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DozyMike's Art Thread

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Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-10-24 20:56:48


This is a pretty rough and simple piece, but it is special in that thi is my first fully digital drawing, using my new drawing tablet. Only now realising the irony of Pomni being the first character I do digitally lol

Took all day to get even slightly used to the feel of looking up at a screen and not down at my page and the line art is noticeably harder than when I've done it traditionally or incredibly slowly by mouse. Also not used to CSP and messed up the layers and had to redo the lineart lol

I think it's alright as a first and I'm hoping to keep with very simple pieces, until I'm super familiar with working this way and could make a whole proper piece. We'll see where we go from there

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-10-26 04:24:46

I dunno if many will see this but if you see anything I post that you think could be better, please please please, this is my express permission to critique me as much as you like

I don't really get much critique beyond what I can figure out myself observing others, since I've mostly learned through online courses. I'm looking into if there are any workshops or something I could join that aren't crazy expensive cuz I'd just really like to know exactly what to do to get better. I'm at this point where I don't know what I don't know lol

If I were to be specific, I'd like input on colour, shading and perspective and just overall ways my art could improve to be seen as professional quality, which I very much know it isn't right now. I know it's likely ages away, but I would like to make steps towards making some kind of career off art in the future

Even if they're slightly older pieces, chances are I never got much feedback about them so this is basically just the thumbs up to lemme know if I did poorly somewhere lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-10-26 18:48:47 (edited 2023-10-26 18:59:16)


I know I said no more Digital Circus but these characters are fun to draw lol

One thing I'm still getting used to is lineart. It's been ages since I used a pen for lineart, and that was done traditionally. Kinda been kicking my ass and I was only able to cheat the round head by using an elipse tool lol


Also decided to make a colour drawing of Olly, since I never draw him unbless it's for the comic. Should maybe do all my OCs. Anyway, this one was a lot of fun and I feel the lineart went better. Need to still figure out shading, I wanna refine the style I've been doing for a while and make it look a lot nicer. I suppose it would be cell shading that I do, if I'm using that term correctly at least lol

Again, please feel free to give feedback if you see anything I could do better lol

EDIT: OK, I think I made Jax too big lol. Came out looking super bad when I posted her and this new one isn't too great either. At least that isn't an art issue so much as a "I'm bad with computers" issue lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-10-26 19:00:27



Ok, hope this fixes the issue I had posting Jax, I guess I drew on too big a canvas or just didn't save properly, idk lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-10-27 20:46:25

Had one more go round with Jax

I realised my main issue was that I tend to default to a standard way of doing anatomy that has fit with my style but translates awkwardly to cartoon characters. Adjusted that a bit, using much simpler shapes

Also tried to be looser with the lineart and really just go for it lol. Made it a lot thinner than my usual work, just to see how it'd look mainly loliu_1104347_8500712.webp

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-10-28 18:46:42


I think I'm really getting the hang of this malarkey now lol

Still would like to do a full, proper piece to test myself a bit. I'm still taking it relatively slow, been taking an online course in digital painting that's just covering all the basics and fundamentals, might do me a bit of good

Ragatha was a nice break from all that learning lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-10-28 19:11:16

At 10/28/23 06:46 PM, DozyMike wrote:
I think I'm really getting the hang of this malarkey now lol

Still would like to do a full, proper piece to test myself a bit. I'm still taking it relatively slow, been taking an online course in digital painting that's just covering all the basics and fundamentals, might do me a bit of good

Ragatha was a nice break from all that learning lol


minor fix lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-10-29 22:55:50


More Pomni lol

Fair warning, I will likely be drawing all the guys I haven't drawn, but I am also cooking up something new, I'm just piecing it together and really trying to make sure it's ironed out before I say too much

Anyway, I mainly just did these for fun and cuz I hadn't done many Pomni expressions. But I also tried to muck around with my lineart a bit. I really like the look my old stuff has with the bold black lines and I don't wanna drop that entirely and just go full loosey goosey, I wanna adapt that to my new workflow. Also tried to adapt it in different ways to fit each expression, like just going bananas when Pomni does lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-01 11:48:57


Still have to draw Caine but here's the B Team at least lol

Getting a good workflow going I think, one I can keep up with and understand at least. These shorter character focused drawings have been a real help in that regard

The course I'm taking is still going slow but when it eventually covers backgrounds/landscapes, all that jazz, I may start a big proper piece again. I keep saying that I know, but I'm just trying not to rush into things without practicing things I've learned first lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-01 23:32:24

Very niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice expressions!!!

At 10/26/23 07:00 PM, DozyMike wrote:
Ok, hope this fixes the issue I had posting Jax, I guess I drew on too big a canvas or just didn't save properly, idk lol


Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-02 06:37:24

At 11/1/23 11:32 PM, oninego wrote: Very niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice expressions!!!

At 10/26/23 07:00 PM, DozyMike wrote:
Ok, hope this fixes the issue I had posting Jax, I guess I drew on too big a canvas or just didn't save properly, idk lol

Thank you!! I've been practicing them a lot lately since I tend to do a lot of portraits lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-03 16:07:06


Finally drew all the fellas lol

Really liked how Caine turned out. Took the time to mess around with different lineart styles for different expressions and spent a bit more effort on getting some good lighting, thinking of the highlights and such as more than just shapes, while still keeping the simple shading style I've developed

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-03 22:32:23


Idk what this is tbh lol

I kinda just wanted to draw and couldn't think what, so I ended up just messing around with the different brushes like charcoal and crayon and stuff

I'd love to do weird and artsy type pieces but idk if that's how my brain is wired lol. Idk how you'd go about planning something that isn't concrete in it's rules, ya know? And it feels weird to just "go with it" as my more artsy fartsy minded friends advise lol

So, I probably won't put this in the portal but it should be safe here. I like it enough to post it somewhere lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-07 13:43:07


Something new lol

This is my first digital painting. Took much longer than my usual shading style lol. Not immensely satisfied with it but at a point I just had to say it's done and to stop worrying about it

This isn't me changing up style or anything, I more just wanted to do it to do it and see how it'd go. May use painting more for backgrounds and save my simpler brand of shading for characters, may be something to try out in the next piece

Also, very happy with the hand, considering I don't tend to do skin tones much and keep a lot of my human characters black and white lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-11 20:29:20


Sorta quick piece, or at least it was meant to be lol

Took a while to actually get the effect I wanted and it still hasn't exactly turned out as I imagined but it isn't infuriating at least lol

Mainly just been trying to use different brushes and stuff to see what they do. I tend to stick to a very limited set of tools which I don't think is bad, but it's hardly bad to get new information in your head lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-11 20:34:06


inally got to the part of the online course on how to paint environments lol

Honestly, I still feel very lost figuring out backgrounds/environments. I can work with the human body or monster/creature/character designs no bother but my brain fries trying to put an environment piece together

I don't think it turned out bad but it's still a study more than a piece I made for fun or whatever so I'll just keep this one out of the portal lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-11 21:21:54

these are so good!!!

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**If you want to learn how to draw Direct Message me! I'm looking to teach people.**

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Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-11 21:22:44

At 11/11/23 09:21 PM, TreasurePlanet wrote: these are so good!!!

Thank you!! Happy to hear you like them :)

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-12 15:52:39


Rango today lol

I remember Rango actually being one of the first drawings I did I actually liked, but idk where that piece is now and I'd probably hate it if I saw it today lol

Tried out blending my usual cel shading style with a more painterly background, just to see how it looks. The actually difficult part was just getting a pose that looked right, Rango has a very unique body shape which means he's either super easy or impossible to draw depending on the day lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-12 20:13:39

At 11/12/23 03:52 PM, DozyMike wrote:
Rango today lol

I remember Rango actually being one of the first drawings I did I actually liked, but idk where that piece is now and I'd probably hate it if I saw it today lol

Tried out blending my usual cel shading style with a more painterly background, just to see how it looks. The actually difficult part was just getting a pose that looked right, Rango has a very unique body shape which means he's either super easy or impossible to draw depending on the day lol


just a few fixes lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-25 20:44:52


I've sorta mentioned it here and there but I've decided to work on a new webcomic. Something way shorter in scale, may even start posting it on here. Don't wanna abandon Dandelion but I need to do something that's a lot morefocused and to just swallow the pill of actually completing something, so I don't have to be married to the very first concept I made

Still workshopping the exact story beyond the outline, so likely not gonna be sorted til the new year. But Jig and Dee here are already decided to be joint protagonists. They're a brother and sister pair, with Dee being an abandoned, older model puppet who Jig, a newer and more refined model, became very protective of

I wanted to keep their designs dead simple, to make drawing them a million times easier. I also chose to make the characters almost featureless. I like being able to make characters who can express themselves more subtly, through actions and body language

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-11-28 18:41:01


Trying to keep working on environment art

Trying to refine this idea I have that combines a modern, technological setting with nature. Not one too strongly over the other and trying to make it seem equal parts beautiful and gloomy? It's hard to explain exactly, need to think a bit more on it lol

Not uploading to the portal, I honestly am just less confident in my background stuff than my character stuff right now. I think I'm getting there but still feels wrong, like it's difficult to shift from the very clear cut and readable designs I go for with characters to the looser, more implied method of doing environments in a way that doesn't involve drawing every single blade of grass

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-12-08 17:37:30


Been replaying all the FNAF games and forgot how much I really liked 3 lol

Haven't done greyscale in a while so thought it might be fun. Also messsed around with some more brushes to see hw they can get texture across. Wanted to make a really dirty looking piece lol

May be doing more FNAF stuff, these lil critters are fun to draw

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-12-08 20:17:07


Was feeling arty but also lazy lol

Was originally meant to be a silly meme or something but I thought about making something different halfway through. Too low effort to put in the portal but I kinda like how it looks lol

Sorta fits the minimalist look of the FNAF minigames

In one day, I made 2 ourple guys and now one of them is actually ourple lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2024-01-03 21:40:10


I can't promise the FNAF brainrot has ended, but I have run out of games to play (too poor for new VR game and PS5 lol)

Just needed an easy enough piece to get back to doing art. Kinda been feeling rough ngl. Feeling lazier and not up for much of anything, so I kinda had to force myself through this one lol. Hoping the feeling will pass lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2024-03-19 22:06:55


Finally back to finishing and posting art again. Hopefully lol

Been super into wrestling again so I decided to do some art of my favourite guy, Rey Mysterio. Probably the most draw-able wrestler I can think of lol. Although that tattoo was hell, even tho I simplified it greatly for readability and the sake of my wrist lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2024-03-21 15:33:25

At 3/19/24 10:06 PM, DozyMike wrote:
Finally back to finishing and posting art again. Hopefully lol

Been super into wrestling again so I decided to do some art of my favourite guy, Rey Mysterio. Probably the most draw-able wrestler I can think of lol. Although that tattoo was hell, even tho I simplified it greatly for readability and the sake of my wrist lol

Masked Kane and Undertaker are the 2 others that spring to mind my history with wrestling peaked at seeing Rey Mysterio fight Eddie Gueverra for the custody of his child in a ladder match XD

Also love seeing your improvement, you're clearly studying so the improvement is noticeable imo just keep on keepin on. Are you gunna post the webcomics here ?

No fear. No pain.

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2024-03-21 17:59:33

At 3/21/24 03:33 PM, Awd91 wrote:
At 3/19/24 10:06 PM, DozyMike wrote:
Finally back to finishing and posting art again. Hopefully lol

Been super into wrestling again so I decided to do some art of my favourite guy, Rey Mysterio. Probably the most draw-able wrestler I can think of lol. Although that tattoo was hell, even tho I simplified it greatly for readability and the sake of my wrist lol
Masked Kane and Undertaker are the 2 others that spring to mind my history with wrestling peaked at seeing Rey Mysterio fight Eddie Gueverra for the custody of his child in a ladder match XD

Also love seeing your improvement, you're clearly studying so the improvement is noticeable imo just keep on keepin on. Are you gunna post the webcomics here ?

I might get round to it, all the chapters I've made are up on webtoons already

Only thing stopping me is I'd feel compelled to post the first few chapters I did which are extremely rough and hard for me to even look at now haha

All future comic stuff I do will be posted here tho, life has just been busy so I haven't been able to devote the time I'd like into them lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2024-03-27 15:40:43


Struggling to come up with things to draw but I haven't drawn Ichi in a while lol

It started as just a normal portrait but I thought it'd look cool and fit the theme of his character more if he was a lil effed up lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2024-05-08 13:20:54


Big fella

This was a fun piece, nice to not stress about lineart for once lol