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DozyMike's Art Thread

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Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-11-22 21:33:41


I love doing fanart, more so than I used to cuz now it feels so rare lol. Definitely gonna make it a thing to draw up a more detailed, hopefully coloured fanart piece after finishing a comic chapter. Which, again, you can read by checking my bio! May have to post it here too but idk how Newgrounds is with comics and I feel bad shilling it too much lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-01-02 08:58:50


First bit of art for the year!

Still in a bit of a FNAF phase but haven't got round to playing Security Breach yet (waiting on updates to fix bugs and such), so thought I'd keep myself occupied by making some art again. Much happier with this piece than the previous. Also been getting more comfortable using digital effects to make things sharper and pop more. I guess I'm more a mixed media artist now than a purely traditional artist, at least technically speaking, but so long as I'm producing stuff I'm happy with lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-02-11 20:35:09 (edited 2022-02-11 20:36:02)


New bit of fanart!

Kinda had stuff get delayed cuz I got covid recently. Better now tho, so am back to my usual slow grind lol

One good thing was that I had time to check out some new stuff I'd have otherwise not have. Played through the Afro Samurai game and loved it so much that I checked out the manga and anime. Highly recommend all of them, very stylistic and the story is simple but told really well

I've also got another WIP that I need to get round to detailing, hopefully that'll be out in the next few days or a week at most

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-02-13 21:12:38


Look at that, more art!

I had this as a WIP for a little while and just got round to finishing it. After this, I'll be working on my comic again tho, so probably no new fanart for a few weeks

Another thing I got round to while sick with covid was NeverDead, a game that is a bit of a mixed bag but I still managed to have a lot of fun with. I also can't help myself but make fanart of properties that aren't super popular lol

Been trying to add backgrounds more again, I keep getting lazy with them so this was good practice

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-03-23 22:03:37


Been playing a tonne of Hollow Knight lol

Kinda hoping I'll have another piece ready soon, been pretty busy so haven't done much fanart in a while lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-04-03 16:30:51


Kinda wanted to make a sorta simple piece, so nothing too complicated. Although I think I'm getting better with colouring, don't practice that often enough

The next piece will probably be a bit more ambitious. After that, I'll probably be offline a lot due to working on the comic again. Just wanted a wee break to make some different things lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-04-07 16:13:41


AssCreed isn't usually the type of game to be on my radar but I thoroughly enjoyed AC4. Pirates are cool lol

May be going dark again, I wanna get started on the comic again soon cuz I've been kinda lazy with it lately lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-04-08 00:24:10

At 4/7/22 04:13 PM, DozyMike wrote:
AssCreed isn't usually the type of game to be on my radar but I thoroughly enjoyed AC4. Pirates are cool lol

May be going dark again, I wanna get started on the comic again soon cuz I've been kinda lazy with it lately lol

Looking forward to it. It had an Alice and Wonderland kind of vibe if I remember right. Great thread with real improvement. I get a Digimon vibe from your characters. I don't know if that's in your realm of visual influence but like the bear monsters and helmetted characters remind me of some of the designs like Angelmon or whatever. Angewomon. But there is originality in your faces and hairstyles. And more than that if I would look more closely before writing all this nonsense.

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-04-08 08:58:21

At 4/8/22 12:24 AM, Ypok wrote:
At 4/7/22 04:13 PM, DozyMike wrote:
AssCreed isn't usually the type of game to be on my radar but I thoroughly enjoyed AC4. Pirates are cool lol

May be going dark again, I wanna get started on the comic again soon cuz I've been kinda lazy with it lately lol
Looking forward to it. It had an Alice and Wonderland kind of vibe if I remember right. Great thread with real improvement. I get a Digimon vibe from your characters. I don't know if that's in your realm of visual influence but like the bear monsters and helmetted characters remind me of some of the designs like Angelmon or whatever. Angewomon. But there is originality in your faces and hairstyles. And more than that if I would look more closely before writing all this nonsense.

Thank you for the comment!

Haven't really seen much Digimon but a lot of my inspiration comes from anime. Dunno how much it shows but a big influence would probably be Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor. Mainly with how I prefer using blockier shapes and bold outlines. There is some influence there in regards to how I draw faces, although mine aren't always as exaggerated unless the character is being very expressive or is a monster type thing lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-06-10 20:08:25


Been binging a tonne of Sonic games, including a bunch I never got round to beating. So far, I think Unleashed has been my favourite so far, had my favourite gameplay of the more """"modern""" series (if 2008 is considered modern anymore)

A lot of my art has used a lot more digital stuff when shading and colouring things, which I think has been going well and looks a bit more clean than when I exclusively used traditional means. Would still like to find a balance between traditional effects and digital effects without going too heavy either way

I swear, the clock was the hardest thing I've had to make in a while. Trying to get the building itself to be symmetrical was painful enough, but trying to line up the roman numerals and such was a bit of a hassle. Still not entirely perfect I don't think but it is what it is lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-06-10 20:17:07


Look at that, two art pieces in a single day! You'd almost think I had an online presence lol

Went to the old Adventure games during my Sonic binge, loved them both. Also gave me a new appreciation for Shadow, who I used to think was just "what if sonic but edge". Now he's one of my favourites lol

This one was easier than the Sonic piece, mainly due to not having to worry about the buildings too much and that I did this more recently, so I had gotten practice drawing a cartoony character like Sonic. Cartoons are super hard for me to draw without them looking off, so I'm glad both ended up somewhat decent lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-08-07 10:00:17


Back with some fanart of the game no one likes!

Was a fun piece to do, I love when I get to do really bold, thick lines like this lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-08-07 11:47:55

these are sick!!

in particular i LOVE your compositions and interesting perspectives!

Current Art Thread some NSFW (2022)

Past Art Thread (2013-2020)

**If you want to learn how to draw Direct Message me! I'm looking to teach people.**

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Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-08-07 11:57:09

At 8/7/22 11:47 AM, TreasurePlanet wrote: these are sick!!
in particular i LOVE your compositions and interesting perspectives!

Thanks so much!!

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-09-27 16:16:34


Back on a transformers fixation lol

Honestly tho, if anyone is starting to draw, transformers helped me a lot to understand shapes and stuff. Instead of drawing a human arm, I could focus on just the rectangle shape and then try to make it more dynamic looking

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-10-10 20:37:28


More Transformers stuff!

Will probably have another piece done within the week, these guys are a ton of fun to draw and make little designs for

Hoping this piece will forcibly manifest

a Warpath figure based on his DOTM game appearance

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-10-10 20:47:32


Haven't done a portrait in a while, needed some practice

Mainly only did this guy cuz I'm planning on doing commissions soon and wanted a portrait that actually shows an example of my current skills. I dunno when I'll open commissions tho, never done them before lol. There's an odd peace I've found in not many taking notice of my art, don't feel so pressured to pump stuff out and I can basically do what I want. Commissions might not change that, but doing art for money feels weird to me, especially since it'll be under a lot more scrutiny than normal. Just something I gotta get over tho lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-10-10 20:52:26



Before and after of an old piece that I went back to and edited like I do for all my pieces now

Mainly just did this for the funny, but I like how sharp and crisp it looks in comparison. Although, the old still has a sort of story book, rough looking charm to it. Get a little worried sometimes if my art style is actually getting better or not, cuz pieces like these I'm still happy with but more recent stuff has felt more hit and miss. Maybe I'm just a bit more critical now, idk. Still fun to revisit this lil guy

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2022-11-16 15:50:54


The Transformers brain rot continues

Honestly, not a huge fan of the new series Earthspark. Biggest issue is I don't vibe with good guy Megatron, it just doesn't work for me. Decided to just make my own for fun lol

Biggest inspirations for this were the designs from ROTF, Prime and FOC Megatron. Annoyed some of his foot was cut off, but I just drew him too big lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-01-12 11:07:00


Another transformers piece lol

Got 2 more planned but will likely be a while cuz I'll be working on my comic again soon

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-03-26 21:07:54


I made my own Transformer this time lol

Saw this guy in a dream but tweaked the design to be something sorta feasible. Based the design off of a Bagger 288 and gave him Bayverse constructicon design elements. I kinda imagine him as the Green Ranger Zord to the Megazord that would be Devastator. Settled on the name Clusterbomb, despite the bomb part being less prominent than the cluster part lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-03-26 21:13:30


I make a lot of stuff where I go for a cool, spooky or tough looking vibe. I don't do cute a lot, and thought it'd be fun to try

Trying new stuff with backgrounds, like avoiding the habit of lineart for far off objects and working on multiple layers to make life a bit easier. Gotta kick the habit of defaulting to hills tho, it works here but need to try a bit more variety. Still turned out good. The dappled lighting was kinda tricky tho lol

Mr Saitou was a very good subject for this piece, very much enjoyed the game. He's easy and fun to draw lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-03-26 21:17:30


Sat on this for a while before I got round to finishing it lol

Past few pieces I've dicked around with different lighting , this one turned out ok I think. Was interesting drawing a guy I know very little about, just kinda think he looks cool lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-03-27 04:37:11

Loving the transformers and hollow knight art!

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-03-27 05:23:56

At 3/27/23 04:37 AM, Aivrotsiel wrote: Loving the transformers and hollow knight art!

Thank you!!! :D

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-04-12 21:08:46


Days Gone was a lot of fun. Wanted to try something different than just a figure, so the motorcycle being the focus made sense lol

Was more difficult than I thought, a lot of details and structure to keep track of lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-04-12 21:12:51


Been absolutely obsessed with Of Orcs and Men lately, one of those weird and sudden hyperfixations that alters brain chemistry lol

Very fun piece, I forgot how much I liked drawing big fellas like Arkail. Think I might be getting better at expressions too, which is good considering how many portraits I get through with my comic lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-04-12 21:16:11


Another Of Orcs and Men piece, may or may not be the last for a while lol. Maybe I'll get the plat for one of the Styx games and do more art of him, but I may be more likely to do one focusing on Arkail. Guess we'll see lol

This was a funny one, actually stained the paper with tea to get the old and weathered effect. Took more time than the actual project but it was fun, felt like a school project lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-04-26 07:26:12


Might be the last Of Orcs and Men piece for a bit, maybe have one more I can think of but I really need to buckle down on the comic lol

Trying to find the right balance between the traditional effects in my art, along with the digital. I got some good feedback the other day about how to make the rough stuff look rough and the slick stuff look slick. Probably gonna go over some of my Transformers art with that in mind, so expect that soonish in this thread (I don't think I'll post them in the portal, would probably count as a repost lol)

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2023-04-26 21:39:44

Went over some of my Transformers art with the goal of trying to make things look more metallic and go a bit harder on the shading. Sorta experimental but you can see some comparisons in the next few posts hereiu_957404_8500712.webpiu_957405_8500712.webp