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LuckyDee VA Portfolio

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LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2020-11-20 00:54:09

Hey all,

As explained in my other portfolio, I've been playing around with music and sound engineering for quite some time now. Way back in '13, I first considered submitting some voice acting - I'd been toying with that idea for some time and got in touch with @Hyptosis who introduced me to NG. For reasons I don't remember, the plan never went anywhere, Hyptosis was busy with other stuff and after a while I stopped coming here.

Until I had a couple of days off of work last month and for some reason was reminded of this site, so I came to have a look. And the first thing my eye landed on was "Voice Acting Competition deadline in 5 days". I had the time to take this one on and all of a sudden the urge to prove myself was back in full effect. Is spent most of the days I had left writing, and produced my submission in a single afternoon, voices, sound effects and music. And I ended up ranking much higher than expected on my first attempt ever.

After that I started rooting through the community to see what other interesting projects I could find. I submitted auditions for Luckyboy and Inpatient, and for the latter @GrantTheHierophant was kind enough to allow me to add it to my portfolio.

Besides this I started working on my second 100% self produced piece, a spoof of a BBC nature documentary which has the potential to be episodic.

I'm publishing these things here, because:

  1. I want to be better. I want to learn from mistakes, no matter how tiny they are. If you're reading this, I would very much appreciate it if you took the time to listen to my stuff and offer criticism.
  2. I want to do more of this. I think I can offer a decent (and improving) level of quality and thoroughly enjoy doing this. Anyone who thinks they can use my skills for a project, paid or unpaid, feel free to get in touch.

Thanks in advance for your attention and response.



Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2020-11-21 09:06:57

I thought these were really good! Voice acting it tough! I don't know if I'm qualified to give any advice but it sounded good to me!

At 11/20/20 12:54 AM, LuckyDee wrote: Hey all,

As explained in my other portfolio, I've been playing around with music and sound engineering for quite some time now. Way back in '13, I first considered submitting some voice acting - I'd been toying with that idea for some time and got in touch with @Hyptosis who introduced me to NG. For reasons I don't remember, the plan never went anywhere, Hyptosis was busy with other stuff and after a while I stopped coming here.

Until I had a couple of days off of work last month and for some reason was reminded of this site, so I came to have a look. And the first thing my eye landed on was "Voice Acting Competition deadline in 5 days". I had the time to take this one on and all of a sudden the urge to prove myself was back in full effect. Is spent most of the days I had left writing, and produced my submission in a single afternoon, voices, sound effects and music. And I ended up ranking much higher than expected on my first attempt ever.


After that I started rooting through the community to see what other interesting projects I could find. I submitted auditions for Luckyboy and Inpatient, and for the latter @GrantTheHierophant was kind enough to allow me to add it to my portfolio.


Besides this I started working on my second 100% self produced piece, a spoof of a BBC nature documentary which has the potential to be episodic.

I'm publishing these things here, because:

Thanks in advance for your attention and response.



Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2020-11-21 11:20:13

At 11/21/20 09:06 AM, Hyptosis wrote: I thought these were really good! Voice acting it tough! I don't know if I'm qualified to give any advice but it sounded good to me!

Aw, thanks man, good to be back in touch. My offer from back then still stands: if you can use my voice, I'll be more than happy to help you out. I love your work and would be glad to contribute.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2020-12-11 13:39:32

Still in the running for a role in Luckyboy - I think, at least, haven't been rejected yet. But @BrandyBuizel was kind enough to allow me to use my audition for portfolio purposes, so here it is.

The part in question is that of Denver, a ringleader of thugs, who struck me as a total psychopath. The reference material showed him to be smoking, so I incorporated that, and the script was enough to trigger a vision of someone clearly convinced of being an apex predator.

Turns out I love these kinds of roles, the unhinged antagonist - had a lot of fun talking to myself in Denver's voice.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-06-05 11:11:44

It's been a while, although there's some individual skits from the VA Collab still waiting to trickle in.

Here's a little something I got inspired into recording in the meantime.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-06-08 13:57:35

I was lucky enough to lend a hand on multiple skits on the NGVAC showcase released last month. I particularly loved voicing the hard-boiled crime series narrator in a skit written by @Bro-son33 among a cast of very talented actors.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-06-11 12:11:43

And another NGVAC entry, one which I was Lucky - hah! - enough to not only partly voice, but actually take care of most of the production for, including music and sound design. When you feel you're still wet behind the ears, this is actually an awesome accomplishment.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-06-28 00:36:01 (edited 2021-06-28 00:37:23)

Yay, my first animation role! I had little to go on except a picture of my character and his lines, but I gotta say I absolutely love the absurdity of the show. Plus I end up kicking a little kid in the nuts, which is like a dream come true.

Thanks @Webtoon - let me know if you need Bill to make a reappearance in the future!

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-07-10 07:19:00

A little peek behind the scenes in this Instagram video, where I'm recording voices for the titular Bulgore in @robeanie's Doc & Bulgore.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-07-22 14:19:27

Second animation in the pocket! I've been included in this Summer Jam entry as the King from Castle Crashers, courtesy of @robeanie. Deliciously crazy!

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-07-24 01:36:13

Closely followed by #3, which is also my second Summer Jam entry <3

@Icy64 had me narrating a Wacky Races spoof. I never really watched the original series, but it turned out a nice voice to try and mimic, with it being out of my comfort zone (i.e. not a guy that sounds like a bulldozer being rubbed against a grizzly bear).

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-07-31 09:45:32

That was pretty good!

I'm actually working on a project of my own. Mind if I contacted you when I'm finished?

It happens. :/

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-07-31 09:54:32


And sure, I'm always willing to discuss projects. Feel free to reach out by DM whenever you're ready.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-07-31 09:56:57

At 7/31/21 09:54 AM, LuckyDee wrote: Thanks!

And sure, I'm always willing to discuss projects. Feel free to reach out by DM whenever you're ready.

Awesome! I will do so when its time🙂

It happens. :/

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-08-07 18:17:13

The Mechanic Shark Channel was kind enough to allow me to share the short comedy animation he asked me to perform the VA parts for. I personally think it's hilarious and it was an awesome project to do. Then again, I got the easy bit...


Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-08-08 10:52:37 (edited 2021-08-08 10:53:24)

And before I knew it, there was another glorious animation to share, this one by the amazing @ZaazNG

Trying to get under this character's skin to subsequently make him look like a brainfart on legs was ace!

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-08-08 10:55:12

At 8/8/21 10:52 AM, LuckyDee wrote: And before I knew it, there was another glorious animation to share, this one by the amazing @ZaazNG
Trying to get under this character's skin to subsequently make him look like a brainfart on legs was ace!


Thank you so much, Dee! That description killed me XD

I love this site :)

BBS Signature

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-08-08 10:56:15

At 8/8/21 10:55 AM, ZaazNG wrote:
Thank you so much, Dee! That description killed me XD

At your service, sir!

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-10-24 11:33:53

I took a stab at the NG SUM21 poetry contest and ended up coming in 2nd. Converted my submission into an audio post:

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-11-24 11:43:11

Another one for the portfolio! I was selected to voice the deliciously evil scientist Dr. Duff in @JT424's audiobook of epic proportions. It's only a small part compared to the enormous size of the vehicle, but I thoroughly enjoyed doing it nonetheless.

The doctor is in around the 1h14m mark.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-12-04 13:22:18 (edited 2021-12-04 13:23:35)

Having spent the past year building experience and something of a catalog, I was finally triggered into compiling my first demo reel:

Check me out, being all professional and shit. I had no idea about this a year ago, but I'm liking it a lot so far. Thanks for everyone who supported me so far!

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2021-12-12 09:04:33

Started on a new series called Voicing Your Original Content/Character, or VYOC for short. It kinda happened by accident, and as of yet I have no idea what I've gotten myself into, but I'm sure as hell making me laugh - so I hope I can spread some of that cheer among others.

The concept originated from some cross pollination between the VA and art forums. Any other VA's reading this who are interested in this exercise, feel free to join in the fun - I'm getting a lot more response than I bargained for, it's very good for developing writing, acting and editing skills and there's obviously quite a crowd to please.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2022-01-14 14:23:34

Decided to go for making this VYOC a weekly thing. Here's episode number 3!

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2022-01-17 16:18:07

This right here is the one I'm most proud of so far:

Not for the voice acting per se, although I had a lot of fun voicing all the mummies and especially the mummy priest, whose voice consists of three different layers recorded over one another: a deep grunt, a raspy hiss and a declamatory tone.

Back when this was starting to get rolling, I took a look at the script by @JennyGlynn and volunteered to do the production for it. I collected the superb vocal takes by @Jone-of-VOC, @JoshDytonVO and @VoicesByCorey, and had @ZaazNG come up with a couple of concepts for the score.

Then... I started shitting bricks

Only when I started planning out the session did I realize just how many sound effects were required to make this thing sound convincing. The first two hours I spent on production didn't reduce me to tears but by gods did they come close. But there was a deadline to make, and I was already shoulder-deep in it, so the only way was forward.

I started off timing all the voice lines over the duration, layering the music underneath as I went along. Zaaz is an absolute wizard with this stuff, and the first break in the music, at 39 seconds in, coincided exactly with the script. And this happened another two times during production - cross my heart and hope to die. It was scary, in a very entertaining way.

I dug through my library, through Freesound and through every VA Collab resource I could find to gather the sounds I needed. I pestered Zaaz for additional music, for changes in run time, whatever I thought the skit needed and the man delivered time and again. Added reverbs, delays, compression and eq, automating volumes, panning, whatever was required.

I must have spent a total of 10 hours on taming this beast. The end result, by the way, looks like this:


And that's only the tracks I could fit on the screen.

I still hear room for improvement, but all in all, I'm very, very fucking pleased with the end result. The learning curve on this one was steep and that makes it all the more satisfying - I've grown immensely as a sound engineer through this project alone, and I'm very thankful for the opportunity.

So thanks to all involved in the process, and especially to Collab management - Corey, Josh and @NickSenny - for trusting me to take this baby home. And then use it as an opener for the full length release.

I couldn't have dreamed this a year ago, not by a long shot. Nothing but love.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2022-01-22 10:40:46

Annnnnd another VYOC delivered right on the mark!

After a couple of comedy skits, I thought I'd switch it around for something more creepy - luckily the submissions allowed for some choice in theme. I ended up layering five different voice recordings over another, adding reverbs, delays and a bit of chorus to make it sound even less natural. Lemme know what you think!

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2022-01-26 02:10:11

In the meantime, @GrantTheHierophant was kind enough to ask me to co-star in the 8th episode of his insanely funny 'Wizardo the Wonderful' series. Check out the previous episodes to find out why I got gunned down in this one:

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2022-02-09 00:33:29

And after being taken out of service for over a week due to illness, back again with some more VYOC comedy! Still having a lot of fun writing and producing these, it's nice to challenge yourself with something that's not entirely in your comfort zone.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2022-02-09 00:47:16

Glad you're feeling better. 🙂

It happens. :/

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2022-02-23 00:37:10

I needed to get something off my chest. Sometimes things hurt so beautifully that the words just come.

Response to LuckyDee VA Portfolio 2022-03-13 05:33:27

Got reeled in as the voice of Curse in this here comic dub: