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July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners!

9,776 Views | 30 Replies
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Last month @Figburn hosted a July Game Jam here on Newgrounds, with the theme “Egg.”

Participants had nine days to make a game and the results were eggcellent but all yolks aside, this jam really did produce a lot of astounding games. We increased the prize tiers from seven to ten and still couldn’t squeeze in all our favorites.

Entries were judged by @Figburn, @Eli and myself. Eli also streamed every game on his Twitch, resulting in 10+ hours of gameplay!

July Game Jam Winners

1st - $800 - Stargrove Scramble

Figburn: “Team Bugulon are pros at jam games and Stargrove Scramble is no eggception. The art, music, and game design are all surprisingly polished for how long the game is, and how short the deadline was. As I was playing I was constantly impressed with how creative the levels and bosses were, and had a great time playing the whole thing.”

Eli: “I really enjoyed this one, not only for the amazing visuals and fantastic music, but the gameplay itself being so satisfying and easy to get into. The pixel art and animation all feel so polished, along with just having an amazing sense of art direction (and world building through visuals) on top of that. Being able to use a controller for this game was also a plus for me because it really added that extra level of polish that I didn't expect out of something that was made in only about a week. I REALLY want a full version of this game and I would absolutely buy it if it were to come out on Steam/Itch.Io/etc.”

Tom: “Stargrove is extremely well produced, with great level designs that even makes time for bonus challenges along the way. Everything has a great game feel and it’s fun to try different egg types. We’ve got a number of powerhouse game dev teams hanging out on NG nowadays and Team Bugulon has made quite the name for themselves this past year. Looking forward to seeing what they do next!”

2nd - $550 - Sunnyside vs Eggies

Figburn: “With fun fast paced shoot'em up gameplay, this rogue-like has so much charm through its visuals that it's easy to find yourself replaying eggain and eggain to get to a higher floor count. I especially enjoy the large soundtrack by Dieswyx that keeps the energy high the whole time.”

Eli: “I ended up playing this game for a lot longer than I should've just because of how fun the gameplay loop is. I really love rouge likes and things like that so I instantly fell in love with Sunnyside VS The Eggies. I could absolutely imagine myself sitting and playing this for hours if there weren't tons of other games I had to judge on top of this. Great visuals, fantastic animation, and really fucking cool music to go on top of all of that.”

Tom: “Sunnyside is an addictive rogue-like run ‘n gun that feels great to play. It looks and sounds wonderful, right down to that spinning PS-style disc when you transition between levels.”

3rd - $400 - Hare Egg

Figburn: “I was surprised by how complete this game felt, solo-dev RickRopes told a full small story centering around a simple egg painting mechanic. I loved how the plot played out and eggcreased the tension with the cutscenes in between the levels. Also, as an artist it was fun to plug in my drawing tablet and try to get detailed drawings in the free-draw mode.”

Eli: “I had so much fun with this game. The concept itself is already really great, and there was never a moment when I was bored with what was happening. Seeing my drawings come to life in a story (especially a story as interesting as this) is something that I've always loved and always will love. On top of that, having Julian there playing the game with me let me frame him as the sole conspirator of the Chicken uprising was definitely a highlight of this entire jam, and I would absolutely frame Julian as the leader of a coup (im really funny) again.”

Tom: “Hare Egg really draws you into its world and is filled with endearing moments!” 

4th - $200 - Splat Chicken

Tom: “The egg laying and bouncing makes for some eggsemplary platforming puzzles and the time shift when launching eggs is super stylish. I like how the game finishes with you using the mechanic in a proper real-world scenario.”

5th - $125 - Embryo Go Go

Figburn: “The clean visuals and hectic run eg' gun gameplay make this one something special, the art style in particular gives this game a lot of character. I also really enjoy the Yoshi's Island-type health system, where you have to retrieve the egg if you get hurt.”

6th - $100 - Thermal Trail

Tom: “Thermal Trail has a unique mechanic, with a player who can’t get too hot and an egg that can’t get too cold. The graphics in this one are beautiful and eggrything has a solid feel, right down to bouncing the egg off walls. Really impressed by this team, they are definitely one to watch!”

7th - $50 - Brood

Figburn: “Though the eggplay is simple, Brood is both insanely challenging and satisfying to play. Bokononyossarian got the most out of the hatching mechanic with some very cleverly designed levels.”

Tom: “This game creates a whole mood where you feel the desperate, relentless drive for this species to propagate and advance their offspring. I enjoyed the music, too!”

8th - $50 - Yemita

Eggburn: “The whole team clearly put their all into the pure charm of Yemita, with very clean 3d visuals and catchy music. The gameplay too, while a bit difficult to get the hang of, is simple and fun, and I love all the different nooks and crannies to eggsplore in the level.”

9th - $50 - O

Tom: “O has some eggstremely sinister levels but it’s O so satisfying when you solve each one!”

10th - $50 - Nest Quest

Eli: “On top of having a really awesome visual style, Nest Quest is another one of those games that makes me wonder how it was made in only about a week. I'm not the best at these kind of games admittedly, but I never felt like it was the game’s fault that I lost, and I certainly never felt like I wasn't having fun. The game’s levels constantly take you through interesting and intense challenges, with really cool scenery for different worlds. ALSO, being able to change your collision box to an egg was a really cool and really unexpected feature that adds so much replay value and difficulty, and I think having the option is really cool.”

Honorable Mentions

This list got kinda long but we each added some eggditional favorites!

You can’t go wrong with any of these games and there are plenty more great ones in the July Jam Collection.

Thank you everyone who participated in the Egg Jam! I’m gonna officially say this is the best game jam ever on NG.

Continued in first reply...


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Also big thank you to our sponsors, who made the prizes possible!

@OviManic - $220

@AnonymousAlchemist - $200

@OmarShehata - $200

@summerskoo - $175

@Voxiverian - $100

@The-EXP - $100

@D-Sun - $100

@53xy83457 - $50

@Aron-Ato - $50

@Eli Stream Donations - $45

@ZergRushUltima - $42.69

@yeahha - $40

@NastyOldWizard - $31

@ConnorGrail - $30

@pixelturkey - $30

@Iggykoop - $25

@NamelessNathan - $25

@Wegra - $5

Anon - $500

If you like hatching up web games and are looking for a chance to win some money, the top-ranked game of August based on original material will win $200, with $100 each for 2nd, 3rd and 4th, thanks to our ongoing game prize sponsors: @AnonymousAlchemist, @Manderby and @53xy83457, @summerskoo and @SrPelo!

If you would like to contribute to our game prize fund, use the donation option on the Supporter page and PM me a heads up you donated towards game prizes.

Other News

The medals section of user pages has been updated to our current layout! Very few pages now remain on the old layout.

Animation Summer Jam Round 3 deadline is this Sunday, August 15th.

Our Animation Summer Jam Round 4 will start on Wednesday, August 18th and will be a less demanding jam with a one week deadline. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you haven't before!

Clock Day is also this Sunday, August 15th and there are PRIZES to celebrate 20 years of B.

Toodee and Topdee Art Contest deadline is August 23rd.

Robot Day is August 26th! Make something robot-themed and share it here that day!

Summer Poetry Writing Contest deadline is September 6th.

Madness Day is September 22nd!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 09:10:32

congrats to evryone who is on the list

Give Me A Decillion Pounds

BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 09:15:46

Congrats to all the winners! Well deserved!

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 09:22:55

Congrats yall! This was super fun to do.

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 09:24:32

Everyone did an awesome job! Stargrove Scramble definitely deserved the top spot. The sheer amount of work they did between the deadline was no small feat. Everyone on that team should be incredibly impressed with the product they produced! In all honesty, they could spend the next two months adding extra content/settings/levels and then ship it to Steam.

I had so much fun playing everyone's games and chatting to other people throughout development. If you managed to finish a game and upload it to Newgrounds, whether or not it was well received, it's important to realize that Game Development is fucking hard. You did something that 99% of the population has never done and will never do!

Good fucking job. Take it easy. Take a rest! And let's tackle the next big thing... Madness Day is right around the corner. <3

holy SHIT!!! third place?!?! I can barely speak right now!!

It was amazing to see so many different great games all about eggs, and it's praise worthy of everyone who took time off their week to make the best game they could.

I had a blast making Hare Egg and seeing it getting this kind of recognition is mind boggling!

Thank you to Figburn, Eli and Tom to take the time to play through our silly games, and thank you newgrounds community for reviewing them as well!!

Congratulations to everyone who made an egg game and congratulations to all other winners, you are all awesome <3

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 10:04:17

Congrats to the winners! This was a fun experience!

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 10:09:57

Wika should’ve been higher up on the list.

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 10:34:11

Congrats to the winners and everyone that participated! This was an awesome game jam! Looking forward to more in the future!

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 10:59:36


I had so much fun both making my game and playing others' games. The Discord server of Jam was just an eggcelent place. Loved to see everyone's progress.

Eli's streams were banger! I've never seen anyone streaming EVERY single game made for the jam before. That's super cool!

Love you all!

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 10:59:50

At 8/13/21 10:34 AM, Pomegranite wrote: Congrats to the winners and everyone that participated! This was an awesome game jam! Looking forward to more in the future!

i cam i saw i conquered, i laid an egg, wait what? *record scratch*

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 11:23:07

Damn, that's a lot of eggs!

Play my new game Halloween Babes!! (i should update my signature, i know)

BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 12:40:04

At 8/13/21 10:59 AM, STANNco wrote:
At 8/13/21 10:34 AM, Pomegranite wrote: Congrats to the winners and everyone that participated! This was an awesome game jam! Looking forward to more in the future!
i cam i saw i conquered, i laid an egg, wait what? *record scratch*

Your game finally answered the question of which came first, the chicken or the thirsty gamers looking at your chicken pinups.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 12:41:40

At 8/13/21 12:40 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 8/13/21 10:59 AM, STANNco wrote:
At 8/13/21 10:34 AM, Pomegranite wrote: Congrats to the winners and everyone that participated! This was an awesome game jam! Looking forward to more in the future!
i cam i saw i conquered, i laid an egg, wait what? *record scratch*
Your game finally answered the question of which came first, the chicken or the thirsty gamers looking at your chicken pinups.

I felt push back from the upper Newground Elites, they wanted it gone "Chicken with boobs, umm what??"

But i would not relent, the chicken babe would stay.

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 12:48:44

Tom, the forum is becoming more positive. Your doing well.



Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 14:00:41

Looks like my game didn't make it. Still happy for for everyone that did though. This was a nice game jam. It's my first too.

Tenth place, woohoo!!! Not bad at all for my first gamejam on Newgrounds! Congrats to all the winners, this was so fun and I can't wait to make more stuff.

Fave game from the jam: Death's Clutch :P

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 15:33:01

That's a lot of egg. Insert egg pun here.

These games were super cool to play.

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 19:47:54

Congrats to all the winners!

Some super duper high quality games from this jam.


BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 20:31:29





BBS Signature

The winners and runner ups were some top notch games, especially for a Jam, and another one that I really liked was L-Egg Hunt

It was a cool 3D experience that I'd like to see developed further.

Thanks to everyone to Jammed and Hosted!

My newsfeed has random GameDev tips & tricks

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-13 23:38:39

At 8/13/21 01:20 PM, kruno5gaming wrote: Hmmmm, I wasn't a winner?


egg dodge will always have a special place in my heart

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-14 00:07:07

Congrats to all those Egg Jam Winners. You are all Omelets.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-14 00:32:05

gam jam


Octillery Social Credit Test DX | Octillery VS Collection

You ever take a rat...cut it open, stick your pee pee in, let it live? You remind me of that rat.

BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-14 01:20:38

Oh yeah Clock Day is tomorrow.

Use my anonymous ten dollar donation for something nice.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-14 02:25:01

Omelets are the superior version of eggs. So, being a winner makes you an Omelet. lol

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-14 02:49:05

Congrats on them winners, and cheers for their next fruitful endeavors! 🥂 🍾

OviVixen Master Demo (18+)

BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-14 05:52:13

At 8/13/21 09:06 AM, TomFulp wrote: Last month @Figburn hosted a July Game Jam here on Newgrounds, with the theme “Egg.”

Participants had nine days to make a game and the results were eggcellent but all yolks aside, this jam really did produce a lot of astounding games. We increased the prize tiers from seven to ten and still couldn’t squeeze in all our favorites.

Entries were judged by @Figburn, @Eli and myself. Eli also streamed every game on his Twitch, resulting in 10+ hours of gameplay!

July Game Jam Winners

1st - $800 - Stargrove Scramble


Figburn: “Team Bugulon are pros at jam games and Stargrove Scramble is no eggception. The art, music, and game design are all surprisingly polished for how long the game is, and how short the deadline was. As I was playing I was constantly impressed with how creative the levels and bosses were, and had a great time playing the whole thing.”

Eli: “I really enjoyed this one, not only for the amazing visuals and fantastic music, but the gameplay itself being so satisfying and easy to get into. The pixel art and animation all feel so polished, along with just having an amazing sense of art direction (and world building through visuals) on top of that. Being able to use a controller for this game was also a plus for me because it really added that extra level of polish that I didn't expect out of something that was made in only about a week. I REALLY want a full version of this game and I would absolutely buy it if it were to come out on Steam/Itch.Io/etc.”

Tom: “Stargrove is extremely well produced, with great level designs that even makes time for bonus challenges along the way. Everything has a great game feel and it’s fun to try different egg types. We’ve got a number of powerhouse game dev teams hanging out on NG nowadays and Team Bugulon has made quite the name for themselves this past year. Looking forward to seeing what they do next!”

2nd - $550 - Sunnyside vs Eggies


Figburn: “With fun fast paced shoot'em up gameplay, this rogue-like has so much charm through its visuals that it's easy to find yourself replaying eggain and eggain to get to a higher floor count. I especially enjoy the large soundtrack by Dieswyx that keeps the energy high the whole time.”

Eli: “I ended up playing this game for a lot longer than I should've just because of how fun the gameplay loop is. I really love rouge likes and things like that so I instantly fell in love with Sunnyside VS The Eggies. I could absolutely imagine myself sitting and playing this for hours if there weren't tons of other games I had to judge on top of this. Great visuals, fantastic animation, and really fucking cool music to go on top of all of that.”

Tom: “Sunnyside is an addictive rogue-like run ‘n gun that feels great to play. It looks and sounds wonderful, right down to that spinning PS-style disc when you transition between levels.”

3rd - $400 - Hare Egg


Figburn: “I was surprised by how complete this game felt, solo-dev RickRopes told a full small story centering around a simple egg painting mechanic. I loved how the plot played out and eggcreased the tension with the cutscenes in between the levels. Also, as an artist it was fun to plug in my drawing tablet and try to get detailed drawings in the free-draw mode.”

Eli: “I had so much fun with this game. The concept itself is already really great, and there was never a moment when I was bored with what was happening. Seeing my drawings come to life in a story (especially a story as interesting as this) is something that I've always loved and always will love. On top of that, having Julian there playing the game with me let me frame him as the sole conspirator of the Chicken uprising was definitely a highlight of this entire jam, and I would absolutely frame Julian as the leader of a coup (im really funny) again.”

Tom: “Hare Egg really draws you into its world and is filled with endearing moments!” 

4th - $200 - Splat Chicken


Tom: “The egg laying and bouncing makes for some eggsemplary platforming puzzles and the time shift when launching eggs is super stylish. I like how the game finishes with you using the mechanic in a proper real-world scenario.”

5th - $125 - Embryo Go Go


Figburn: “The clean visuals and hectic run eg' gun gameplay make this one something special, the art style in particular gives this game a lot of character. I also really enjoy the Yoshi's Island-type health system, where you have to retrieve the egg if you get hurt.”

6th - $100 - Thermal Trail


Tom: “Thermal Trail has a unique mechanic, with a player who can’t get too hot and an egg that can’t get too cold. The graphics in this one are beautiful and eggrything has a solid feel, right down to bouncing the egg off walls. Really impressed by this team, they are definitely one to watch!”

7th - $50 - Brood


Figburn: “Though the eggplay is simple, Brood is both insanely challenging and satisfying to play. Bokononyossarian got the most out of the hatching mechanic with some very cleverly designed levels.”

Tom: “This game creates a whole mood where you feel the desperate, relentless drive for this species to propagate and advance their offspring. I enjoyed the music, too!”

8th - $50 - Yemita


Eggburn: “The whole team clearly put their all into the pure charm of Yemita, with very clean 3d visuals and catchy music. The gameplay too, while a bit difficult to get the hang of, is simple and fun, and I love all the different nooks and crannies to eggsplore in the level.”

9th - $50 - O


Tom: “O has some eggstremely sinister levels but it’s O so satisfying when you solve each one!”

10th - $50 - Nest Quest


Eli: “On top of having a really awesome visual style, Nest Quest is another one of those games that makes me wonder how it was made in only about a week. I'm not the best at these kind of games admittedly, but I never felt like it was the game’s fault that I lost, and I certainly never felt like I wasn't having fun. The game’s levels constantly take you through interesting and intense challenges, with really cool scenery for different worlds. ALSO, being able to change your collision box to an egg was a really cool and really unexpected feature that adds so much replay value and difficulty, and I think having the option is really cool.”

Honorable Mentions

This list got kinda long but we each added some eggditional favorites!


You can’t go wrong with any of these games and there are plenty more great ones in the July Jam Collection.

Thank you everyone who participated in the Egg Jam! I’m gonna officially say this is the best game jam ever on NG.

Continued in first reply...

Congrats to everyone who participated!

Signature image is from GuraQuest

BBS Signature

Response to July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! 2021-08-15 22:41:57

At 8/15/21 11:08 AM, yubis wrote: gam jam

Its the new version of the Game Jam. lol

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature