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The Newgrounds Voice Acting Collaboration 2021, Part 1

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Hello Newgrounds!

It is my pleasure to introduce to you the Newgrounds Voice Acting Collaboration 2021! As you can see, this is Part 1 of the '21 edition. We are splitting the collab into two parts this year due to the fact we have a total of 30 skits slated to be produced! We knew we had to split it up into two parts, or our collab would be three hours long! Part 1 contains 15 brilliant skits that range from comedy, drama, horror and even adventure! We're very pleased with the turnout and we hope you enjoy every minute of Part 1! Our voice actors, writers, composers and sound designers worked incredibly hard on this collab and we hope you hear the dedication we put into it.

After the success of the inaugural collab, it was pretty clear we had to bring back the NGVAC for 2021! On top of that, I had a ton of voice actors reach out to me in regards to joining the collab. I was extremely surprised, but also overwhelmed that so many people wanted to be a part of this. We brought in so many new voice actors, writers and composers for this year. Their talent touches every second of this collab and I'm lucky to have every single one of them aboard. I can't wait to see what we produce for Part 2 of the collab!

I do want to give a special shout out to my managers who've helped me out so far this year: @JoshDytonVO and @NickSenny! My two closest buddies were exactly what this collab needed to kick it into high production tier. Nick was an absolute beast, as he handled all of our Discord bots, organizing and scheduling audition/recording deadlines. He also kicked major ass on the production side of things. His sound design skills are God tier and I'm extremely grateful for his friendship and help on this! Josh used his new found sound design skills to assist in the production side of things as well as utilize his awesome voice in numerous skits! He was also checking in to make sure we were staying on top of our duties, what a true friend should do. Having helpful partners definitely made this project run smoothly.

Below, we've listed the names of all 15 skits in Part 1, as well as time stamps so you can jump back and forth to your favorite submissions! We'll later upload each skit individually and put together a NGVAC 2021 playlist, like we did for '20! Please make sure you check the credits page as well. There, you can find a detailed listing of the production of each skit and proper attributions where needed.

Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to listen to our collab. We truly appreciate it and we hope we've shown you just how AWESOME and AMAZING the voice acting community on Newgrounds is! I'm incredibly proud of this crew and couldn't ask for a better team! ENJOY!!!

P.S. A special thanks is in order to @DoctorGrambo! He's the mastermind behind our BAD ASS banner! If you're in the need for an art commission, we HIGHLY recommend Grambo! Thank you so much for illustrating the banner for us buddy!

NGVAC '21 Banner by DoctorGrambo

Another special thanks to Mr. @TomFulp for giving us the opportunity to appear on the front page! Tom's support means a tremendous deal to us and it shows he cares about our work! Thank you to the Newgrounds community also! You guys are the BEST COMMUNITY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!

Skits & Timestamps

The Coach - 1:19

Home Alone-ish - 5:22

Be Kind, Remind - 10:36

The Ouija Board - 18:08


The Infomercial - 28:12

Dear Precious - 32:25

A Tragic Mistake - 36:36

Dauntless Dona - 40:00

Real Crimez - 44:53

Existence is Futile - 51:16


Prick Juice - 1:02:26

A Freeki Investigation - 1:06:05

My Strange Addiction - 1:12:06

Too Much Energy - 1:17:39

Flash Fight - 1:20:25



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I am a great voice actor! May I try out?

VoicesByCorey responds:

We'll be taking on new talent for the 2022 collab!

I like it, sounds amazing!

VoicesByCorey responds:

Thank you for listening! Part 2 will be here in November!

Awesome to hear everyone you guys did an amazing job, i want to be part of this one day. <3

FloppyCalvin responds:

Glad to hear you loved it!

sorta unrelated but I was directed here for searching for potential voice actors on my summer animation jam entries. I would love to work with anyone who is interested in playing a voice role in my saturday morning cartoon jam entry. The project is very fun and is a throw back to classic cartoons of the 80s. Thanks!!!

LuckyDee responds:

Hey man, thanks for the kind words. And I think you've come to the right place for finding VA's for your project. I'll share your news post on the collab Discord, if you can msg me some additional details worth sharing, I'll put them up too.

I accidentally deleted my post or comment so i'm gonna copy and paste it here again lol.

I like it, Kinda, As I said before theres a few reasons I don't but it's ok. I'm not gonna leave any more comments btw, No more trolls this is just my actual review now lol.

(The last edit i'm gonna make.) @Fro some of your friends didn't know what I was talking about so I told them that's why this is getting confusing lol, I think i say "Lol' to much...

VoicesByCorey responds:

As I stated before the last comment was deleted, you never once mentioned once why you didn't like the project. You just said, "7 ." and "e ." Whatever you were trying to convey was not clear. So let it be what it is. Thanks for listening.

Fro responds:

You've not once mentioned why you don't like it.

You can't delete your own review. Only a mod can delete your review.

Thanks for the severely unhelpful feedback.

- A newgrounds moderator

Credits & Info




4.77 / 5.00

May 30, 2021
12:58 AM EDT
Spoken Word
File Info
157.2 MB
85 min 50 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.

* Contains third-party samples.
Excercise caution when using it, refer to author comments / contact the author for details.