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DozyMike's Art Thread

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Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-03-31 15:09:56


Another bit of One Piece art lol

I tend to find I use a lot of blue when I colour. And if not blue, usually very calm looking colours. So, I wanted to try using a few more colours that look a bit stronger and intense. Zoro was a good character to try that with lol

I'm slowly getting through my coursework so will hopefully be able to post art more frequently. Been thinking of posting even gesture drawings and stuff I do just in this here thread but dunno if that interests people at all lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-04-07 12:54:13


Never seen anything of Journey to the West before so the video game I got from PSN a while ago was my first introduction to it. Really loved the character design so I decided to make a bit of art for it

I'm pretty happy with the details I was able to get in. Was a bit intimidated at first because of how intricate the armour was but I think it turned out decent enough lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-04-15 14:15:10


Testing out new pens lol

Been a while since I've done a black and white piece so not sure how it fairs exactly. I think my coloured artwork has a bit more appeal to it but I suppose that's natural lol. Still, I think I did alright, considering I felt a little off my game while making it.

Currently working on another Batman inspired piece, cuz I've been on a weird Batman obsession lately and need to get it outta my head and onto a page somehow lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-04-18 15:09:59


Finally watched Joker, loved it and thought I'd do some fanart. Don't think I've done a portrait in a while so it was fun

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-04-27 14:12:38


This is probably the best environment drawing I've done, which might not be saying much but I'll take what I can get lol

I still feel more comfortable doing figures as a focus and having environments be less of a focus and more just a background, but I think this turned out a lot better than my last environment drawing, cuz I actually bothered to use references and stuff this time lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-05-01 17:45:00


Been having a lot of fun with Yakuza 7, Ichiban has really grown on me as a new protagonist

Had a few problems while drawing this. Skin is very difficult to make look good in colour pencil but I think I did at least a passable job. Strangely though, I seem to have more difficulty putting together a half body drawing than a full body drawing. I'm assuming it's because with full body, all the components are there and I know where to put things but most of the character is hidden in half body. Just my guess, either way, I'm happy with the end result at least

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-05-07 13:52:09


Recently, I found these old children's books I read when I was in primary school. They were these fact file books that talked about a bunch of fictional creatures and I've been looking for them for absolute ages lol. Finally found them online the other day.

The books were called "Monsters from the (blank)" and were written by Chris Dennett and illustrated by Mary Shepperdson, with one being illustrated by Alice Shepperdson. This particular one is The Creaky Toastmuncher, from "Monsters from the Shadows" by Chris Dennett and Mary Shepperdson. I wanted it to look somewhat creepy but still keep a kind of friendly or cartoonist look that's in line with it's origin in a children's book. Hopefully gonna be drawing more of these guys in the future

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-05-14 17:29:21


I'm of the small percentage of people who legitimately enjoyed the Venom movie, so I was hyped for Venom 2 getting a trailer this week. Wanted to finish this earlier but got busy with other stuff lol

Was also a good chance to try out my new colour pencils and ink pens. Both Faber Castell, which I hear is a good brand and I kinda like them lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-05-18 16:49:31

Redrew an old piece! This is the old version:


And this is the new version:


Really happy with how much cleaner I was able to make it, but I don't really dislike the old version. Was my favourite piece for a long time lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-05-21 17:31:22


Berserk was such a massive inspiration for my artwork. Was genuinely sad to hear of Kentaro Miura's passing, since his art led me to treating my art more seriously and motivated me to stick with it and improve.

The composition was based off an old Berserk piece I did, this one to be precise:


Not to sound cocky but I definitely think I've improved since then lol. Berserk has been an inspiration to me for so long and will continue to inspire my work in the future.

RIP Kentaro Miura

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-05-27 12:10:59


Got into Psycho Pass again. I last watched it when I was literally a foetus, so I didn't understand any of it. But now I enjoy it a lot and I'm not the biggest sci-fi fan so that's saying something

I've been meaning to do a proper foreshortening focused piece for a while now and I thought this was an easy enough opportunity for it. I've also been meaning to do more work in black and white, but colour added in there. I kinda like that stark contrast

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-05-30 13:34:50 (edited 2021-05-30 13:35:41)


Been trying to get better at facial expressions. I feel I have a habit of having my characters have the same sorta serious, almost bland expression. So starting now, I'm gonna try not to repeat the same expression twice in a row.

Kaiji was an obvious subject for me as the expressions in the anime are some of the best I've seen. Kaiji inspired quite a lot of my art actually, particularly my preference for bolder and heavier lineart as a means of making my art pop more. Every time I've done Kaiji art in the past I've felt disappointed in it, but I'm actually very happy with how this turned out lol

Edit: posted the wrong version lol


Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-06-03 15:55:59


A while ago, I drew a monster from a children's book series I recently bought. This one in particular is the Anything Eel from "Monsters from the Sea" by Chris Dennett and Mary Shepperdson

This was an interesting one, because this creature was permanently etched into my mind for years and what made me remember the series. Like, this one stuck out to me for whatever reason, probably cuz it felt more real to my little child mind than the other, slightly more fantastical ones lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-06-07 15:32:32


The last black and white piece I did performed really well across all my social media stuff, so I thought I'd try doing some more black and white art. This time I tried some different techniques to try and contrast black against black, like using black colour pencil instead of purely just ink and pencil

Also, a side note but I forgot how crazy good Death Note was. Not much anime at the moment really grips me but re-watching the show has been a real treat

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-06-09 15:22:17


I adore drawing these freaky monsters. This one is The End from "Monsters from the Shadows" by Chris Dennett and Mary Shepperdson.

Usually these monsters are a little freaky but also have a kinda cartoonish look to them that I try to make a little more creepy. This one was already kinda creepy tho, so not quite as many changes lol

Wanted to try to do something more interesring with the lighting than just picking a side lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-06-13 16:40:34


Feel like I could have done better but I think it's only cuz I had planned it out too much in my head, so I was bound to be disappointed however it turned out. Still think it's fine so it is what it is lol

May be slowing down on posting a bit so I can work on other stuff, but then again I've always been a little slow on posting so not too much difference lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-06-13 21:44:22

DUDE! That's some real BAD ASS art.

EleenTyasi | Lv. 80 WHM | Fan of Cats, Foxes and Slimes

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-06-14 03:34:13

At 6/13/21 09:44 PM, EleenTyasi wrote: DUDE! That's some real BAD ASS art.

Thank you!! I really appreciate it!

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-06-17 16:06:51


Wanted to do another environment piece to practice my background art. Also tried to fight my usual instincts to outline everything with lineart and rely on s bit more subtlety with the stuff that's further away in the piece

Did this one in portrait view cuz I tried landscape with my last environment piece and it just looked all compressed when I scanned, cropped and tried to rotate it. Less fuss this way lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-06-24 14:07:53


Not a huge souls fan but I am strangely obsessed with Mortal Shell. Did some fanart of it a while ago but that was when I was a lot worse than I am now lol

This was a surprisingly difficult piece. I didn't plan of to be, it just kinda happened. Halfway through I realized the two windows meant TWO light sources, which I'm not used to doing, but I rolled with it lol. Also trying to get good contrast between the dull colours was hard.

This is still a piece I'm hugely happy with, considering I was worried I was going through some art block this week lol. Might do more Mortal Shell stuff in future, I love the designs in that game

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-06-30 16:30:02



Typically, I find my style is more on the semi realistic side, so cartoonish characters can be sorta challenging for me. So I'm a little bit critical of this piece but I like how the face turned out and I know it could have gone a lot worse lol

Also the Bob-ombs serve no compositional purpose, I just really like Bob-ombs lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-07-07 13:36:31


Beat Yakuza 7 finally and wanted to do another piece on it

Taking a lot longer for me to finish pieces nowadays. Not too fussed, I think I'm just trying to get better quality out of my stuff. Not sure how effective it was in this case lol. Was a weird case where I had the idea, my drawing hand was fine but it didn't seem to translate that well on paper as it did in my mind. Still better than I anticipated though so, who cares lol

Might do some more black and white art soon, it's just faster usually lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-07-12 16:52:02


New piece finally finished! Hearing about the Death Stranding Director's Cut made me feel like making some art. It's also probably the best Death Stranding piece I've done, so that's something lol

Had intended to just go for black and white but something about the piece made me feel it needed some colour on top of that to make it look better

I'm happy enough with it but have just had a bit less confidence with my recent pieces. Maybe it's just some kinda funk that'll leave soon but, just been thinking I could be doing better in some way or other lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-07-22 17:03:44


A little later than usual, would have had this finished days ago but came down with some sickness. Still not 100% but getting there and was able to soldier through on this new one

I told myself it'd be a simple piece but the background ended up being more complicated than I initially planned. Still, in all my picees, I try to find a balance between good detail and just keeping things simple so it doesn't look TOO busy lol

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-07-26 17:47:35


Bit of a simple piece bit I kinda needed an easy one after being sick and such lol

Goblin Slayer is one of the most fun characters for me to draw, some of my favourite pieces have been inspired by the series

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-08-05 10:18:30


The Moon Crow from"Monsters from the Sky" by Chris Dennet and Alice Shepperson

Been meaning to draw this monster for a while. I've drawn a couple monsters from this book series and I think this might be the last one I do for a while, unless I feel stuck and decide to look through and find a cool creature to draw. Initially, I was gonna do this in black and white like the others but those monsters already had a dark colour scheme of black and grey, while this guy was more colourful. Makes him stand out a bit among the series anyway lol

This will probably be the last piece I post for a while. I'm going on holiday in a few days and after that, I'm gonna be buckling down and hopefully drawing pages for the comic I wanna make. So while I'm cobbling that together, gonna be putting stuff like fanart on the back burner

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-08-05 23:09:30

Vacations can provide good reference photos for backgrounds. But you have good backgrounds already. The Mortal Shell one especially has great 3d-ness from the coloring and the lines of the stairs, also the metal gear solid one with the flowers. Vanishing points and perspective line can help you come up with 3d backgrounds and objects without reference. Anyway this is quite a creative thread, I've enjoyed going through it.

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-08-06 16:32:21

At 8/5/21 11:09 PM, Ypok wrote: Vacations can provide good reference photos for backgrounds. But you have good backgrounds already. The Mortal Shell one especially has great 3d-ness from the coloring and the lines of the stairs, also the metal gear solid one with the flowers. Vanishing points and perspective line can help you come up with 3d backgrounds and objects without reference. Anyway this is quite a creative thread, I've enjoyed going through it.

Thank you very much, I appreciate the kind words!

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-09-09 18:17:23


Not dead, just been busy!

After a bit longer than I planned (kinda learning on the job tbh), the prologue chapter to my comic "Dandelion" is finally up! You can check the link in my bio!

Gonna try to keep up with this and get some sorta schedule going, although I just know that updates will be slow no matter what cuz of life getting busier lately. Will also try to do some fanart as a break now and then so I can post here more too, although I do see this project taking up a lot of my time

Response to DozyMike's Art Thread 2021-10-26 14:41:22


Taking a break from the comic to do some fanart. Haven't done a coloured piece in a while so just wanted to do one for fun. Also been using more digital effects and editing in my art to make it look cleaner and stuff

After like 3 Deltarune playthroughs, I got the original Undertale again. Still love the game and wantred to make some art of it. Was gonna draw Sans but everyone and their mother has kinda done that, so I went with another favourite character of mine with Asgore. Bit of a lazy background, I know, but I'm happy with how the overall thing turned out