:00:15

i don't really know...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 20:00:31

At 8/13/04 07:37 PM, Letahlity wrote:
At 8/13/04 07:30 PM, Mystic-goat wrote: The true definition of budokai: http://users.pandora.be/eric.cornelissis/history.html

Apparantly budokai-do it means "Way of the great warrior"
so budokai means great warrior.( i guess )
I see... I wonder what part 'great' is... "Do" just means 'path'.
Kai meant shellfish...
Geez, it makes no sense at al

And adding '-do' to "budokai" is, to be completely honest; unnecessary.
There's already 'do' in 'budo (warriors path).
Budokai-do would mean, disregarding 'kai', "The warriors path path".
If we boost it with 'kai', it makes "The warriors path's shellfish's path".
Neither that makes any sense.

Hmmm... You got me... I believe you know more than me when dealing with japanese terms. I baffled by this "budokai"... Lets not dwell on it for now. Lets change the subject. Mystic-goat, it's your turn to choose a subject.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 20:10:54

Right then, what is your favorite technique?( kick,hand tech, grab ect.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 20:23:22

At 8/13/04 08:10 PM, Mystic-goat wrote: Right then, what is your favorite technique?( kick,hand tech, grab ect.

Let's see... I have many favorite techniques, My favorite kick; transportation Shuffle side kick. My Favorite hand technique, Shuto strike/block. I do have a favorite grapple but it's hard to explain. how about you?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 20:29:57

At 8/13/04 08:10 PM, Mystic-goat wrote: Right then, what is your favorite technique?( kick,hand tech, grab ect.

My favorite techniques is kicks.
I can without bragging say that i'm a specialist in kicks.
Oooh, i'm that kind of guy that cant decide for 1 absolute favorite movie, song, tv-show... and the same goes for martial arts techniques.

Sidekick (with the variations: skipping, step-in/shuffling, jumping)
Spinning hook kick.
Hook kick.
Roundhouse kick.

My favorite punch would have to be the backfist or the spinning backfist.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 20:30:50

Kick- Back leg roundhouse
Hand tech- spearhand
I got to go bye

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 20:45:51

At 8/13/04 08:30 PM, Kaosboy85 wrote: More distence though in the cross behind, though oth are good:-p pending upon if your looking for speed or distence.

I think I understand what you're saying, but I was merely stateing my favorite kick to execute. My favoritkick to use while sparring is the roundhouse side kick. It's Quite well known as a fake out move.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 20:57:10

Topic: What is your best Martial Arts memory?

With the risk of apearing as a troublemaker, my best memory is when I did a fake-low kick - directly to high kick on a guy (not in dojo, not in sparring) and just landed it slightly to show that I could run him over without blinking an eye.
I dont remember why it got to violence anymore though.
But it felt so perfect. My body were moving by itself.
My techniques growing out of the unconcious...
It was quick, and it felt perfect. It felt like I pulled off a perfect technique, no matter how silly it may seem...

Or that time when I sweeped a guy off the floor with a simple low roundhouse... that was fun too ^_^

I know, I know, I may apear as a troublemaker, but i'm not...
It's just that I enjoy things like this alot.

”Getting excited from fighting... and feeling alive. When you defeat your enemy by utilizing the full extent of your power... it becomes the sweetest moment ever.”

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 20:58:23

Well, I'm done for the night. See yall tommorow.
BTW Mystic-Goat I can safely say wWelcome to The Elder's Council.

Good Night.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 21:02:24

At 8/13/04 08:58 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Well, I'm done for the night. See yall tommorow.
BTW Mystic-Goat I can safely say wWelcome to The Elder's Council.

Good Night.

Oyasuminasai, Semi.
It's getting pretty late here in Sweden as well...
*Looks at the clock on the computer* 3 am?
Oh well, I was up untill 7 am one time...
But i'll try to get some sleep now.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 21:11:49

At 8/13/04 08:57 PM, Letahlity wrote: Topic: What is your best Martial Arts memory?

... I know, I know, I may apear as a troublemaker, but i'm not...
It's just that I enjoy things like this alot.

”Getting excited from fighting... and feeling alive. When you defeat your enemy by utilizing the full extent of your power... it becomes the sweetest moment ever.”

Very True, My best martial arts memory was my first time I was threatened with a knife, and no this was not an exercise. He kept telling me "give me your wallet you M.F.". That's when I fell in love (so to speak) with my crescent kick. In a split second the knife was 7 feet away and I had broke his wrist. That was the last time I saw him...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 21:13:56

At 8/13/04 09:02 PM, Letahlity wrote:
At 8/13/04 08:58 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote:
Good Night.
Oyasuminasai, Semi.
It's getting pretty late here in Sweden as well...
*Looks at the clock on the computer* 3 am?
Oh well, I was up untill 7 am one time...
But i'll try to get some sleep now.

Same to you Letahlity.

Sleep well.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 22:13:39

I vote yes for him to become an elder

anyone watching the olypimcs ???

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 23:04:22

At 8/12/04 05:51 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Hey guys,

A tornado warning was issued today in my county! A Doppler radar picked it up but there were no sighted touchdowns. Any way, Samurai320, it sounds like you and I face the same problem.
I can summarize them into these categories; Idiots/Preps, and Of course the smart @$$e$. I respect you for not starting the fight with them. Although I agree with Letahlity, Instead let them through the first strike, so you technically don't start the fight. All three of these groups usually dig themselves a hole as they try to lure you into a fight. Back them up into a corner (so to speak) and force them into a position where they've got to fight you, or lose all that, so-called, respect from the school. That way you'll prove how stupid they are, one way, or another. It works for me. :)

My Prayers will be with you,


Oh I challenge these nieve little punks to fight me all the time. I litteraly offer to fight them all at the same time or tie a hand behind my back and fight them with one, but they refuse to accept then they still want to talk trash and although the oviousness of the situation should turn the insults toward him, but thats just not how our ignorant society works.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 23:21:01

I hae some Ideas for some other ranks from back when I was the leader of the NG ninjas.
1) members
2) students
3) black belt
4) sensai
5) master
6) elder

Just some ideas choose to use them or not.

(bows) "Pilsung"

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-14 09:40:42

At 8/13/04 11:21 PM, samurai_320 wrote: I hae some Ideas for some other ranks from back when I was the leader of the NG ninjas.
1) members
2) students
3) black belt
4) sensai
5) master
6) elder

Just some ideas choose to use them or not.

(bows) "Pilsung"

This decision is for the elders to make. I'm not completely sure about the ranking system though... It could lead spamming, and people flaming each other.

Any ways, Do yall think we should make a new place for the elders to debate? We can always make The Elders Council as an extension to the club. I'll leave this up to the elders as well.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-14 11:06:22

I have been doing WingChun KungFu for 10 years now, and for the last 2 years I've adapting it to do Jeet Kune Do.
However, as Bruce Lee said, I prefer to call it, "The Art of Fighting, without Fighting"

I also, even though it is not covered in my style, I have learnt how to use the double nunchaku.